Chapter 24

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Just to avoid confusion this part of the story is a dream apart from at the end :)

I looked out of the kitchen window and smiled, it was a gorgeous day and Cal was out at the park with Jake playing for their Saturday football team. Our kitchen faced the road and our small front garden. Sarah and Jake lived just down the road from us and Sarah was currently pregnant with her 2nd child. They had Mason a year after we had Rebecca and the 2 of them loved playing with each other! We had just finished planting some flowers for the summer and they all looked amazing. We had brought the house when we find out that I was pregnant and it was perfect! It was a small house but big enough for the 3 of us. Cal was desperate for another child though but I wanted to go back to work for a while first.

"Mummy when will daddy be home?" Rebecca's small voice asked me as I crouched down to her level

"He will be home really soon sweetheart ok?" I placed a kiss on her forehead and she giggled running back to her room. I smiled and returned back to the washing up. Oh the joys of being a housewife I thought!

Rebecca was now 4 years old and she was so amazing in every single way. She had gorgeous brown curly hair and these brown eyes that just pulled you in. She loved the colour blue and I couldn't get her to wear dresses! She was definitely a jeans kind of girl. She had brought me and Cal together. He had his heart set on going to Spain but when I told him I was pregnant, he couldn't have been happier! He had his reservations at first but we got through those and then he was there every step of the way. He found a higher paid job here in Norwich rather than Spain and I became a full time mum to Rebecca. I was starting work again soon though as Rebecca would be starting school in September.

I heard a car pull into the drive and smiled as Rebecca came running through to the kitchen "daddy!!" she squealed as she waited by the front door for Cal to come in.

"How are my gorgeous girls?" Cal grinned as he came through the front door. His hair was ruffled from football and he had mud marks on his face. He also was really sweaty! But strangely, he looked sexy to me!

"Finally daddy! I've got to show you what I made!" Rebecca told him excitedly

"She hasn't even shown me yet" I smiled at him as he picked Rebecca up for a hug.

"Oh really? You haven't even shown mummy yet? Wow lucky me Becca" he smirked at me

I stuck my tongue out at him which made both of them laugh

"Mummy your funny" Rebecca laughed which made me smile

"Funny looking right Rebecca?" Cal joked which made Rebecca giggle even more

"Oi! That's not nice, seeing as how I'm currently preparing your tea, it would be a shame if yours ended up, shall I say... burnt?" I laughed

"You wouldn't dare" Cal retorted

"Try me" I whispered making Cal raise an eyebrow

"Daddy can you put me down now? I need to get something" Rebecca said sweetly

"Of course baby. I need to help mummy anyway" he grinned

We watched our daughter run back to her room and then Cal turned to me.

"So you're going to burn my tea are you?" Cal asked walking towards me. I took steps back until my back hit the fridge

"Well I think that's the least you deserve as you called me funny looking" I pouted

I could feel Cal's breath on my cheek as he spoke "babe you know that you are the most gorgeous woman in my life" he whispered as he bent forward to gently kiss me "am I forgiven?" he pleaded

I thought about it for a moment leaving him in suspense "Hmmmmm I suppose so" I whispered as I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me "but how can you make it up to me?" I asked cheekily

His arms came around my waist and I felt his warm hands on my bare skin where my shirt had rode up. "I have an idea of how I will do that, but I can't tell you babe. It's a surprise" he leant forward and pulled me into a lust filled kiss.

All my senses were intoxicated by Cal and he had made me feel like this for the last 4 years. All I needed was cal. I didn't care that he was hot and sweaty from football or that he had mud smears on his face. All I wanted was him as I ran my hands through his damp hair as he kissed my neck down to my collarbone.

"Mummy get off daddy please, he needs to come see what I'm doing" our daughter innocently said

We both laughed "sorry daddy off you go" I smirked

"I'll be right back" he smiled

My life was perfect and I couldn't be happier than what I was right now. They were the 2 most important people in my life right now and that's all that matters.

I went through to the lounge where I saw Rebecca showing Cal a picture that she had drawn.

"Mummy come and see!" Rebecca squealed

I walked over and crouched down beside Cal on the carpet and I looked over at Rebecca's picture. She had drawn a picture of us 3. I smiled with content.

"I'll put it up on the fridge baby" Cal told her proudly as he took her hand and led her back to the kitchen.

I got up and walked over to the sofa where I took a seat. I began to close my eyes and suddenly felt really drowsy.

"You ok babe?" Cal asked as he came back through

I nodded "yeah but I just suddenly feel really tired" I yawned

"Have a rest then. I'll take care of tea" he smiled as he placed a kiss on my forehead

"Thank you Cal" and then I felt my eyes flutter close.

All I could hear was constant beeps and quiet chatter. I couldn't make out who the voices belonged too though. I had a throbbing pain in my leg and in my stomach. My head was aching and I couldn't remember anything. I opened my eyes to the bright light and winced closing them again.

"Amy? Oh thank god!" I heard Sarah's voice close to me "darl don't panic but you're in hospital ok? Liam's here too"

That's when I realised that everything with Cal and Rebecca was just a dream and that's when a lone tear trickled down my face as I realised that would never happen. The perfect life I had imagined and dreamt about. But that's all it was, just a dream.

Authors note

This was defo one of my favourite chapters to write! But also sad at the same time :(

This is meant to be just a small filler chapter of what might of happened if Amy had told Cal everything so I hope you understood that :)

I hope you're happy! I've done 2 updates in 2 days! But unfortunately I won't be able to upload again until next Tuesday, hence the treat I've given you :)

A big thank you to all you guys for getting Broken to 12,000 reads! I'm still surprised tbh :)

As always let me know what you think even if you didn't like this chapter, I just thought I would try something new :)

Much love to you all

Leanne xx

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