A Sellout's Heart

By holl-ade

60.8K 1.9K 433

| "Sellout Trilogy": Book 1 "I can help him! You just have to trust me." "You can't help him, Erica. Even if... More

1: debut
2: why me?
3: did you google me?
4: ship names :)
5: there is no 'us'
6: goodnight kiss
8: flashback
9: love drunk
10: sleepover
11: the truth
12: i am not 'mrs. rollins'
13: summerslam
14: cinder blocks
15: too little, too late
16: "not all of us have a private locker room"
17: who are you?
author's note
author's not (2)
18: enough is enough
thank you

7: promise me

3.9K 118 22
By holl-ade

Chapter 7: promise me?

I woke up to the sun shining brightly in my face. I smiled at the thought of last night's events. Seth and I kissed. I can't believe we actually kissed. It was just so-so perfect. I threw the sheets off of my body and started to stretch. My phone vibrated as I got a text from AJ.

'Meet us in at the small Cafe down the street in twenty minutes.'

I texted her back saying okay then checked the time.


I grabbed a towel and hopped into the shower. I let the warm water run down my body and washed my hair. I turned the faucet off and wrapped myself with the towel. I went back into the room and searched for some clothes to wear. I chose white skinny jeans, a 'Dean Unstable Ambrose' tshirt, and a black leather jacket. I brushed through my hair and kept it down. I slipped on my high tops and glasses. Then I grabbed my phone and walked to the door.

I opened the door and walked out, shutting it closed behind me. I checked the time on my phone as I walked down the hall to the elevator.


Five minutes. I thought to myself as I stepped into the elevator.

The elevator reached the main lobby and I quickly walked out.

"Ma'am." The reception desk lady called to me.

I turned around and walked back to the reception desk.

"Yes?" I asked politely.

She took out a red rose and a cup of coffee. "A lovely gentlemen dropped these off for you."

I tilted my head to the side and picked them up. Funny. Now who would do this for me.

I smiled at the lady. "Thank you." I said and walked away, the rose and coffee in my hands.

I walked out onto the busy streets of Chicago and sat down on a nearby bench. I looked at the red rose and smiled. Red roses were my favorite. I sipped the coffee and grinned.

"Caramel latte." I said clicking my tongue.

I found a small piece of paper taped onto the cup of coffee and gently ripped it off.

'Good morning, beautiful. Thought you would like to have a little early morning treat. Enjoy!'


I smiled and blushed a bright crimson red. I stood up and started to walk down the street toward the small Cafe, holding the two items in my hands. I walked in and found the girls sitting towards the back. I made my way towards them and they looked up.

"There you are!" AJ said giving me a hug. I gladly returned the hug after I set down my stuff.

"Where did these come from?" Brie asked pointing at the rose and coffee.

"She has a secret admirer!" Nikki exclaimed.

"Wait, no. There's a note." AJ pointed out.

Natalya took the note off and opened it up.

"Good morning, beautiful. Thought you would like to have a little early morning treat. Enjoy. Signed, Seth. She read aloud.

"Seth!" AJ exclaimed with a smile.

I chuckled and sat down on the chair next to Aj's.

"He's so sweet." Natalya said picking up the rose.

I nodded and took a sip of my latte. "He is, isn't he?"

"Rollica!" Brie exclaimed.

I smiled and looked down at my coffee. AJ put the rose down by my cup and I picked it up. I sighed as I breathed in its scent. I could smell a little bit of Seth's cologne along with it.

"She's marking out!" Nikki pointed out.

"Post this on Twitter. I wanna see what the fans can come up with!" AJ suggested.

I laughed and took out my phone. "Good thinking, Lee."

I snapped the picture and shared it on Twitter. I also snapped a picture of the note, but added a blur to Seth's name.

"What should I put the caption as?" I asked.

"Early morning treat from my secret admirer." Brie suggested.

"Then put #Rollica." Nikki added.

"That's gonna give it away, Nicole!" Natalya said.

"So?" She said.

I rolled my eyes and wrote the caption but without the Rollica thing. I set my phone down just as the girls took out their own phones.

"I'm favoriting." AJ said.

"Me too." Natalya agreed.

"We're reposting." Brie mentioned.

"Don't forget to replying as well!" Nikki added.

Soon enough, my phone was exploding with favorites and retweets. I scrolled at all the comments and laughed at some.

"What do they say?" AJ asked anxiously.

"Rollica! Rollica! Rollica!" I read one aloud.

"Also, one said: Is it Seth?! It's got to be Seth! I'm freaking out because I don't know if it's Seth or not!!!" I recited.

"Did Seth say anything?" Brie asked.

"No, not- Forget it. He just favorited-and retweeted." I replied with a laugh.

"He replied too!!" Nikki pointed out on her phone.

I looked at it and it said: 'Ooh. I wonder who.. ;)'

"He's such a dork." I said with a chuckle.

"But he's your dork." Natalya added.

"Yeah. I guess he is." I muttered to myself.

"You and Seth are so perfect for each other. I can't imagine seeing you guys not together." AJ commented.

"Neither can I." I agreed.



I was working out at gym a few hours after breakfast with the girls. I was about to start lifting weights but someone interrupted me.

"Erica!" AJ yelled as she walked toward me. Nikki, Brie, and Natalya were all behind her with smiles on their faces.

"Yeah?" I said and before I knew it I was being engulfed in a big group hug.

"What's going on?" I asked suspiciously.

"Why didn't you tell us that you and Seth kissed?!" Nikki exclaimed.

"Sh*t." I muttered. "How'd you guys find out?"

"Instagram and Twitter!" Brie said and shoved her phone in my face.

I took her phone out of her hands and looked through her account. There were exposed pictures of me and Seth kissing in the parking lot. I scrolled through the comments and read them to myself.

Fans' tweets::

'Proof that #Rollica exists! @TheEricaAmbrose @WWERollins'

'*Screams like a derranged fangirl* YES!! #Rollica lives!'

"That's my favorite one." AJ said pointing to one with the deranged fangirling scream.

"Mine too." I said and favorited the tweet.

"Wait, isn't your brother gonna freak out when he hears about this?" Natalya mentioned.

"He barely goes on social media. The only way he can find out is through me, Roman, or some other people." I said.

"Don't you think it's a little bit, rushed? I mean you two just met about a week ago. As much as I think you guys are perfect for each other, I don't think it's a good idea. Dean's gonna found out, he and Seth are going to argue, you're gonna get upset, then you and Seth are gonna argue, and then you are gonna get hurt." AJ said.

"He won't find out. I'm doing to make sure of that. Seth and I aren't even officially together as a couple anyways. So why are you freaking out?" I stated.

"He's bound to find out soon though. News spread fairly quick through the Internet." Nikki pointed out.

"Well then, I'll just have to keep him away from his phone and other people's phones too." I stated.

"Good luck with that. Dean is right over there with Roman." Brie said pointing to them.

My eyes widened and I sped over to where they were standing. I did the first thing that came to mind, and that was to jump on my brother and put him in a sleeper hold.

"Erica? What the hell!" He said as he started to wobble.

"It's called surprise attacking your sibling." I explained with a smile.

"Hey Ro." I greeted with a small nod.

"Sup E." Roman said with a wave.

"So, " I said as I hopped down from Dean's back. "What's new with your lives? Any new information? Like new, I don't know.... Relationships?"

Dean and Roman glanced at each other amusingly and shook their heads.

"No. We didn't hear anything about new relationships. Why? Do you know anything?" Dean asked.

I breathed out in relief. "No." I replied simply.

"Then why were you asking?" Roman asked.

I froze and bit down on my bottom lip. They looked at me waiting for my response. A hand was placed on my shoulder, making me jump a little.

"Well, we heard that Summer Rae has some secret feelings toward you, Dean." AJ stepped in.

Roman started snickering while Dean looked absolutely sick. I always knew he hated Summer. They may or may have not have some sort of affair back in FCW, but overall he hates her.

"No way. Nuh-uh. I will not accept that." Dean said gagging.

"Don't worry man, at least she's pretty good looking." Roman assured. Dean shook his head in disagreement.

Roman chuckled and looked up. His smile faded and was replaced by a scowl. Dean followed his gaze and he tensed up. I looked over to where they were looking at and tried to hide my smile. Seth was talking to Nikki, Brie and Natalya. He looked over at me and smiled. Dean seemed to notice because he spoke up.

"Why is he smiling at you?" He questioned.

I turned back to look at him and shrugged. "I don't know. He's a creep."

"Yeah. No kidding." Roman agreed.

"Well, we're gonna let you keep working out." Dean said. "And remember-"

"Yeah, yeah. Stay away from Seth." I said quietly.

Dean gave me a hug and turned to Roman. They walked away and continued to talk to each other. Once they were gone AJ and I walked back over to the girls and Seth.

"Hiya, pumpkin." Seth greeted giving me a hug.

"Heyo, pumpkin pie." I joked hugging him back.

"You guys are so cute!" Natalya commented.

"Do you guys mind if I steal her away from you?" Seth asked.

AJ shook her head. "Go right ahead. We already spent the morning with her anyway." Nikki, Brie, and Natalya all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Great." He said excitedly and grabbed my hand. Seth dragged me out of the gym, making the girls laugh and swoon.

"I'll race you down to the park!" Seth said running away.

"Bring it!" I yelled after him.

We started to run on the sidewalk, earning some stares and laughs from nearby residents. Just as we reached the park, Seth started to slow down, allowing me to speed up. I surprised him by jumping on his back, making us fall forward onto the grass.

"Oww!" Seth said, face deep in the green grass.

I laughed and hugged him from behind. "Are you okay, Sethie?"

"Yeah I'm fine." He said.

I got off of him and extended my arm out for him to take. Seth grabbed my hand and I pulled him up on his feet. Once he was standing, Seth picked me up and started swinging me around.

"Seth-Stop! I'm getting dizzy!!" I said and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Payback's a b*tch! " Seth shouted and continued to spin me around.

"Seth stop! People are starting to stare!" I pointed out.

"Let them stare!" He said.

I groaned when he finally stopped spinning me around. I sighed as my head started to spin uncontrollably.

"Don't put me down. I'm gonna fall." I said gripping onto Seth.

"I wasn't planning to, E." Seth assured holding me tightly.

I layed my head on Seth's shoulder and sighed.

What the hell are you doing, Erica?! He's not right for you!

Give him a chance, Erica. Find out what he's really like first before jumping to conclusions.

He's a horrible person! For Pete's sake, he stabbed Dean's and Roman's backs. If he can do that to them, imagine what he could do that you!

He won't hurt you. How many times do I have to tell you that!?

"Erica, I need to ask you a serious question." Seth said interrupting my thoughts.

I lifted my head off of his shoulder and looked at him. Seth had a serious look on his face. I hopped down off of Seth and grabbed his hand, leading him to a nearby park bench.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a concerned tone.

Seth took a deep breath, pressing his lips together. "I really like you, Erica. Like a lot. I think you're and amazing and beautiful woman. And I know about the horrible past you had. I, on my opinion, think that it's an inspiration seeing you here, especially since you came from a harsh background."

I smiled and squeezed his hand. "Thanks."

"But that's only one of my points," He continued. "My main point is, I only know a fraction about your past love life. And I don't need to know any more of it. What I'm trying to say is, I'm not like those other guys who you have come across. I won't hurt you. I would never hurt someone like you. Not ever."

"What are you trying to say, Seth? What's going on?"

"What I'm trying to say is, I want to know you more. I don't just want to be a friend of yours. I want to be something greater than that."

"So a best friend?" I asked.

"No, it's way more than that, Erica. I want to be a bigger part of your life. My feelings towards you are so strong, I can't even describe the feeling. I can't keep this inside of me anymore. I need to get this off of my chest." Seth stated.

I bit down on my bottom lip as I awaited for his statement.

"Erica, will you officially be mine, and be my girlfriend?"

I sat there, my mouth hung wide open. I bit down on my lip and looked away.

Don't be afraid to love again. Remember, Derek and Seth are two completely different people.

Did he seriously ask you that question!? Don't fall for him.

"We can't. People are going to find out. People are going to get upset. It's just too much. " I said standing up and walking away.

"I'm not afraid of your brother, Erica. I'm going to do whatever it takes for us to make it through. Hell, I'd put my own life in danger just for you." Seth said standing up and following me.

"It's not just about Dean, Seth." I shot turning to look at him. Seth stopped and looked at me. He walked over to me and held me head.

"Then what's wrong?"

I looked at him dead in the eyes. "I'm scared that I'm just going to get hurt again.. No matter how many guys tell me that they won't hurt me, I always do. That's why I've had a hard time trusting every guy I met."

"Erica, I will never hurt you. I promise. I'm not like those guys. I will protect you with everything I've got. Even if it might put my life on the line. Just give me a chance. Please."

He cares about you. Don't let him slip away from you. He's different.

Don't fall for him. He's just trying to charm you. Once you're his, he's going to break you.

He won't hurt you. He promised. He's going to protect you.

I grabbed his head and pressed my lips to his. Again the sparks started to fly. Except, the sparks were grander and powerful, I could say. It was no longer a small spark. It was now a blazing firework. The spark I had with Derek could never compare to this moment I'm having with Seth.

Seth held me by the waist and pulled me close, deepening the kiss. I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We pulled back and I stared into his eyes.

"Please. Please, just give me a chance." Seth said sincerely.

I sighed and slowly nodded my head.

"Really?" He clarified obviously surprised.

I nodded my head with a small smile. "Yes. I'll give you a chance."

"Oh my god! Yes! " Seth cheered picking me up and spinning me around.

He bent down and kissed my lips. "Thank you so much."

I laughed and picked his lips. "You are so very welcome."


Seth and I walked hand in hand back to the hotel.

"What if my brother finds out about us?" I asked suddenly.

"Well, I'm going to do anything it takes to convince him that I'm going to take care of you." Seth replied.

"What if that doesn't work?" I pointed out.

"Why would it work? Doesnt he want you to be happy? "

"Well, ever since Derek and I broke up, he has been extremely protective of me. I mean, he knew how much Derek hurt me, so he promised that he would make sure that no one would hurt me again."

"He's a good brother. Sure he's very protective, but he just wants the best for you. I don't really blame him." Seth said.

"I don't either, but it's just sort of frustrating and annoying. I mean I'm not a baby anymore. I can take care of myself fine." I stated.

"There's nothing wrong about having a loving brother by your side."

"I know." I said.

"But seriously, I will never hurt you. Derek was a total jerk for whatever he did to you." Seth assured me.

"I believe you. I really do. Even if my brother might not have a lot of trust in you anymore, what matters is that I trust you."

We arrived at the hotel and we walked in. Seth and I walked into the elevator and I pressed the button to the third floor where my room was. Seth walked me to my room as we held hands.

"Thanks again for giving me a chance, Erica. You won't regret it." Seth said as we arrived at my hotel room.

"I better not, Rollins." I joked.

He smiled and leaned in, pressing his lips against mine. I pulled his head towards me, deepening the kiss. I pulled away for a minute.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"Sure, anything." Seth said.

I thought about it for a second. "No, forget it."

"Come on, E. Tell me."

I bit down on my lip and sighed."Will you promise me that you would never break me? Promise that you won't hurt me. Promise me that, please."

"I promise."


Yay they're together!

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Nobody Love by- Tori Kelly.

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