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Trigger Warnings - violence, eating


Neither of them would emerge the same.


The memory was so sudden, so unexpected. Rune thought she had forced those memories out of her mind. She was not ready to relive that part of her life.


Rune turned to the voice. The man who had previously been at the front desk was now standing beside her.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Rune forced a smile onto her face.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

The man - what was his name? - didn't look convinced.

"Okay. Do you want..."

He - Karl! - seemed unsure of what to offer, but Rune didn't think he would leave her alone. And honestly, she didn't want him to.

"Do you have snacks here?" Rune asked.

Karl grinned, seemingly very happy that Rune asked for something he could provide.

"Yeah, follow me."

They walked up to a door Rune had not yet noticed. In fact, that was probably the point, as it blended in quite well with the mahogany walls. Karl produced a key from one of his many pockets and slid it into the lock. It turned with a satisfying click and he pushed the door open. Karl led Rune into a brightly lit room. It was simple, nothing like what Rune had seen so far.

"It's a breakroom for everyone who works nights. There should be some snacks somewhere in... here!"

He opened a cabinet full of chips and candy and other simply packaged foods. Rune grabbed a granola bar and Karl grabbed a small bag of colorful chocolates. They sat on the plain wooden chairs and munched happily.

"What's up with your boss?" Rune couldn't help but ask.

"What do you mean?"

"Y'know, why is he so..." she didn't know how to finish.

"So himself?" Karl finished for her.


"He's really stressed at the moment. He's trying to hide it but I can tell. I would ask but it's not my place. All I can do is try to make his job easier."

"You really care about him, don't you?"

Karl nodded. He opened his mouth to say something else but a ringing from his pocket stopped him. Karl pulled the small device out of his pocket and flipped it open. He brought it up to his ear and began to speak.

"Hi Quackity!"

Quackity said something on the other end of the phone. It was too garbled to make out.

"Breakroom 2." Karl answered the unheard question.

Quackity said something else and Karl laughed.

"She's with me. I'll bring her to you."

Rune heard a small beep from the phone and Karl flipped his phone shut.

"Come on, the boss is looking for you."


Karl shrugged.

Rune followed Karl back into the main lobby. She expected to see Sam waiting for her, but Alex was the one there instead.

Something Lost - A DSMP Story (OLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang