Love Don't Change..Odell Beck...

By melaninX_

1.1M 34.3K 13.6K

Danielle has been through hell and back with relationships after finally leaving her ex fiance who was always... More

A|N .
Yass boo Yass
Sequel Posted


23K 639 284
By melaninX_

Odell POV.

When I pulled up to the doctors office, I sat in the car for a few minutes...I put my hoodie over my head, put my sun glasses on and got out the car. I kinda kept my head down as I walked inside so nobody would notice me in case they could still tell it was me. The secretary was an older woman who was in her 40s but she was cool as hell.

"Oh look who it is. You ain't been in here in a long as time."

"Nice to see you too Wanda." I signed the clipboard.

"mmhh no need to sign in..jake had his first two hours cleared in case you come in..go ahead to the back." She snatched the clipboard.

I nodded my head and walked through the glass stained window doors and went to the far end of the hallway, I walked in and saw my doctor typing on his computer.

"Odell! Wassup man, have a seat." He said.

I sat on the chair and took my hoodie off along with my glasses.

"Glad to see you this morning, how you been." He grabbed a pen.

"I've been great." I smiled.

"That's good...I'm take you're blood pressure and all that usual shi- I mean stuff." He laughed to himself.

He put the Blood pressure patch around my arm and pressed the button....the machine started speeding with numbers and it finally stopped beating letting me know that it was finished.

"Ahh...120 over 80, not bad at all. Actually it's really good..I'm gonna ask you a few questio-" I cut him off.

"Surprise, surprise." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"...have you been having any flashbacks or anything ?" He asked letting out a sigh.

"Nah." I replied.

"Does you're girlfriend know about what happened?" He said curiously.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

He sighed again and scratched his head. "Can you at least try to cooperate.." He asked.

"I can..but I don't want too."

"Odell, you're rude, uncooperative, hardheaded and you're self centered ! You don't care about anybody but yourself." He kinda raised his voice

"I am not self centered." I unfolded my arms.

"Yes you are! Do you ever think about what you're peers may think about you not even wanting help, do you ever think about the type of worry you give them."

"My family doesn't know..nobody knows except my girl."

"Well fine! You say you love her and you care about her but do you think that you could be causing her a lot of worry with you not taking you're medicine or not going to counseling or not going to you're doctor ...not only are you selfish, you stubborn! I know you say that this girlfriend of yours makes you feel less stressed but what's gonna happen when she pisses you off to the max!" I glared at him.

"What you mean? What you think I'd hit her or something!?!?" I sat up in my chair.

"I've seen it happen, some guys with PTSD don't wanna take they medicine for whatever reason..they get mad and they just snap on their girlfriends..." I grabbed my hoodie.

"You know what jake you can shut the hell up because I would never put my hands on Danielle! This is why I hate coming here because y'all aggravate the fuck outta me!!!!!" I put my glasses on and walked out the room.


"KISS MY ASS DR. DANIELS!!!" I yelled back at him

I walked out into the waiting area and Wanda yelled my name but I kept walking. I walked out the building and headed to my car. I felt a hand grab my arm and pull me back, I turned around and saw Wanda.

"I know you heard me calling you." I smacked my arm.

"I'm just ready to leave, I gotta get to practice." I started walking away.

"Why you always angry?" She asked.

"I'm not always angry, I'm actually really happy until I come here or go to counseling." I sighed.

"Mmhh you need some good good..if I was 20 years younger I'd put it on you." She joked.

"My already have a girlfriend so you wouldn't even be able to." I laughed.

"Mmhh I'd make you wanna leave her! Sike I'm just playing..get to practice before I make you late."

"Bye Wanda"

I needed to call my mom so I pulled my phone out and dialed her number.

Mom: Hello..

Me: Hey Mama, What you doing?

Mom: Sitting at work, doing paperwork. What are you doing?

Me: About to go to Vic's house but I got some good news.

Mom: What is it?

Me: Well yesterday Danielle went to the doctor and she's pregnant...Im gonna be a dad.

Mom: Are you serious!?!?...Odell please tell me you are not that stupid!!!

Me: What are you talking about!?


Me:...Danielle wouldn't cheat on me.

Mom: You've ain't been dating her that long, you don't know that.

Me: Y'know mom, out of all people I never thought you'd be the one saying this. I'm not leaving her side mom, I love her and she's not going through this alone.

Mom: At least get a paternity test Odell..

Me:Goodbye mama. Love you.

I hung up the phone and tossed it into the passenger seat. I really didn't care what she thought of my Danielle. I loved her and I knew she wouldn't cheat on me.


After taking my test I needed to go to the library and find the book I would need for the next semester.

"Damn Danielle, you look good." I turned around and saw Perez..

"What do you want?" I said.

After getting my class changed to psychology I haven't see Perez in a couple months .

"I can't say hello to the most beautiful girl in the world." He smiled

"Perez we already had this conversation. I have a boyfriend which means you can't keep flirting with me." I grabbed a book.

"Who said I was flirting? I'm just tryna make simple conversation."

"Mmhh." the book I needed was too high on the shelf and I couldn't reach it.

"Let me get that for you.." He grabbed the book. "Psychology? that's where you went...yeah, you a psychologist that's funny! I couldn't even see you as a nurse." He laughed.

"Well that's that suppose to me?" I asked.

"Nothing rude but It's just that I see you as the type to be a kindergarten teacher or something like that." He shrugged.

"I thought about teaching but I like psychology better." He nodded.

"Instead of being a Nurse I start my classes tomorrow so I can be a physical trainer.." He grabbed my books from my hands.

"That's wassup, umm I can carry my own books Perez." I reached for them but he moved my hand.

"I'll carry them for you, you're pregnant anyway you can carry heavy stuff." How the hell did he know!?!??

"How do you know !?!?" I asked surprised.

"You got a little baby bump coming in girl." He smirked.

I looked down at my stomach and I really was getting a baby bump. After checking my books out, Perez carried my stuff to my car.

"Nice car, when'd you get it?" He asked

"A few months ago." I unlocked my doors.

He sat the stuff on my backseat and shut the door.

"Thanks Perez." I smiled

"No problem...umm I was just wondering if you're not busy maybe we could hang out sometime." I sighed

"Perez I'm in a relationship already I can't just go hang with you."

"I know but I just wanna make up for the way I acted last time we studied together..I was rude and I wanna make up for it." He said with a smile.

"Okay fine ..but only as friends, I'm not busy today so we can somewhere now." I shrugged

"Alright cool..umm we can go to lunch, my treat." He smiled.

"Alright I'll follow you." I nodded my head


We decided to go out to to this Chinese Restaurant, I've never been here but Perez says they great food.

"So have you though about any names for the baby?" He asked

"Nah, I just found out I was pregnant yesterday ..I don't even know what I'm having yet."

"True, but it's always good to plan ahead .." He was kinda right.

"Well if I have a boy he's gonna be Odell the third." He nodded.

"No offense but what kinda name is Odell?" He asked.

"He is named after his father..I think it means powerful or something like that." I drank my lemonade.

It was quiet for a minute as we are our food then he said something.

"You're boyfriend is here.." He smirked and stared towards the entrance.

I looked up and it damn sure was Odell, he was with Victor and Eli. I hope he doesn't snap or start jumping to conclusions. He looked over and spotted me, he smiled and then his eyes trailed over to Perez and his smile faded. The waitress started leading them to their table but he stopped at our table.

"Hey baby, what you doing here with him?" He asked.

"We are just having lunch Odell."

"You didn't tell me you were going to lunch with another guy."

"Perez is just a friend, nothing more nothing less." I sighed.

He sucked his teeth and was about you walk away.

" there's no need to get upset, we are just friends. I was just being nice and taking her to lunch." Perez said making him stop and stare at him.

"Okay...who was talking to you?" Odell shrugged.

"I was just saying, I don't want you getting upset with her or anything." Perez said.

"Again...who was talkin' ta' you?"

"You didn't exactly say if you was talking to me or Dani so if I feel the need to speak then that's what the hell I'll do." Perez said making the tension rise even more.

"Okay! Umm, babe I'll see you at home tonight. Perez thanks for lunch but I think we've been here long enough." I said hopefully distracting them both from what was about to happen.

I turned to Odell who had his eyes glued on Perez with a disgusted look plastered on his face.

"Baby...I'm right here look at me." I placed both my hands on each side of his face."Go with you're friends,enjoy you're lunch. I'll see you at home." I caressed his cheek with my thumb.

"Stop starin' at ha' ass befoe' pluck you in ya eye." Odell's Louisiana accent began to surface.

I quickly turned us around so his back was facing Perez."Babe, Let it go please. Go enjoy you're lunch..."I smiled at him.

"I love you.." He stared in my eyes.

"I love you too.." I smiled at him and kissed his lips.

As Odell started to walk away, Perez let out a little laugh/snicker. Odell stopped and looked back at Perez. He walked back over to the table and just glared at Perez..

"BOO!!" Odell jumped at Perez making him flinch and jump in fear.

Odell laughed and sighed. "Punk ass." He gave me one last kiss and walked over to to his teammates.

I can't even was really funny watching that, Odell is so goofy only he would do something like that.

"Ma'am would you like a to go tray?" The waitress asked.

"Yes please." I said.

I looked at Perez who was texting on his phone and I couldn't help but laugh a little, once the waitress gave me my to go box, I put my food in it and gathered my purse and phone.

"Thanks for lunch Perez." I smiled at him.

"No problem ..I would hug you but I don't want you're boyfriend to beat me up." He nervously chuckled. "He seems like the angry type. Is he controlling?"

"No, why?" I asked.

"He seems like it, he doesn't hit you right? Football players are pretty hostile and rude.."

"No, Odell isn't like that. He only turns hostile when you mess with the people he loves the most ."

"Well...I just hope the baby doesn't act like him."

"Perez shut the hell ! You don't know anything about him and don't you ever in you're life talk about my child again!" I grabbed my purse and got up from the table.

I stormed out the restaurant and walked over to my car, I got in and headed home. When I got home I changed into a workout outfit and decided to go to the gym for a few hours and just let loose any tension my body is having. I left the house and headed to the gym.

Late night catch me creepin' with yo' damn ol' lady

Servin' swervin' on the highway and I'm doing bout 80

I can see them haters talkin' but it do not phase me

I done got it out the mud, that's that shit that made me

That's that shit that made me, that's that shit that made me

I done got it out the mud, that's that shit that made me

I blasted 'Made Me' by Snootier Wild as I ran on the treadmill. I had already lifted a few weights but I really wasn't tired yet. Now I see why so many people like going to the gym it really does keep you focused and kinda calm. As my song started to fade out I felt someone tap my shoulder, I stopped my treadmill and took one earphone out. I came face to face with Sarah.

"Hey girl." I smiled at her.

"Hey, I didn't know you worked out!" She said surprised.

"Well I just started a few weeks ago, Odell is practicing late tonight so I might as well do something time consuming," I shrugged as I sat on the bench.

"Girl that's how I feel! Since Victor practicing late so I'll be bored as hell." She groaned

I was about to speak when my phone started ringing and Odell popped up. I smiled at the phone screen just knowing I was about to hear his voice made me happy. Sarah started laughing.

"Answer the phone instead of smiling at it like an idiot." She laughed.

Me: Hey baby

Odell: Somebody sounds happy to hear my voice.

Me: Of course I am! I miss you babe.

Odell: I miss you too beautiful. Where you at?

Me: The gym, with Sarah.

Odell: Ight, coach having family issues so we might cut practice short.

Me: okay, just let me know.

Odell: Babe I'll call you back

Me: Okayy Love

"Mmhh, you and Odell act like y'all can't stay a couple hours apart.." Sarah laughed.

"Girl hush, I just be missing him so much. Away games are gonna kill me." I groaned.

"You get used to it after awhile , it's even worse when you're pregnant because you go through so many pains and mood swings, you just wanna be held by him but he's so far away!" I sighed.

"That's gonna be me." I laughed.
Odell texted me and told me he'd be home by his usual time tonight. Me and Sarah kept working out and talking.

"So a few days before the season starts the Giants always have a big party at this hotel and i don't really talk to anyone else so I just chill , which means you have to come with Odell so I don't be bored!!!" She exclaimed.

"Okay fine I'll go." I shrugged.

"Yay! We gotta be like twins and we usually wear team colors, last year I wore Red." She said drinking her water.

"Let's wear White." I shrugged.

"The would be cute, White and Royal Blue!"

"Yeah we can do that" I nodded.

A few hours went by and I headed home. Odell wasn't there yet, I took a shower and changed into a pair of shorts with Odell's college football jersey. I laid in bed and started watching Degrassi. My stomach kinda started hurting ..ugh! It must've been that Chinese food, my mom told me certain foods would affect me differently during this pregnancy. I heard the front door open and kinda slam shut. Odell walked in the room with a grey pit bull on a leash.

"Hey baby." Odell said taking the dog off the leash.

"Hey didn't tell me you were buying a dog." I said eyeing the dog carefully.

"I wasn't going too but it was the grand opening of this pet shop and I just had to get him." He rubbed the dogs head.

"Well he is adorable." I got off the bed and walked over to them.

"His name is Tzar...this my new Ryyda'" Odell was fascinated with the dog. I knew this was his new bestfriend already.

"Tzar gon be our son's bestfriend." Odell smirked.

"What makes you think we gon have a son...we might have a daughter." I played with Tzar's ears.

"We could but I know we gon have a little boy...I can feel it." He seemed so happy.

Odell went to take a shower and I sat Indian style on the floor with Tzar and took a bunch of pictures.(PICTURES OF TZAR IN THE MM). I looked in the big ass bag Odell bought in with him. I pulled out a doggy bed, dog food, a collar and a bunch of other stuff.

"I talked to my mom today, told her about the baby." He didn't sound enthused over it so it must've went bad.

"What'd she say?" I asked while I was holding Tzar.

"A bunch of shit. It's too early to start a family, the baby possibly isn't mine and I need a DNA test." He seemed bothered by it but he also didn't seem like he was gonna worry about it.

"She said that !?!?" I was shocked, but then again not really..she was rude the first time we met.

"Yup, but I ain't stressing it. I know my girl wouldn't cheat on me, and yeah we haven't been together that long but who cares I love you and you love me..if we wanna start a family now then that's what we gon do." He shrugged.

"You tell you're dad?" I asked. "I think he'd be more excited than you're mom."

"I talked to him when I was leaving practice, him and Jazzy's ugly self." He laughed a little. "My dad was excited...he can't wait to meet his grandson.." He put some serious emphases on the word Grandson as he smirked.

"Mmhh what did Jazzy say?" I shook my head.

"She's happy, she wants to meet her Nephew.." He laughed.

"Wether we have a son or a daughter it doesn't matter because I'm gonna love my baby!..or babies, never know we might have Twinsss"

"Twins? Would you be happy with that. I'd be gone a lot and you'd be alone taking care of 2 kids and a dog." He said, making a valid point.

"Yeah that's true..well either way I'd be happy, it doesn't matter." I shrugged.

Tzar got up from my lap and left the room, I guess he went exploring or some shit.

"I seem you laughing earlier today when I jumped at ya lil' friend ."

"It was funny as hell ! but what was you thinking when you seen me with him?" I asked curiously.

"Well I ain't think you was cheating or anything...I was just tryna figure out why the hell was you with that nigga!..then he was starin' at ya ass when you was talking ta' me! He lucky I ain't smack the shit outta him." Odell was so over protective when he promised me that he would protect me from anything, he meant that shit. I didn't mind felt good having somebody love and care about you.

I didn't even notice that I was sitting on the bed just staring at Odell..but who didn't wanna stare at Odell..He was just perfect. Tall, muscular, gorgeous smile, sexy ass body...and I can't forget about his tattoos LAWWDDD THATS A BONUS!!!.

"Why you staring at me." He laughed a little as he laid in bed next to me.

"No reason..I'm just glad that I have you in my life..I love you." I smiled at him.

"I love you more Dani.."He kissed my lips.

He placed his hand underneath my shirt and rubbed my stomach. He place his head in the crook of my neck. His phone started ringing but he didn't budge..

"Babe.." I said , but he just laid there.."Odell.." He still didn't budge..

I realized he was sleep so I reached over to the nightstand and saw it was a private number, I shrugged and let it ring. Awee my baby was so tired, I played with his hair as I watched a movie and just chilled.

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