His Fake fiancé

By letsomebodygo15

2.3M 67.7K 6K

Needs to be heavily edited lmao (first wrote when I was like 15) Now, I'm alone with the beast . He stares in... More

Need to know
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Authors note

Chapter 27

43.8K 1.3K 87
By letsomebodygo15

Ok so yes I caved. I'm back at his penthouse, living under his roof. Not my finest moment but I have a plan set in place.

No way is he getting away with banging some bimbo and then doing me. No, now it's time for me to let loose, have a little fun. He's correct, our engagement isn't real and I'm an immature bitch so I'm going to do my thing.

I checked the news and yep, him and his 'date' are on the front page of every tabloid making out and dry humping each other. Surprisingly there are also a few of me entering the palace, it was so late that I thought no one would've caught me, then again I guess the cameras never rest.

Anyhow, since it's already out there that the assholes been cheating on me and didn't even bother to keep it quiet then why should I?

I shouldn't.

In the office where I worked, well, do work. It's a little complicated. I've been forced by Grayson to take time off but I'm slowly working on him to let me back. There's been progress to say the least.

When I first began working, I came in the same time as the interns so I met quite a few of them, we never became friends as I was so busy dealing with Graysons schedule but they were kind enough to add me to a group chat, where they plan get togethers, spill the office tea... you name it.

Since Marie's not in town I texted the chat to see if anyone wanted to go clubbing. Almost everyone said yes, a few couldn't make it due to dates or work.

One person I was surprised that said yes was Amber. The blonde goddess that she is has crushed on Grayson since the very beginning. She wasn't the only girl but she was the only one that treated me like crap because I was his assistant.

I can't even imagine how much she must hate me now. I know better than to think that she's changed. Then again, I now have connections so she's most likely using me to get into an exclusive club where she can leech of the rich and oblivious.

I don't care what she does, as long as she doesn't mess with me.


Things were going my way. Guess who has a business meeting for the next two hours? Grayson. Which means he won't see me leaving. I hope he looks at the news tomorrow and see me making out with some guy. See how it feels when your fiancé cheats on you.

He's going to get a taste of his own medicine.

I've been hiding up in my room for most of the day, Grayson only came in to tell me when his meeting was starting and that he "couldn't be disturbed" which is fine with me, I don't plan on seeing him at all tonight.

I've managed to get into the dress I bought specifically for tonight. A gorgeous sparkly baby pink dress that hits upper mid thigh, showing off my legs. I paired it with some strappy silver stilettos.

I left my hair down, swept some light pink eyeshadow across my eye, added some eyeliner and mascara plus a little lipgloss then my look was complete. I feel like a real life barbie

I look at myself in the mirror, considering I did this in an hour and 20 minutes, I did a great job!

I took off my shoes so he wouldn't hear me sneaking out. Grabbing my silver clutch off my bed I open my bedroom door and quietly close it behind me.

I couldn't see or hear anyone, so I could only assume the coast in clear.

Still being paranoid I did tiptoe down the stairs. The further down the stairs I got the clearer I could hear the voices coming from Graysons home office.

Apparently he'd insisted on staying home today to make sure I don't run off again. Clearly it didn't work.

I got lucky that he had a meeting he couldn't move or else this definitely wouldn't work. I'd have to jump to my death from the window if I wanted to escape. Thank the lord it hasn't come to that... yet.


The group decided that we would meet each other outside the club so everyone could get in using me. Since apparently being Grayson Blacks fiancé has increased my social status.

I arrived outside Blume, we just had to come here according to my dear friend Amber. Note the sarcasm? I paid my Uber and walked over to the group. Everyone has already arrived. "Sorry I'm late." I apologise, the traffic was worse than I'd expected.

"Don't worry about it." Amber smiled sweetly. I'm pretty sure I outwardly cringed at her attempt of niceties. She linked her arm in mine and led us right past the line of people waiting to get inside. It looked like the line went around the block... wow. That's commitment.

They all glare at us as we walk right past them and up to the bouncer. He's a big burly guy. I would not want to get on his bad side. With his arms crossed over his chest he glares at us "name." Amber replies for me. "This is Olivia, she's Grayson Blacks fiancé."

He looks me over scrutinising me. He sighs, stepping aside "go on in." Amber squeals in my ear, I think I'm half deaf now. What is it with annoying bitches and high pitched squeals?

We get a table and Amber goes to the bar to get us all a round of shots. Casey, one of Ambers groupies... wait, they're all Ambers groupies. Eh, I'm here to get wasted, I don't care. "So, we all saw that Grayson was making out with another girl. Just so you know, we all stand by you." Yeah sure Casey. It's clear on your face and everyone else's that you guys are over the moon.

I plaster on a fake smile "well I'm here to get my revenge. You know what they say 'an eye for an eye.' Well tonight it's a kiss for a kiss. Possible more."

"Amen to that!" Amber yells, placing down the shots. We all grab one and toss it back. I go in for another.... And a third.... And a fourth.... And a fifth. That seemed to get me loose and ready to party.

"Come on let's dance it's my favourite." Amber whined in my ear. I rolled my eyes "fine but if there are any cute guys I call dibs." She shakes my hand "deal now come on let's go!"

I let her drag me to the middle of the dance floor. After all I do love this song, a club mix of the erotic song "Good For You" by Selena Gomez.

I shake my hips to the beat, throwing my hands up in the air. It didn't take long for someone to make a move. I felt a pair of hands land on my hips. Amber shoots me a thumbs up before I turn around.

I look at the guy. Blonde, decently tall, green eyes. Yeah he'd do. I continue dancing with him, rubbing my ass against the bulge in his pants.

We dance a little while longer until my feet begin to hurt. I notice Ambers back at the table so I grab his hand and lead him off the dance floor. "I'm Olivia." I say smiling. "Aidan." "Well Aidan, would you like to join me back at my table with my friends?"

He gets up close and whispers in my ear "I would love too." I giggle and grab his hand, leading him back to everyone.

Since the back is crowded we couldn't get him a chair, so he sat in mine and I sat on his lap. Much to the surprise of everyone else.

They continued drinking and talking while I kept myself focused on Aidan. I lace my hands through his wild blonde hair. "You're so hot." I murmur over his lips. "And you're fucking sexy." He replies and seals his lips with mine.

His tongue begs for entrance. I grant him access and our tongues begin to dance. He's not a bad kisser but I've had better. I rub myself against his bulge causing a deep groan to escape him. I chuckle. "Want to go somewhere more private?" He asks.

Not really... I want pictures of the two of us. Being in private won't grant me that. Maybe if I walk around the club with him as if I'm going to fuck him people will think that we're really going to do it.

"I can get some pictures of you guys." Amber whispers in my ear. I throw her a smile "that would be great."

I look back at Adrian, "sure I'd love to go somewhere more private."

"No you wouldn't." Ahhh fuck!

I turn to the right. How did he find me? In all his glory there stands a very deathly Grayson black. In his suit. Wow he looks hot. I'd tap that. I snicker to myself, I already have. Drinking always makes me horny, I don't know why.

"Olivia! Get off him, now!" His voice brings me out of my thoughts.


His jaw ticks "fine." He storms over and picks me up, out of Adrians lap and puts me down.

Next he punches Adrian across the face. I gasp "what the fuck Grayson!"

People have begun to notice that he's here as the majority of people are now watching intently. "Get off him!" I yell again. He still doesn't listen.

The bouncer that I'd seen outside is now heading straight towards us. Grayson backs off and turns to the bouncer "toss him out."

"Yes boss." Wait. Does he own this place? You've got to be kidding me.

Now Graysons attention back on me. Maybe I should've made a run for it while he was preoccupied, too late now. If I don't want to be shit on by him I can't be weak, especially not in front of Amber and her groupies "how did you find me?" I cross my arms.

"I tracked you here." He doesn't even bat an eye.


"You're phone."

"What? That makes no sense! I haven't left my phone alone with you ever! How do you know my password."

"I did it while you were asleep, you're a very deep sleeper. Now it's my turn to ask the questions. Why on earth did I catch you dry humping that guy!"

I shrug pretending to not be fazed "what goes around comes around I guess."

I'm pretty sure if it were possible he'd have steam coming out of his ears right now "I swear to god Olivia. I came out of my meeting to find you gone, I had no idea if you were safe, so I track you here worried out of my mind only to see you making out with a guy that isn't me!"

I stare at him blankly. Then slowly walk up to him and slap him across the face. Yes, I slapped him. He looked shocked. I don't know what he expected.

He's manipulative, trying to make me feel bad for doing the same thing he did to me. In fact I guarantee he fucked her. Which was confirmed when he said so himself that he fucked her, now he has the nerve to come down here, yell at me and try to make me feel guilty for doing the same thing as him.

I looked away from him unable to say anything and grabbed my clutch off the table and look at everyone I came with. They are all staring at me. I cleared my throat "sorry about tonight. It was nice to see you all again." They kept silent but nodded at my apology.

I walked back to Grayson "don't fucking follow me." Then I head for the door. Everyone immediately moved out of my way, granting me access to the exit.

I step outside and was flooded with camera flashes. I use my clutch to cover my face. Shit, the paparazzi.

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