Chapter 38

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Nearly 2 months later and we were ready to move into our house, just in time for Christmas! Which was just a few days away. We had the keys for a few weeks so we re-decorated a few of the rooms and gradually moved our things in and tonight was going to be our first night in our new home!

Sarah is now 5 months pregnant so she’s helping out best she can by helping me to do the finishing touches whilst Cal and Jake move the heavy furniture around. But finally we got there and the house was pretty much ready.

We were all sitting down with a Chinese that we had bought to say thank you to them for helping us.

“So guys we have something to tell you” Jake smiled at us

“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Cal asked

Jake turned to look at Sarah and she nodded “were having a boy” Sarah smiled

I screamed and ran to hug Sarah whilst Cal congratulated Jake. “You know what this means Jake; we will have a football prodigy!” Cal laughed

“I’m so pleased for you guys” I smiled releasing Sarah and walking over to hug Jake.

“We also have other news. I’m afraid we can’t have Christmas with you guys here this year. Sarah’s parents want us to go to them. Is that ok?” Jake asked

“That’s absolutely fine! Shane and Kate are coming anyways so it’s fine” I smiled genuinely

The next few days passed by quickly with last minute present shopping and food shopping! Me and Cal were cooking our first Christmas dinner here and in our lives! So Shane and Kate could be in for a surprise!

We were waiting for the arrival of Shane and Kate. We were sat on the sofa watching TV with a cup of tea and just talking “so babe our first Christmas in our new home” Cal smiled as he put his arm around me

“And many more to come” I smiled back

“But it won’t just be us all the time Amy. I can’t wait for our first family Christmas with our first child” he smiled

“I love you Calum” I leant forward and kissed him.

He pulled away and smirked at me “I love it when you use my proper name and I love you Amy”

We were about to kiss again when there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it” I laughed as I walked through to the front door. I opened it to find Shane and Kate

“There’s my lil sis!” Shane shouted as he hugged me whilst me and Kate laughed

I pulled away “come in guys” I told them smiling as I held the front door for them as they walked through to the lounge where Cal greeted them. I closed the front door and followed them through.

We were all sat on the sofas, the guys had a beer and me and Kate were slowly getting through a bottle of wine!

“So sis, me and Kate have some news for you” Shane smiled

“We’re being told that a lot lately” Cal laughed

“What’s the news?” I asked genuinely interested

“Were moving to Norwich” Shane grinned

“Really?” I asked “how come?”

“Don’t sound too thrilled sis!” Shane laughed

“No I am pleased, I’m just wondering why you want to come back” I told him

“Well I miss seeing you Amy, all my old friends are here and my old boss has offered me an amazing position so I thought why not? And Kate agreed to come with me” he smiled at her

“Well then were happy for you” Cal smiled

The next day Christmas dinner went well with only a few burnt Yorkshire puddings! Shane and Kate opened their presents together in their room and me and Cal were going to open ours together tonight.

“Thank you for dinner Amy, it was lovely” Kate smiled at me

“You’re welcome” I replied

“Amy were going to a party tonight at one of my old friends so we will crash at their house” Shane told me

“Ok if you’re sure” I smiled

That night me and Cal were sat by the tree opening our presents from family and friends. Cal had just opened my presents which was a new camera, clothes and some new football boots that he picked out.

“Here’s your present from me but it’s kind of for me too” he laughed

I smiled and unwrapped the small box that Cal gave me. I took the lid off and then gasped. Inside were tickets to Barcelona.

“Cal, thank you but this is too much!” I told him

He picked up my hands and faced me  “Amy the whole time I was away in Barcelona, I kept seeing things that I just knew you would love and I want to show you them babe. So were going in a few days so that were there for New Year’s Eve” he smiled

I flung my arms around him “thank you Cal” I placed my lips on his and kissed him lovingly.

I pulled away from him “Merry Christmas Cal”

“Merry Christmas babe” he smiled and returned his lips to mine.

Authors note

Just a small chapter I'm afraid but the next one will be amazing! (I hope! haha)

There will be no update next week as I am away for a week in the lovely Dorset, which is in England for those of you who don't live in the UK.

Im hoping to get to 30,000 reads while im away so please help me to do that :)

As always hello to my new readers and followers. Thank you all for the votes/comments/reads, I really do appreciate it :)

Much love

Leanne xx

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