236 8 1

May 21, 2013

Lindsey's Lincoln was getting used again and Annabel felt utterly fancy. The Lincoln sat eight people. 6 were going. William would be driving, Annabel sitting in the passenger seat. Samantha, Garrett, Blake, and Leelee. Stella wanted to go, but she had a horse competition that Kristen wouldn't let her get out of, but Kristen promised her she could go to the LA shows. Because Annabel didn't want to leave the dogs with Stella and Kristen, Stella would be fine, Kristen might try to poison them,  the dogs were being boarded for a couple of nights. After the show, Stevie and Lindsey, and Sulamith, would be driving back down to Los Angeles. 

"LET'S GO BELLE!" William calls from the living room. He was antsy. Yes, it was a six hour drive, but it was only eight in the morning. They had time. Fleetwood Mac wouldn't be in San Jose until 9 at night anyway. 

She just rolls her eyes and finishes packing her bag as Samantha busts into her room. "You're not even dressed yet?" 

"I'm fine, my stuff is laid out." She shakes her head. 

"You're going to wear that to travel in?" She looks at the pile of clothing on the chair in the corner of the room. 

"What's wrong with it?" Annabel asks.

"It looks really nice." She states.

"I'll be fine. Fleetwood Mac, save for my dad dresses to the nines when they fly anywhere." She shakes her head.

"I'm excited to meet your mom." Samantha states dropping onto the bed. 

"Why?" Annabel cocks an eyebrow. Samantha didn't like classic rock music, she would have no idea who Stevie Nicks was if it wasn't for Annabel. 

"William talks about her a lot...I guess when he was younger he had a better relationship with her then Kristen. But after Stella was born, she just kind of dropped off the face of the earth, unless they had gone to a Fleetwood Mac concert." Samantha tells her.

"She probably couldn't face it." Annabel sighs pulling her pajamas off and changing into her outfit. She had chosen a white flowy peplum style blouse  with light pink, light blue, and orange flowers on it with three quarter length frilly sleeves. For pants, she had chosen a pair of high waisted white shorts and on her feet she slid into her brown Birkenstocks. Lindsey had gotten her a black pair and a brown pair. The black pair is just a normal Birkenstock, the brown pair has criss cross straps. She pulled her waves back into a messy ponytail and then they finally hit the road. 


They had gotten to the hotel around 2:45 that afternoon, but they couldn't check in until three so they had lunch at the restaurant and Garrett about had a heart attack at the prices of the food, but both William and Annabel had assured him that the Buckingham's would be covering the meal. Well Annabel Buckingham would be. Will was paying for his younger sister and Samantha. After they checked in they went their separate ways. Annabel had been handed four keys and she didn't understand why but she just tucked them into her purse and checked out the suite they had. They were staying at the Westin and their suite was the Palm suite. Sam,  Annabel, and Lee, had gone to the spa and the boys were doing god knows what, but they had met up in the lobby at 8:45. 

"So like what do they do when celebrities come?" Blake asks.

"Nothing, Karen, Ray, and the respective assistants check them in and they take the back way. But I checked dad in, dad and I are sharing a suite so he'll probably just come in here." Annabel shrugs. 

"UNCLE JEFF!" William calls and the group whips around to see an older man who looked a lot like Lindsey and four girls walk over to them.

They hugged and shook hands and then they turned to look at the four other interlopers. 

"Uncle Jeff, this is my girlfriend Samantha. Sam this is my dad's oldest brother Jeff." 

"Nice to meet you Mr. Buckingham." Samantha smiles. 

"Pleasure." He shakes her hand. '

"This is Sam's brother Garrett and his boyfriend Blake." They shake hands. 

"And Uncle Jeff, this is Annabel..." 

"That Annabel?" He asks.

"Annabel Alice Buckingham, yeah." William nods.

"Hi it's nice to finally meet you." She gives a sweet smile.

"You look like your mom..." He nods.

"That's what they tell me." She nods.

"I remember your mom when she was your age, you're the spitting image. Give me a hug kiddo." He opens his arms and she nods walking into the hug. 

"Belle, this is Jeff's wife Ronda, and our cousins, Jamie, Amy, and Laura." 

"Nice to meet you." She smiles pulling away. 

"I've actually never met your mom, She was before my time, but I'm excited to meet her tonight." Ronda grins. 

"Aunt Stevie is special..." Amy smiles

"Aunt Stevie?" 

"I'm old, I'm in my  thirties. I was born a year before Mirage, so they were still kinda together but not when I was growing up so I just called her Aunt Stevie. And Cory does too, because Cory works for her."

"I know, I've already met Cory. I'm sad I never got to meet her mom and dad because she's a great woman." Annabel nods.

"You'll meet Daryl tomorrow. But I think Greg would've loved to meet you. I think he was the most excited out of all of us when they told us you were coming and he was the one that went out there when you were put up for adoption, because Laura's the same age as you are and I wasn't going to leave my three month old. And our mom, our mom would've loved you...She loved your mom. Stevie was her 'only daughter' you would've been special to her." Jeff assures squeezing her shoulder. 

"I hope you have my key because I need to take a piss." She hears from behind her and she whips around and launches herself at Lindsey.

"DADDY!" He catches her in his arms and Stevie pushes her sunglasses up to her hair. 

"Hey baby." Stevie smiles when Annabel pulls away from Lindsey and wraps her arms around her mother. 

"Linds...Are we sure she's yours...she's her mother's twin." Jeff points as the brothers share a quick bro-hug. 

"She's mine...she has my temper. But seriously I really have to pee so can we..."

"Oh yeah here." She digs in her purse and hands her dad a key card. But she cocks and eyebrow when Stevie holds her hand out as well.

"We've been sharing a suite since we went to Canada." Stevie informs her. 

"You ARE fucking I..." Annabel is cut off by her father clasping his hand over her mouth and steering her towards the elevator. 

"Maybe she is your child..." Jeff laughs.

"I'm telling you." Lindsey rolls his eyes. "Come on kids, we'll congregate in our suite and then come down here in a little bit. Mick reserved the restaurant out at 9:30." 

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