Wonder || H.S

By Stacy_0014

514 36 1K

Bella is a 19 year old college student, she was invited to a football (soccer) game one night, and got a glar... More

1) football game
2) party incident
3) the library
4) Night at the apartment
5) The kiss
6) Confession
7) Questions
8) Commitment
9) Names
10) Ghosted
11) secrets
12) Trust
13) Adventure
14) The message
15) Lost
16) Comeback
17) Shocker
18) Rough
19) Ruthless
20) Numb
21) Remembered
22) Boxer
23) Partners
24) The "i love you"
25) The fight
26) Surprise
27) Birthday
29) Frustration
30) Shocked
31) the goodbye

28) Move

10 1 26
By Stacy_0014

Harry's POV

I woke up to find myself alone in bed, I got up to look around and try to find where Bella had gone.

I couldn't find her around the apartment so I went to my phone so I would either text her or call her.

Before I did, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower, I wore a white shirt with a red button down shirt over it opened up, skinny jeans and my boots.

I called Bella 2 times but she didn't answer, I texted her afterwards.

H: hay dimples, where'd you go?

And I put my phone in my pocket as I go get breakfast for myself. I was a little worried for Bella but she probably had things to do so I let her be.

I still had a smile on my face from yesterday night, and no one could take that away from me.

After breakfast I decided to go for a little shopping and buy me some new clothes. I saw this very nice dress that I thought Bella would like, so I bought it and if she didn't like it I would just return it.

When I got to the cashier, I noticed it was a girl and she looked thirsty and was drunk which bothered me.

She tried making small talk and kept touching my hand but I would remove it before she escalated.

"You had a little to much to drink" I say grabbing the box that had the dress in and heading out after paying.

I walked out of the store and headed back to the apartment, I dropped off the stuff, grabbed my duffel bag and headed to the gym.

Bella was probably over there training for tomorrow, so that might be the reason why she hasn't been answering.

Once I got there I say hello to Tracy, the front desk women and said hi to James. I got to the training room and saw Louis sat down on his phone.

I was confused and worried now, "where's Bella?!" I asked Louis, he looked up at me and stood up, he looked confused as well.

"I thought she was with you?" He says, I shook my head and started panicking because something bad might happened to her.

I tell Louis that I was gonna go look for her, I headed out leaving my duffel bag there cause of how much I was in a rush.

"Oh god, please don't let her be in the same position I was in when I went missing, no no, Bella is strong and can handle it." I tell myself speeding through every street.

"Please let me find her, she is my everything. I don't want anything to happen to her, please! Please! Please!!" I shout it in the car.

I suddenly in the corner of my eye I found her unconscious at the end of an alleyway, i speed my way to her, park, and ran to her to find bruises all over her face and she was bleeding.

"Bella, BELLA no no, don't do this to me, wake up! Please, wake up" I cried. I picked her and and sat her in the car.

I drove to the hospital, once I got there I opened her door, picked her up and walked in the hospital. "WHERE THE FUCK IS A DOCTOR!" I shout.

Two nurses came and took her away, I tried going with her but they held me back, "let me go with her!" I yell, but than the nurse told me to wait in the waiting room.

I couldn't sit down and just wait, I pasted back and forth and kept asking the front desk if I could go in the room yet, but they would reject my question.

The second the doctor came out, I ran towards her and asked many questions without giving her a second to speak. She shut me up and took me to her, I saw a poor girl who had gotten something she didn't deserve.

"She has three broken ribs, and bruises all over her body. She'll live but she must rest for a few days." The doctor says before leaving, I sat on the car beside the hospital bed just holding Bella's hand tightly and kissing her over and over again.

I took my phone out and called Louis telling him she can't fight tomorrow, he understood very well and hung up.

When she woke up she looked around confused on where she is, when I noticed she was awake I gasped, "Hay Bella" I say softly.

She looked at me confused and removed her hand away from mine, "who are you?" He asked.

I was gonna cry, did she really forget who I was and we are...

She giggled and kissed me, "I'm just joking Harry, but what am I doing here?" She says.

I sighed loudly in relief she knows who I am, "you son of a bitch, I almost started crying!" I shout.

She kisses my forehead, "what happened Bella, I found you in an alleyway beat up?" I asked.

"I was just getting breakfast for the both of us until two boys confronted me and kept touching me, I pushed one of them away from me until the other punch my ribs and pushed me to the floor. Than those two boys kept kicking me and that was the last thing I remember." She said.

I wanted to do so much things right now, I wanted to ask her what the boys looked like so I were to beat the shit out of them. I wanted to cuddle close to her and never leave her side, and I mostly wanted to punch something.

I told Bella that I'd be right back because I wanted to pick something up from the apartment.

I give her a kiss and headed back, I drove to the apartment to go get the dress I've bought for her to cheer her up a little.

I got the box that had the dress in and went back to the car, and drove to the hospital.

Once I got there I walked through the doors and into Bella's room, I saw that she was looking out the window and smiled so big.

When she noticed I was in the room, she sat up straight, at say in-front of her and handed her the box.

"What's this?" She said, I smiled at her adorable self, "open it" I say.

She opens the box to find a red silk dress, "I thought you'd like it" I say softly towards her.

She smiled so big I couldn't resist to kiss her, "thank you Harry, I love it. I was actually looking at this dress a while back but I didn't bother to buy it." She said before giving me a hug.

The rest of the day I sat in Bella's room just making her laugh and keeping the joy in the room.

I can tell she was sad that she couldn't fight, I was glad she didn't fight today but at the same time I feel horrible that she has to rest and heal for a couple of days.

I made her feel as comfortable as I could so she wouldn't get sad cause I hate to see her like that.

Bella's POV

I had to sit in the hospital for 1 day and had to sit back in the apartment for 2 more days. I hated how I couldn't fight tomorrow, but I saw how Harry tried to keep me happy that by itself made me happy.

I love him so much and would do anything to keep him in my life.

It was getting late so me and Harry cuddled close on the hospital bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

It was the next morning and I was woken up by the beeping of the machines around me. I saw Harry sitting down at the chair beside me holding my hand as he sat on his phone.

He noticed I was awake, kissed me a good morning, and asked if I was hungry. I shook my head and thanked him for asking, me and Harry just kept talking until the doctor came in to tell me that I could go back home and rest there.

I nod and I went into the restroom to change into the clothes Harry brought back from the apartment, after the doctor had left.

After I was changing I walked out of the bathroom and saw Harry waiting for me. I kissed him than held his hand as we walk out of the hospital, Harry had already put all of my things in the car while I changed.

Harry kept helping me with everything, like walking, getting in the car, and opening my door.

When we got in the car Harry sighed in relief, "alright ready dimples?" He asked, I nod and he gave me a kiss before driving to the apartment.

When we got there Harry helped me get to the door, opened it and he lead me to the bedroom.

"Harry I promise you I'm fine, it's just a little bruise. It's not that big of a deal" I say trying to let him relax, i know it's more than a bruise but I don't want him to worry to much.

"Baby you are-" Harry says before I cut him off, "fine, I'm fine" I say softly. He sighs and sat on the side of the bed next to me while looking down and holding my hand.

I lift his head up with my hand and smiled at him, "I'm fine Harry. Don't worry, these next few days are gonna fly by and I'll be all better" I whispered to him before giving Harry a soft kiss.

I patted the spot next to me in bed so Harry would come and cuddle with me, I hug him tight and close, "I love you" I tell him, Harry kisses my hand, "I love you more"

After we woke up from our little nap, it was about 5 in the afternoon. Harry said he'll take a quick shower and make dinner for the both of us.

I walked to the kitchen once he got in the restroom, I'm not gonna lie, it hurt when I would turn my torso but I couldn't tell Harry or else he'll go crazy.

I sat down on one of the stools so I would sit in-front of the kitchen table. I sat on my phone until Harry came out Looking very cute, "hello pretty boy" I say as he walked towards me and gave me a little kiss.

"Hello dimples" he smirks, I sighed and put my hands under my chin making a cupcake face. "What are you cooking chef Harry?" I goofily asked.

He laughed and took out a few things from the fridge, "I'm going to make chicken with mushrooms sauce" he tells me as she turned the stove on.

I nod and watched Harry cook, I asked Harry if I could help but he didn't let me cause I needed to rest.

I hate resting, how come I didn't have to rest when I fight? It's not fair, nor is it fun.

Harry saw that I was bored and pouty, after he had finished with the food he made two plates and laid them down in-front of us.

We talked and laughed while we ate, once I finished eating I tried getting up and putting my plate in the sink but Harry stopped me and put it in himself.

"Harry I'm not a baby, I can do this myself. I told you before I'm fine" I pout. He shook his head and chuckled, "I know you are, your strong but I want you to rest only for today and tomorrow than you can go back to doing whatever you please." He says putting his plate in the sink and washing his hands.

After I washed my hands and sat on the couch me and Harry watched a movie.

In the middle of the movie I couldn't stand sitting any longer, I got up to move around. "Bella what are you doing?" Harry asked, "I need to live around a little, I can't stand sitting down all day" I giggle.

Harry smiled and walked towards me, he held my waist and just looked into my eyes. "Do you wanna go out for a car ride, I know I can't keep you in here for two days with you whining." He tells me very softly.

"Please!" I say excited cause I can finally go out instead of sitting in the apartment all day. I put my shoes on and held Harry's hand as we walk to the car.

We both got in and started driving around, we didn't stop anywhere cause I couldn't go down if we did. So we just drove around the streets, listened to music and laughed together.

"There's my Bella" Harry says, I giggled, "what do you mean?" I asked. "I mean there is my giggly and happy girl instead of that upset and whiny person I say back at the apartment." He explains.

"Well yeah cause I'm not isolated in the apartment all day, I like to move around." I say giving Harry a kiss on the cheek.

"Can we get out of the car and go into shops?" I asked pulling out my puppy eyes. "Your pushing it dimples, put those eyes away" he chuckled not falling for my pleading.

"Fineee" I sigh while turning up the music and singing along, I loved car rides with Harry, he made me love them even more than I did before.

When it started to get dark, me and Harry headed back to the apartment and decided to sit in the kitchen while talking for hours until one of us got sleepy.

"Bella?" Harry asked, I look at him giving my attention so he would continue. "I've been thinking about moving to a nice house I've found about 10 miles away from here" He explains.

"Really?" I say, he nods and smiled in the cutest way. "Y-yeah sure,why not baby. What does it look like?" I asked, Harry took his phone out and showed me pictures of the house.

The house had 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and it's a two story house. "Harry's it's perfect, I would love to move in there, but promise me we will both pay for the bills and Etc." I tell him, he kisses me and nodded, "I promise" he smiles.

He says that he's call the seller and tell them that we'll take the house, I was really excited about the house. I was actually thinking of the same thing but couldn't find a house that interested me.

After we talked for another hour or two, I started to get tired. "Harry let's go sleep, I'm tired." I say softly before getting up to walk to the bedroom.

I laid down in bed and found Harry walking inside the room while taking his shirt off cause of how hot it was. He laid down next to me while I run my hands on his chest, stomach, and abs.

I eventually stopped, closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep. I couldn't wait to move in the new house, Harry said that we'd start packing our things to the house in a week.

Basically after my next fight I have, we will be moving in. I wish I could skip the next fight and just focus on moving together with Harry but I can't risk canceling another fight.

I heard that I was called "weak" and "a quitter" on the internet, because everyone knew who I was after my fight with zoey. I would say that I'm famous but I hate that word, so I can't really miss another fight.

So on Sunday I'll go back to training my ass off, no one is gonna call me a quitter.

Hay luvs Stacy here
Hope you enjoyed the chapter
This one pretty long, we'll I think it is...
ANYWAYS! Please leave votes and comments
All the love S.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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