The Genius Within The Shadows...

By Kuragari_Mei

325K 10.8K 5.1K

I Honestly Don't Know How to Describe this Story anymore. But if You Wanna Know, then you're welcome to try o... More

Act I - Chapter 1 - [Start of a New Life]
Chapter 2 - [Life as an 'Ordinary' Student]
Chapter 3 - [A Glimpse of His Power]
Chapter 4 - [Unwanted Attention]
chapter 5 - [The Devil Within]
Chapter 6 - [Calm Before The Storm]
Chapter 7 - [A Small World]
Chapter 8 - [Prologue]
Chapter 9 - [Interaction]
Chapter 10 - [Lingering Doubt]
Chapter 11 - [Light]
Chapter 12 - [Epilogue]
Bonus Story - [Hiyori's Melancholy]
Bonus Story - [A Tyrants Obsession]
Act II - Chapter 1 [Relations]
Chapter 2 - [Gathering]
Chapter 3 - [Pride]
Chapter 4 - [Chance Encounter]
Chapter 5 - [Welcomed Return]
Chapter 6 - [The Normal Life I Want]
Chapter 7 - [A Normal Highschool Student]
Chapter 8 - [Rest Of Summer]
Chapter 9 - [New Look]
Bonus Story - [A Different Perspective]
Chapter 10 - [Preparations]
Chapter 11 - [Summer Paradise]
Chapter 12 - [The Seed Of Curiosity]
Chapter 13 - [Change]
Chapter 14 - [End of Summer]
Chapter 15 - [A New Beginning]
Chapter 16 - [Loopholes]
Chapter 17 - [War]
Chapter 18 - [Trouble on the Horizon]
Chapter 19 - [Plans Set in Motion]
Chapter 20 - [A Change of Pace]
Chapter 21 - [Individual Thoughts]
Chapter 23 - [Opportunities]
Chapter 24 - [One of Many]
Chapter 25 - [An Unusual Pair]
Bonus Story - [Resolve]
Chapter 26 - [Passage of Time]
Chapter 27 - [A Sudden Turn]
Bonus Story - [Perception]
Chapter 28 - [Vow]
Chapter 29 - [Thereafter the Cold]
Chapter 30 - [Sports Festival]
Chapter 31 - [Accumulating Pain]
Chapter 32 - [Acceptance]
Chapter 33 - [Confrontation]
Chapter 34 - [Unveiling]
Bonus Story - [A Highschoolers' Heart]
Chapter 35 - [Connected Dots]
Chapter 36 - [Unrequited Trust]
Chapter 37 - [Glass like Heart]
Chapter 38 - [A New Tomorrow]

Chapter 22 - [A Delightful Meal]

3K 132 64
By Kuragari_Mei

Shiina Hiyori POV.

My time here at School had Been Pretty Normal................... That of course, if we exclude the Special Exam that happened during Summer Vacation...

It was like a story arc from a Psychology Novel. Everything was bound to be hard, Scary or Confusing.  Unless you follow the Protagonist's Point of View.

And those times were definitely that...

I was Tasked to be A Leader, while invading an enemy camp. Having one role in itself is quite taxing. So having two took a toll on my mind.

And thats not even mentioning the part when I would Lie to my One and Only Friend at this School.

Namely, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka-kun

We were in Separate Classes. I knew that. But it still haunted me to my sleep.

It's like Forcing oneself to Kill another person. Lest your Family Dies.

You couldn't help it. You didn't have a Choice. But the fact that you took someones life would still give you Nightmares.

.......well, I have to admit that the example I'm using is exaggerated to the utmost degree...

Maybe Reading all this Books', finnaly affecting me....

But my point is: It was still a Scary Experience. Doing something you had no choice but to do. But may lead to you, losing your One and Only Friend.

And as if that wasn't enough. The Island we were Staying on, Burned.

It happened in the Middle of the Night, which would be the time when all of us Students were asleep. So the moment the Teachers noticed. We were Frantically Ordered to Evacuate.

I can still vividly remember the exact Details on how that Evacuation Happened.

We were woken up. Confusion Arose. But the moment we saw the Blazing fiery Hell, Closing in on us us was when we Finnaly Understood.

All of the People in Class D — the Class I was Spying on — broke into a Panic.

The Panic only deescalated when the acting Leader of the Class, Horikita-san, appeared and Calmed them down along with Hirata Kun and Kushida-san

They Calmed down. It was a good thing. But I, and a Certain student I came to now Know as Matsushita Chiaki-san, were still Panicking our minds out.

My reason was Simple: Kiyotaka-kun wasn't to be seen.

Adding this worry, to my already fatigued mind, Wasn't exactly healthy. But I couldn't help it.

That worry Was only dissipated when The Brown Haired Boy I was Looking for, appeared out of Nowhere near the Girl I previously mentioned, as if everything was okay.

After that, we Evacuated to the Beach we disembarked on, waiting for more Instructions

It was already obvious that we would Cancel the exam to ensure our Safety. But coincidentally, it rained.

A Heavy Rained Conveniently Fell, as if everything was only a Play. Planned out from the start, to entertain the Viewers.

Our Exam Continued on, and the Score was announced. At this point, my mind was completely filled with things I couldn't understand, I didn't even have the energy to Think why we Lost.

The School reassured us that they'll investigate what Caused the Fire. But Until now, nothing really came from that topic anymore.

Everyone was returned to the Ship, and So, our Summer Vacation Ended

Sighhhhh. It was Hard, as you would expect. But I now have to get used to Experiences like that.

For Example, Currently, everyone was Preparing for the upcoming Sports Festival.

It wasn't officially announced to be a "Special Exam" but a big event like this would go anywhere in this school.

That's why slowly but surely, My mind is Getting worried again.

What if things happen again similar to the Island Exam?

What if I'm given another Role that would be very important to the Class?

What if..... What If....

A lot of What If's just circled around my head. And Knowing this School, it wouldn't be surprising if something happened that was completely out of the question.
That's why I'm Thankful for Yesterday

° ° °

Yesterday, In the Afternoon to be Specific. I would do what I would always do. Read.

It's something I enjoy, so even though I was alone in the Library. I took my time.

But alas, I wasn't alone for Long. As the only friend I had arrived. Kiyotaka-kun also liked to read, and that's what actually started our Friendship

But this time, he Brought another Person with him.

That was of course — the other girl who was worried as I was back at the Island Exam — Matsushita Chiaki-san.

Opposite to us, Matsushita Chiaki-san — who I now only Call, Chiaki-san — wasn't really fond of reading that Much.

So the Only Interest and Topic I could share was instantly gone from the start.

It was looking to be an akward afternoon... But strangely enough. The Opposite Happened.

Almost everything between Chiaki-san and me were the Opposite. But that Very Fact was what led us to having such a Good Time.

Of Course Kiyotaka-kun being their also played a big part. And That Ultimately made the Three of us have a wonderful time for the rest of the day.

That was a rest day for me. If you could call it that. Furthermore, it was the day that had blessed me with a new friend.

That's why I wished for it to last. Even just a Second Longer would have been enough. But unfortunately, time doesn't wait for anybody.

The Sun Settled. The day Ended. And that's what led me to now.

Sitting on the Bench. Watching my Classmates do some Physical Activities, preparing for the Festival.

We were allowed to use the Athletic Grounds for the Morning, so we — or rather, they — were making the most of it.

I don't exactly Know What Class. But others would be using this Ground later on in the Afternoon.

On the Contrary, Later in the Afternoon, we would have a extensive discussion in the Classroom.

Well, I call it discussion, but it would mostly just be Ryueen-kun Explaining the Plan for the Festival to Come.

We're Already Making out who were the Athletic ones, and those who weren't, this morning.

So planning would be much more Efficient Later on. 

I was the latter. So I didn't have much of a Choice but to sit this one out.

Reading a book I always kept with me. I would let time pass, until this was over.

° ° °

Time would not betray my expectations, as sooner rather than later. Lunch Came.

We were already back in our Classroom beforehand, so all that was left to do, was to prepare to have the Lunch itself

I normally eat in the Cafeteria, as others would. So all I'm doing now is Organizing my stuff. After that I would leave—

"Shiina..." a Sudden Voiced Echoed throughout the room

Surprised, I looked around, only to see a blue haired Classmate of mine, by the Door, Trying to say something to me.

"Someone here seems to be looking for you" Ibuki-san said. Leaving afterwards without further explanation

I was still confused at first. But no additional information was Needed. As said 'Someone' appeared near the Door.

"Chiaki.......San?" The name escaped my lips.

Chiaki-san skimmed through the room at first. Upon making eye contact with me. A beautiful smile spread across her face.

Still confused on what she was doing here. I even forgot to Stand up and Greet her forward.

"Hello~ Hiyori-chan~" Elegantly walking across the room with a cute wave. Chiaki-san made her way towards my desk.

Others were already out, so very few people were actually in the room. Making it easy for her to surf through.

"Chiaki-san...? What brings you here?"
I asked.

Gently sitting on the Chair Infront of my Desk. Chiaki-san answered my Question with a Smile.

"I was just wondering if you had plans for lunch"

"Eh?" A look of surprised resurfaced across my face "well.... I would just be Eating at the Cafeteria as Usual.... May I ask Why?"

A somewhat smug look was plastered across Chiaki-san's Face. Making her look strangely alluring.

"Does Hiyori-chan Want to Have Lunch With Us then? And by "Us", I mean Kiyotaka-kun."

A feeling of delight instantly surged through my body upon hearing her offer. Without even a second of a doubt. I answered happily:


° ° °

Ayanokōji Kiyotaka POV

For once, I didn't Cook my own Lunch beforehand. Instead, I did what most of the students in this school do.

Eat in the Cafeteria.

One thing led to another. And I found myself here. Waiting for two Beautiful girls that would soon come.

That may sound nice... But honestly it really isn't

For one thing, I had to occupy a table in the Cafeteria beforehand. Meaning, I needed to convince a lot.....and I mean a lot of People that I was Waiting for Somebody.

And that isn't even everything. Since I was waiting for them. It's only natural that I wait for them to eat together...

That meant that, I need to sit here. In a table for Four. Alone. Eating nothing. Doing Nothing...

How Akward is that?

And the worst part is, Others are already giving me a weird look!

Like Why can't they just mind Their selves?

Is it not not normal to Sit alone in a big Table eating Nothing in a Cafeteria?!


Just... Please arr—

Without me even getting to finish my thoughts. I saw two Familiar Students walking in my Direction

—oh god Thank You....

"Did we make you wait Kiyotaka-kun?" Finnaly on earshot. Chiaki asked something I would no doubt answer without second thought

"Yes. Yes You Did"

"Ehehe..... Sorry" The two gently sat infront of me, smiling all the while.

With a strange combination like this. It was no wonder that we would get attention

Chiaki is an unbelievably beautiful girl. One would mistake her for a beauty model, and I wouldn't even wonder why. Furthermore, the elegance in her behavior just seems to be a cherry on top.

On the Other hand. Hiyori is on the Cute Side of things. Both appearance and behavior. Her Cute Look. Her Bubbly demeanor. Both Inevitably making anyone in a certain radius have the urge to protect her.

And me..... Well. I'm me.

I could already notice others look at me with Jealousy. A glare that seems to say 'why is a dull guy like you sharing a table with them'


Fck off

First you look at me weirdly. Now you look at me with envy?
How about you stop being such a  bitch and Mind your own business?

"Are you okay Kiyotaka-kun?" I heard Hiyori asked, noticing my sharp gaze

"Hmmm? Oh yeah. Just Rubbing some salt onto some wound"



Confused with my answer, Hiyori tilted her head cutely to the side.

"Anyway, How about we get some food? Hiyori and I will buy it. Chiaki you should just stay here. Since technically, you should be the one that's tired out of the three of us"

Going to Class C to Fetch Hiyori, then going to the Cafeteria. Walking back and forth might have tire her

And besides.... It's a nice way to pass on the role of letting students know this table is Occupied. Hehe

"Hm? Sure. I'll just have whatever Kiyotaka-kun and Hiyori-chan have" Happily Complying, we went into an agreement.

Hiyori and I would Buy us some food. While Chiaki waits at the table

It was quite a tedious way to start lunch. But I guess everything happens for a reason.

° ° °

"Mnmmnn~ This is Delicious. " Hiyori Complimented as she ate.

"Don't you eat here regularly though?"
I asked.

"Well, that's certainly true" She looked away shyly. "But Food is just better when eaten with someone else, right?" Hiyori brightly explained

"Is it? I honestly think nothing changed"

"Kiyotaka-kun..... Atleast try your best not to be so dense" Chiaki intervened with a sigh

"Just Kidding. Don't take it to heart" I answered jokingly.

Hiyori giggled in response as we continued to converse while we ate.

"By the way" Hiyori started "is Class D by chance the Class that would use the Athletic Grounds later on?"

"Hmmm? How did you know Hiyori-chan?" Asked Chiaki

"Just a guess"

The Field huh...

Our Physical Education Classes would now be free for us to Use. So Class D would obviously be using it to prepare for the Upcoming Festival.

It would also be a nice way to determine with detail, who exactly were Athletic. Or just compatible with the given Events.

Strength. Speed. Physical Fitness. And other over all needed traits couldn't just be decided without a proper place and equipments after all.

"Is it safe to say that Class C were the Class that Previously used it?" I asked in turn

"Yep. It would be later on that we would have a discussion. Although Earlier.... I didn't really do anything that much. Unlike my Classmates, I was just sitting on the bench most of the time. I'm not an athletic person after all"

"Hmmm. Don't worry, Me too..."
"We are basically the same Hiyori-chan"

Speaking at the same time. Chiaki and I found ourselves staring at each other

"What?" I asked.

"Surely you Jest" She asked back

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that, you're joking about not being athletic"

"Does Kiyotaka-kun play Sports by any chance then?" Hiyori joined in

"Huh.... Well, I guess I can....... Move. But I'm not really an active person right?.... Oh and Hiyori, I don't"

In one Fluid motion. I answered them both smoothly

"Hmmm. That's strange. Since you're well built Everytime I look at your body during swimming Classes. Not to mention what happened with Nagu— uhh.... nevermind that"

Chiaki was probably talking about what happened when I saved her from getting hit by the Ball The Blonde Donkey sent us. But it's nice that she stopped. Though...

"That was just the Adrenaline doing it's thing" not really needed but I answered it nonetheless "and I'm just naturally well built. Probably from my genes, or since I do exercise everytime I feel like it" I tried to explain in a convincing manner.

Look, I'm not Lying. I just carefully pick my words.......

"Hmmm... Well, I would still Cheer for you either way" Chiaki showed me a cheeky grin as she took a bite out her food........ I never get used to that lovely grin.... just saying

"I appreciate it. But that would be embarrassing. So no thank you"

"Too late"

I tried to stop her, because having a single person cheering for me would be embarrassing — both for me, and for her.

But she was hardheaded enough to not mind that....... Which leads me to a question if I should be happy or Sad? Since I honestly can't decide

"Sighhh. Well, enough about that. I was curious about what you meant by "Everytime I look at your body during Swimming classes"" I changed the Subject without second thought.

"Does Chiaki Tend to look at me then? Specifically... My body?"

Understanding what I meant, Chiaki instantly became red to the ears. As Hiyori Cutely laughed at her with delight.

"N-No! Its..... it's not like that! I just can't help it you know..." Flustered, she tried to explain herself

""Can't help it"? Care to explain why?" Finding fault in her words. I pressured her more.

"No, no, ,no ,no! It's not what you think it is! Please Trust me! I'm not a pervert!" Covering her face with both hands to hide her embarrassed faced. She tried to justify herself once more.

Bantering, as we ate. Spending the Whole Lunch Session with a smile.
A short, yet memorable time.

Needless to say, it was all worth it.

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