Wonder || H.S

By Stacy_0014

514 36 1K

Bella is a 19 year old college student, she was invited to a football (soccer) game one night, and got a glar... More

1) football game
2) party incident
3) the library
4) Night at the apartment
5) The kiss
6) Confession
7) Questions
8) Commitment
9) Names
10) Ghosted
11) secrets
12) Trust
13) Adventure
14) The message
15) Lost
16) Comeback
17) Shocker
18) Rough
19) Ruthless
20) Numb
21) Remembered
22) Boxer
23) Partners
24) The "i love you"
25) The fight
27) Birthday
28) Move
29) Frustration
30) Shocked
31) the goodbye

26) Surprise

14 1 22
By Stacy_0014

Harry's POV
It has been 1 year since me and Bella got back together and she had another day that she had to box, but I was there to cheer for her.

This time she was fighting a girl, so I knew that Bella had a free win. Bella already won the first round, and Zoey, her opponent, has won the second.

Bella came back in the corner to catch her breath, Louis squirted water in her mouth and I gave her motivation than a good luck kiss on her poor bruised lips.

It took about 10 minutes of the last round until Bella put Zoey to the ground, everyone cheered.

When the boxing judge raised Bella's hand, moments later she hops out of the ring and completely collapsed into my arms.

I took her to her room and sat her on the couch, "are you alright dimples?" I ask fanning her until she is cooled down.

"Get me some water" she says resting her head not able to lift it at the moment. When I come back with her water bottle she takes it and chugged the whole thing down in one breath.

She took a few minutes to breathe than she looked towards me with a smile, she wipes away her sweat and gave me a kiss.

I than got up to bring a wet towel so I could wipe away her blood, I sat down in-front of her as I wipe away.

Once I finished she got up to take a shower, she stumbled a bit when she got up but than she caught herself.

When she walked in the bathroom and closed the door behind her, I sighed utterly loud. I hate seeing Bella hurt like this, it doesn't just hurt her it hurts me.

I got up to clean the towel, hang up her gloves, and overall just cleaned. Once she got out she put her shorts in the laundry basket and came to kiss me.

We both wave to Louis and James and headed out the door, Bella was still catching her breath as I drove home.

She leaned over from the passenger seat to get a good look at me, "what's wrong Harry" Bella asked.

I look over to her with concern in my eyes, she knew what I was gonna say immediately. "Harry.... Im fine I promise, it's just a little cut" she said trying to convince me that's she's okay.

"But your not Bella, I'm worried about you...your not being careful and that scares me." I say quietly, we pulled up at my apartment and I parked the car.

We both sat in the car with silence filling up the car, Bella hooks my chin and turned it to face her. I didn't want to see her cuts and bruises any longer.

I got out of the car while Bella followed, I unlock the door and I tossed my keys on the kitchen table as I sit on it.

Bella drops her duffel bag in the living room, walked in the kitchen and between my legs.

I look at her and she had a smile on her face, not to big, not to small. She wipes away my tear that was running down my cheek, she went on her tippy toes and kissed me.

"It's just a few little cuts Harry, it's not like I'm gonna die" she giggled, I look down at her while I pout.

"I have a feeling it's not just a few little cuts" I say while getting down from the counter and pushed her up in the counter where I was sitting and went in between her legs.

She giggled and showed her cute little dimples to me, "why do you say that?" She asked. " I don't know, I just have a feeling, but that feeling better be wrong."

I kept kissing Bella until she pushed me away that caused me to pout. She giggled and jumped off the counter than pulled me by the collar to the bedroom.  


(I'm so awkward)

When it hit midnight, Bella wanted to do a 'face mask' I knew what that was but the one she pulled out, I didn't recognize.

Bella's POV

Me and Harry were doing face masks in the bathroom, and the one I was using is a peal off charcoal one.

While I was spreading it on Harry's face, he caught me by surprise and picked me up and placed me on the counter.

He stepped in between my legs as I finish his mask, once I finished I told him not to take it off until I say so.

He nods and took the face mask and applied it on my face, for a boy he knows what he's doing. He applied it so evenly on my skin I laughed cause it was better than what I did for him.

While we waited it to dry Harry kept making me laugh that caused the mask to stretch. "Harry stop!" I laughed, "your making my mask stretch apart."

Harry grabbed my waist and held me tight, he gave me a couple of quick kisses and spoke, "Good."

Once our masks had finished drying up, we slowly took each other's masks off. Harry was going so slow for me thinking he'd hurt me if he went fast.

Once he was finished I wash my face, dried it and gave him a big kiss. "Your turn!" I shout playfully, I went extremely slow for Harry because he would complain if I went fast.

He's a big sensitive baby boy, that's what he is.

When I finished he sighed in relief, washed his face, dried it and kept touching his face. "Wow, my face is so smooth." He said, I snorted than covered my mouth in embarrassment.

Harry lit up when he heard me snort, I blushed and covered my face. "That was the cutest snort I have ever heard" he says giving me baby kisses.

I hug him so tightly as he did the same back, he carried me to the living room and plopped the both of us on the couch.

"Ahh Harry your squishing me, get off" I giggled as he rested his whole body over me and was just pushing pressure on me.

He got up and pulled me up, he laughed and smiled like he was up to something. "Oh no.." I say curious on what words are about to come out of his mouth.

"Can I play with YOUR hair?!" He asked, I awed and gave him a kiss, I nod, grabbed a pillow and sat on the floor in-front of Harry as he sat on the couch.

I turned the tv on and enjoyed the moment, I were to look up at Harry as he tried doing braids on me. But I were to stop him and give him a quick kiss, I kept playing with his toes.

He wasn't ticklish there but he were to wiggle them so he could make me laugh. When he finished with my hair he gasped, clapped for himself and hugged me.

He was the biggest kid I had ever seen, he's just to precious.

I give him another kiss and took his hand so we could go to sleep cause I was getting tired. He jumped in bed as I did the same, we cuddled close to each other and TRIED falling asleep.

Harry kept tickling me that caused me to giggle and move around until he stopped, and I kept going under his shirt to put my cold hands on his warm stomach and abs.

He were to squirm around when I did that, we just couldn't sleep this night. I shot up from the bed to go into the kitchen and grab a midnight snack.

I got a sudden smack on my ass, "HAY" I shout, I turned around to see Harry sitting on the counter.

"Don't look at me, look at this guy" he says pointing at his hand, "it's like it's got a mind of its own" he adds.

I giggled and walked between his legs, I quickly hit his balls to made him lean over in pain, He looks up at me with a smile of frustration.

"Hay, your right! These hands DO got a mind of its own, oh well hope your balls don't turn purple anytime soon huh" I tease.

He jumped off the counter, picked me up, and shoved me to the wall. "They better not, so tell your two little friends to keep cool around me" he says running kisses up and down my neck.

After hours of staying up and just laughing together, when it hit 5:30am we finally slept.

Harry's POV

When it hit the morning, i don't even know how I woke up... anyways I find Bella next to me sound asleep with poor little cuts around her face.

I kiss each and every single one before I got up take a shower, I wore a simple white tee shirt and some black skinny jeans.

Once I came out of the shower, I saw that Bella was awake and holding her stomach in pain.

I walk over to Bella and crouched down to look at her, "are you ok Bella what's wrong?" I ask concerned for her.
She looked at me and smiled lightly, "yeah.... Yeah I'm fine, it's probably because I didn't eat yet." She says.

"Ok go take a shower and I'll make breakfast" I say holding her hand and pulling her off the bed. She nods and walked in the bathroom.

I made some breakfast, pancakes, cut up fruit, and toast. Once I finished putting them on the plate I see that Bella was out of the bathroom and walked to the kitchen.

She was gorgeous, she had wide washed out jeans, and a rolling stone shirt tucked in, while her hair was kept down.

I give her a kiss and we both ate breakfast, we had a good laugh talking about yesterday night.

Once we finished I put our plates in the sink, we put our matching boots on that we bought when we were together a year and a half ago.

We walked out the door and went to go get some coffee. When we got there Bella told me to wait outside of the shop at an empty table.

I sat down on my phone waiting for her to be done, wasn't to long until she came out with two cups of coffee.

"Ok let's go to the.... MALL" I say taking her hand and heading back to my car.

Bella turned on some music on our way to the mall, it was a very nice trip the mall if I may say.

I loved it when I were to see my little dimple girl glow, and just sparkle when she were have a good drive with music.

Once we got there we starting looking around and browsing every store that interest one of us.

We browsed around the mall for about 3-4 hours and we decided to head back.

Before we left Bella said that she needed to but toiletries so I stayed outside of the store and at the bench that was outside of the store.

Once she came out we headed to Bella's apartment so she could drop off the things she bought than head back to my apartment.

When we got back I unlocked the door and plopped on the couch exhausted from today. Bella laughed at me cause I was apparently 'over dramatic' I AM NOT!

After the rest of the day me and Bella stayed in my apartment just talking, watching movies, teased each other, and laughed together until she had to go back to her dorm and get ready for tomorrow as she had practice to do.

We give each other a kiss goodbye and she left, I wanted to come with her but I was super exhausted and needed to take a shower and head straight to sleep.

Hay luvs Stacy here
Another chapter on another day
Hope you liked it!!
Anyways please leave comments and votes
All the love S.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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