Mermaid [Part 2]

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*2 years later*

Dream's POV
It's been 2 years now. 2 years since I first met George. And I spent the past 2 years visiting him at the lab and I will continue to do so until George feels like he's ready to be on his own again, which I will be sad about but hey. He's been in this tank for who knows how long, probably 3-4 years now and I bet he really misses the free feeling of the big ocean of what was once his 'home' but also the place where he was really in danger. We are now 18 and grew so close to each other. Who knew that my best friend would be a mermaid. And who knew that his best friend would be a human.

Through the years, George also let us test him and study him more. It's mostly my dad though that does all of the tests and studies on George since he trusts my dad. We found out about 8 months ago that George can control any body of water with his mind and that there's a certain type of shell that you can blow into that will make a certain whistle like noise to call out for the mermaids. Further into study and gathering information from George, it seems like that he's the only one of his species in our area.

Today, just like any other day, I walked into the lab with my own keycard, ready to see my mermaid best friend. Yes, I come here like everyday so my dad decided to give me my own keycard. Ironic how he was so secretive about his lab and saying he will only let me be here once 2 years ago to just letting me come here everyday to accompany George.

I greeted the other scientists that were currently here during the day. My dad should be here too but I didn't see him anywhere. I thought that was pretty weird but I decided to shrug it off thinking that maybe he had to go grab something from the other labs.

Once I came to the main center room where the tank was, I saw that the tank was empty and my smile slowly faltered. I started to panic a little bit because George wasn't there. He wasn't here. I ran out of the room and went up to one of the sciences that I knew pretty well, Sam, and grabbed him by the shoulders and made him stop what he was doing and made him look at me.

"Where is George and where is my dad?" I tried to sound as calm as possible but my firm grip on his shoulders tell a different story about how I feel right now.

Sam was about to say something when I heard the door to the lab open and I looked over and I saw my dad walk in and he was holding something. I quickly let go of Sam and I ran up to my dad.

"Dad! Where is George?!" I asked frantically. I'm panicked, I'm worried, I just need George right now.

"Dream, calm down. Don't worry. George decided today was the day that he finally wants to leave-"

I didn't let my dad finish and I can feel my heart thumping out of my chest, "what? Why didn't you text or call me about it?!"

Did George not want me to know? Did he not want to see me?

"Let me finish. George decided that today was the day that he wanted to be free out in the ocean again. And the reason I didn't tell you is because George told me to not tell you. Why? Because he didn't want you to rush here fast yet. A couple hours ago was when we let him off and he said that he needed to find something to give to you," He gives me the item that he was holding and it was a fairly big shell but it wasn't too big or small, "Basically he wanted to surprise you, I didn't think you would come here a bit earlier though. He spent the last few hours searching for this shell. It's the shell that can call out to the mermaids. We thought maybe you would've came a bit later so that I was here when you arrived and I would take you down to the beach and give you the shell."

I started to calm down a little bit and relaxed. I smiled a little bit at the shell in my hand. I looked up to my dad,

"Ok let's go to the beach."


It took us about 15 minutes to get to the beach since it was very close by. Me and my dad went in separate cars though because I might stay a bit longer and I will drive myself back to my apartment.

We got on the sand and he lead me to where they let George go. It was a empty cove, no one was really around.

"He told me that you should blow on the shell." My dad said from behind me.

I walked a bit closer to the edge of the water and I took a small deep breath before I put the shell against my lips and I blew on it like a whistle.

It was a smooth beautiful sound. It had some sort of wave to it.

I waited about 15 seconds and there was no George. I blew on the shell again and waited about a minute.

Is he not coming?

I turned around to walk to my dad but stopped when I felt a big thing of water poured down on me, soaking me wet! Then I heard the laugh that I knew too well. I quickly turned around and I saw George there laying on on his stomach on the sand with his tail submerged in the water though. He had a big smile on his face and I had a big smile too happy to see him.

"I'll leave you children be now." I heard my dad chuckle and walking away back to where our cars were.

I jogged over to George and I sat down in front of him just a few inches away from him.

"Wow George! You leave me and then come back by soaking me wet!" I laughed a little bit and he laughed too.

"It's my grand entrance." He says while smiling.

I let out a small sigh of content, "I really thought you left me. I got so scared and worried and well, sad."

I see his face soften, "You got there before your dad did?"

I nodded my head and I saw him turn his body so he's on his back and he sat up straight and he turned his head to me a little bit and motioned me to come closer.

I moved closer to him so that I'm sitting next to him and he pulls me into a hug and I hugged him back. I hid my face into his shoulder and I held him a bit tightly.

"You can come visit me here instead of the lab now. You just have to blow that shell and I'll come right back. I won't be far anyway." I felt him run his hand through my hair.

I chuckled a little bit, "my best friend is a mermaid. It's not everyday that someone says that." I sigh a little bit, "Sometimes I wish that things could be easier for us, y'know?"

George nodded his head a little bit and he pulled away from the hug and he cupped my face with his hands and he rubbed my cheeks softly, "Even if there's a whole ocean between us, I will still come back to you. And it's quite literally. You'll always be my best friend, you'll always be someone special to me. I'll always love you." He smiles softly.

I let out a small chuckle, "my god George, neither of us are dying." We both laughed and I put my hand on top of one of his that was cupping my face.

"I love you too." I kissed his forehead and I kept my lips lingering on his skin for a bit until I pulled back a little bit to look at him in the eyes. We both smiled at each other feeling content in this moment.

"Promise me that you will continue to come visit me?" George's voice was quiet but loud enough for me to hear.

"Of course I will. Why would I ever stop?"

I would still come back everyday even if you don't.


1459 words

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