Chapter 33

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The whole taxi ride over to Cal’s, my heart was beating a thousand times per minute. I was so nervous! This conversation between the two of us, could make or break us so no pressure! Ten minutes later and I was standing nervously outside the door to his flat. I took a deep breath and knocked gently.

I waited a few moments and then Cal opened the door. He gave me a small smile and gestured for me to go inside. I stepped inside his flat whilst I waited for him to shut the door.

“Did you want a drink?” he whispered quietly to me. I shook my head “ok then. We can go talk in the lounge” he told me as he walked past me through to the lounge where he took a seat on the sofa. I perched on the nearby armchair.

Both of us sat in silence until I broke the awkwardness “look Cal what you saw in the pub with Jamie, it really wasn’t anything I swear! We are just friends and that’s all we will ever be because I’m in love with you” I whispered whilst looking up at him to see his reaction. His face was set seriously.

“Amy, you’ve gotta see how it looks from where I was standing! You were in a quiet corner in a pub by yourself with a guy who looked pretty into you, which I can’t blame him for” he shrugged his shoulders

“Cal we had just finished talking about how I had a boyfriend! Do you really think I would cheat on you after what happened with Ben? No I wouldn’t!”

“Ok then I apologize for how I acted but Amy I nearly lost you in that accident! Do you know how it felt having my mate ring me to say that the girl I loved had been in a car accident and that I had lost my daughter that I didn’t know anything about! And worse I was over a hundred miles away from you at the time” Cal’s voice was starting to get louder

“Do you have any idea how I felt having the one person I really care about just up and leave? I was scared Cal and about to be a single mum! I would give anything to have that little girl here in my arms but that’s never going to happen! And it’s my entire fault, if I had just told you about me being pregnant, you might have stayed and she would still be here” tears started trickling down my face. Cal got up walking over to me where he knelt down and picked my hands up

“Amy, I am so sorry that I left you. If I had known, I promise you that I would have stayed with you! But we can’t change the past and unfortunately that’s just going to be something that we are both going to have to live with for the rest of our lives but we will just live our lives in honor of the little girl we nearly had” Cal’s voice faltered as I saw tears in his eyes

“I had a dream when I was in hospital that you had stayed with me and we had her. We named her Rebecca and she was gorgeous Cal. We were all so happy. I just don’t know what to do anymore” I whispered

“Babe, it will get easier. We will have other children. I want us to build a life together and no more fighting about silly things and we can make sure that all our children know about the big sister that they nearly had ok? I want to make this work Amy and I’m going to fight to make sure that we end up ok” he told me fiercely

“Ok Cal but you have to let me in; you can’t keep shutting me out. We need to be there for each other all the time. We need to look to the future. We can’t bring up the mistakes that both of us have made. This has to be a fresh start”

“Amy, I love you so much and I just want to be there for you. All the mistakes I’ve made, I don’t even know how to begin to apologize for. I think a fresh start is for the best”

“I love you too Cal. I always have and I always will” I smiled warmly as I squeezed his hands that were still holding mine.

Cal stood up and pulled me up with him where he swept me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I stood on tiptoes so I could put my head on his shoulder. He pulled us apart to plant a gentle kiss on my lips but his lips were gone far too quickly for my liking so I quickly pulled them back to mine where I kissed him with everything I had. All the emotions I felt, I tried to put into that kiss. There was sadness, hurt, anger, love, lust and happiness all in one kiss and from how he was kissing me back, and it seemed he was doing the same.

I pulled on the hair at the nape of his neck causing him to moan into my mouth where he then bit my bottom lip causing me to let out my own moan.

Breathlessly Cal pulled away from me “I think we have some proper making up to do” he winked as he picked me up bridal style and walked us through to his bedroom.

An hour later and we were laid in his bed cuddling after our proper ‘make up’. I was laid on his chest as his arms cuddled around me. I felt so content and safe in his arms that I couldn’t think of anywhere I would rather be right now.

“I love you Amy Jenkins” Cal whispered as he placed a kiss on my forehead

“I love you too Cal” I whispered

“So were officially back together?” he asked

I nodded “yes definitely”

Cal looked down at me as I looked up at him “Amy will you buy a house with me?” he grinned whilst asking me

“I would love too” I smiled broadly back

This was going to be the beginning of a new stage in our relationship and I just hoped that it was going to work out properly this time!

Authors note

Im sorry that this wasn't a majorly long chapter but it was just a filler chapter for Amy and Cal to get back together which im sure a lot of you have wanted :)

Broken has exactly 12 more chapters just so you have a warning now! haha but I am thinking of doing a spin off with one of the characters so have a guess on who you think it will be! :)

Thank you to everyone who commented and voted on the last chapter, I really do appreciate it :)

Im happy to announce that Broken now has 19,000 reads which is amazing and I am so pleased! Also The 2 Brothers and Me has nearly 200 reads so if you haven't checked that out yet, please do :)

Also a hello to all my new followers :) Just a reminder that if you do follow me, I usually do give little updates on what im doing and when I should be next updating :)

Until next time!

Much Love

Leanne xx

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