Dreamnotfound Oneshots b/c wh...


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thank you for all the support :) <3 using dnf to improve my writing👍🏻 Will mostly be all fluff and a few an... More

info :)
Bed Hair
Mermaid [Part 2]
Prison Visit
Childhood Friends
Can I Call You Back?
Forehead Kisses and Hot Chocolate
An Ocean Away
Be Realistic
A Little Bit In Love
Cuteness Overload
Is That What You Like Now?
The Truth
In Your Dreams
Under The Fireworks

Rivals Or More

4.2K 98 143

[Fluff] ✔︎
☞︎inspired by the anime Special A☜︎


Third Person's POV

From afar—if you didn't know these two idiots—you would think that they are best friends, or even dating if you think about it. They are always with each other. If you see one of them, the other will be there too or at least somewhere nearby. You can't have one without the other. You would see them bicker a lot like an old married couple. In some cases, you would think it's cute and typical young love or something along those lines.

Now, if you do know these idiots, you would know that they hate each other. Or at least one hates the other and the other just likes to tease. They have been rivals since young. Always competitive with each other, trying to one up each other somehow. At any inconvenience, one would challenge the other to do something stupid.

But it's not just them trying to one up each other. It's mostly one trying to finally beat the other in something while the other effortlessly wins all the time.

Sometimes it can get scary between those two when they get too competitive. To say the least, a lot of people in their school are intimidated by them. Both are intelligent, athletic, diligent, you name it.

"Now who are these two?" you may ask.

Well, let me introduce you to:

Dream W. Taken, 17 years old, senior/upperclassman at DSMP High. The one always winning effortlessly.

George N. Found, 18 years old, senior/upperclassman at DSMP High. The one always losing and initiating every challenge.

They are a handful.


"What?! How did you get extra credit?!" George baffled while darting his eyes back and forth from his paper and Dream's paper.

Dream just lets out a chuckle and crosses his arms while looking at George expectingly, "There was an error on one of the questions so I told the teacher. You should've noticed the error too George."

George lets out a scoff and tried to see where the error was and sure enough, there was an error, "This is not fair! I have 100% while you have 102%!"

Dream takes both of the papers out of George's hands and lifted George's chin up to look up at him, "Can I say what I want for my prize now?"

George lets out a 'tch' as he swatted Dream's hand away and sat down on top of one of the desks in the empty classroom. Even though George doesn't show it, but he's kinda nervous on what Dream will ask for his prize.

Will he asks George to be his servant for a day? Will he make George dress up as a clown and embarrass himself in front of the whole school? Oh my god.. what if he asks for something expensive?!

George shuttered a little bit thinking about what Dream may have wanted as his prize. Well there's no turning back now. George wanted to challenge Dream into seeing who could get the highest score in their next test and of course, Dream wins. He always does.

He lets out a sigh and looks at Dream, "What do you want your prize to be?"

Dream has a shit-eating grin on his face as he says, "Go out on a date with me."



"I can't believe this," George muttered to himself as he waited for Dream at the Plaza they planned to meet at.

They were planning to meet at 1 pm; it was currently 12:30 pm. George only came early because he knew that if he were to come any later, he would not show up at all and he would get a mouthful from Dream if he didn't show up.

To George, this was a joke to Dream and that Dream wants to make him suffer with this 'date' and punishing him because he lost. George just internally groans. With him sulking with his head down, a rain cloud could be seen over his head.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to come so early."

The rain cloud seemed to rain down even more once he looked up to see who the voice belonged to. Lo and behold, it was Dream with that annoying smile on his face.

Dream only chuckled at George's sullen state and ruffled his hair a bit, making George whack his hand away and fix his hair again, "Cheer up. I have a lot planned for us today so don't fall back on me. Oh and," Dream paused and took George's hand, lacing their fingers together, "you have to be holding my hand this entire date."

George grew flustered and tried to pull his hand away, but Dream only held his hand tighter, "Why do I have to hold your hand?!"

"To punish you," Dream had the brightest smile on his face as he said that.

George's mouth fell agape with widened eyes. He just lets out a sigh and made no other protests as Dream pulls him along.


To George's dismay, nothing bad happened. Dream didn't pull any tricks on him, didn't make him a fool of himself. The date was surprisingly nice even though George was on edge most of the time. Dream wasn't lying when he said he had a lot planned.

First, Dream took George to a arcade that was in the Plaza. Makes sense on why Dream wanted to meet up at the Plaza. Of course, we all know what arcades have right? Games.

And games mean that George will see this as a competition and will get competitive, challenging Dream to every game there is. Dream expected this to happen when he planned out to go to the arcade with George. Dream ended up winning every time, but out of pity and for the sake of George's ego, he lost on purpose a few times to let George win.

After playing literally every game there was and having a lot of rematches, they had a lot of tickets to exchange for gifts/rewards. Dream told George to just do whatever he wanted with it, but kept some tickets for himself too and got George a stuff animal with it.

Lets just say, that stuff animal never really left George's arms for the rest of the date.

After the arcade, Dream then took George to a new ice cream parlor that got decently popular over the past few months it's been open. Dream knew that George has been wanting to go there for awhile so he made sure that they could go there.

Dream lets George pick whatever he wanted and got a large cup of it. Why? Well what's the fun in eating their own separate ice creams when they could share. George didn't like that idea at all, but he can't really deny, can he?

When they were done eating their ice cream, Dream actually told George that their next location isn't at the Plaza. It was actually at a nearby park not so far away. Unbeknownst to George, there was a ice skating rink at that said park and that's where Dream took him.

George was scared to get on the ice, or rather he was scared to move on the ice because he has never ice skated before. He was clutching at the side wall of the rink and also holding Dream's hand very tightly.

Dream was obviously enjoying this and laughing at George. George was glaring at Dream while trying to keep balance even though he's holding onto the wall for dear life and Dream was supporting him.———George didn't want to move and was being stubborn about not moving so to get George to move, Dream had no choice, but to challenge George.

Once George heard 'challenge' he almost instantly perked up. He never backs down on a challenge so after a bit of contemplation, he lets go of the wall, but he still held onto Dream's hands to keep steady.

It was funny seeing George struggle while Dream led them further out, skating backwards while making sure to not hit anyone. After some time, George got adjusted quickly and could sorta go on his own for a bit. He never pulled away from Dream's hand though. Actually when he got the hang of it, he gave Dream the brightest smile ever without even knowing and squeezed his hand out of excitement.

Now what do you do after you go ice skating? Go to a fucking pottery class. That's right. A pottery class. No specific reason why. Dream just wanted to go to a pottery class with George.———Taking a pottery class with these two was a bit hectic to say the least. Feeling sorry for the teacher that taught the class. Lets just say, it got a bit competitive to see who would make a better cup and it got a bit messy with the clay.

It was mostly light hearted banter this time though and George seemed to be enjoying himself more than focusing on the "competition" part.

You get the gist now right? They did a lot of things that Dream planed out. Not in particular order, but the rest of the activities were going to see a movie, getting a nice dinner, going to see a light show, getting more desert.

The last destination is where they are at now. On a field of many different flowers, star gazing. It was 7:30 pm and since it's the winter, it got dark pretty quick.

While George's gaze was upon the small dots that lights up the night sky, Dream's gaze was on him. George was admiring how beautiful the stars were while Dream admired how beautiful he was. There was a comfortable silence between them.

"Hey Dream," George said breaking the silence, "umm.. thank you for today. It was actually fun and I am quite thankful that you didn't do anything to embarrass me."

Dream smiled softly and looked away from George, opting to look down at his hands on his lap before replying, "I wouldn't want our first date to be boring now would I?"

George lets out a small scoff while playfully rolling his eyes and averting his eyes to Dream, "Are you satisfied with your prize?"

Letting out a long exhale, Dream closed his eyes and leaned his head back to face the sky, "Not yet."

George furrowed his eyebrows and turned his body to fully face Dream, "What do you mean 'not yet'? You got your date or whatever and you even made me hold your hand the whole time."

Dream chuckled and opened his eyes to look over at George from the corner of his eye, "I am not satisfied yet because," In quick motion, Dream has George pinned down underneath him, "you're not my boyfriend yet."

Heat rose up George's face as he tried to get freed from under Dream, but he didn't budge at all.

"Stop being ridiculous and get off me!"

As George realized that he couldn't get freed easily, he surrendered and just lets out a sigh. When he looked up to Dream, his eyes widened.———Dream was looking at him with the most adoring eyes, so much love could be seen through them and he had a smile on his face like someone who's lovesick, as if he's pouring his heart out through his eyes. Even through the darkness that surrounded them, Dream's love was brighter than anything in the world. It was all for George.

"Can you see that I'm not being ridiculous, George?"

"Hmph. You're an idiot. You're always ridiculous," George looked away from Dream's gaze as Dream interlock their hands together. George made no protests against it.

George could feel Dream's body weight pressing more against him as Dream leaned down to his ear and whispered, "I love you."

George's breath hitched as the feeling of panic hit him and he pushed Dream off him with all of his strength and he sat up, scooting back a little bit from Dream while trying to hide his reddened face with the back of his hand, "You can't just say 'I love you' to your rival-"

"I never saw you as my rival and I know deep down you don't see me as your rival either," Dream got closer to George and slowly took George's hand away from his face and leaned closer, "I can prove it if you let me."

Dream's face leaned closer to his. With their close proximity, warmth could only be felt in the cold night. George started to lean in as well which made Dream smile and moved his hand to the back of George's head, running his fingers through the back of George's hair.

In that moment, the spaces between their lips have been sealed with each other. The way their lips moved together in a slow motion, but there was so much passion into the kiss nonetheless. Dream was addicted to the way George tasted and deepened the kiss even more by pulling George's head closer to him, making George let out a small noise.

George's hands found their way around under Dream's jaw, cradling his face while his thumbs softly rubbed Dream's cheeks. Dream lets out a small satisfied sigh into the kiss as he opened one eye to look at George.———Pale skin flushed pink, eyes scrunched closed, hair slightly disheveled.

They only then pulled away when George needed to get air into his lungs again.

As they looked into each other's eyes, Dream leaned his forehead against George's and had the happiest smile on his face, "Is this typically what rivals do?"

George scoffs, but he couldn't help the smile that grew on his face, "I hate you so much, Dream."

Dream laughs and moves his arms to wrap around George, pulling him into a hug as he hid his face into George's shoulder, "Yeah. I know you do," there was a small moment of silence between the two before Dream spoke again, "Does this mean you'll be my boyfriend now?"

Dream didn't move from his position and waited for George's answer, tightening his hold on George.———Dream then felt George nod while hugging him back tightly as well.


4 Years Ago

Dream's POV

I can't believe my parents aren't making it to my birthday again. I get that they are busy, but at least have some time out and celebrate your son's 13th birthday with him!

I let out a sigh as I had my head on my desk. It was already after school and the school was mostly empty besides for a few staff that were still in the building. I didn't even want to go home. There wouldn't even be anyone there anyway.

As I sulked even more, I heard someone clear their throat from in front of me. Thinking it was maybe a teacher, I shot my head up.

As I did so, I was surprised to see George instead, standing there with flushed cheeks and furrowed eyebrows as he held out a small cake with a '1' and '3' candle on it.

He lets out a small fake cough and looked away from me as he placed the cake down on my desk, "Happy birthday."

As I looked down at the lit cake on my desk, I couldn't help, but to let out some tears. They were happy tears. At least I know I have at least one person here with me on my birthdays.

I guess George noticed me crying because then he started to panic and frantically trying to get me to stop crying in any way he could and I just laughed. I stood up and engulfed him in a hug, "Thank you, George. You always make my birthdays better."

"You don't have to thank me idiot," I felt him move his arms to hug me back.

I let out a small chuckle as I pulled back from the hug a little bit, having the brightest smile on my face, "But I do have to thank you, George. It really means a lot to me."

After that, I made my wish on the candles before they could melt any further, I wish that me and George will be together forever. I could see a faint smile on George's face after I blew out the candles.

We may be rivals, but you are also my best friend and the best thing that has ever happened to me.


It's been awhile since I've made a lengthy story🧍🏻This took 3 days- I hope you enjoyed! :) my apology gift for deleting a lot of old chapters that you may or may not have liked

2789 words

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