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Trigger Warnings - none :)


So he altered his form so the mortal's eyes would not melt out of their heads. And he appeared before the two fascinating humans. 


Rune watched as the sphere of light turned into a humanoid figure. It was tall, with a flowing green cloak surrounding them. Two giant wings the color of crushed pearls were folded behind them. They wore a mask, completely blank except for the letters X and D carved just to the left of the mask's center. Two golden rings hovered in front of their face, creating yet another X shape, this one also being just off center. The being hovered just over the ground, seemingly waiting for something it knew would happen.

The stranger beside her began to speak to the being.

"Hi XD."

"Hello Dream."

Its voice was powerful. Imposing. Like it was made of a symphony of sounds that never should have endured together. It was hard to believe such a voice could exist. But it did. And it was here.

"Hello Rune."

"You know me?"

Rune's response was shaky and unsure. She hated it when she sounded weak, but it seemed she could project nothing else when standing in front of this being.

"Of course. You're the girl who doesn't belong in my kingdom. How could I not know you?"

"Your kingdom. What are you?"

"I'm a god."

Rune knew without a doubt this being was telling the truth. In fact, it seemed obvious. How could they be anything else?

The stranger beside her - Dream, as the god called him - interjected their conversation.

"Why did you bring her here?"

"Because I wanted to." The being spoke. It was short and annoyed, like a parent speaking to a disobedient child.

"Why don't you like him?" Rune inquired, gesturing to Dream.

"He took something of mine."

"The Book of Necromancy?"

The god nodded.

"I didn't take it. It was given to me." The stranger told the god.

"It doesn't matter how you got it, just that you have it."

The god paused. They then looked to Rune.

"I think it's time we leave this place. The company is abhorrent."

Dream's smile fell for the first time since Rune had met him.

"Wait. I have something for Rune."

"Make it quick."

Dream rushed over to his desk and quickly opened the book on top of it. He flipped to a clean page, and grabbed a quill and inkwell. He scribbled something down onto the page and blew on it to dry the ink faster. When he was satisfied, he tore off the sheet, folded it in half, and handed it to Rune. She placed it in her pocket and gave Dream an inquiring look.

"For when you realize L'Manburg is wrong."

And with that, Rune was swept away in a blur of color and sound.


When Rune opened her eyes, she no longer stood in the compound. Instead she found herself in a beautiful cavern. Moonlight flowed into the cavern through some holes in the room, refracting light off of gems embedded in the stone. Rune watched one of the streams of moonlight fall away from it's beam.

It curled into a vague humanoid figure. The figure smiled at Rune.

Hello. It's been quite a while since I've had a visitor.

The voice curled into Rune's ears. She didn't speak, she couldn't find any words.

What do you need, young warrior?

"I don't need anything."

That's a lie and you know it. No one comes here without wanting something.


Go on young warrior.

"I need to know how to break a curse."


Rune knew that Sam would believe her lies. XD made it extremely easy for her to spin a tale for her friend. They erased the footage from the monitors, reset the main cell, and shut off the siren. Rune was nervous about what Dream might say, but XD was confident he wouldn't talk. It made her wonder what exactly happened in the minutes Rune was outside the prison and the pair were still inside.

The god took an odd interest in her, asking her all sorts of questions. Mainly about the world she came from and how she got here. XD stopped their persistent interrogation soon after they started, however. Rune assumed that the being realized how uncomfortable she was.

Her memories had been acting odd lately. Some of her most prevalent memories had become fuzzy, and some she had long shut out of her mind were coming back. She tried to keep them from coming back, but her treacherous mind had other ideas.

Luckily, now was not one of those times.


760 Words

Something Lost - A DSMP Story (OLD)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon