17) Shocker

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Bella's POV

I sat there in the car shocked and not knowing what to say, "s-she's your mom?!" I say excited.

Harry sighed and nodded his head, I was confused why he wasn't happy about it. "What's wrong Harry" I asked.

He looked at me and I saw his eyes flushing, he looked like he wanted to cry. "I need to tell you about my past" he started, I felt worried about what was going to happen.

He started the car and drove back to his apartment, once we got there we took our shoes off and sat on the couch, he sighed once more and held my hands.

"I left a little part about my past out of our conversations because I felt to ashamed about it." He said softly.

I put my hand on his cheek and rubbed my thumb on his skin, he rested on my hand and closed his eyes.

"Harry, don't feel ashamed of anything you tell me, have you heard my past?" I say, he opened his eyes and held my hand.

"Ok well, it started when I was a kid, me and my mother were out at a festival that had opened and I wanted to go. So she took me there and we didn't expect it to be very crowded. A-and I accidentally let go of her hand, I tried looking for her and shouting her name out. And I thought I found her but it was another women with the same shirt as her.  And that woman took me to the police that I think were a look out, and I waited all day to see if she were to come... but once it was the afternoon of that day, I ran" Harry sobbed.

"And I eventually came across my home but through the window, I saw that they were perfectly fine without me... smiling faces were in that house instead of constantly yelling and stress. So once I saw that image infront of me I  ran and somehow got a ticket to Chicago and I've been here every sense" he said, whipping his tears away.

I felt horrible, I never knew that had ever happened. "I am so sorry Harry, but by the looks of it, she look happy to see you." I add, he shook his head. "NO, no I can't bare to see that face anymore. I can't." he said with a more stronger voice trying to hide his pain away from me.

I nod even tho I don't agree with Harry, he respects my privacy so I respect his. I held him in my arms while I kiss him but he eventually calms down.

He stood up from the couch and took his shirt off, "I'm gonna take a shower, I'll be back" he says, I give him a smile and nodded.

He walks in the bathroom and I heard the water running, I didn't know what to think.

I mean no wonder he became the person everyone was scared of, but I changed him and I feel happy I did that but he's gotta see his family right?

I got up to go in the bathroom, Harry was still showering but I didn't really care. "Hay dimples" he sighed out, while looking at through the glass shower door.

I sat on the closed toilet, I looked up at Harry with a sad expression. "What's wrong?" He asked while washing away the shampoo in his hair.

"Nothing" I reply, obviously there was something wrong but I didn't want to get him upset. "You know I don't like when you lie to me Bella" he said while rubbing conditioner in his hair.

"I just don't think it's right to avoid your mom after seeing her at the bridge like that, I mean... what if she has an explanation on why she didn't come looking for you?" I say rushing word for word.

Harry closes the water and walk out, he wraps a towel around his waist and walked out of the bathroom as I follow.

"What kind of mother would have something more important than her son that she had lost in a huge crowd of people when he's only 6 years old?!" He said, his anger slowly raising.

I sighed back at his answer, "ok... I'll stop" I say before walking out the bedroom and into the living room.

I plop on the couch and saw that Harry was in-front of me, he looked upset but in a way he looked sad.

"What?" I asked giving him a little giggle, "nothin" he said sitting next to me squeezing me close to him.

"Harry can I play with your hair?!" I asked excitedly for some reason. He sighed, "fine, but don't expect a yes every time you ask" he chuckled out.

He grabbed a pillow and sat down on the floor as he opened the tv and I braided his hair. He would keep tickling my feet, I laughed so much I kept messing up on his braids.

He would look up for a kiss, I would give him more than one so he would stay still until I finished.

Took me 2 hours to finish his braids with mess ups, tickling by Harry, and kiss breaks. But I finally finished, he stood up and presented himself to me with his hand on his hip.

I giggled and Harry came in for a hug, he laid on the couch with his head on my lap.

Harry was slowly falling asleep, I tap his shoulder, "Harry let's go sleep in the bed alright." I whispered, he nods, closes the tv, and stands up than picked me up by surprise.

He carried me to the bedroom and plopped the both of us on it, he looked like he was drunk. It was quiet funny, I kept hearing grumbling and whining from him.

And when he tried walking over to his side of the bed he kept wiggling side to side, he almost fell on his face.

I couldn't stop laughing on how he was acting, "oh get up you big baby and lay down in bed with me." He plopped on the bed and hooked me in his arms.

He had a smile on his face, he was basically asleep but also awake if you know what I'm talking about, He's like at the edge of sleep.

I snuggled close to him and just ran my fingers through his hair, I look at my adorable sleepy boy and saw happiness. He had a smile on his face everytime he were to sleep by my side.

I'm so happy I'm back in Harry's arms, he's helped me so much under 24 hours.

I slowly started to drift of to sleep but, I just couldn't get the thought of how we saw his mother at the bridge, I wanted Harry to see her but I respect his decisions.

He's been through a lot, I don't want to push that. I huge close to Harry and fell asleep.

hay luvs Stacy here
Sorry I'm posting late, drama🙄
Anyways hope you enjoyed
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All the love S.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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