Chapter 30

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I stood in my flat and had a good look around; it was exactly the same as when I left it. Shane had come up the previous week to sort the baby’s things out for me which I had left in the flat. I had decided to put them into storage until I figured out properly what I wanted to do with them.

“So finally you came home” a heard a voice say from behind me. I quickly spun round to find Sarah beaming at me. She had a couple of carrier bags that she was clutching on too, she noticed me looking at them “I figured you wouldn’t of gone food shopping yet so I bought you a few essentials over”

“How have I coped without you the last 4 months?” I asked as I walked over to her and pulled into a massive hug “oh I’ve missed you Sarah” I whispered

“You have no idea, how much I’ve missed you Amy! I’ve had to do all the wedding planning without you” she mumbled

I pulled away and looked at her “I am so sorry Sarah” I told her honestly “I just couldn’t be here. I needed time to grieve properly which I’ve tried to do but Sarah how do you ever get over losing a child? I know she wasn’t here yet with us but she was such a big part of me and I had such big plans for the both of us. We were going to be together, us against the world and I was supposed to protect her Sarah!” before I realised it I was crying in Sarah’s arms as she rubbed my back soothing me.

“I know darl. There’s nothing I can say that will make things easier for you but all I can say is time is a great healer and I will be here for you. Always” Sarah placed her hands on my shoulders and looked at me smiling even though she had tears in her own eyes “you are so strong Amy and one day you will make a great mum” she whispered

I nodded and smiled at her “thanks Sarah. I don’t suppose you brought any milk with you did you? I think now’s the perfect time for a cup of tea”

“I course I brought milk. A cup of tea solves most problems in life” Sarah chuckled

A few minutes later and we were snuggled on the sofa with our cups of teas. I balanced my tea on my knee clutching my hands around it to warm them up. As I hadn’t been in the flat for 4 months, it was a bit chilly in here!

“So are you looking forward to coming back to work next week?” Sarah asked me before taking a sip of her tea

I nodded my head “I am actually. I’ve felt really lazy, not being at work for all that time! I’ve missed everyone too even the children!” I chuckled

“I’ve missed working with you. It just hasn’t been the same” Sarah told me as she gazed out of the window

“Where’s Jake today then?” I asked before drinking some of my tea

Sarah frowned “he’s at his final suit fitting with Cal” she looked at me “I tried to get Jake to change his mind about having Cal as his best man but then I realised it wasn’t fair. Are you sure you’re ok with it?” she asked me

I nodded “honestly I’m fine with it Sarah. I’m sure were old enough to be civil aren’t we?”

“I guess so. Have you spoken to him lately?”

I shook my head “no I haven’t. I’ve ignored his last few texts. I’ve done the same with Liam. I just want to be by myself for a while”

“I completely understand Amy.” She told me

“So are you looking forward to the wedding soon to be Mrs Bailey?” I grinned

She beamed back at me “oh Amy I can’t wait!” just then Sarah’s phone rang. She excused herself to answer it. I was guessing it was Jake from the amount she smiled but then she frowned and looked at me in a sympathetic way before ending the call with him.

“Everything ok?” I asked

“Erm, Jake’s now coming to pick me up but Cal is coming with him” seeing my face frown she quickly started to talk again “I’m sorry Amy, Cal asked where Jake was going and when he said he was picking me up from here, he worked out that you were back so he’s tagged along with Jake”

“You do realise you said Jake 3 times in that sentence?” I laughed

She grimaced “you’re ok with this?”

I shrugged my shoulders “I’m gonna have to see him at some point, I guess”

I didn’t have to wait long as a few minutes later the guys walked in. Jake smiled at me and came over to give me a hug.

“Amy it’s so good to have you home!” he told me before leaning forward to whisper in my ear “I’m sorry, I told him to wait but he wouldn’t take no for an answer”

“It’s fine” I whispered back. He gave me a reassuring smile and left me to say hello to Sarah.

Cal seemed to shift around uncomfortably before looking in my direction to give me a shy smile which I returned.

“Amy do you want us to stay or go?” she asked as she looked at me and then Cal

“You guys go. I’ll be fine” I smiled

“If you’re sure darl. I’ll give you a ring tomorrow” she told me as her and Jake left leaving me and Cal alone.

Cal walked over to me “Amy I have missed you so much” he told me before enveloping me into a hug. I hugged him back as I had genuinely missed him too. I missed being in his arms like this. It had been at least 6 months since we had split up but it was obvious that both of our feelings were still very much intact.

He pulled away but kept his arms around me. He pushed some hair that had fallen on my face behind my ear and looked back into my eyes.

“Babe I’ve missed you, more than you will ever know. When you went it was like you took a part of me with you and now your home. I just want to sort things out with you about us”

“Cal I-“I started to talk but I was cut off by his lips on mine, it’s like he was claiming them as his. His lips moved aggressively and passionately against mine as he pressed me up against a wall. His hands were all over my body like he was getting reacquainted with my form. My hands instinctively curled around his neck, I guess old habits were hard to break!

Suddenly he broke away and pressed his forehead against mine “I’m sorry Amy. I just had to kiss you. I’m so in love with you and I’m going to do everything I can to get you back”

With that said he placed a kiss on my forehead and then just turned and left whilst I stood rooted to the spot. I think it was safe to say that Cal definitely still had an effect on me but was I ready to admit that to him? Was I ready to sort things out and try again?

I was awoken from my thoughts by a text. I walked over to the sofa where I had left it and picked it up. It was from Liam

‘Hey I just heard your back in town. Amy I’ve missed you so much. Can we meet up before the wedding? Liam xx’

I slouched onto the sofa and laid down. I think I knew one thing and that was that me and Liam were just friends, we couldn’t be anything more. And the other thing I knew after that kiss was that I was definitely still in love with Cal

Authors note

Im so sorry that I took so long to update! I originally wanted to update Tuesday but I ended up losing my job so my writing has kind of took a back seat for now until I'm sorted job wise!

Apologies for the short chapter aswell, I think I've got a case of writers block with Broken at the moment so again expect another long wait for an update until I figure out where I'm going with this story.

But yay a Cal and Amy moment! So she's admitted who she really wants to be with. But are you team Cal or team Liam?

As always thank you for comments, votes and fans, I really do appreciate it :)

Much love

Leanne xx

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