
By sidnick22

9.3K 320 96

A musician discovers something major about herself, and the trials that come along with it, well that's just... More



179 7 2
By sidnick22

December 11, 2010

It was between her set and her waitressing time. She had changed into her performance clothes, a burgundy long sleeve body con dress and her black platform boots and she was fixing her high wavy ponytail in the mirror when a knock came at the "dressing room" door.

"Come In." She calls grabbing her makeup to touch everything up. 

"This belongs to you." Moe lets Samantha in.

"Sam, what are you doing here." She asks.

"Will's here." 

"He's what?" Annabel gasps.

"Yeah, Moe let us in. Come meet him." She holds her hand out.

Annabel cocks an eyebrow and sets her lipstick down before taking Samantha's hand and following her out of the room. Samantha brought her to a table where a boy with brown curly hair and blue eyes was sitting. He was smoking a cigarette and Annabel was immediately concerned. But she pushed that to the side because the boy looked familiar to her, she just couldn't place it.

"Will this is Annabel." Samantha pulls her down into a chair.

"So you're the one joining us for Christmas?" 

"Am I..." She looked at Samantha.

"Yeah, Will talked to his family about it." 

"My dad said that more the merrier. We own a five bedroom house down there so you'll have a room. He owns a private jet so airfare is covered. You'll just have to buy your own food and stuff."  William nods.

"What kind of food?" 

"What do you mean?" Samantha looks at her.

"They own the house, so am I to buy groceries or am I to buy my own meals at restaurants?' 

"Both, we always eat at Fleetwood's on Front Street. We're there for two weeks so we'll probably eat out a minimum of three times." William looks at her and that's when it clicks in her head. Fleetwood's on Front Street. That meant Mick Fleetwood and then looking at William she recognized Lindsey Buckingham...if she had it right she was staring at her little brother. And in that moment, she wanted to show off the skill that Lindsey Buckingham had given to her. 

She nods and stands up and goes towards the stage. They were front and center so it was going to be fun. 

"Hey Ya'll, I'm Annabel. Let's get this started." She strums her guitar. 

I remember vividly what that vision did to me
You laying with her in our bed
Love can be a tragedy
When you do what you did to me
All I'm seeing now is red

I need to repent
A sin for a sin

Bible told me to forget
All those who trespass against
Tread their feet on sacred ground

Bad things come with consequence
What feels good, hurts in the end
Dont want to think about that now

I need to repent
A sin for a sin

Fire and brimstone
Dirt and a headstone
Bury them, baby
Along with your sins
Hear the thunder
Six feet under
Hit your knees
Wont do it again

Guilty pleasure
Ease the pain
Whisky runnin through my veins
Too late to save you now

I need to repent
A sin for a sin

Fire and brimstone
Dirt and a headstone
Bury them deep
Along with your sins
Hear the thunder
Six feet under
Hit your knees
Wont do it again
I remember vividly
What that vision did to me

She watched William and Samantha intently during her first song and she watched him put out his cigarette and stare at her intently. It was almost like he knew that they were somehow connected but he couldn't figure it out. Once her set was finished, she gathered herself and her stuff and then she walked back down to William and Samantha.

"So when do we take off?" 

"December 17th, at 6:30." 

"We'll be there...Samantha...Let's go."

"But we..." 

"I'm sure William needs to get home." 

"Yeah but we..."

"Samantha. Now." 

"Fine, give me a minute." She groans. 

"I'll be waiting in my car." 

As she's walking out of the bar, she's counting her tips and she approaches Moe. "I'm going to need December 17th through the 31st off. I get to go chaperone those two in Hawaii for Christmas." She points to Sam who is practically riding William in the middle of the bar and as disgusted as Annabel is, they don't know. They don't know that Annabel and William are siblings. 

"That one needs to be careful." He nods.

"I know, I practically had to force her to go on birth control." She explains. 


When they get home that night Garrett is nowhere to be found and Samantha just looks at her. "We were going to go for a walk in the park." 

"At midnight, yeah no...Sam I care about you, I don't like that he smokes, and I can't accurately judge him based off of what I saw tonight...but what I can tell you, is that you WILL be sleeping with me in Hawaii, and YOU will be the one paying for the groceries that we buy and bring on this trip." 

"I get the groceries because I'm the one that's having you come with me, but why do I have to sleep with you?" 

"Just, please do it. For me. Please." Annabel states walking into her bedroom. 

She throws her bag on her bed and angrily showers before she starts pacing around the room. It was so odd, because she didn't have anything to be mad about. She was so excited to be going to Hawaii, but if she was right, she would be meeting her biological father and he wouldn't know that she was his daughter and it was stressing  her out to no end. She was trying to build a wall around herself to protect her from what was going to happen. 

They were either going to hit off or they weren't. If they weren't she didn't know if she'd be able to live with herself. Because that would be her dad. Not to mention, William had to have a mother and it certainly wasn't Stevie Nicks. So she had to deal with a step mom that might not even like her and Sam has mentioned his sisters so it was all just a trifecta of shit that she was scared to deal with and didn't want to deal with. But as she was pacing back and forth she stubbed her toe on her records and when she looked down, Go Insane, by Lindsey Buckingham was staring up at her and she finally calmed down, because she was going to meet her daddy. As scary as it was. 

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