20) Numb

10 1 13

Harry's POV

I woke up the next day with the same attitude as yesterday, careless. I didn't care what anyone felt anymore, I woke up for school. I took a quick shower and got dressed.

Thank god I fixed up my apartment yesterday, I didn't have anything to do today except go to school than it's back to my apartment I go.

I walked in my first class and sat down by the door, I see Bella was in the front of the class, farthest away from me. It was for the best, I didn't care for her anymore.

Once class was over, I attended the rest of my classes and the school day was over. I saw the football field was empty and decided to have a little fun and kick some ball for an hour than I'll go back to my apartment.

I walked to the field and once I got there I throw my things on the grass and went to grab a ball, once I got the ball I set the ball on the floor.

Before I kicked it I saw someone at the top of the bleachers, there hands were on there face and there knees against there chest.

And something in me just told me to go and see what was wrong with that person, once I got close to them I saw that it was a girl.

She looks up at me and I saw Bella's face and tears falling down. I felt my heart get shot and I felt horrible, once she saw that it was me she grabbed her things quickly and ran down the bleachers and ran back to her dorm.

I plopped on the bleachers and just thought, what the fuck have I done. If only I could feel what she is feeling, "no, NO! Harry you don't care about her anymore" I tell myself.

I was trying to resist the temptation of going to her dorm and saying sorry, what do I have to say sorry for. I've done nothing wrong.

If she didn't bring that SHITTY women to her dorm this would've ever happened. I don't need to feel sorry, why should I?

I got up from the bleachers and walked down them, I grabbed my stuff and walked to bar. While I was walking there, I passed the breakfast place me and Bella had sat in. That's when I asked her out, a smile grew on my face.

I shake my head and turned down the smile, "no Harry, you don't like her anymore" I tell myself once more. I walk in the bar to see Timmy cleaning glasses, "oh no, not mister 40 shots" he chuckled.

I sat down in front of him and asked for a beer, "oh, just a beer. Hmm.... Something's not right? What happened?" He asked, knowing me very well.

"You saw her didn't you?" He asked before I could respond to his first, I look up at him impressed. "How the fuck do you know?" I asked, he sighed and put down the glass and his towel on his shoulder.

"Cause I've token care of you for years and you come here a lot to talk, so I would hope i know that face" he says, I chuckled and gave him a high five hook than a side hug.

I walk out of the bar after paying Timmy and walked back to my apartment. That talk with him still didn't change the thought of Bella for me, I don't care for her anymore.

Bella's POV

It has been an hour after I've seen Harry at the field, I was frightened when I saw him there. I just ran once I saw those green eyes, I would go to the gym and punch away my feelings but I ripped the first one and James won't let me in after my one month suspension.

I would talk to Jenna about all this but she isn't here, which hurts even more that I don't have her with me. I just close my eyes and imagine what it would be like if she were here, she was like my sister.

I would go to Emma or Britney but they wouldn't understand, only Jenna would. She makes me smile even through the hard times.

"I guess it's over" I say knowing my first relationship has been the best but ended so heartbreaking. That's my first relationship and probably my last, I don't want to get hurt anymore by men.

As I try to fall a sleep memories with me and Harry flow through my head, the first time we met, the library, the first kiss, our first meal,  our camping trip, our first time, I missed him so much already.

I couldn't sleep so I had to get out of my dorm, I drove over to the park. Once I got there I walked over near the lake and just dropped to the floor not knowing what to do.

"What do I do mum?" I say looking up at the stars, "I need you Diana" I say asking for my sisters help. I couldn't go further in life without there help.

I drive back to my dorm and cried myself to sleep once more feeling numb inside, I loved and still love him so much.

But I know he doesn't have a sliver of love for me, he didn't even say he loved me from our whole relationship experience now that I think of it. I slowly closed my eyes and I fell asleep

Hay luvs Stacy here
sorry for the short chapter
I've been busy these past days
But I will keep posting as much as I can
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Hope you enjoyed
All the love S.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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