31) the goodbye

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Bella's POV

It has been a week since I saw Harry cheat on me over some blonde bitch, asked James for my paycheck from my fights as I ask him to keep them all and take them out when I need them.

I told him to give me them so I could buy an apartment because I am moving out of the house and giving Harry back the ring he gave me.

When it was time to take my things out of the house I drove there and knocked on the door.

It opens up to find Harry looking like a mess once more, he looked at me shocked when he saw me standing there.

Before he could say anything I spoke, "I'm here to take all my things and move them to an apartment I bought" a tear fell down his cheek and nodded.

He moved out of the way so I could go in, before I did I signaled Noah to come help me.

He came in and helped me pack my things up, I would give him the boxes to put in the car.

It took about 30 minutes for me to pack, once I finished I told Noah to wait in the car.

When I walk out of the bedroom I see Harry sitting on the couch covering his face with his hands.

I cleared my throat so he could look my way, he stands up and I walk towards him. I take the ring off my finger, took Harry's hand, put the ring in his hand and closed his hand up.

"It's been the best 4 years of my life, goodbye Harry" I say as tears run down my face.

He did nothing but cry, when I closed to door I heard him cry loudly and I heard things shatter.

I wiped my tears away and walked to the car, I drove to the apartment and Noah helped me put the boxes in. I thanked him and told him to leave, all my furniture was set and ready.

All I had to do was buy decor and unpack my clothing, I told myself I'll do it tomorrow.

I just stood there looking around my apartment and suddenly dropped to the floor crying on my knees.

I don't know how I kept my cries in when I saw Harry standing right in-front of me, he took a-lot of things from me...

I took deep breaths so my crying wouldn't turn into a panic attack, I stood up, took a shower, and headed to sleep after I dressed up.

I closed my eyes thinking of anything but Harry, I slowly started drifted off to sleep.

Harry's POV

It was the next morning and I woke up finally knowing I have lost the only girl who had cared enough for me.

"IM A FUCK UP, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MEEEEEE. I CANT DO AHIT RIGHT, I lost her" I shout than ending up with tears in my eyes.

I suddenly felt a strike in myself, I couldn't breathe properly and I fell to the floor. I was having a panic attack...

Bella's POV

I woke up the next morning knowing I forgot a few things at Harry's house, I don't even wanna call it our house anymore.

I put my shoes on and coat, I get in my car and I drive to his house, once I got there I parked the car and headed inside.

The door was unlocked, I walk in quietly and went inside the bedroom to find Harry on the floor shaking.

"Oh my fucking god, Harry! Harry are you okay, shit!" I yell pulling his head on my lap trying to calm him down.

He looks up at me with a dead stare, I smile at him as I run my fingers through his hair and I blow on him so he could cool down.

"Harry it's okay, I'm right here calm down, I'm right here, right here baby." I say forgetting anything and everything that had happened a week ago.

I was too worried about Harry at the moment, after minutes of calming Harry down, he had finally stopped panicking and was more stable.

"Are you okay Harry?" I asked, Harry closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths and nods. "I'm fine" he whispered.

He opens his eyes and looked towards me seeing I had a tear falling down my face. "You didn't mention anything about panic attacks" I say softly.

Harry sighed and stood up as I follow, " I didn't need to mention it after you came in my life cause they suddenly stopped when I was with you" he says.

I looked at him as I wipe my tears away, "ok well I uhh, came here to take back a few things to my apartment" I say, Harry nods and goes into the kitchen.

I packed the things and put them in my car, I went back inside the house to grab my phone and I see Harry sitting down at the table holding the ring...

"I'm leaving now, g-goodbye Harry..." I say before leaving and seeing Harry for the last time.

I closed the door and walked to my car, hopped in and just sat there in silence.

I hopped back out of the car and opened the house door, walked towards Harry and just pushed my lips against his.

I kept that kiss long and passionate like a forever lasting moment, "i loved you" I whispered breaking the kiss.

He rested his forehead against him with tears falling down his face, "please don't leave me" he cried. "I'm sorry" I cried back.

I let him go and walked to the door, before I left I turned around to look at Harry with a smile on my face.

"Goodbye pretty boy" I laughed with tears falling down my face.

Harry excepted the fact I won't be coming back, "goodbye dimples" he cried before falling down his knees.

I cried and walked out the door, I drove to my apartment and never came back.

Hay luvs Stacy here that was the last chapter of "wonder"
I hope you all enjoyed my story!
I will be starting a Louis ff called "sweet and sour"
I will be posting the first chapter on the 24th of this month, basically on Lou's birthday!!
Stay tuned for the new book
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