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October 3, 2012

It was Lindsey's 63rd birthday so all four of the Buckingham children were at Lindsey and Annabel's house. They were having a cook out for the most part. Lindsey wanted to grill steaks so he was grilling steaks and everyone was just kind of chilling. 

They were on the back deck, Stella was throwing balls around for Prince and Bowie. Samantha, Garrett, Blake, William, and Annabel were talking on the patio and Lindsey and Leelee were in the house doing the dishes. Having been a whopping two almost three years since  Annabel morphed into Lindsey's family it was almost instinctive that Garrett and Blake got to know them as well. Especially after they moved Annabel into Lindsey's condo and then subsequently moved them into the house.

Their conversation was broken when they heard Lindsey's cell phone ring. Annabel got up and looked at it and then she grabbed it and made her way to the back door.

"Daddy it's, Irving Azoff." She knew that was a big name in music and Lindsey probably should get the phone.

But by the time Lindsey got out there drying his hands, the phone had stopped ringing.

"He probably just wanted to wish me a happy birthday. I'll call him back right now." Lindsey states taking the phone from her and heading back into the house. 

The teens nonchalantly listened into the conversation but they only got the one side of it. Mostly "Oh's" and "Really,"  "Well Let me think about it." He hung up and then he went into his bedroom. 

"What do we think that was about?" Leelee asks coming out onto the patio. 

"I have no idea Lee. I'll go check on him." Annabel sighs going into the house and knocking on his bedroom door.

He called after her to come in and when she got in there he was sitting on his bed looking at a piece of paper. 

"What's that?" 

"I wrote it, the night we went to the Hall of Fame..." 

"It's a song?" 

"Yeah...it's a song. Um, I've been thinking about your mom a lot recently. Since the moment I figured out you were our daughter." 


"Can I confide in you, this doesn't leave this bedroom." He looks at her.

"Of course daddy."

"When you were taken from us, it broke us....broke us to the point where I started looking into alcohol. She did too, but she'd rather buy a bottle of wine and drink it in the bathtub. I preferred to go to the bar because it got me out of that Condo. It got me out of staring at that stupid unused nursery that we worked so hard on designing for you....It was Loony Tunes. Your mom loves the Looney Tunes...the bar is where I met Kristen...The bar is how we got William. I didn't want to leave Stevie...I was more than willing to co-parent William. But she didn't want me to be a half time parent. She wanted  me to experience fatherhood because she couldn't give that too me. We fought about it for Six months and then I finally got sick of it and walked away. Kristen and I were only together-together for like two and half months and then William happened. That's why I didn't marry her until After Stella was born. That's why when I caught her cheating, I didn't throw a fit. I just walked out of the room because I didn't care. I didn't love her...I loved your mom and part of me still does...Fleetwood Mac wants to go on tour...well Mick does, John agreed because I mean it's Fleetwood MAC vie. John goes everywhere Mick does. Stevie agreed to go they are just waiting on me and I don't know if I want too...because the dynamics are going to be so different now that I'm divorced. I don't know if I'm ready for it yet." He sighs.

"I want to sing this." Annabel looks at her father after examining the paper in his hand. 

"It's a duet. It's a would-be Fleetwood Mac song." 

"Come on." She grabs his guitar and the lyrics and then she heads back out to the porch. 

"So, who here other than my dad can sing a duet with me?" 

"Blake is a great singer." Garrett nudges his arm.

"I sing while I'm cooking, that's hardly being a great singer." 

"But you sound decent." Garrett shrugs.

"I mean, I can give it a try." Blake sighs.

"Great, I'm going to get really close to you, and we're going to look at these lyrics together. Daddy who starts?" 

"Blake would." Lindsey sighs grabbing his guitar to start playing.

"Alight, here we go...one, two, three, go." Annabel counts them off and Lindsey starts playing. 

I wouldn't mind being alone
I wouldn't keep checking my phone
Wouldn't take the long way home
Just to drive myself crazy
I wouldn't be losing sleep
Remembering everything
Everything you said to me
Like I'm doing lately

You, you wouldn't be all
All that I want
Baby I could let go

If I didn't love you I'd be good by now
I'd be better than barely getting by somehow
Yeah it would be easy not to miss you
Wonder about who's with you

Turn the "want you" off whenever I want to
If I didn't love you
If I didn't love you

I wouldn't still cry sometimes
Wouldn't have to fake a smile
Play it off and tell a lie
When somebody asked how I've been

I'd try to find someone new (Someone new
It should be something I can do (I could do
Baby if it weren't for you
I wouldn't be in the state that I'm in

Yeah, you
You wouldn't be all
All that I want
Baby, I could let go

If I didn't love you I'd be good by now
I'd be better than barely getting by somehow
Yeah it would be easy not to miss you
Wonder about who's with you

Turn the "want you" off whenever I want to
If I didn't love you
If I didn't love you
Oh, if I didn't love you

It wouldn't be so hard to see you
Know how much I need you
Wouldn't hate that I still feel like I do
If I didn't love you

Oh, if I didn't love you
If I didn't love you

If I didn't love you I'd be good by now
I'd be better than barely getting by somehow
Yeah it would be easy not to miss you
Wonder about who's with you

Turn the "want you" off whenever I want to
If I didn't love you (Yeah
If I didn't love you
Oh, if I didn't love you
If I didn't love you
If I didn't love you
If I didn't love you

After they finished singing, Lindsey wiped a tear from his eye and then Annabel stood up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind. 

"I think, you should do it. Go on tour with Fleetwood Mac."

"Okay." He nods turning his head and kissing her cheek. 

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