The Will of Two Worlds (Avata...

By SnowyOwlGoddess

343K 13.1K 1.1K

I do not own James Cameron's Avatar. I am a member of a country unlike the greed of Earth outside our walls... More

1. The Journey Outside The Known
2. A Big Step
3. Friends and New Beginnings
4. Waking Up
5. First Sight of Pandora
6. Tom's Twin Brother
7. Cold Hate
8. The Voices of Dreams
9. First Test
10. Reaching Out
11. Preparing to go Outside Hell's Gate
12. Meeting Trudy and Wainfleet
13. Beyond Hell's Gate
14. The Natural Beauty Around Me
15. Following The Trail
16. Meet The Omaticaya
17. Speaking with The Tsahik
18. Return to Hell's Gate
19. Stubborn Brick Wall
20. Grumpy Na'vi
21. Small Steps
22. The Floating Mountains of Pandora
23. Level Ground
24. Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
25. I Hear
26. Face Fear
27. Less Disliked
28. Learning and Changing
29. Shared Hate
30. Time
31. To Decide
32. Untold Truce
33. Learning Who I Am
34. Very Odd
35. Telling Truth's
36. Iknimaya
37. Solros - SunStreak
38. Bonding with Solros
39. Face The Fear
40. Down
41. See Yourself
42. Apology
43. Eyes Opened
44. Epiphany
45. Flying in The Floating Mountains
46. Changing Heart
47. Healing and Storytime
48. Dark and Hidden Secrets
49. Getting To Know Neytiri
50. Becoming One of The People
51. Wise Words
52. Annoying Na'vi Men
53. The Downhill Spiral
54. True Sight of Eywa
55. Accepting
56. The Tree of Voices
57. Injured
58. The Kindling
59. The Lit Fire
60. Admitting Partial Truths
61. Broken Once More
62. Falling, Falling, Falling Down
63. Alone
64. Grace
65. Painful Decision
66. Do you love him?
67. Spirit Dream
68. The Mind, The Heart, The Soul
69. Grief
70. Battle Cry!
71. Out of Control
72. Kekunan Clan
73. Prove Your Worth
74. Take Flight
75. The Na'vi of The Jungle
76. Hettie's Prize Arrows
77. Ca'lil
78. Talking to Eywa
79. Broken Trust
80. Hiding Place
81. Powerful Words
82. Battle Paint
83. Battle for The Tree of Souls
84. Rogue-1
85. Thousand Pieces
86. Loss
87. Daughter of Eywa
88. Hope
89. Giving All I Am
90. Care
91. Tending To Wounds
92. Jhake and Neytiri
93. Full Truth
94. Believe
95. The Plan
96. Hidden Me
97. Awkward
98. Seeing The World Differently
99. Hettie The Sky Person
100. Heti The Daughter of Eywa
Bonus Chapter: Living My Life
Additional Facts and Interesting Points
News and Something Special!!!!
Sequel Now Being Released!
Bonus Chapter: Tsu'tey meets Hettie, Tsu'tey POV
New Book: Life Force

Bonus Chapter: Fear of Falling, Hettie's POV

1.5K 30 3
By SnowyOwlGoddess

"Come on, you Elder raised brat, you couldn't lift a hammer if I handed it to you, so what makes you think you could join the big kids?" The larger male said, leaning down over me and smirking as I stared up in determination. I heard of the winding roots trail among the other kids and they never seemed to like me, so I wanted to prove myself to be just as strong as they are. So, when Skylar, Matt, and Tehone along with the rest of the crew were taking about going up the winding roots to check out the massive eagle roosting area, I was determined to prove my worth as I approached them and asked to join.

"I may be skinny, Skylar, but I know how to pack a punch, shall I test it on you?" I challenged, clenching and raising a fist. Realistically I knew I was picking a fight I couldn't win, the Elders didn't think it was worth giving me any more combat training than teaching me how to use a bow and arrow. Skylar could beat me up within seconds if he knew I was bluffing.

Surprisingly, he didn't think I was bluffing.

"Fine then, you little mutant, you will be going up the winding roots first... Without the harness." Skylar said, leaning down into my face as I grimaced at his breath. I saw a few of the others look uneasy about Skylar having me go up without a harness, but I have done climbing walls before so I wasn't afraid.

"If that is what it takes to prove myself as just as brave as the rest of you? Then fine, I accept your challenge, Skylar." I said, determined, though I was very nervous but I hid it well. I followed Skylar's crew and froze for a single second when the winding roots came into view. I have only seen them from a distance but they had to be 30 to 40 feet tall up a vertical cliff face, winding and twisting leaving only a few footholds and places to grab.

I stared up at the cliff as we grew closer, realizing just how much of a climb that is as I felt a touch of fear, knowing a fall from that height wouldn't just break bones, it could kill you.

But how else am I going to show others that I am strong enough to go on A Spirit Quest? I squared my shoulders as Skylar turned to me with a smirk, his crew looking a little nervous, but I was determined to prove my worth. I am not some stick in the mud, I will not let others walk over me when I am aiming to do good.

"Go on then, weakling, show us how much of a coward you are." Skylar sneered as I glared at him before looking up at the cliff face as I untied my basket weave I had around my waist for helping collect the meager crops of the year. I already finished my turn around the field and dropped off the corn I collected.

I stepped right up to the cliff face, looking up at the winding roots up to the far up there cliff edge, where I noticed a single Stellar's Sea Eagle was watching me, it's head tilted.

I reached up for the first root, jumping as it crackled ominously under my fingers as I lifted my hand away, curious at the odd texture of the tree's roots.

"Not going to wait around all day, Hettie, are you going to attempt it or are we going to have to tell the Elder Council that their so called 'Last Spirit Dreamer' is nothing more than a coward unfit for fulfilling her quest?" Skylar taunted as I glared at the roots.

I am not a coward.

Reaching up determinedly I grabbed a more sturdy looking root, aiming for the thicker roots as they crackled less under my weight. I pushed myself up the vertical cliff face with my arms and legs, panting heavily, arms shaking faintly, as I looked down to see I was only half way there. The group was down on the ground below, Skylar looked pissed at how quickly I have been climbing this cliff. Well, he shouldn't underestimate me, I do keep in shape for good reason, even if I am skinny.

I looked up, seeing the eagle still watching me with it's intent golden eyes, its making me uncomfortable. Then, the eagle took off the cliff, screeching to the sky as I craned my neck to watch to glide on the eddies out over the hills, awed by the beauty of the creature, as I always am when they take flight.

"Not going to stand here all day, Coward!" Skylar called up angrily as I glared down at them, my breathing speeding a touch at just how high up I am...

With nothing to prevent me from falling if I let go...

I focused upwards, taking a deep breath as I reached up, continuing to climb the uneven surface of winding roots, my boots slipping on the lower roots made my adrenaline rise a lot from fear alone, yet I somehow was able to keep my grip. I looked up, trying to gauge the best way to continue upwards from here, seeing the thick roots branch off in separate ways before joining back up together near the top. The right side looked safer with all the closely tight packed roots to grab hold of.

I went right, pushing myself up the cliff face as I panted heavily, feeling a touch out of breath from all this climbing. It is a hot day today in the valley, the sun beating down hard on the ground, and I have worked up quite the sweat climbing, I could feel it disgustingly dripping down inside my shirt and my clothes, my backpack wasn't helping, making them stick to my skin, as well as my sweaty hair matted to my forehead as I looked up in exhaustion, wondering how much further it is.

"Keep on going, skinny! You have more to climb!" Skylar's voice yelled up at me from down below as I glanced over my shoulder, my eyes widening at how far down Skylar and his crew are. I gulped, feeling fear try to take a good grip on me now.

If I fell, I would die from this height.

That terrified me to my core, but I looked up and took a deep breath, determined to continue. I reached up for the next root with a shaky hand, my arms protesting holding my weight so long. I still have not reached the tighter knit group of roots, I have to make it past this gap first.

Which is where I made my mistake, in thinking these roots would support my weight. I gripped the root above and jolted, eyes widening as I heard crackling from under my feet. I cried out in fear, trying to reach up with my other hand to grab the root above my head as the roots under my feet crackled and gave way under my weight. I shouted out in fear as my hand missed and I was left, dangling, far, far above the ground, by a single hand holding a root.

"Oh By The Great Mother Eagle!"

"Get an Adult! Get any adult! She's gonna fall!"

"What were we thinking?! The Elder's are going to throw us in laboring work for the rest of our lives! Get help before she falls!" I heard as I whimpered quietly, looking over my shoulder as my breath sped, seeing Skylar and his crew running away.

"W-wait! Help? Help!" I called out, dangling by a single hand alone as I began to hyperventilate in fear, glancing up as my arm protested holding all of my weight. I shakily reached up with my free hand, scratching and clawing at the rock cliff face for grip to pull myself up enough to hold on with both hands, but there was no hand holds, I was left suspended by a single hand as my shoulder protested more and more, fear getting worse and worse as my hand began to go numb.

I am going to die.

I closed my eyes tight, sobbing in fear as my hand grew more sweaty and numb.

Suddenly, I heard a high screech overhead. I opened my eyes and looked up with wide eyes as a Stellar Eagle flew down fast towards me, spreading out it's wings and blocking out the sun as I winced, closing my eyes tight, expecting the eagle to attack me.

I was shocked by what happened instead.

I felt razor sharp talons settle over my hand holding on, putting the animals weight on my hand to help my grip and insure I don't fall. I looked up in surprise as the eagle leaned down over me, tilting it's head and releasing low chirping sounds, that large yellow beak inches from my face. The eagle leaned over me and I was surprised to feel the eagle's beak get a grip on my hoodie, pulling up as I reached up desperately with my other hand, finding grip on the roots as I sobbed with relief, the eagle settling its other foot over my hand, holding both in place with it's weight.

I hanged there, the eagle holding my hands in place, as time passed and I began to fear that Skylar and the others decided to leave me dangling here rather than find help.

I don't want to die.

Sweat drenched every inch of me as time passed, making me nervous as my now numb and sore hands were quite sweaty, I fear moving even to breath, afraid it would be enough sweat to make my hands slip and let me fall.

"Hold on, Hettie!" I heard a voice call as I slowly, shakily glance over my shoulder, terrified to move, and spotted a group of men running up the hill with a long ladder suspended on their shoulders.

Ah, that's probably what took so long.

"H-help!" I shakily called out, knowing my grip won't hold much longer, even with the eagle sitting atop my hands and silently watching.

"Just a little bit longer, Hettie, you just gotta hold on! We're coming!" An adult called up as I closed my eyes tight, my breath speeding in fear.

I don't think I have a little bit longer.

I whimpered as my fingers began slowly sliding in the built up sweat, the eagle screeching out so loudly my ears began to ring.

My fingers slipped.

I screamed out in pure fear as the wind whipped my hair in my face and rushed through my clothes. I curled up into a ball, terrified of pain, terrified of death.

The eagle's cry rent the air, high and sharp, powerful. My ears rang.

I felt claws rip into the back of my hoodie and backpack, the loud whooshing sound of large wings several times, before thumping into a set of arms less painfully than I expected.

I gasped and opened my watery eyes as I looked up at the adult who looked so relieved.

"See to it this Eagle is treated well and given a good meal and a quick check up by the animal healer, she has done us a great service today. Come, Hettie, let's go find a healer to check those wounds for you." The adult said before walking away. I glanced over his shoulder at the Stellar eagle sitting on the grass, wings drooped out over the ground and looking utterly exhausted.

"Thank you, eagle." I whispered, closing my eyes, relieved to be alive.

I stared up at Polyphemus as I grinned at the memory, running my fingers another the feather in my hair, a flight feather from the very same eagle that saved me. She died shortly before my Spirit Quest of old age. I didn't consider the feather a reminder of The Great Mother Eagle anymore. No, I considered it as a way to honor the eagle that save my life.

I wouldn't be here today without her  saving my life.

Another bonus chapter for you all on where Hettie's fear of heights began. The end point is set sometime after the end of The Will Of Two Worlds, really didn't plan when but ya. The fact no one knew, that the Stellar Eagle feather in her hair is from the very eagle that save her life. Enjoy!

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