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Trigger Warnings - blood, violence



A twang could be heard in the distance and an arrow appeared in the butler's back. He dropped to the floor, not moving an inch.


Michael began to scream and Ranboo picked up his child. Tubbo grabbed his hand. Eret looked back at them.

"I'm coming with you. Just in case."

"Me too!" Tommy exclaimed, grabbing Tubbo's hand.

"Can you guys hold them off?" Ranboo asked.

Sam and Puffy nodded. They looked to Rune who drew her knife, still chipped from the last time she fought with it.

"Keep him safe."

Tubbo nodded as Eret placed his hand on his shoulder. In an instant, the five disappeared in a burst of purple particles. Michael's screaming disappeared with them, leaving only an eerie silence in its place. Puffy turned to the door, leaping over the butler and running into the hall. Sam and Rune followed shortly behind. A figure stood at the top of the staircases. He smiled with a cruel twist in his lips. He held a bow, with another arrow already at the ready. He pulled back the string and shot, barely missing Puffy. He turned and ran, laughing as the trio chased him.

Rune was fastest and would have caught up to him first, but movement to her right caught her eye. Sam and Puffy passed her as she stopped, watching for another figure. She stood slightly crouched, ready to move with a moment's notice. A tall being walked into view, materializing from the shadows. He wore black pants and hoodie, both with white accents. His face was covered by his hood, but Rune could make out horns and piercing white eyes. A long tail with a pointy tip followed him.

"Who are you?" Rune whispered. No human should have been able to hear her from that distance, but this being was the farthest thing from a human as one could get.

"I'm Bad."


The being laughed.

"No, muffinhead, my name is Bad."

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for Skeppy."

"Who? The guy who shot the butler? Cause Sam and Puffy are after him."

"He can take care of himself."

Rune began to make her way down the stairs.

"What do you want?"

"I want the world to see The Egg as their god, as I do. The Egg will transform this world, and I want to help expand its empire."

"Are you hearing yourself right now?"

"I'm not crazy."

"Would you know if you were?"

By this point, Rune had made her way down the stairs. She looked up at the tall demon in front of her, unafraid and unimpressed.

"What now then, child? Are you going to try and fight me?"

"What would you have done with him?"

"Who?" The demon asked innocently.


"Why would I want Michael?"

"Stop playing dumb."

"Fine. I needed him as a bargaining chip. Ranboo has something I need and he refuses to give it to me. I didn't think; however, that there would be this many people fawning over the young brat."

Perhaps it was the honesty of what the demon wanted with the child, or perhaps it was how he referred to him. But it was at this moment that Rune lashed out at the demon. Bad looked shocked at the attack, but recovered quickly. His form grew taller and he towered over Rune. He pulled a knife from his pocket and shoved the girl to the floor. She quickly drew her blade back and swung it at the demon. He grabbed the knife, letting it's sharp edge sink into his hand. Dark red blood began to drip down his hand and onto the floor. He wrenched the knife away from Rune and tossed it behind him.

He lifted up his hand and showed Rune his palm. She watched as it stitched itself up in front of her.

"The Egg takes care of me so I take care of it."

A scream was heard in the distance.


And with that, the demon lost all of his confidence. His form shrunk and he ran towards the yell. But it was too late. Sam and Puffy stood at the top of the staircase. Sam drew back his trident while Puffy drew her bow.

"Get out of here Bad, before you suffer the same fate as your friend."

The demon scowled at Puffy's words but heeded the warning nonetheless. He scurried out the door, leaving nothing but his words (and a little bit of blood) behind.

"Rune!" Sam exclaimed as he rushed down the stairs.

"I'm fine, Sam. He didn't hurt me."

Sam helped her to her feet, checking her as he did so for any injuries the demon inflicted. But the girl was okay, and Sam was satisfied.

"Did you kill him?" Rune asked solemnly.

"No, just roughed him up a bit. We just needed Bad to think he had lost so he would leave."

Another moment passed.

"What now?"

"Now we take Bad's friend to a place that can contain him."


"Do you remember the place where you first woke up? Right before you tried to fight me and Tubbo?"


"It's a prison."

"You put me in a prison?" Rune asked with disbelief.

"It's nearest to where I found you. You were too hurt to be moved too far."


A third voice interjected the conversation.

"Not to break this up, but we really should get moving."

Sam looked up to Puffy, who had been leaning against the banister for the entirety of the conversation.

"You're right, Puffy."

The two walked up to Puffy and the trio began cleaning up the Eggpire's mess.


908 Words

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