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Annabel got off stage and she greeted her parents and Stevie just smiled at her. "Are you okay now?"

"I want to get to the bottom of it..." Annabel sighs when they get back into Stevie's dressing room. 

"Okay, why don't you go back to the hotel and make some calls. Your mom and I will join you after we perform." Lindsey looks at her.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." Annabel nods. 

"Annabel, I know it's only been a few days, but I love you. I really do love you." Stevie grabs her cheeks and kisses her forehead. 

"Thanks mom." Annabel sighs collecting her stuff and heading out to the cars to head back to the hotel. 

Before Annabel did anything, she got in the shower and then she changed into a pair of light blue silk sleep shorts and a gray tank top. Afterwards, she plopped into her bed and dialed Garrett's number. 

"Long time no hear." Garrett answers the phone.

"I know I'm sorry...Tour with dad has been crazy...but I found something out." Annabel sighs.

"What did you find out?" Garrett inquires.

"I think Edith may have kidnapped me." Annabel falls into her pillows. 

"What?" Garrett gasps.

"Stevie and Lindsey, my biological parents both told me that the social worker that took me from then was named Edith Charleston." 

"Wasn't that your...adoptive mom's maiden name?" 

"Yes, yes it is...that's why I believe that I was kidnapped." She states.

"So what are you going to do?" Garrett asks.

"Well, I come home tomorrow. I think I'm going to have to go back to Utah. Talk to some judges, and the court house...I don't know, I don't think my adoption was legal. If I can't find anything out in Utah, I'm going to have to dig in California and I'm freaking out." 

"Well, you'll be home tomorrow, and we can talk about it in more detail when you get home." She huffs.

"I'm going to need a lot of help Garrett, because I don't know if I can do this by myself." 

"I will...I help you the best I can. Look, you sound exhausted so gets some sleep." He tells her.

"Yeah, I will. See you tomorrow Garrett." 

When she hangs up the phone she does a lip twill and then she starts flipping through her phone. Her contacts mostly...and her thumb hoovered a woman who she hasn't talked to in years. She rolls her eyes and throws her phone to the end of the bed. She doesn't know how long she blankly stares at the wall, memories from her childhood coming back to haunt her, but the next thing she knows, someone is knocking on the door. 

"Hey, can we come in?" Her father asks. 

She huffs and scoots up slightly. "Yeah." 

When he and Stevie walk into the room, he lingers in the corner, Stevie crawls on the bed with her. 

"What's running through your mind?" Stevie asks.


It takes Stevie a moment but then she registered that she was the one being spoken too. Mama was a foreign word to her, especially coming from Annabel because it was usually Stevie or Mom. 

"What baby?" She turns her head. She was squished on the edge of the bed. Annabel was laying on "Stevie's side" of the bed, so when she crawled in with her, it was just a natural feeling to wedge herself on the edge of that side of the bed, half of her butt was literally on the night stand. 

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