Something Lost - A DSMP Story...

By kcaffrey23

131 5 2

Rune (OC) falls into an unfamiliar world. Sam finds an almost dead girl outside his prison. A god is having... More



8 1 0
By kcaffrey23


Trigger Warnings - Blood, Violence


Sam looked down as he replied to his friend, "She's gone."


Rune woke up feeling better than when she fell unconscious. That's odd. I should feel worse. She sat up slowly, wincing every time she discovered a new bruise. Noticing a mirror as she inspected the room, Rune stood to examine herself. A bandage on her left arm, two on her stomach, another on her left leg. She took note of how most small cuts and bruises, which she should have - after all she just fell through the sky - were missing. In their place were scars, still pink and slightly swollen.

Once she was done looking for injuries, Rune began to take in the rest of her appearance. Her clothes were slightly torn, her hair was coated in dust, and purple crescents were settled below her eyes. All in all, not that bad.

She looked to the door and realized it had no handle, no lock, no way to open it. All it had was a small panel beside it. Nine glowing buttons taunted her as she realized she had no way to get out of the room. But that had never stopped her before.

Rune slid a thin bag out of her pocket and opened it. She grabbed the tools on top, the ones she used most often, and opened the panel. The wires were complex but organized. And nothing Rune hadn't seen before. She smiled and got to work. Cut this wire, switch these inputs, splice that wire with this one, override this control.

The door slid open with a hiss and Rune smirked with satisfaction. She ignored the ache in her leg as she peeked out the door. She listened for a second, heard nothing but silence, and slid out the door.

The room she walked into was well lit and spacious. Cabinets lined the wall, each labeled with careful specificity. Recalling the wires, Rune wondered who could have built this place. She didn't have long to wonder, however, as a door Rune hadn't yet noticed began to open. There wasn't much for Rune to do other than run and dive in one of the cabinets and hope it wasn't too full.

She ended up next to a stack of white gowns and held her breath as voices began to trickle into her ear. The thick door on the cabinet kept Rune from recognizing any more than every couple of words. But she could hear different voices and the changes in their tone and pitch, letting her infer their conversation. Rune became more anxious as she heard the voices becoming ever more frantic as the seconds passed. As the young girl waited, she realized how much her stomach hurt, presumably from disturbing her wounds. She placed her hands on the bandage but withdrew them when she felt something wet. Rune drew her hand back and stared as scarlet trickled down her hand.

It was about then that Rune realized the voices, the ones that had constantly been in the background, had gone silent. Sometime after Rune became distracted, something had happened to cause the pair (as Rune determined from the cadence of their conversation) to stop talking. She held her breath as she heard footsteps approaching and tensed herself in preparation for a fight. She heard the footsteps stop in front of her cabinet.

"Hey. It's okay, we're not goin-" The being just beyond the door began, but Rune didn't give them time to finish. She threw open the cabinet as fast as she could, not able to conceal her smile when it hit the stranger, knocking them onto the floor. The figure was still stunned when Rune turned to the second figure, prepared to do whatever it takes to secure her safety.


Sam watched helplessly as Tubbo was thrown to the floor. He watched as the young girl flew out of the cabinet and settled into a familiar fight stance. He watched as blood spread across her bandages and dripped to the floor.

A second passed, maybe two, before the girl was moving again. Before Sam could even react, she had slammed herself into him, causing them both to fall to the floor. At some point, presumably when Sam was distracted, the girl had drawn a dagger. She thrust it at her opponent in a quick, practiced motion. Sam rolled out of the way just in time for the blade to hit the floor rather than his face. He took the short time the girl was preoccupied to draw his own weapon.

It was a long, black blade, perfectly balanced and expertly sharpened. Sam didn't want to hurt this stranger, but it was apparent that she did want to hurt him. By this point, the girl had stood up off the ground. The dagger she held was now broken, part of the tip had broken off. She swung again and this time Sam easily parried the attack. Sam noticed the girl's breathing was becoming much more ragged. The bandages were coming undone and her blood began to flow much more readily. Sam knew that she wouldn't last much longer and this time he may not be able to save her. So he did the only thing he could think of.


Rune watched as her adversary dropped his sword. In the corner of her eye, she saw his friend's mouth gape in astonishment. Rune had forgotten he was there. The blade clashed horribly as it hit the ground. Metallic clangs filled the room. Rune gripped her blade harder and swung it again, lashing out one more time in pain and desperation. This time, the figure across from her grabbed her arm and twisted the blade out of her hand. He dropped it beside his own but never let go of his attacker.

Rune waited for the inevitable, she closed her eyes and turned her head away. Normally she would continue this fight through her own hands but that idea didn't seem too appealing at the moment. She was too tired. Everything was too painful. Honestly, death didn't seem so bad. So she waited.

But nothing happened.

Rune opened her eyes again and looked at the towering figure in front of her. She hadn't realized yet just how tall he was.

"You done?" the figure asked.

Rune didn't have the energy to respond, so she just nodded.


The figure let go of her, but immediately swept her up in his arms. He placed her down on top of the cabinets she just hid in and began redressing her wounds. The room (except for a couple of whimpers of pain from Rune) stayed silent as the figure worked. The stranger had removed his mask just before he began and Rune now studied the unfamiliar being in front of her.

His skin had a green tint but somehow didn't look sickly. Elf-like ears stuck out from under his wavy hair. His hair was also green, but so dark it could have been black. But over all this, Rune watched his eyes. Bright green irises lay above four small dots under each eye. They looked like tiny emeralds had been embedded into him.

When the stranger was done, he turned to Rune, watching her with his stunning eyes. His friend walked up next to him and when Rune turned she realized he had cleaned up all of the blood she had spilled on the floor. They stood next to each other and Rune almost let out a laugh at the height difference between them.

"So, stranger," the taller of the figures began, "ready to tell us who you are?"


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