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Trigger Warnings -  alcohol


For the second time, she really began to wonder what kind of world she managed to find herself in.


Few people walked the streets of Las Nevadas. Far less than the amount that walked the streets of L'Manburg. More people slept on the streets than walked on them it seemed. Tucked away in alleyways, the ones who were awake watched them with carnivorous interest.

"You're young." Sam told the girl beside him.


"They're staring at you because you look young, vulnerable. Show them that you're not." he advised.

Sam watched Rune's demeanor change in a matter of seconds. She stood up taller and began to walk with a certain confidence that suggests importance and superiority. She began to move in such a way that anyone who didn't know better would assume that she was leading Sam through the city, not the other way around. It scared Sam to see just how well Rune seemed to fit in with the high class that were becoming more and more prominent the farther into the city they traveled.

He brought her to the very center of the city where the streets opened up to a giant courtyard. In the center of the opening was a tall, white building. In front of this structure was a tower with flowing architecture and design. There were many more people walking around here, most of which wore expensive clothing and presumptuous expressions. Sam moved between the towering columns of the white building and pushed the heavy doors out of his way. Once both he and Rune were inside he let go of the door and it shut with a large bang.

The room was open and beautiful. A sparkling glass chandelier hung from the arched ceiling. Marble tile covered the floor. In the very center of the room was a long, wooden desk. On either side of the desk was a smattering of leather chairs and attractive tables. A short man sat at the desk, only looking up once Sam rapped the wood a few times. He looked up with a genuine smile that felt out of place in this heartless city.

"Welcome to the Las Nevadas Grand Casino! How can I help you?"

"We're looking for Quackity."

"I'm sorry, but the boss is really busy today. Perhaps you could come another time?"

"He asked us to be here." Sam explained.

This confused the young man, who became quite flustered and unsure. He had just opened his mouth to say something else when another voice entered the room.

"It's okay Karl, they're with me."

He added emphasis to "they're", probably wondering why Sam had brought a guest to a business meeting. Sam ignored this silent inquiry, instead he simply turned to the figure and strided towards him.

"She can't come with us."

"I expected as much."

Sam looked down to the girl beside him.

"How about you explore the building while I help Alex?"

"But-" Alex interjected, but Sam had already made up his mind.

"You don't want her with us, and I don't want her outside by herself, so no complaining."

Alex considered this, and nodded. He turned to the girl.

"Don't touch anything."

Sam watched Rune smile and nod. She scanned the room, found a set of double doors that interested her, and walked through it. Alex and Sam watched her until the door closed behind her. Sam turned to the short figure beside him.

"Let's get this over with."


Rune stepped through the automatic doors and walked into a giant room. Along one wall was a line of tall machines, along the other was a row of oddly shaped tables. The middle of the room consisted of a bar. Chairs were scattered around the room, mostly concentrated near the tables. The room was devoid of people except for a select few cleaning tables or sweeping. While a few did look up at the strange girl walking in, none seemed to have the energy to care.

Rune circled the room, wondering how different the room would look at night. She could only guess it would be filled with people, loud with voices and dizzying from the stench of alcohol and other "pharmaceuticals". She had recognized the room as soon as stepped into it. In fact, it was the most familiar sight Rune had seen in this unfamiliar world. The green cloth tables, the colored chips strewn across the floor, the presumably rigged slot machines. She had seen casinos before, and was well acquainted with the desolate sight of a rich man gambling away his last dollar.


Rune looked up at the man who towered over her. He was the only familiar sight in this cramped building. And yet, Rune hardly recognized him. The hand wrapped around hers, the one that was once there to make sure she didn't wander off, was now squeezing her fingers, almost crushing them. His brow was furrowed and her large drops of sweat fell down his face. He smelled of something gross and strong. Rune didn't know it then, but this man was drunk. Very drunk.

The man took a pair of dice and the whole table got quiet as he shook them in his free hand. He threw them down. A second passed, maybe two. The table exploded in cheers and groans. But the man didn't say a thing. He simply picked Rune up in his arms and walked out. The cool embrace of winter was a sweet comfort after the heat of that room. It wasn't long, however, before her cheeks and nose became pink and rosy.

The man walked with the girl in this way for quite a while. He traversed the thin alleyways with practiced steps, quickly moving through the long rows of buildings. He stopped in front of an amber door, decorated with long scratches and broad dents. Rune was carefully placed next to the door, and she watched the man with tired eyes. While one of his hands dug a coin out of his pocket, the other hovered over the doorbell. Quite a while passed before the man lowered both his hands and dropped to his knees. He cried softly, letting thick tears leak from his eyes.


The man looked up. The door in front of him was now open and a woman stared down at him.

"You just gonna sit there, or are we gonna do this?"

The man took a deep breath and stood up.


The woman turned and walked briskly into the building.

"Come, Rune."

Rune stood and took the hand of the man who then led her into the dimly lit building.

Neither of them would emerge the same.


1099 Words

oOoO backstory 

Something Lost - A DSMP Story (OLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora