22) Boxer

7 0 23

I wake up sad but also happy if that makes sense.

I took a quick shower and wore a sweater, some plaid pants and put my hair in a top messy bun.

I grabbed my laptop, phone than headed to my first class

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

I grabbed my laptop, phone than headed to my first class. I was there early since it was only 6:20 and I had about 40 minutes of free time. I sat down at the front of the room on my phone, I responded to some texts until I heard the door slam open.

It was a boy with long brown hair with slight curls at the ends, skinny jeans, and a simple white shirt with his jean jacket. It was Harry, I was shocked by his looks. I quickly turned around not wanting to face him any longer.

"Oh my god, what the fuck do I do" I whispered aggressively to myself. I pretended to write notes down and act like I'm doing something. Lucky for me, Noah came in the class and sat next to me.

"Hay Bella" he said I look back to see him waving at me, I wave back and got a glimpse of Harry's factual expression. He looks confused, shocked, angry, but he also looked like he didn't care.

I don't know what Harry ever feels anymore, I can't read him like how I used to. Noah sat down at my right side as I was sitting at the edge of the row.

He talks about the party and how it was 'fun' while I sat there just nodded at him. I was quite annoyed by Noah but he was the only one who actually listens to me.

And I didn't have to worry about him liking me, he told me he was gay which was a relief. But the best part of it was that Harry didn't know, which means I could see if he were to get jealous or not.

Which he did obviously by the looks of his face every time I would look back at him acting like I was looking at the door waiting for someone.

Once everyone came in class and the professor came in, we started class and sat down listening to his lectures all day while taking notes.

Once all my classes were over I headed to the library so I could do my homework in peace. Noah always knocks on my door after school and he never goes to the library, so it was perfect.

While I was wrapping up my work, I got a glance of someone.

They were walking toward me, I wanted to cry when I saw them. "J-J-Jenna?!" I say. She looks at me with tears falling down her face and a smile she made with her lips.

"Bella" she whimpered. I rush to give her a hug, "I MISSED YOU SO MUCH" I cried. "H-How are you even here, th-they said you died?" I question, "Bella" she said once more.

Suddenly my eyes get a flash and I was woken up by the library assistant amy, "BELKA! it's time for you to get back to your dorm" she said to me with a soft voice.

I was asleep, I nod and pick up my things. It was 5:45 in the afternoon, and it was almost closing hours for the gym. And I had to practice since I signed up for boxing. I run to my dorm, put my laptop and papers away, pack my gym clothes in my duffel bag, and drove to the gym.

I open the door and walked in the women's locker room to change. I walk out and yelled James name out, "oh I'm here in the main gym!" He shouts, I walk in the main gym to find him with four other people.

"Who are these people?" I ask, James turns around to face me, "hay Bella, oh these are people your going to be practicing with, there all different leveled boxers, so we can know which level your at" he adds, I put my phone at the bench and grabbed a pair of gloves.

"Alright, your first gonna go up against Samuel" James says backing away from the both of us as we're ready to fight.

I knock him out with only two swings, I laughed. "Is that it, really? Let me guess he's a low level" I say looking down at him.

He gets up off the ground and took his gloves off, "alright that was easy I guess, next up is Lisa" James says grabbing Samuel out of the way.

Lisa makes a right swing but I duck down before she hit me, I give her a little jab at the stomach to make her bend and that gave me a free swing on the cheek and another on the other cheek of hers.

"Nice try sweetie, you tried but failed." I say pointing my glove at her, "nice try Lisa, ok next you got Libby, she's mid-advance." James adds.

I shrugged my shoulders, "shmance advance, I can knock her out." I say, getting in fight position. I made the first swing but she blocks me, she took a hold of my glove and took a punch in my stomach.

I bend a bit which gave her another hit, but I quickly made my move to give her an uppercut, two jabs, and a hook. She follows up with me and gave me about four jabs but that didn't stop me from giving her a bolo punch, and a power punch.

After that, she's on the floor. "That was a good round, but not good enough" I tell her, I know I'm being aggressive with them but I don't care. I tell James I need a quick water break, he squirts water into my mouth and I take a second to breathe.

I nod than got back up to get see if I'm advanced or I'm staying in mid- advance. I got up to look at my last appointment, "your last appointment will be Carter" James adds, I nod and we both started to circle around a bit.

I make the first move with a jab in the stomach, he than caught me by surprise and gave me a cross. I stumbled by how hard it was, I give him a power punch and backed away for a second.

He than makes a sudden move to uppercut me, I shook it off and jabbed him 4-5 times and switched it to a right cross. He sumbled a bit which gave me advantage of that, I give him a left cross, a right cross, than a power punch to knock him to the floor.

He fell to the floor, "great job bud, but just remember, I knocked you out so your no tough guy." I say, he looks up at me with a smirk and chuckled a bit.

He took his gloves off and offered me a hand shake, I look down at his hand and back at him, "good job." He said, I took my glove my off and shook it. "Your not to bad yourself" I say.

I look to James that was sitting down shocked, "wow, I have never seen a girl that strong before, your really good Bella." He compliments. I whipped away my sweat off my neck, I smiled "I know I am" I teased.

"I'm still gonna need you to come tomorrow to practice, we don't know who your gonna fight yet, but we'll find out tomorrow. But for now, go get some rest." He said, I nod and walked into the women's locker room to take a quick shower and head out.

I wish a goodbye to all three boxers and James, I walk out of the gym and drove back to my dorm.

I was super exhausted by the horrible boxers from the past 5 hours.

I opened up my computer to check my emails and to see if I had missed anything, once I finished I close my computer and plopped on the bed.

"At least I have something to keep me busy now, I can do something to keep me occupied and I have something to do with my feelings." I say to myself.

I pull the covers over me and I slowly started to fall asleep.

Wonder || H.Sजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें