The Reason for her Broken Hea...

By _zarawrites_

175K 4.5K 1K

"I want to love you but it hurts too much" "If you give me this chance Zara you will never regret it" ... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three


7.1K 191 88
By _zarawrites_

Adonis's Pov

I'm waiting for the sun to rise.

I haven't been able to sleep ever since she left. I only have time for one person, and that person is Eli.

He just turned 3 a few weeks ago. He was so excited in his batman suit my mom bought for him. I would buy him the world if I could.

I signed him up for Daycare last night. It was getting hard to do work while also trying to hide it from him. So I did what every other parent does and put in my fucking credit card number and called it a night.

Eli can be shy, he doesn't like to open up to people, not after what Ashley did anyway. I don't even know why I would fuck with a girl named Ashley. I would never call a female a bitch but she just might be an exception. He has attachment issues and I don't need anyone hurting his little heart.

I saw the time hit 9 and decided to wake Elias. I walked down the hallway of my apartment until I reached his room.

He was sprawled out on the floor across the room from his bed while sucking on his thumb. I lifted him from the floor and swayed back and forth until I saw his eyes up.

"DADDY!" Ew morning breath, good thing I made him. "Hey kiddo, how'd you sleep?"

"I saw atman and woody." He loves Batman and Woody, all he will ever watch. He hopped out of my arms and left the room like he owned the place. "Hurry up daddy, I'm starving."

"Go brush your teeth and I'll think about feeding you." He knows I'm joking. Chill


He insisted on watching at least two episodes of paw patrol before we left. To be honest, so did I. We put our shoes on and left the house. I could hear a grown man shouting but I didn't have time to pry so we got in the car.

Eli was rambling about all the things he would buy when he was older. I try not to spoil him, but those puppy eyes always get me.

"Me buy a mommy too." I look at him through the mirror and see him staring right back at me. I look back on the road. I just can't

I have to get back to the warehouse so I test Malcolm I'll be a little late. He is my closest friend. Your only friend

As I walk into Eli's assigned room I'm met with a beauty. She looks like she's about to speak but she sees me.

"Do you mind?" I hear the annoyance in her voice and have the urge to smack the attitude out of her.

For some reason I can't talk. Her voice is like happiness to my ears. She is gorgeous

Curly dark hair, chocolate brown eyes, and her mouth, she has full- "I Eli"

I'm cut off to Eli introducing himself. This is new, usually he doesn't speak to people. Let alone tell them his nickname. "This Daddy"


I enter the warehouse and the smell of fresh blood hits my nose. Someone needs to clean this place up. Yuck

"Let me out of here. I didn't steal money, I was getting change. Where's your boss."
I love when they call for me.

"You have one minute to tell me who sent you to my club before I shot you in the eye." I'm not joking

"Ah, you're bluffing." I stare him in the eyes and fix my suit and the rings on my hand. I have a silver band with a knife on it on my middle finger. Chris gave it to me. I checked the clock and one minute had passed.


The bullet pierced his left eye then his right. "Take him out of here, Now." I told one of my workers.

I go to my office and do some background on the people I've helped.

Bruce King: owes 2 million dollars in lost drugs.

I'll have to deal with him.


I go to pick up Elias and see it's already 4:30. Great, I hope that girl lost her attitude. I enter the building and see her tapping her foot.

"Are you always this late"

"It's none of your business." Just hand over my son.

"Hmm, just sign here and here buddy." Does she know who she's speaking to god. Way to make good looks go to waste.

"Don't speak to me like that, do you know who I am. It's obvious you're just some bratty girl trying to raise a few extra bucks. What is, daddy not giving you money anymore." I see her eyes harden. Guess I struck a nerve. Good

Surprisingly Eli hugs her goodbye, he never even hugs his own mom. On the way home all he talks about is Zara. From her hair to her eye back to her ring.

"Daddy she has the same wing as you do. Coo wight"

"Super cool buddy, are you hungry?" Hmm same ring this ring id for people in mafia only. He probably doesn't know what he's talking about.

We stopped at Mcdonalds then drove home. I would kill for a shower right now.



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