18) Rough

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Harry's POV

I wake up alone in bed, I looked around the apartment but I couldn't find Bella.

I text Bella to see where she is,

H: hay dimples, where'd you go?

She didn't answer until a few minutes later, but I was happy she was okay.

B: hay baby, I just went to go get something from Michaels, I'll be back in 20 minutes.

H: whos Michael?!

B: no one Harry, it's a store, I wanted to get a few things for my room.

H: oh ok, good ;) cause your mine and ONLY MINE!

B: alright your royal rudeness, bye bye

H: bye

I put my phone down and took a shower, once I got out of the bathroom I hear a knock at the door.

I open it to find the person I didn't want to see, I was upset but also heartbroken when I saw there face.

"What do you want" I say with a bit of an attitude, I saw a desperate look in there eyes but I didn't care.

"Please come back home Harry, Gemma and I have been worried so so much." She said with a voice that sounded like she was at the edge of tears.

"How did you find me?" I ask avoiding her desperate tempt to bring me back. "THATS N- sorry, I didn't mean to-" she yelled at first than calmed back down.

"But you did, goodbye mum" I say closing the door in her face. I slid down the door with tears falling down my face, I wanted to go back the day I started running but I couldn't.

They looked happier without me and thats for the best, I was a fuck up from the start, and still am...

I whip my tears away and got back up and acted like nothing happen, a few minutes later I hear the door knock than open.

"Hay baby I'm back" Bella shouts, I look in the mirror to make sure I didn't look like I finished crying, than walked to her.

"Hay dimples, what did you buy?" I asked spinning her around than picking her up.

She gives me a kiss before responding, "twinkle lights and some fake plates because I can't take care of real plants" she giggled.

"Alright, we'll I want to stay in today and watch movies if you don't mind luv" I say putting her down and walking to the couch.

She took a grip of my bicep and pulled me back, "well I do mind, we're going out get yourself ready I'm waiting" she says, pushing me into the bedroom to get ready.

Bella's POV

Harry didn't want to go out today, he was too lazy and just plopped on the bed like a little child. "Alright fine, your big lazy self can stay here, I'll go out by myself" I say putting my shoes on.

He shot up from the bed, "no no stay here with me, I want you next to me" he pouts, I giggled at his begging.

"Nope, sorry dimples I'm going out" Harry looked upset in a funny way, "HAY that's my nickname for you! You can't steal it" he shouts.

"Oh well, mine now, besides you have dimples to" I say before closing the door and on my way to put the things I bought in my dorm.

I got to my dorm and unlocked the door, I took my shoes off and placed the plants on my desktop and the twinkle lights above the bed.

Suddenly I hear a knock at the door, I walk over to the door to find the same women we saw at the bridge, "H-Hi, is Harry with you?" She asked.

"N-no sorry, I could call him over if you'd like" I ask, she nods and with a slight smile on her face. I invite her in to wait until Harry got here.

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