To be a Blight

By Tophatauthor

76.7K 2.4K 1K

This is the story of a seven year old human orphan who died, then woke up as a baby, a baby that held the nam... More

Plunder Blunder
Hideout seekers
I Was a Teenage Abomination
A Scry for Help
Lost in Language
Understanding Odwin part 1
Understanding Odwin part 2
Adventure in the Elements part 1
Adventure in the Elements part 2
Blight Bonding Day part 1
Blight Bonding Day part 2
Enchanting Grom Fright part 1
Enchanting Grom Fright part 2
The End of the Beginning
Escaping Expulsion part 1
Escaping Expulsion part 2
Through the Woods of Palistrom part 1
Through the Woods of Palistrom part 2
Eclipse Lake part 1
Eclipse Lake part 2
Reaching Out part 1
Reaching Out part 2
Clouds on the Horizon part 1
Clouds on the Horizon part 2
Dark's Tide

Moonlight Envy

3.1K 109 26
By Tophatauthor

"Minerva! Get back here this instant!" Yelled Odwin with a towel in his hand "Tonight's the moonlight conjuring and i have to make sure you're clean before i do anything"

Minerva, who was standing on top of Odwin's closet, chirped at Odwin angrily as she used her tail to point at a book

"Minerva, i get you're bored right now, but can't you leave it for after taking a bath?"

Minerva chirped angrily as she looked away from Odwin

"I wish whoever said having a pet is easy stubs each and every single one of their toes at least twice" whispered Odwin tiredly "fine, but we're getting this done quickly"

Minerva then gracefully flew down from the closet and landed on Odwin's shoulder

"At least you're finally being mindful of the talons" said Odwin tiredly

"Hey, Odwin" said Amity as she entered the room

"Hm? Yeah?" Said Odwin raising a brow as Minerva chirped

"I'm going shopping with some friends-"

"Friends?" Deadpanned Odwin

"Uhh companions?....ok what's the word here...witches my age i am obligated to hang out with" said Amity frowning jokingly

"So Boscha and the other ones? But wait, what about the moonlight conjuring stuff we need to buy?" Said Odwin anxiously as Minerva flew off of his shoulder

"Sorry, Od. I made a promise without thinking" said Amity with a frown on her face, but it was quickly replaced by a reassuring smile "Don't worry, I'll meet up with you mid-way; okay?"

Odwin stared at Amity silently for a few seconds before speaking

"Okay, i guess have to buy a prey pen (like animal pen) for Minerva anyway; she keeps bringing dead or nearly dead creatures to ea-in the bowl, Minerva! Keep all the food in one place!"

Minerva, who caught a fairy by the neck with her tail after snapping that same neck, looked at Odwin silently for a few seconds before dropping the fairy in a giant bowl in one of the room's corners

"She seems like a handful. Are you sure you don't need any help?" Asked Amity with concern for her twin

Odwin's ears perked as he heard that

"Nope! I'm fine, don't worry, i got this" said Odwin, smiling as he pushed Amity out of the room "you can go do your weird extrovert social stuff. Bye."

And with that, Odwin shut the door with Amity outside the room

"C'mon, Odwin. You can't bother Amity with this." Said Odwin narrowing his eyes before turning to Minerva "Minerva! Stop paralyzing small creatures; it's bath time"

Minerva dropped a half crushed butterfly in her corpse bowl before flying to Odwin's shoulder

"At least you're learning" said Odwin with a smile

And thus, Odwin gave Minerva a bath

Then they went to bonesborough


"Okay, Minerva. This is the first time i take you outside without a cage, so please don't attack small creatures so you could eat them later" said Odwin to his companion that was perched on his shoulder

Minerva chirped in affirmation

"I'm taking that as a yes" deadpanned Odwin before heading to town

The walk to bonesborough was largely uneventful, which Odwin was thankful for

And now, they were at the pet store

Odwin took a deep breath and went inside

"Uhm, hello." Said Odwin before he noticed a demon at the counter who also noticed him, Odwin approached the demon and spoke "do you perhaps sell something like...prey pens for a place for pets who hunt stuff to put their prey?"

The shopkeeper didn't even blink at the question and just asked "for the bird?"

Odwin nodded and the demon brought out 2 "Minerva sized" pens

"There are two suitable pens: the normal one, and the luxurious one which comes with a fountain and many other tools for the comfort of your companion" said the demon in a monotone voice "it also looks fancier"

Minerva hopped unto the fancy pen cheerfully before Odwin picked her up

"No, we're taking the normal one. I still want to have some money in case of emergencies" said Odwin calmly before Minerva chirped angrily at him "No"

Minerva hissed angrily at Odwin as if ordering him to buy it

"Stop acting like a child, I'm not getting it"

The two kept on going back and forth....until the shopkeeper decided to kick them out

"But why?" Asked Odwin with Minerva perched on his shoulder after they got kicked out

The shopkeeper just pointed at a sign on the store that said "no arguments with your beasts"

"Aw come on, it's not like she can cause much damage!" Said Odwin frowning

Minerva hissed angrily at the shopkeeper who replied by silently shutting the door

"Looks like I'm making your food pen" said Odwin with a frown on his face before Minerva chirped angrily

Odwin didn't reply and decided to go find Amity


"-and we're way better than them" Odwin heard a familiar voice

It was Luz the human talking to Gus and Willow

"Right...forgot today was an episode" said Odwin quietly as he pinched the bridge of his nose

Minerva tilted her head in confusion as she chirped

"...that's what i call days that i think are gonna have something crazy or important happen in them" said Odwin calmly with an expressionless look

Minerva seemed content with that answer and went silent

Having successfully semi-lied to Minerva, Odwin decided to avoid Luz and approach Amity who was with her friends

But he stopped mid-way. His sister was staring at Luz and her friends

Specifically Willow

And it wasn't a normal curious stare...Amity looked bothered...very bothered by what she saw

Odwin decided to snap her out of it


"Aagh!...Odwin! Didn't see you there" said Amity in surprise while taking a few glances at Luz and Willow

"Are you oka-"

"Yup, totally fine." Said Amity before turning to her friends and speaking in tone louder than normal "everyone, i have to go buy the conjuring stuff, it is going to be the best conjuring ever! See you later"

Boscha and the others had weirded out looks on their faces. The looks grew more confused when they saw Amity pulled Odwin towards the market

"Amity, you're acting weird" said Odwin concered for his sister. Minerva nodded in affirmation

"I'm fine. What's the first thing on our list?" Asked Amity in a serious tone

"Well, it's a special type of moss tha-" Odwin couldn't finish his sentence before Amity started pulling him towards a shop so fast, Minerva had to start flying behind them

"Is this it and how much do we need if it is?" Asked Amity in an overly serious tone

" is and a fistful? But can you please calm dow-"

"A fistful won't do, this conjuring has to be perfect! We'll take 2 bags" said Amity in a serious

"Amity, no! I don't have that much allowance" Said Odwin worriedly

"I do, what's next?"

"Blood of-"

And with that, Amity took Odwin around Bonesborough and overbought every item on their list

Even Minerva was a little disturbed


"Okay, Amity. You have to tell me what's going on" said Odwin as he and Amity walked towards their conjuring site with Minerva flying right behind them

"Oh, i just want us to have the best conjuring tonight" said Amity with a determined look "also, maybe shove it in that human's face"

"So that's what this is about" said Odwin rolling his eyes

Amity narrowed her eyes as she stared at Odwin before asking

"What do you mean?"

"You're jealous that your old friend Willow has a new best friend" said Odwin calmly and Minerva chirped in agreement

They two finally made it to the conjuring site as Odwin finished his sentence

"I am not! I'm just being...randomly competitive"

"Good for you?...Doesn't matter; we're here" said Odwid tiredly as he looked through a side bag he wore "nothing seems out of place. Time to do my thing"

Odwin drew the moonlight conjuring circle around an odd rock that was at the site and placed the candles

"Now, to add the finishing touches" said Odwin smiling "the special moss-"

Suddenly, 2 large bags of silver moss were dumped unto the rock by Amity

Odwin just stared at her silently. Amity just gave him a confused glance

"What? You said these stuff is to give it power, so more means better"

Odwin sighed before getting the next ingredient

"Fine. Now we need to inject the thing with the blood of-"

Amity wasn't listening. She only heard "inject" and "blood" and with that she already began using a needle made out of abomination goo to inject the blood into the rock

"Be careful, Amity! That stuff is very explosive and very hot!" Said  Odwin worriedly before noticing Minerva eating a bit of the moss "Minerva! No! Don't eat that! Don't spit it out on the thing either! Why is nobody listening to me today?"

Minerva ate and spat out a few bits of the shiny moss

Amity meanwhile, has finished injecting the rock with large amounts of the blood, causing it to be deformed from the heat

"Just say the next ingredient" said Amity in a serious tone

"Amity, you have to stop" pleaded Odwin

"Say the next ingredient" ORDERED Amity in a menacing tone


"Say it this instant, Odwin! Or else" Yelled Amity furiously...threateningly

Odwin back away slowly. Amity never yelled at him...ever, and he didn't like how it felt to be yelled at by his be threatened by her

It made him feel many emotions...pain...betrayal...fear...and a bit of anger

But he ultimately decided to give her what she wanted

"The frost stones enter the indentation" said Odwin with a downcast expression

Amity didn't even reply back as she began shoving a large amount of odd stones in the giant rock's indentation using an abomination hand

The giant deformed rock began changing shape into the shape of a large horned quadrapedal creature and the rocks that it was made up of were different...more cold

"The last step is to put a light spell inside the creature's head, there's a hole for it"

Amity didn't reply, just inserted a large amount of light orbs inside a hole in the creature's head

"Okay. Let's start" said Amity in an overly serious tone

"Yes" replied Odwin in a monotone voice

And so, Odwin and Amity did the ritual that bypasses the 3 person requirement

Minerva watched as the rock started glowing. And the horned creature rose and started moving under the influence of moonlight

The twins rode the beast with Minerva perched on Amity's shoulder

"Good, it's working" said Amity calmly before a determined frown appeared on her face "now, time to find-"

She couldn't finish her sentence before something happened

The creature began moving...without orders

"Odwin, what's going on?" Asked Amity worriedly

"I think you adding too much stuff did something" said Odwin bracing himself for might happen

And something did. The creature went wild. The moss on the back of the beast wrapped around them, tying them to the beast

Minerva managed to escape the moss by the point of talon

The twins screamed as the creature rampaged around the forest with them trapped on it

It continued thrashing around, vines, ice, and fire spread all around the beast as roared into the air

Then, the creature was attacked

Something hit the beast, knocking it away

It crashed

And it knocked Odwin out


"Ugh. What happen-aaah! My leg!" Said Odwin as he felt immense pain in his leg

"Odwin! You're awake!" Said Amity worriedly as she immediately hugged Odwin "I'm so sorry!"

"Uhh, does this have to do with how my leg hurts?"

"We crashed into a wall. You hit your head in the crash and the moonlight beast fell on your leg" said Amity as she stared at the ground in shame


"Minerva is fine. She's over there" said Amity pointing at Minerva who was perched on the beast's horn

Suddenly, Odwin's ears perked and his eyes widened

"Minerva get over here right now! No time to explain" Said Odwin hurriedly

Minerva just gave him an odd look and pointed at the direction the giant harpoon came from

"What's going on?" Asked Amity in confusion

"They're not coming from that direction!" said Odwin "now come here!"

Minerva shrugged off Odwin's words...which led to her getting caught in someone's hand a second later

"Well well well, what do we have here?" Said a rough voice

"It's good we kept that second harpoon, right?" Said another voice happily

"You're ruining the mood!" Yelled the first voice

The two were demon hunters

Odwin groaned before he drew a magic circle

A spirit flew out and attacked the one holding Minerva, causing the hunter to let her go

"This is why you listen to me when i tell you to come here" said Odwin tiredly before turning to Amity "ready, Amity?"

Amity just smiled and summoned her abomination

Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to fight random kids in the forest


An abomination Amity made was carrying Odwin around as they started to go back home

"I'm sorry, Odwin. This was all my fault" said Amity with a guilt ridden voice

Minerva also chirped in guilt

"I'm glad you learned that listening to me more can be good" said Odwin before turning to Amity "so, can we talk about why you did it?"


Before Amity could say a thing, a giant bird house thing passed them by

Riding on the thing were Luz, Gus and Willow

Amity saw them and frowned

"Jealous?" Asked Odwin calmly

"*sigh* yes" said Amity before she started tearing up "it's just *sniff* NOT FAIR! I was her friend first!"

Then she began crying

"But because of *sob* STUPID MOM AND DAD *sniff* i couldn't even be nice to her! And then someone who *sob* IS NOT EVEN A WITCH comes around and takes my place...*sob* it's just not fair...the only real friend i had and now *sniff*"

Odwin gave his sister a hug

"There there. It's okay." Said Odwin in a soft tone "how about i animate some of your azura book scenes on my crystal ball?"

Amity went silent and a few seconds later spoke

"You'd do that? Even after i yelled at you and broke your leg?"

"I can't stay mad at my favorite sister for that long. I mean, who's gonna replace you? Emira? I think I'll pass"

Amity laughed as she heard that

"Better?" Asked Odwin with a smile





And thank you"


Tell me how i did because this is one of the chapters i don't have a good feeling about and i need to know the truth


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