Naruto: soldier of 141

By Kedarcriticalgod

127K 1.6K 455

Every since he was born our little blonde has been neglected by his parents for his sisters who are Naruko an... More

Chapter one: the night it all started
Chapter Two:Training Part One and Secrets Revealed
Chapter three: Training Part 2 and Flight
Chapter Four: Training Part 3
Chapter Five: Training Final Part: Weapons Training
Chapter six: First Mission
Chapter Eight: Promotion
Chapter Nine: Team Bonding.
Chapter Ten: Unexpected Occurrences
Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Occurrences Part 2
Chapter Twelve: After Match
Chapter Thirteen: Meeting The General.
Chapter Fourteen: Bounty
Chapter Fifteen: Arrival
Chapter Sixteen: A Brothers Love.
Chapter Seventeen: Test Run
Chapter Eighteen: Mother-son Time.
Chapter Nineteen: Capture.
Chapter Twenty: Recovery Part 1 of 2
Chapter Twenty-one: Recovery Part 2 of 2
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three: A-10's of fun
Chapter Twenty-four: Kushina
Chapter Twenty-five: Crazy?
Chapter Twenty-six: Under Attack
Chapter Twenty-seven: Recovery
Chapter Twenty-eight: Limit reached.
Chapter Twenty-nine: Let's go hunt.
Chapter Thirty: Search and Rescue
Chapter Thirty-one: Naruto-Sensei
Chapter Thirty-two: Real Training And Warning ⚠️
Chapter Thirty-three.
Chapter Thirty-Four: Close Air Support.
Chapter Thirty-five: An echo in the wind (Part 1)
Chapter Thirty-Six: Echo in the wind (Pt 2 )
Chapter Thirty-seven: New Life
Chapter Thirty-eight: Tear a new one
Chapter Thirty-Nine- We love you too
Chapter Forty: Commander
Chapter Forty-One: Under Attack
Chapter Forty-two: Back From The Dead
Chapter Forty-Three: Back Home
Chapter Forty-Four: Meeting
Chapter Forty-Five: Team Test
Chapter Forty-Six: Being With Family again ❤
Chapter Forty-Seven: Why Should We
Chapter Forty-eight: Easy Day
Chapter Forty-nine: Bonding
Chapter Fifty: Arrival
Chapter Fifty-one: Why Stop?
Chapter Fifty-two: Two Man Team
Chapter Fifty-Three: Missing Sub Pt1
Chapter Fifty-Four: Missing Sub Pt2
Chapter Fifty-Five: Missing Sub Pt 3
Chapter Fifty-Six: Cigar Of Surprises
Chapter Fifty-Seven: Savior Or Not
Chapter Fifty-Eight: Movement On Hold
Chapter Fifty-Nine: What's My Type?
Chapter Sixty: One man Army
Chapter Sixty-one: Dear Kami Help!!
Chapter Sixty-Two: Screw it, Kami, Help me fuck these sluts
Chapther Sixty-Three: I want you Back
Chapter Sixty-Four: Air Demon
Chapter Sixty-Five: Final Mission
Chapter Sixty-Six: Road to Recovery.
Chapter Sixty-Seven: New Threat
Chapter Sixty-Eight: Leave No Alive
Chapter Sixty-Nine: No Messes with My Women
Chapter Seventy: My Son
Chapter Seventy-One: The Ghost Within
Chapter Seventy-Two: The Red Raven (Part 1)
Chapter Seventy-Three: The Red Raven (Part2)
Seventy-Four: The Red Raven (Part 3 )/The Beast
Chapter Seventy-five: Always the Bad Guy
Chapter Seventy-Six: Awake?
Chapter Seventy-Seven: Awoken
Chapter Seventy-Eight: Love and Resilience
Chapter Seventy-Nine: Workday
Chapter Eighty: Retaliation and Resilience

Chapter Seven: Time To Get Nuclear.

4.5K 45 9
By Kedarcriticalgod


It was now the next day, in England, the interrogation process with Hades right hand man went exceptionally well and fast at that. Right now it is about 6am, in the day as outside the base, you could see the just rising sun. In the briefing room in the base, you could see the Commander, Price and his team and some other personal.

They were all there as there is big mission coming up and they needed to be brief and out the door before anything bad happens. Once the last team, assigned to the mission, came in the briefing began.

Sheila: We have gotten information from Hades right Hand man, that at 8am today they were going to storm this Nuclear power plant (points at the place on the screen) and make it have a reactor melt down, now of they are to successful do that, the surrounding area, like cities and towns, will become a Nuclear waste land, killing everyone, who inhales the gas.

She told them as there was murmurs in the room, one brave soldier raised his hand as she pointed at him.

Soldier: If they succeed, what are the casualty rates?

He asked her as she nods at him and skip the screen, to a different one, it shows a simulator of what would happen if they should succeed and the number of casualties it's going to have.

Sheila: As you can see, if the reactor melt down was to happen, it would of affect over atleast 4 cities and nearby towns that are in a 100 miles radius, the death toll, as shown, is going to be over 300,000 people.

She explained to them they nodded at her.

Sheila: Good, now that you understand, the plan is simple, I want you guys to get there first, evacuate every civilian there and take up defensive formations around plant. Okay team 1, you're going to be at the back, incase of any sneak attacks.

She said as the team leader nods his head, showing he understands.

Sheila: Team 2 and 3, you guys are going to be station at the sides, you are to cover both flanks and under no circumstances are you to leave your posts.

She told them as both team leaders nods as a sign of understanding.

Sheila: Team 4 and 5, I want you guys to be on the roof as you guys are mostly snipers, so you guys going to be the ones to take out any thing that might be too much for the ground forces.

She said as the leaders nodded at her as a sign of understanding.

Sheila: Team 6, you are going to be partner with task Force 141, as the main assault force, you guys are going to be set up at the front door of the building as you team 6 is mostly a heavy assault team and task Force 141 team is more resourceful and adaptive to things, also Price, I am going to need you to send your sniper up to the roof with team 4 and 5.

She told them as some murmurs were heard, this got the attention of the task Force, Sheila and Price, Naruto, who was just sitting there with his eyes close and have his earphones on didn't pay attention to them as he was listening to music but also heard everything.

Sheila: Is there something wrong?

She asked them, hiding the anger in her voice so that they didn't catch to it.

Leader for team 4: It's just that, why would you want a 13 year old to come up with my and team 5 squad.

He asked a little dangerously as he looks at Naruto who wasn't paying an attention to them.

Leader For team 5: I agree with him on this one commander, He is a little too young and disobedient, I mean look at him, he is not even listening.

He said as he pointed to Naruto, who just kept him eyes close but talked.

Naruto: You might want to check before you talk, Sargent.

He said, shocking the man and everyone in the room except his mother, Price and his team.

Naruto: I was awake the entire time, I was just going over the plan in my head, there is one thing I want to ask though.

He said as he shift his head from the Sargent to his mother who nods at him.

Naruto: What about air support, so far all the planning and stage setting looks good but what about when we are really in a stick situation that we can't get out of.

He said to her as she thinks about it for a while and smiled at him.

Sheila: I guess you are right about that, I will have some buzzards and a black Hawk on stand by just in case and see if I can anything else from the English army, is there anything else you like to add Naruto?

She said and asked him as he thinks about it nods.

Naruto: What about a Kill box, lure the emeny in one place and we ambush them incase things get to hot outside and what about if we are the ones getting ambush.

He told her as everyone turn there heads to him.

Price: Explain what you mean, Naruto.

Naruto: Sure thing, look at the problem from the different angles, try and get inside this dudes head, he is always one step ahead of us cause he knows how we think, what we do in certain situations and how we act. Think about this mission, we just happened to capture the one guy who can give us information about the whereabouts of Hades and yet he told us about his plan for this.

He told them as everyone looks at him a bit confused.

Naruto:(sighs) What I am saying is that we could be walking into a trap, a trap set up by Hades himself, he wanted us to capture his number two, he wanted us to get this information and he wanted us to go to this power where he might have an ambush set up, Pops when we were doing the Hostage rescue didn't something feel off, why would that little bit of people come to capture a school? I have kept that thought in my head since we got home, It seems odd on why would he send his Number two to a clearly under defended school.

Explained to them as they all get it now.

Sheila: So what your implying, is that we are walking into an ambush son.

She asked as he nodded at her.

Naruto: There is a 50/50 chance of it, but something still feels fishy about this, so I suggest getting more teams to come.

He told her as she nodded and smiled proudly at her adoptive son.

Sheila: I see, I will get to that right away Naruto, so anymore questions?

She asked as nobody raised there hands, she dismissed them as they all got up and walked to the door

Sheila: 141 please stay.

She said as everyone on the task Force sat back down in there seats, once the room was clear she began speaking again.

Sheila: Naruto, that was amazing what you did.

She told him as he just nods.

Naruto: I don't see the big deal, I just pointed out my opinions and theories.

He said as Price put a hand on his shoulder.

Price: The big deal is that you potentially stop us from getting kill.

He told him.

Sheila: Yes Naruto, he did a great job, keep it up and I might put in a good word for you to general Warshower for you to be a lieutenant.

She said as Naruto eyes widen at that.

Naruto: For real?

He asked as his mother just shook her head at him.

Sheila: Yes, it's for real, but this conversation is for another time, go suit up and get ready for take off, wheels up in 5 minutes.

She said as they nodded at her and get up, left the room and went to their rooms, then to the armory where they go there weapons.

Price: Naruto, I suggest you take something powerful.......

He started to say before he turned and saw naruto with a M416 (Picture up top👆) and a MK-14 on his back with a backpack with what he can only assume was supplies and ammunition.

Naruto: Alright got it, the M4 for the power and the MK-14 for my sniper as it can also be fully auto, so I can use it as a assault rifle as well. Got the backpack with 5 mags of each, some grenades and smoke and some C4 if we need any.

He told Price as he walked off and leave him there as he chuckled and finished get what he was getting out the armory. Once outside he caught the conversation between Naruto and Sheila.

Sheila: Be safe out there, remember to think before doing and to watch your back, okay.

She told him as she hug him and gave him a kiss on the forehead

Naruto: I promise, now let me go so I can get on the chopper.

He told her as she reluctantly let him go as he went on board in the chopper with his team and it took off.

DAY 2. 7:30:34 Unlisted Naruto Uzumaki, soldier of Task Force 141, Time to get Nuclear:

I was on board the chopper, with my team, going to the operation site, with other helo's beside, infront and behind us. Mom have put half of the base teams on the mission, incase it was an ambush. I was now sitting up putting in my comm link in my ear's, and put my helmet on as I check my M4. Once finished, I looked outside the door to see we were nearly at the Plant.

Naruto: Pops, did you bring binoculars?

I asked him as he nodded and hand them to me, I took them and look through them at the ground and at the roof of the power plant.

Naruto: Pops did mom call in an evacuation of the power plant?

I asked him as he shook his head no and took the binoculars from me and look out too.

Price: That's strange, it's nearly 8am, I thought the power plant would be active by now but there is no body on the ground or on the roof.

He said as I narrow my eyes at the building, I unconsciously pushed chakra to my eyes and active my Rinna-sharigan, I was confused at first as the world around me started to get black and white as I starts to see the landscape a little bit more defined. I quickly got out my confusion and adjust my glasses on my face as I push a little bit more chakra to my Rinna-sharigan and saw the power plant.

My eyes widen in shocked, I quickly got on my radio and switched the channel to all nets, pilots and soldiers alike.

Naruto(over radio): All callsigns this is Hornet two-two, pull out, I repeat pull out , do not proceed any more, this is a trap, pull back!!

I said frankly on the radio but was a little bit late as a missile was fired off the ground and hit the lead helicopter in the formation. I watch with widen eyes as the helo spin out of control and crash in the ground. Before anything else could happen all helo's pulled back and deployed flares incase they were targeted. I then heard over the radio as pilots and soldiers thank me for the save as I felt a hand on my shoulder, looking up I saw Roach with widen eyes.

Roach: Naruto, why are your eyes red and have rings with dots in them?

He asked me and got the attention of the team, they look at me and had widen eyes as Roach. Pops then pull out a mirror and showed me as I looked at my eyes,

Naruto: This is my Rinna-sharigan, that was why everything looks so different early.

I told them.

Price: Different how Naruto?

Naruto: Like I was on the ground seeing everything in there real size and the world looks and still looks black and white, it was also how I know about the ambush, there are stingers on the roof.

I told them as they nodded. Pops got on the radio and told the pilots to land in the clearing below us. Once on the ground, we came out and rally in the middle of the clearing.

Sargent: So what do we do now?

A Sargent in the group asked as pops looks at me and smiles.

Price: Everyone listen up, this mission is out of my hands, I am passing leadership to Naruto here.

He told them as I looked at him like he was crazy, there was murmurs and shouts about it as well, but he quickly silence them and told them I was the best bet. I was so nervous right now, this whole mission and people's lives were in my hands. I my heart picked up but I was comfort by mom over the radio.

Sheila(over radio): it's okay Naru-chan, you are going to be fine, just breathe, even though I don't like it but you are the best bet here as you can see were everything is with your eyes, just breathe and let your training kick in.

She told me as I walked away from the group a bit and follow her instructions. Once I was finished and calm I got back in the radio.

Naruto(over radio): thanks for that Kaa-chan.

I told her over the radio as she said I was welcome, I then looked around and found a small cliff, walking to the edge of it, I breath in and out as I send more chakra to my eyes and saw the power plant. Getting everything I needed, I went back to the group and draw a birds eye view of the place.

Naruto: Okay as of right now, going in by air is not an option, they got stingers on the roof on all sides, the ground is our best bet, so here is the plan, me and the sniper team will break off to the right and go up on a small cliff a mile ahead, it gives up a clear view of the place and does not give away our location very easy, Pops and the assault force will still do there jobs, it's just that they are not going to defending, the weak spots that I could see are from the sides, they have focus all powerful forces in the front and back. Who are the teams positions to defend the sides.

I asked them as the leader for team 2 and 3 raise there hands.

Naruto: Okay , you guys are going to be going to be assaulting the sides of the plant, it is the least defended part and should be easy for you guys to take.

I said as the leaders nodded.

Naruto: Machine gun crew, I want you guys to send four guys with team one to the back, me and some of the sniper team, will help you with the ones on the roof.

I said as the machine gun crew nods and sent four guys to be with team 1.

Naruto: Okay, team 6, 141 and the rest of the machine gun crew will be in going for a full assault on the front, use the rocks and cliffs as cover til, you reach the gate of the plant.

I said as they all nodded.

Naruto(over radio): Mom, did you get the air support from the English army?

I asked her over the radio.

Sheila(over radio): yes I got some Apache's but there are not going to be there for another 15 minutes.

She said as I thank her over the radio.

Naruto: We are not going to wait so we have to improvise, does any of these black hawk have any mounted machine gun?

I asked the pilots as around five of them raise there hands.

Naruto: Okay, so you guys are going to be put up with the buzzards as temporary air support, you are to be on stand by until I give the word to come in, as for the down bird, I saw 5 persons alive including both pilots, pops spit a team and make them go rescue and bring them to this clearing, (over radio) mom, send a medic-vac chopper and make it land in this clearing and wait for the team to come back with the injured.

I told as I heard a yes on the radio and from the pilots.

Naruto: Good, now let's get going, the original mission still stands, they are planning to making that plant go into reactor melt down, we got 20 minutes before it turns 8, in those twenty minutes, I want the outside to be clear and the people inside to be eliminated, now let's move!

I commanded as they all said yes sir and break away with their assigned group, I walked over to my team as they ruffled my hair and said how proud of me there are.

Price: Good job taking leadership, you did well for your first time but this is not over yet, until this mission is finished you are commanding officer, so I hope your ready.

He told me as I nodded and cocked my gun and look around at the group and shouted.

Naruto: Let's move, we don't got time to waste!!

I told them as they nodded and we moved out the clearing and walked up till we reach our first check point. It was the down bird.

Naruto(over radio): Mom we reach the down bird, send the medic-vac now.

Sheila(over radio): okay Roger, chopper inbound.

She said as I looked back up to the group.

Naruto(points at five extra people): You guys, pull who is alive out and examine them, once taking care of take out whoever is left in it, once you give them to the medics, you are to meet up with your respective groups.

I told them as they nodded.

Naruto: Let's go, we got to keep moving

I stated to the group as they nodded. After walking 2 miles, we came up upon the second check point, the snipers ridge.

Naruto: This is where the snipers and me spit off from you, Pops you are in charge, you already know the other check points, so I am leaving the rest up to you.

I told him as he nodded. I then walked off, with the snipers, up the cliff. Once at the edge, we set up and got a good view of all our targets. After about 5 minutes I check in with the teams.

Naruto(over radio): Is everybody in position?

I asked over the radio as I heard them say there are in position.

Naruto(over radio): okay, you guys move on my signal, we will assault them all at one, leave no survivors.

I said as I heard multiple yes. I then told the snipers with me to aim on the roof and took out the guys with the stingers.

Naruto: Okay, fire when ready.

I said to them as multiple shots was heard as the people on the roof dropped dead with holes in there head or chest etc.

Naruto(over radio): All teams move in and be careful.

I said over the radio as then a minute later I heard multiple gun shoots and saw missiles being fired. The sniper team and I continued to help anyway we can as we snipe anything that was not our guys. After 2 minutes I heard team 6 and the main assault force over the radio.

Price: Naruto, we are getting pin down by a machine gunner in the third floor in the building.

He said to me as I got on my radio and called in the buzzards and the five Black Hawks that have the machine guns.

Dogpound 2-4: This is Dogpound 2-4, we are in the A.O and ready for tasking.

The pilot of a buzzard said.

Naruto: Good to hear your voice Dogpound, I need a fire mission on the third floor of the building, where the main assault force is, there are getting pin down by a machine gun.

Dogpound 2-4: Roger, going in now.

Naruto: Black Hawks, I want you guys to stay behind the main assault force and give them some help, if you are in trouble, I want you to pull out, I down want another down bird.

I told the pilots of the black Hawk over the radio as I got five yes sirs over the radio, looking out my scope, I saw that all forces were advancing in the base. Getting up and switching to my M4, I lead the snipe team down the cliff and where the forces were rallied,at the front door.

Price: The outside is clear, just were waiting for you to come.

He told me as I nodded and put chakra but in my Rinna-sharigan, looking in the building, I saw that the control room was filled with people, looking for the fastest way to the control room and see if there is anyone in the way, once I got what I was looking for, I lessen the chakra to my eyes, but not fully deactivate my Rinna-sharigan.

Ghost: Are you sure you're going to be okay using that thing for this long Naruto?

Ghost asked me as I looked at him.

Naruto: I'm not sure but I feel fine, let's go, the control room is on the second floor.

I told them as there opened the door and filed in to the room, once we cleared the first floor, we moved up to the second floor.

When I got off the stair case, I was shot at and hit in the shoulder, I quickly made my way to the other side of the path and found cover as I returned fire on the guy and shot in the stomach twice.

Naruto: I got hit.

I said to pops as he looks at my shoulder, taking out bandages, he put them over the wound to stop them from bleeding out.

Price: It went straight threw so you don't have to worry about it being in there.

He told me as I nodded at him and stand up, I winced a little, when I tried to move my shoulder a bit. Shaking off the pain, I took point and lead the team to control room, once we were at the door, I made them put a door charge on the door. It blasted open as we filed into the room and took cover behind somethings as we were getting fired at.

Once I gave the signal, we moved out of cover and aim and shoot at everyone in the room. Once the last men fell, the Sargent of team 4 ran to the controls and started to try a d stop the reactor from exploding.

Sargent: I need a few seconds, these bastards were about to shut off the main pressure release pump. (A/N: I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING NUCLEAR REACTOR). Once he was finished, he gave us the okay that we are clear.

Price: Did anyone see any civilians?

Pops asked as I send more chakra to my eyes and search the building, once I found them I told him where they were.

Naruto: They are in the this floor, in a room a few meters from this one.

I told him as he nodded and took Ghost and Gaz with him as the rest of us went out the outside the plant.

Snake eyes(over radio): this is snake eyes, me and two other Apache's were coming to provide air support but it seems like you don't need it.

I looked up to see three Apache's in the air.

Naruto(over radio): This is Hornet two-two, no we don't snake eyes.

Snake eyes: Well, your evac choppers are coming in a minute, so we will escort you back to your base.

Naruto(over radio): Roger snakes, Hornet out.

I said to him as I got off the radio and saw the Black Hawks coming. Once ours landed, I got on and deactivate my Rinna-sharigan. Once I deactivate it, I felt extremely tired. Putting in my earphones, I played some music as took some sleep before reaching the base.


I was so proud right now that I couldn't keep my composer anymore. I jumped up and down while squealing. The reason why was because my naru-chan just did is first mission as a commanding officer and he did great if I do say so myself. He took charge like he has been doing this for a long time. He command the units very well and had little to no causalities in this.

I was first worried about him when he said he got hit in the shoulder, but calmed down when Roach assured me that he was fine. He finished the mission and saved a lot of people who didn't know they were in danger. Once he said the mission was finished, I contacted the choppers they left in the clearing and told them that they were a go for evac.

Once all the choppers took off, I walked out the command room and outside as I waited for them come back.


Twenty minutes went by and I finally saw the cluster of choppers come in. I looked closely and saw that the Apache's were not there, I shrugged it off as it looks like there went back to there base. Once all the choppers landed and the teams came out and stand in front of me.

I looked over them and saw Naruto in the front, I looked at him up and down as I saw he was a little dirty and he looked very tired, probably from using his eyes too much, and I also spot his bandaged shoulder. I shook it off and looked at all them.

Naruto:(tired voice): Mission Completed, Commander, Civilians of the Plant are safe and accounted for and we stopped the process of the melt down.

He said to me as I nodded at him.

Sheila: Alright, you are all dismissed.

I said to them as they nodded and head back into the base. I looked at price and his team as they looked worryingly at Naruto. I was confused at it so I asked.

Sheila: What's the problem?

I asked them as they look up at me.

Ghost: We think the kid over used his eye abilities and is feeling very drain right now but won't make us help him.

He told me as I walk up to Naruto and went down on one knee in front of him as I look at him, he does seem to be extremely tired like he hadn't slept for days.

Naruto(tired voice): I told you guys, I fin......

He didn't get to finish as I saw his eyes rolled in the back of his head as his body fall towards me. I took him up and rest his head on my shoulder as I looked back at the team.

Sheila: I guess I will tell you guys the new tomorrow when he wakes up and thanks for looking after him.

I told them as they nodded at me. I walked off and went to my room. Once there, I took off Naruto's clothes and gear and bathe him and put him in  black shorts and black shirt. I laid him on the bed as I got in with him as well, bring over my hand on his body, I pulled him closer to me as I kissed him on the cheek.

Sheila: Sleep well lieutenant.


What, did she just say lieutenant, did something happened, well you will find out in the next chapter, I will see you guys soon so bye,

Author-kun out ✌🚶‍♂️✌🚶‍♂️

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