Chapter 12

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Liam’s text was still spinning round my head the next day at work. I hadn’t told Cal when we woke up in the morning. I’m not really sure why I didn’t tell him because I don’t really think he would care but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do about it. I had missed Liam but considering what happened last time we saw each other, I didn’t really know what else there is to say. He likes me but I like Cal, your typical love triangle I guess, which I definitely wasn’t up to having! I said goodbye to Shane this morning as he left to go back home, promising that he’d be back to stay soon!

It was now December and me and Cal had been dating a month. We had all arranged to spend Christmas day with Sarah and Jake at their flat as it was their last Christmas there. I had no idea what to get Cal at all! During lunch at work me and Sarah finally got a chance to talk in the staff room.

“Oh my god! These kids are driving me nuts! You’d think it was bloody Christmas!” Sarah laughed as she slumped down next to me with her coffee.

I giggled “Erm I hate to break it to you but I’m afraid it is Christmas darl!”

She groaned “oh well. So you and Cal are still coming to ours yeah?”

I nodded “yep definitely. My parents are away for Christmas and Shane is skiing with his mates! Oh and Cal’s parents live in Dorset with his sister so they will be down there”

“I asked for a yes or no, not your whole life story Amy!” she chuckled and then groaned as I punched her arm

“Anyway if you’ve stopped clowning around” I raised an eyebrow at Sarah and smiled “I need your advice”

She sat forward and placed her chin on her hands “I’m all ears” she beamed at me

“Liam text me last night”

“Really? Saying what?” she whispered

“That he’s sorry for not being in touch and that he misses me” I looked at Sarah to wait for her reaction

“And? Why do you need my advice?” she asked shifting around in her seat

“Because I don’t know what to do! Do I text him back? Do I arrange to meet up? Do I just text and say ok no worries? I don’t know what to say to him Sarah. The way he looked at me when he last saw me was just awful”

“What do you want to do? Have you told Cal?”

“I’d like to see him of course! He was, he is a friend. No I haven’t. I didn’t know what to say to be honest”

“Well there’s your answer then! You want to see him and you need to tell Cal. You’re together now so you can’t have secrets darl”

“Your right. I’ll text Liam and arrange something and I’ll tell Cal about it too. Thanks Hun” and I turned to give Sarah a hug. She smiled and went to make me a cup of tea whilst I text Liam to arrange a meet up tonight at mine for a catch up. Cal had football practice so I knew he would be out of the way.

‘Hey Liam. No worries I completely understand your feelings. I’ve missed you too. I’m free tonight if you want to pop round? Xx’

He text back almost instantly ‘yeah sure. I’ll be round about 7ish if that’s ok?’

‘Yup see you then’ I replied and then quickly sent one to Cal ‘hey babe hope you’re having a good day. Liam text me last night about catching up so he’s going to pop round tonight if that’s ok with you? Xx’

The rest of the day flew by at work and by the time I got back home that night at 5pm, Cal still hadn’t replied which was weird as he always replied. I fixed together my tea after I had changed into some trackies and a hoody. I wasn’t dressing up for Liam as he’s just a friend. I was about to start eating when there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door to find Cal in his training gear.

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