Celaena - The Lost Princess

By AshK009

1.4K 125 17

Twin boys: always together, college heartthrobs, pretty easy life, gets what they want, with sweet family, lo... More

Things I would like to say
Character Aesthetic
1. The half-sister
2. The Cousin, we never knew
3. Mystery girl
4. Professor McDreamy
5. Element of surprise
6. Exceptional
7. Andrew's girl
8. Turtle 2.0
9. End is the Beginning
10. Nightmares
12. She Speaks
13. Surprises, Surprises
15. Thumbs and tongue
16. Rhea Amari
17. Bestfriend
18. Roses
20. Meeting with the Dean
21. PJ
22. Unexpected confession
23. Back to past self
24. The day has arrived

19. The Famous Three

49 4 2
By AshK009

Ryan's pov

Days are going fast and whole college is fawning over Rhea Amari and she, fawning over Liarah. Whenever they are together, it's only Rhea talking and Liarah listening. It's like Rhea is the only person to ever have Liarah's attention wholly on her. Liarah looks content and peaceful whenever she's with Rhea.

They're dynamic is still a mystery. How do they know eachother so well? Why is Liarah the way she is? Why does Liarah look at Rhea as if she is the only person in the world? How can Rhea and Liarah be this close when they both are complete opposite of eachother?

I lift my gaze towards Liarah sitting at the corner reading a book with her hair covering face. Today she's wearing a big black hoodie at least four-five times bigger than her size and has covered her head with the hood. She's holding the book in left hand and hasn't changed her position since she has sat down.

Others have scattered around the team lab working in pairs, Thomas and Jamie working together on their presentations. Sophie and Johnathan working together since they're assigned same presentation. Well I've finished my task this morning so I'm free, that's the reason I'm observing everyone.

My eyes travel back to Liarah. She had to create a virus which is pretty tough task, given the expectations professor has voiced. But she doesn't look bothered or interested. I try to focus on the book she's reading, as I try to read the title my focus shifts to her fingers holding the book. She has long, slender fingers but that's not what I'm admiring, it's small tattoos adorning her fingers. They are small symbols on her knuckles, looks like Viking symbols. Her little finger though has a single red line kind of tattoo. I wonder if she has more tattoos.

"Good evening everyone, I hope everyone is ready with their presentations. If you haven't, there's the door you can walkout. With that being said don't disappoint me" Professor enters the lab and takes his seat at the back.

Presentation starts with Thomas. Thomas being Thomas covered everything about how to breakdown a firewall. Pretty detailed presentation, it took 15 mins for his presentation. Then goes Sophie and Johnathan taking 20 mins presenting about different types of virus. Lastly Jamie presents antivirus. All presentation were pretty good but I don't think it impressed Devil though. He only responded a single 'good' on Thomas's presentation.

Now it's our turn. With Liarah being the genius she is, I'm totally f*cked up. Professor turns his head towards me and asks "have you finished all upgrading?" I nod. He proceeds to get team back-up laptop and places it in front desk then turns to Liarah saying "you can proceed" he gives her the email id logged into the system and sits infront of laptop. Everyone else shuffles to the front to see if Liarah can break into professor's system.

Liarah still in the corner starts working. Laptop chimes and notification of an email pops up. Professor proceeds to open the email since it's from college's official ID. Must be from the dean from the look of it. Looks like an invitation for the National College fest. At the same time we all received the same email so everybody started checking the email. Seeing this professor opened the invitation and started looking through it.

A full minute has passed since opening the invitation, professor goes wide eyes and curses under his breath. He puts on his glasses and tries to log out of the system but nothing is happening. We all look confused for a moment and then suddenly it all clicked. This whole email thing was a trick. Liarah deliberately did this to breach his system. We all turned to check Liarah, who is furiously typing on her computer.

Professor is trying all he can to stop breaching. He seems frustrated, a nice look for a change. He lets out a frustrated huff and rubs his temple then try some other ways to block the breaching. Everyone seems on the edge, not knowing what is about to happen. Both Liarah and professor completely involved in working. Whole room is silent the only sound is of fingers hitting keyboard.

Time passes as professor is trying to shutdown the system, he looks like he's ready to throw the laptop any minute. Now there's beeping noise coming from the professor's laptop and it runs completely on its own.

Screen shows 'system breach is complete. Proceeding to copy data' System starts to glitch and then and goes dark completely. Professor removes his glasses, sighs as he run a hand through his hair. Suddenly screen pops up with a message 'Great Efforts👍🏼' with a thumbs up emoji.

Everyone is trying so hard to hold their laughter. I can see professor's face going red, may be from rage or embarassment, can't tell.

Liarah removes the memory stick from her laptop and walks to the front. She stands face to face with the defeated professor and gives him the memory stick.

Professor goes to say something but her phone rings. She picks up the phone not even checking the ID "ReeRee" she says. After a pause she continues "stay where you are ReeRee, I'll come and get you" another pause "you don't know the D block that well so stay in your classroom and wait for me" she frowns a little, I'm guessing Rhea isn't listening to her. "I'm almost done so you don't.... ReeRee.. hey ReeRee can you hear me?" She suddenly looks terrified and she shouts "Rhea" and then checks her phone swearing "f*ck, f*ck, f*ck" and starts running out of the room. We all look at each other for a moment and then I start to run after her knowing something must have gone really bad for her to react that way.

She's running towards the D block shouting Rhea on top her voice. I check behind me to see whole team and the professor following us. She looks frantic checking her phone and opening every classroom as she passes. We all now deduced that Rhea is in trouble so we all start looking for her ourselves. Thomas turns at a corner picks up something and curses loudly. Liarah runs to him and he hands her phone he found on the floor.

She looks scared for a moment and then anger takes up her whole feature. She then runs off in the direction Thomas picked the phone from and starts kicking open the classroom as she passes. She takes a turn and goes to search classrooms from upstairs. I follow her and start searching classrooms in the opposite direction. Some classrooms were locked so I couldn't open it.

My phone started ringing and I pick up quickly knowing it's from my brother because of the ringtone. "Hel.."
"Come to D block now" and I hangup.

This classroom is empty, immediately backup looking for other classroom. Suddenly I heard something falling. I run in that direction to a classroom. As soon as I reach the door, Liarah is on the floor like someone just threw her off. She gets up with a blank expression and walks towards me behind her were 3 boys, the famous three is what they are know around the campus, popular students whose family is rich and has ins with college board members. I never got their names though. I was in a trance and couldn't do anything until Liarah shuts the door on my face and locks it.

I quickly break off my trance and starts banging the door "Liarah open the door"

Others gather around me quickly, after hearing the door slamming and my shout. Thomas and professor are the ones to reach me first. Thomas frantically asks "What happened? Where is Liarah? Did she find Rhea?"

Professor steps infront and asks Thomas to just breath. I've never seen Thomas so worried about someone else. " Liarah locked the door" I say running towards the windows knowing we can't open the damn door since it's locked from inside. It's one of the private rooms used by board members so it can't be opened as easily from outside.

Nate joins us looking confused and asks me why we all look so worried as I was trying to open the window. Why is this damn window isn't opening "arghhh" Nate backs up and kicks the window breaking the glass. I remove the latch and try to check what's happening.

The sight inside is not what I was hoping. Two of the boys blonde and the brunette are holding Liarah while other blue dyed hair boy is punching her. Nate sucks a breath and starts cursing. Professor comes running towards the window and he's pissed at the sight. "Open the f*cking door you bastards" he shouts.

For a moment one punching Liarah stops to turn towards the window, smirking he turns back just to receive a kick on the face. He stumbles down to the floor. Other two gets angry and grab her hair forcing her into the wall but can't take a step forward. Liarah holds her ground and headbutt the blonde, releasing one of her arm free. As soon as she got an arm free she punches the brunette, freeing herself. The one on the floor recovers and charges towards her. Liarah acting quickly sidesteps and holds the back of his neck and slams him into the floor then kicks him in the chest. She moves on to the other two, who tries to attack her together. She runs off towards the wall stepping on it to jump in the air, kicking the brunette and grabbing right hand of the blonde. She brings his hand over her shoulder slams into it clearly breaking his hand. He screams so loud that the people walking by the block have come up running.

She grabs the blue hair boy drags him to the wall and slams his head to the wall then kicks him in the nuts he howls out in pain clutching his groin. Brunette now tries to run towards the door but Liarah catches him kicking him in the knee, holds his head with both her hand then slams into her knee. As he falls she kicks him in the groin just like she did the other.

She grabs the ankle all 3 of the boys and gathers them in the front. Blonde starts lifting his head, Liarah bends down punches his face repeatedly until he passes out. This reminds me of something Rhea told Powell girl at cafeteria, something along the line 'you don't want to see her lose control because if you do, you won't be able to sleep peacefully' Now I can see exactly what Rhea meant. She gives them all a menacing look then gravely says "you don't touch a woman without her consent" then kicks them all the nuts like a crazy woman then she stops. This time I examine her, she has a busted lips, bruise along her cheeks, a cut near her eyebrow with blood dripping down silently.

She goes to the very back of the classroom where chairs are blocking the view and starts removing her hoodie. Everyone goes wide eyes at this action. I can hear gasps and curses around me. As soon as she removes her hoodie she crouches down and does something. When she stands up she's supporting Rhea, who's now wearing Liarah's hoodie which reaches just above her knees. Her hair, makeup everything is a mess. There a scratches around her neck and cheeks. Eyes are puffy from crying. She's slightly limping. This is bad. This is really bad.

Liarah leads her to the front, looks at her and growls "Listen to me carefully Rhea" Liarah lifts Rhea's chin and stares into her eyes and points to the floor where the bastards are at "kick them, punch them, scratch them, scream at them, kill them if you want, cry your eyes out but once you are done, you won't let this ever bother you in your life, you won't ever look down at yourself because of this event, you won't shed a tear because of this" she clenches her fist "You will walk out with your head held high. Do you understand?" She asks. Rhea nods her head and turn towards the 3 boys. She screams and starts kicking, cursing and slamming their head onto the floor.

This time I take a good look at Liarah. My heart skips a beat. I see there a goddess standing. Liarah stands in her sports bra and jeans. She has a tiny waist, a wide hip and perfect breasts. She's an art, a sculpture so perfectly sculpted. She has a body any girl would die for. A perfection. Her whole body is covered in tattoos.

First tatto I notice is on her chest. It looks like a tattoo of archangel Michael, wings spreads through out her upper chest just below her collarbone. Archangel body stands along the middle of her chest holding sword facing downwards on his both hands. There's another tattoo peaking from left side of her jeans waist, it's of a rose vine. It has few red and white roses here and there and the vine end with a beautiful red rose which is situated just below archangel's foot and sword. Her right side has tattoo of some writing, which is really hard to make out. Her hands has so many different tattoos, all intricate patterns like some tribal tattoos and there's also more writing and numbers which aren't too visible to read from distance. Her throat has beautiful Lotus tattoo. Her back though, it's covered completely in a tattoo of phoenix rising from fire. These are the tattoos that I can makeout from the distance.

I'm broken from admiring Liarah session by unlocking of the door. Everyone run towards the door with professor me and Nate being the first. One of administrator brought the key and unlocked the door. We all stand outside the door, Rhea still kicking the unconscious boys on the floor. Administrator tries to get in, Liarah glares at him with such hatred, he stiffly stops in his track. She tilts her head like a maniac and calmly states "take one more step inside, you'll be joining those 3" He gulps backing up the door.

This time I notice a silver chain around her neck. It has 2 military dog tags and a ring. The ring, it looks like an engagement ring, a simple silver ring with a small diamond. The ring stirs some bad feelings in me.

Rhea has stoped hitting but hasn't stopped crying. She slowly sobers, stands up and hugs Liarah like her life's depending on it. Liarah strokes her head and places a sweet kiss on her forehead and whispers "I love you ReeRee" softly. Rhea sniffles out "i love you too" dries her tears and nods at Liarah.

Rhea grabs Liarah's hand and walks out. Professor removes his jacket and wraps it around Liarah. For a moment she looks stunned but recovers mumbling a small thank you. Both of them walk out hand in hand proudly.

Our attention shift back to the 3 unconscious boys on floor. Administrator has already called an ambulance for them.

There's a CCTV camera installed in the corridor so if police is involved Liarah can prove she beat them up as an act of self-defense. I made a mental note to hack college security and download today's clip. Since the boys parents are close to college board members and Dean there are chances of clips being deleted.

Our team along with professor and Nate makes our way back to lab to get our things and close it up. As soon as we reached, professor closes the door, gets super serious "Everyone try and hack college security system and download today's D block, second floor corridor camera recordings and save it in your personal devices"

Everyone nods and gets to work along with professor. Just after 5 minutes he stops working. Then we receive a notification on our phone. I check my email it's of camera footage sent by professor. We all stop working and wait for him to speak.

"Let's not discuss what happened in the D block today. Miss Amari being a celebrity will attract unwanted attention, mainly negative ones. We all know this institute will try and close this case, protecting the culprits. So keep this incident with yourselves until Miss Amari speaks up, asking for eye witness" he looks at for agreement, with a nod " that's all for today, you can all leave" and leaves.

I can feel Nate's patience running thin as his legs are bouncing rapidly. He wants to question but couldn't, not until professor would leave. As soon as professor left, Nate grabs my shoulder and demands answer.

I sigh running hand through my face "I don't know the whole story but from what I saw I can only guess those three bastards tried to force themselves on Rhea. Liarah might have reached before they could do some serious damage though. She was quick to search for her. Rest you've seen by yourself. That's all I know"

"Why did professor asked everyone to hack college security?" He asks. Sometimes I wonder how can he be my twin? I shake my head and answer "those three boys parents are very influential people they might get the footage deleted making it seem like those bastards innocent and Liarah beat them up without any reason"

His mouth forms an 'O' like it just now clicked for him. We pack our bag and walk out of the college. I just want to take hot bath and sleep for whole week. I'm too tired to function properly. Flashes of Liarah's body is messing up with my head. I really really need a long ass bath and never-ending sleep......

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