Fluffy Harry One-Shots

By 17blackcherry

53.2K 475 180

Harry Fluff stuff. Hope you enjoy!!! More

Feeling Sad
Sickies (ageplay)
Beach Days (kidfic)
Puzzles and Friendships
A day with Harry
Six Flags
Untitled Part 14
Grumpy and Sick (age regression)
Night Time

Home Sick

2K 26 10
By 17blackcherry

This was a request from @theharrytomlinson  Hope you enjoy!

Louis- 24
Niall- 22
Harry- 13 (mentally younger) 


"Harry, time to go to school!" Louis called from the bottom of the stairs. 

Harry appeared at the top of the stairs and walked slowly down the stairs. It seemed like he was purposely walking slowly to waste time. 

"Still a little sleepy this morning, bubba? You're going slow today," Louis said. Usually Harry would be the one rushing Louis to get in the car, he loved school and always wanted to be there and he was always so excited to go and learn and play with his friends for the day. 

"Don' wanna go ta' s'cool, Boo," Harry whined. Truthfully, he wasn't feeling great but he didn't understand why so he didn't tell anyone. 

"But you love school, Haz! You'll have so much fun today, I promise!" Louis tried to sound more cheerful to hopefully bring Harry's mood up a bit. 

"Mm-mm." Harry shook his head. 

"Why the grumpiness this morning, Bug? Is everything okay?" Louis asked, getting a little concerned. 

Harry just walked the rest of the way down the stairs and plopped down on the floor to put his shoes on. Louis chuckled at his actions and grabbed Harry's backpack off the hook. 

"Are we all set then?" Louis asked when Harry'd put his shoes on. Harry just shrugged and took his bag from Louis. 

Louis opened the door and led Harry out. Other then them, Liam was the only one up but he had to leave for an early meeting so they left Niall and Zayn to sleep and left for Harry's school. 

The car ride over was pretty quiet, no one talking but the person on the radio. Louis keeps looking back to Harry in the rear view mirror and sees him rubbing his stomach sometimes. Louis just assumes he's got a bit of a tummy ache from breakfast because he usually does and he's been taken to a doctor for it. 

When they get to school, Louis unbuckles Harry from his car seat and helps him out, grabbing his back pack from the seat beside and taking Harry's hand in his own. 

"Let's go, love!" Louis says cheerfully. 

Harry smiles a bit which puts some of Louis' worries at ease. When they get to the front doors, Louis walks Harry to his class. Harry was put in a class for people who learn at a slower pace (I don't know how to describe it and I don't want to offend anyone, sorry if I do!!)  

He was in a regular classroom for a while when he still lived in Cheshire with Anne but she quickly realized that Harry was getting overwhelmed and wasn't actually learning anything so they made the change immediately and Harry was loving school now. 

Louis walked Harry to his class every day because the boy always had so much trouble getting around the school by himself and he just needed a bit of help. When they got to his class Louis crouched down and gave Harry a hug. 

"Have an amazing day, lovey! I'll be here to pick you up as soon as school is over," Louis tells him. 

"Don't wanna go, Louis," Harry mumbles into Louis' shoulder. 

"You'll have so much fun! You get to play with Isla and Wyatt and you'll learn so much that you can come home and tech the boys and I," Louis says. 

Harry sighs and grabs Louis' hand again, "C'n you come in with me?" 

"I'll come in with you and say hello to Mrs. Stacey." Louis agrees, knowing Harry was just having a moment. 

Louis opened the door and they walked in together, Harry's tummy was still really hurting but he didn't want to tell Louis in case he made him go to the doctors again, he really didn't like the doctor's office. 

Harry's teacher, Mrs. Stacey, saw them walk in and smiled as she made her way over to them. "Good morning, Harry!" She said cheerfully. 

Harry didn't say anything, just looked at the ground. Louis smiled apologetically, "He's having a bit of a bad morning. Didn't want to come today." 

"That's too bad, we're making snowmen for Christmas today!" Mrs. Stacey says happily. Harry perks up a bit at the mention of doing crafts, they've always been his favourite. 

Louis turns back to Harry, "Do you want to go make crafts, Haz?" 

Harry nods and lets go of Louis' hand. Louis smiles at Mrs. Stacey and kisses Harry's cheek as they say a quick goodbye. 

Louis leaves the classroom and Harry follows Mrs. Stacey to the craft table, his tummy hurting worse now. 


Louis had ended up just going home after dropping Harry off at school. He was supposed to go to a meeting but it had been cancelled. 

He was sitting in the living room with Niall and Liam watching a movie when his phone rang. 

He got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to answer it. 

"Hello?" Louis said. 

"Hi, Mr. Tomlinson. It's Ms. Jacobs, I'm calling about Harry." 

"What's going on? Is he alright?" Louis goes into full panic mode. 

"Harry's just been sick. He's complaining of a bad stomach ache, hence the throwing up and he's got a pretty high fever. He's been asking for you since he got tot he nurses office." 

"Oh no, thanks so much for calling. Tell him I'm on my way right now," Louis tells her before saying goodbye and hanging up. 

"I've got to go pick Harry up. He threw up at school," Louis tells the boys as he pulls on his shoes and grabs his keys. 

"Is he alright?" Liam asks worriedly. 

"The school nurse says he's got a pretty high fever. Hopefully it's just a little bug." 

"Alright, you should go," Niall says, rushing him out the door. 

Louis gets in the car and drives down to the school. When he gets there, he finds the nurses office and goes inside. 

"You must be Louis," a woman says. "Harry's back here, I'll go get him. The poor thing's got a pretty high fever and he's been sick quite a bit. I'd recommend taking him to a doctor, perhaps the hospital." 

This worries Louis, he can't believe he didn't know Harry was this sick this morning. 

Soon, the nurse walks out with Harry's back pack in one hand and Harry's hand in the other. Harry had tears streaming down his face and he looked very pale. 

When he saw Louis he immediately started crying harder and held his arms up for the man to pick him up. Louis picked him up gently and held him on his hip, taking his bag from the nurse. 

"Hope you feel better soon, Harry!" The nurse calls. 

"Thanks so much!" Louis calls over his shoulder. 

Louis carries Harry out to the car, he can feel the heat radiating off the boy and decides they're making a quick trip to the hospital. Better safe than sorry. 

Once Louis knows Harry is comfortable in his seat, he climbs into the driver's seat and sends a quick text to the boy's group chat telling them where the two were headed and then left the school. 

Harry fell asleep for a couple minutes but it wasn't long before he woke up and immediately gagged. Louis swore under his breath as Harry threw up on himself and started to sob. 

"Oh, Haz, Bubba. It's alright, calm down for Boo. We can get out of the car soon," Louis coos gently. 

"B-B-Boo!" Harry cries. 

Louis feels so bad that he can't do anything but he doesn't want to pull over, he just wants to get to a doctor that can help him better than he can. 

Soon enough, they're pulling into the emergency room parking lot. Louis climbs out of the car and gets Harry out, he carries him even though there's vomit all over his shirt because Harry clearly needs comfort and he's definitely not going to like what was coming at the hospital. 


They were quickly admitted after the doctor had determined Harry was dehydrated and his fever was much too high. 

They got Harry's fever down after an excruciating ice bath. It was hard for Louis to watch and even worse for Harry to experience. 

After the ice bath, they got Harry situated in a bed and hooked up to an IV. Harry freaked out at the needle and Louis had to practically hold him down so they could get it in his arm. 

The doctor said they would most likely be discharged in about two hours and she just wanted to watch him to make sure the fluids were helping and his fever stayed down. 

"Boo, I wanna go home," Harry whined. They were sitting in the hospital bed watching cartoons on the hospital TV and they still had about an hour until the doctor would discharge them. 

"Shh, I know you do, Bubba. But these doctors just want to make sure you're feeling like yourself again. I want you to feel better too," Louis told him gently. 

"Don' like here," Harry mumbled into Louis' chest. 

"I know, bug. Why don't you just close your eyes and have a little rest," Louis suggested. 

"No naps," Harry groaned. 

Louis chuckled, Harry never liked naps. "You don't have to take a nap, love. Just rest your eyes, sick boys need their rest don't they?" 

"Jus' gonna rest my eyes cause I sick, mkay, Boo?" Harry said in a serious tone. 

"Alright, Haz, that's fine. I'm not going anywhere," Louis says. Harry curls into Louis' side, holding his shirt in his fist. It doesn't take long for him to completely pass out beside Louis. 

While Harry's asleep Louis texts the boys to update them and not long after, the doctor comes back in to check on Harry again. 

"He's fallen asleep," Louis whispers. 

"That's alright, he doesn't need to be awake for this," The doctor replies. "Poor boy's had a long day, he definitely needs rest." 

Louis chuckles softly.

"Alright," She says, "I think you guys are good to leave. He hasn't thrown up in an hour, he's hydrated again and his fever has gone down significantly. Just make sure he stays hydrated and give him what you usually would for the fever and he should be better in a few days." 

Louis smiles and stands up from the bed, "Thank you so much, Doctor." 

"Just doing my job," The doctor smiles. "I'll have a nurse in to discharge you in a minute." 

Louis slowly nudges Harry to wake him up. "Bubba, wake up," He says softly. Harry groans and rubs his eyes with balled fists. 

"Boo, sweepin'!" Harry complains. 

"We're going home, Bug," Louis tells him. This makes Harry perk up. 

"Yay!" Harry cheers excitedly, lifting his arms up for Louis to pick him up. 

Once they've been discharge, they head for home again. 

"I think all the boys are excited to see you, bubs! They were so worried about you," Louis tells him. Harry just giggles and blushes a  little. 


At home, the pair (mostly Harry) is greeted with lots of hugs and kisses from the boys. 

"That tickwles, Zaynie!" Harry giggles as Zayn kisses his face repeatedly. 

"Alright, I think it's time for Mr. Sickie to get into some jammies," Louis chuckles. 

He takes the boy from Zayn's arms and they head upstairs. 

Louis lays Harry on his changing table and rubs his tummy a few times. 

"What jammies are you choosing today, Haz?" 

Harry thinks about it- it really is an important decision - before deciding on his pink kitty pajamas. Louis gets him into a pull up and his pajamas and then lifts him from the table. 

Harry rests his head against Louis' shoulder and puts his thumb in his mouth. Louis doesn't scold him because he knows Harry's just tired and this is a form of self-soothing. Instead, he picks up a pacifier and gently takes Harry's thumb from his mouth and replaces it. 

Harry rubs his eyes tiredly. 

"Should we go turn on a show in Boo's bed?" Louis asks. 

Harry just nods and Louis takes them to his bed. He turns on Disney and Harry picks the show T.O.T.S.. 

Louis lets him lie on his chest as he plays with his curls gently. It doesn't take long for Harry to fall asleep and Louis really isn't too far behind him. 

Luckily, Harry was feeling much better in a couple days and was even able to return to school! 


Hello friends! 

I haven't updated in a while but here's a request I filled lol. 

How's  life for everyone (feel free to rant if you need to!) 

I'm on Christmas break right now and I'm having a Christmas movie marathon with my friend in two days! Super excited!! 

I hope you enjoyed and if you have any requests pm me!!

Merry Christmas, Happy holidays and, if you don't celebrate anything, happy Sunday (or whatever day it is when you're reading this!!) 

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