Daisy's Daddies, Book 2

By BabyGurl5119

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This is a continuation of my first book 'Daisys Daddies'. For you to not be lost or confused, reading Daisy's... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1. Welcome Home
Chapter 2. The Lantern
Chapter 3. Bria
Chapter 4. House In The Tree
Chapter 5. Inklusive
Chapter 6. Panic
Chapter 7. Punished
Chapter 8. Secrets
Chapter 9. Rides
Chapter 10. Eating Contest
Chapter 11. Abandoned
Chapter 12. Fools Hope
Chapter 13. Booster
Chapter 14. Fantasy
Chapter 15. Food For The Soul
Chapter 16. Duh
Chapter 17. Bad Listener
Chapter 18. For Dad
Chapter 19. The Fight
Chapter 20. Airport
Chapter 21. At A Loss
Chapter 22. Layover
Chapter 23. Call Back
Chapter 24. Flight Two
Chapter 25. Anticipation
Chapter 26. Fantasy
Chapter 27. Rick
Chapter 28. Watch Her
Chapter 29. Realization
Chapter 30. Mermaids
Chapter 31. I'm Sorry
Chapter 32. Steak-Out
Chapter 34. Barbecue
Chapter 35. Unfortunate
Chapter 36. Hospital
Chapter 37. Sneaky
Chapter 38. Night Nurse
Chapter 39. Visit
Chapter 40. Picnic
Chapter 41. Tomorrow For Lunch
Chapter 42. Brownies

Chapter 33. Hidden Text

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By BabyGurl5119

Asher's POV

I thought I noticed someone following me but, the more I sit on this park bench, the more I think I was imagining it. I've been sitting here for a few hours now. Although it's peaceful and alluring, I'm getting bored.

My knee vibrates my heel against the ground in anticipation. I feel like if anything were to happen, it would've already happened.

After waiting another hour, I sigh and stand up from the bench. Time to go. I'm not wasting any more of my time waiting for something to happen.

I get into my car and drive back to the house.

As I pull up into the driveway, I see a similar car, it looks like the car that I thought was following me earlier, but I shake it off and ignore it. Many people can have the same car.

When I open the front door, I hear the screech of tires speed off. I turn to see the car I was looking at before turning down the road.

I walk inside the house to find my brother and Carson both looking around the house.

"Brother, have you seen Daisy?" James walks up to me.

I look between him and Carson and shake my head.

"She was playing hide and seek with Carson and now we can't find her." I see the slight panic in his eyes.

"You lost her?!" I say in anger.

I walk past James, making sure to hit my shoulder against his. I'm furious right now. How the fuck could he not have been more careful. He knows Bria is here.

I search everywhere. I can't fucking find her.

The sun begins to set and that's when true panic kicks in.

My palms ball up at my side into raging fists.

"I called Drew, him and his men said that she's with two other people." James informs.

I nod and open the back door to let the cool air in. My body is hot, I'm so angry that I can't cool myself down without a little bit of help.

"W- "

"Hush!" I cut him off hearing rustling noises.

I quickly step outside and scan the area. A pink shirt is seen inside the bushes.

"Finally! Someone found me!" Daisy says while coming out from the bushes.

My heart begins to beat once again. I release a breath I didn't realize I was holding while James runs up and hugs her.

"Didn't you hear us calling you?" James asks her with a hint of anger.

"That's cheating daddy. I had to be found." Daisy says innocently.

"Angel, we thought you went missing. We couldn't find you. Next time, you hear someone call your name you need to come out, so we know you're okay." I explain.

"I was just playing a game. I don't know why I'm in trouble." Daisy complains.

"Nobody said you were in trouble princess. We were explaining why what you did was wrong." James backs me up.

"I'm sorry daddies. I won't do it again." She puts her head down.

James kisses the top of her head and picks her up.

Daisy's POV

I didn't mean to scare anyone. But at least now I'll be known as the best hide and seek player! It took them hours to find me!

Stinging pain radiates off my back.

"Daddy. I think I have booboos." I tell daddy James.

It's better to tell him now so they don't get infected and hurt even worse.

"Where princess?" He sets me down in my room and scans my body.

"My back, my legs, and my tummy feel like they have scratches." I admit.

Daddy James lifts my shirt then tells me that he will be right back.

I sit and wait patiently for him to return until my phone beeps.

I pull it out and I feel all the blood rush out of my face.

Bria texted me...

I take a moment to think about if I should read it or not. I know my daddies deleted her voicemail so I couldn't hear it, I would've expected that they blocked her number too.

After a deep breath, I open the message.

Bria: I know the truth now. I see clearly what happened. Please talk to me, we can meet wherever you want, I'll come alone. I need to make this right DeeDee, please.

My eyebrows knit together. What does she mean?

Pulling me out of all the scenarios running through my head, daddy James and daddy Asher walk through my bedroom door.

I put my nonchalantly put my phone, face down, on my pillow in case she texts again.

"Okay princess, you need to take your clothes off." Daddy James instructs.

I look at them like a deer in headlights.

"You have thorns and cuts all over princess, we need to get them out and fix you up." Daddy James continues.

That's why my skin hurts so bad!

A carefully remove my shirt to see both of them wince.

"Don't look at it angel. Give me your shirt." Daddy Asher holds out his hand for my shirt.

I slowly hand it over and he wraps it around my head as a blindfold. Now I can't look even if I wanted to.

I feel someone tug my pants off along with my panties. This feels like a trap. This is a trap!

"I'll pull them out and you clean the scrapes." Daddy James says to I assume daddy Asher.

I feel a cold liquid touch my leg. This isn't so bad.

"Ahh!" I yell out. I guess I spoke too soon. The cold liquid begins to burn to the point where I swear, I can feel steam coming off my skin.

"I'm sorry angel. I know it hurts. I need to clean it; I'm being as gentle as I can. Why did you stay in those bushes for so long? Didn't it hurt? Daddy Asher says.

Yes, yes it did hurt. But I was already in too deep. I had to see it through.

I nod knowing that if I spoke, I'd holler in pain.

I feel each and every thorn being tugged out of my skin then the cleaner burning the wounds.

Carson eventually comes in and lifts my wadded up blind fold and offers me a cookie that I assume her and Drew just baked together.

I happily take it and bite into it. The gooey chocolate melts in my mouth, making me forget about the pain of the thorns.

"Why did you go into a thorn bush silly?" Carson asks after scanning my naked body.

"I didn't know it was a thorn bush." I sigh and mentally facepalm.

I hear her giggle and she wraps my hair up into a messy bun. Cool air touching the back of my neck makes me feel a little better.

After an hour of my daddies pulling out thorns and cleaning them, I'm finally done. Luckily there is minimal bleeding, so I don't need any band aids.

Daddy Asher lays with me for a little bit until I pretend to fall asleep. Once I hear the door shut, I grab my phone and open Bria's message.

I read it over once again.

Bria: I know the truth now. I see clearly what happened. Please talk to me, we can meet wherever you want, I'll come alone. I need to make this right DeeDee, please.

Me: What happened?

That's the only thing I could think about sending. I never thought she would talk to me again unless it was to hurt my feelings. She even called me my nickname, a nickname only she ever used.

Bria: I'm so happy to finally hear from you! I need to talk to you. It's important. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry DeeDee. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I know what my dad did to you, I'm so fucking sorry for not seeing it sooner.

I stare at my phone screen dumbfounded. Is she serious? How does she know? Does she know my daddies killed her dad?

I lay my phone on the bed next to me and decide to respond to her later. I can't let my feelings get in the way of facts. And the fact is, she hated me.


I wake up to Carson shaking me.

"Daisy! Daisy wake up!" Carson says in a panic.

I shoot out of bed and ignore the dizziness from getting up too fast.

"You're in trouble. Your daddies know you texted Bria and they are going to punish you." She quickly states.

My head shoots to the area of the bed that I threw my phone on and it's gone. Dang it! I'm in so much trouble.

As I stand out of bed, my legs shake in fear of what's about to happen.

"Sit down." Daddy James' voice booms from the doorway.

I watch as Carson scurries out of the room while both of my daddies come in.

My heart pounds against my chest, if I weren't wearing a shirt, I'm sure you could see it beating.

"Care to explain what you did?" Daddy Asher asks.

I let my head fall to my chest. There's no getting out of this.

"I texted Bria." I admit in a small voice.

"She's dangerous Daisy! Why would you text her!" Daddy James yells.

His voice echoes through my head.

"I-I thought...I wanted to see what she ha-had to say." I stutter.

Daddy Asher grabs my arm and surprisingly gently flips me over.

"Since you're all scratched up and already sore from those thorns, I'm going to take it easy on you." Daddy Asher states as he pulls down my panties.

"What you did could've given her something she's not supposed to have. She's dangerous." Daddy James repeats.

Their voices hold no love for me in this moment, only anger.

A tear burns its way down my face as daddy Asher spanks my butt.

"I'm so-sorry." I choke on my tears.

After five spankings, daddy Asher stops. He stands beside me and looks into my watery eyes.

"You can't do this again Daisy." Daddy Asher informs.

I nod telling him that I understand.

A cold substance is placed where my skin burns from being spanked. I turn to see daddy James rubbing something soothing on the red skin.

"As further punishment, your phone will be taken away to insure this doesn't happen again. You will not eat any sweets today either." Daddy James scolds.

I nod again happy I'm feeling some comfort from the soothing gel he is rubbing on me.

When he is done, he helps me stand up and he dresses me in a loose flowy dress.

I deserved this. I knew I would get in trouble if I got caught but I did it anyways.

I follow daddy James into the kitchen and sit on the floor. Carson finds her way to me and plops down next to me with a smile that says, 'I'm sorry you got in trouble'. I return her smile with a sad one.

"Here princess. Eat your breakfast." Daddy James hands me a plate of fruits and eggs.

I don't deserve to eat. I'm a bad girl.

"It's okay daddy. I know I don't deserve to eat." I try to hand him the plate.

His head turns towards me with confusion on his face.

"Everyone deserves to eat. Even if they are bad girls sometimes. I still love you princess, I'm just very disappointed in what you did last night." Daddy James reassures.

Oh, the classic, I'm not mad I'm just disappointed in you. Somehow that's worse than being mad. I wish he was mad at me instead.

I sluggishly bite into a piece of fruit and slowly chew it.

What if Bria really is sorry?

It would be nice to have Bria back in my life despite all that's happened. She was my sister; she was the person who taught me things and protected me until my daddies came.

Can I forgive and forget? Or has the damage already been done?

Thank you all for reading! Please remember to like, comment, and follow!

Would you be able to forgive Bria if you were Daisy?

I honestly don't think I would.


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