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Getting home for the night, Samantha is popping popcorn and Garrett is in his bedroom, not being quiet. 

"He actually brought a boy home?" Annabel inquires cocking an eyebrow setting her guitar case down. 

"He did. William dropped me off and when I got up here they were dry humping on the couch. The guy has like tattoos and he looks like a druggy but I'm not going to kick him out because Garrett rarely has boy toys." Samantha shrugs.

"Well, I just hope he's careful...speaking of boy toys. You've been dating William for a year now...when are we going to meet this boy?" Annabel asks. She had been Sam's Pseudo-big sister since she moved in with them at fifteen.

"I don't know...he's kinda...he's guarded. I guess his dad is really famous. Famous to the point where he won't tell me his last name." 

"Sam, that's a giant red flag." Annabel rolls her eyes.

"He wants to make sure we're serious serious before he does that." 

"It's been a year." 

"I know, he's talking about spending the holidays with me though so maybe then he'll finally budge."

"Well I guess that's something. I'm um, going to hop in the shower and then get some sleep. You should too. Don't you have an audition tomorrow?" 

"Not until three." 

"Well still." Annabel states grabbing her guitar and heading into her bedroom. 

She takes her makeup off and climbs in the shower. Each of them have their own bathroom so that's at least a bonus...but they don't have a laundry room so that's a drawback of their tiny apartment. 

As she's shampooing her brownie-blonde hair that lands mid back she starts thinking about her parents. Not the Bekker's no...Stevie and Lindsey. She does it every few months. Creating a new scenario in her head about why she was given up. As soon as she found out she was adopted the situation was that maybe she was a one night stand and neither of them wanted her. Stevie had, had abortions before according to several media outlets. Then when she was eighteen it was that they didn't think they could take care of her with their careers and they were too selfish to step back and raise a child. She liked that one, because it allowed her to separate herself from them. She was angry about it. But in the most recent years it's been a feeling of, maybe something terrible happened. She couldn't imagine what they could do to get her taken away from though. 

Once she got out of the shower she dried off and changed into her pajama set. A pair of grey shorts with dark gray and light pink stripes on them paired with a light pink oversized crop top that literally fell off of her shoulders, but it was a gift from Garrett for Christmas one year so she dealt with it. Annabel didn't allow herself a lot of luxuries, but she did have an iPhone 4 so once she settled into her bed she googled Stevie Nicks 1986. The Molly Meldrum tapes appeared and she watched the whole fifty minutes of it. 

For some reason she pulled out her notebook and she took notes. There were so many similarities there that it was shocking. Not only to Stevie, but there was a point where she talked about Lindsey playing guitar from a very young age. But what she noticed about her mother was that she was rocking back and forth in the seat. Annabel does that too, but Stevie's rocking was almost like she was jittery that she needed to do something. She couldn't tell if she was pregnant or not in the tapes as she was sitting down and though it was filmed waist up, it really didn't necessarily look like she was pregnant. There was a slight belly there, but every woman has a slight belly when they sit down. As the interview comes to an end though they start talking about family and it almost seems like her arms tighten around her stomach, though the camera zoomed in on her face. 

For someone that cared that much about her family, why would she give her baby up. It didn't make any sense to her. But never the less, she rolled over and went to sleep. 

The next morning when she emerged from her bedroom for Coffee, there was the guy that Garrett brought home and Garrett eating pancakes at the dining room table and neither of them were wearing a lot of clothing.

"Gar-bear, whose your friend?" Annabel inquires.

"You have another sister?" The friend asks.

"No, she's the extra house cat...she's been my best friend since we were like three. Annabel, this is Blake. Blake, Annabel." 

"Nice to meet you." She pours her coffee and as she passes by Garrett she grabs one of the pieces of toast on his plate. 

"You cooked breakfast." She states.

"No, Blake did." 

"I was going to say, you burn water." She nudges him and makes her way back towards her bedroom. 

She finishes up the piece of toast and drinks her coffee pulling out her notebook. She looks at the notes about her mother and then starts thinking about Stevie Nicks' History. She knew there was a tranquilizer problem that she detoxed off of. She remembers the interview where Stevie was on like Entertainment Tonight or something talking about klonopin. She is immediately inspired so she starts writing in loopy cursive handwriting  a song about her mother. A mother that she'll never meet. 

The song itself takes her most of the morning to perfect and she's still working on it at work. The bar is pretty lax during the day. It really starts picking up around three so she gets to spend most of her mornings sat on the edge of the stage writing. 

"What's this one about?" Moe inquires coming up to her.

"Oh, someone famous. No one you know." she smirks.

"You could you know." Moe states.


"Make it big...become famous yourself." 

"It's not what I want though, I'm happy doing this and I'll do it for the rest of my life if you'll let me." 

"Well, I'm happy to help." He winks. 

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