By mhyz-serena

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~Sequel to Let Me Be Yours~ Let's join Amira and Ali in their journey of adventure, forgiveness, finding love... More

B. Y. ... BYE đź‘‹


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By mhyz-serena

He stuffed his hands in the pocket of his hoodie as he padded his way out of the dorm and outside to where he parked the car earlier.

He felt his phone buzz but knew who it was so didn't bother to pick up. He opened the door and went in, threw his head on the headrest and closed his eyes.

He'd had a fight with Salis earlier, the usual. It reached the authorities and they got a good deal of discipline.

He groaned, held his head. His whole body ached and he's so angry his chest felt heavy.

The phone vibrated again and he retrieved it, rejected Salis' call and switched it off. Using a phone was banned in the academy but what are rules without breaking them?

He brought the engine to life and made his way to wherever would get his mind off things.


She just bid her friend goodbye as she took the turn to her home and continued to hers. Her aunt was on one of her numerous trips again and that's why she was able to go night reading with her friends.

She caught herself grinning like a loon and giggled at the reason she was.

"C'mon, tell him you love him." One of her friends, Shatu, had urged.

"No, propose to him. You know like Nana Khadija did." Hauwa suggested.

She let out a dreamy breath as she thought of him but it wasn't long lived.

That guy is every girls' dream. She knows at least a thousand girls who have a crush on him, girls better than her. Some are even closer to him than she, not really him though, his friends. Some have even professed their feelings and she could clearly remember how he snubbed a certain girl before, the girl must have had high hopes on her looks but he ignored her like there's nothing there.

That incident gave her the freaks for such a long time.

Nah, maybe she should just keep on crushing on him. It'll be better than having the embarrassment of a life time.

She stopped when she sighted a familiar car parked by the street. Could it be the one?, she thought as she approached it.

She was surprised to see that it was after checking the plate number. Yeah maybe it's more than a crush, she's obsessed with him. She knows everything possible to know about him, everything. His classes, friends, what he does, eats, wears, his scent, sports, grades, just anything anyone can know.

She walked slowly past the car and noticed nobody was in it, she looked around and guessed he was somewhere near. I'd wait for him, she thought and left the car so it won't look creepy if he meets her there.

She walked slowly, searching for a box seat where she could stalk her crush. She came to a screeching stop when she saw a figure in a nook seating with one leg stretched and the other one bent at the knee to support his hand which was holding a bottle, his head was hung between his shoulders.

She could tell from the physique, but the silver ring on his middle finger affirmed who he was.

She crept closer, trying to catch a glimpse of his face. "Ali?"

He slowly looked up, his sight blurred and head unsteady. It took a few seconds for him to bring the face to a shaky focus. He smiled broadly. "Hey!" His voice was dripping with booziness. "Wait, who are you?"

"Zainab." She answered, lowering beside him. "I work part time at the cafeteria outside the academy, you might not really know me."

"Yeah, the guys like you." He said, throwing his head on the wall. "How do you know my name?"

"Around. Are you drunk?"

"No." He pushed himself and straightened up. "I had just a little it's nothing. Don't tell anyone."

"You aren't passing the night here are you?"

"Just go, leave me alone." He managed to get on his feet and she did too.

He reeled his way towards his car and stumbled but he managed to regain balance before he fell.

"You can't drive like this." She stated, placing a palm on his shoulder.

"Don't touch me." He snatched himself from her and collapsed immediately on his butt.

He groaned, laid down straight. "Damn." He turned over and tried to get up but just gave up and laid back.

Zainab looked around, her place was just four minutes walk from there but he was too huge for her to possibly carry and she doesn't even know how to hold a steering wheel.

She crouched beside him and his eyes were closed, probably already asleep. What do I do?, she thought.

After standing there for about eight minutes, a man on a motorcycle came passing by obviously retiring for the day. She quickly moved closer and waved at him desperately.

He stopped but had a careful look on his face.

"Please," She breathed heavily. "Help me take a friend home, I live just on the next lane. He's unconscious."

He's reluctant but seeing her dressing decently and with the books she clutched to herself, agreed.

He helped Ali to the bike and they sandwiched him between them, well that's the only way to secure him from falling.

They reached in no time and she got down first, supported him before the biker gave them a hand and even took him into the flat.

"How much?"

"Just leave it. But it looks like he's drunk and if you're the only one at home, be careful."

She nodded. "I will, thank you very much."

"Don't mention." And he left.

She closed the door after that and faced Ali who's lying on one of the couches. She didn't know what to do, what should she do? What did she even do?!

She leaned on the door, her eyes on his athletic body. He's perfect anyways, very.

She moved closer and helped him out of his shoes.

"What are you doing?" He croaked and she looked at him, his eyes were still close.

She smiled. She never thought she'd ever be able to get this close to him, even touch him. She slowly ran her fingers down his feet and he flinched making her chuckle.

"What-what are you doing?" He tried sitting up but instead fell from the couch.

He ouched, pushed himself up and rubbed his arm. "Who are you?"


"I don't know you." He laid back down and she giggled.

She ran her fingers over his head which was barbed short and was fascinated at how silky his peeping hair felt.

That was a dream come true for her. Being close to him, touching him... hugging him.

She shifted closer and leaned on him, wrapped her hands around his arm and inhaled his cologne.


He shifted, jerked his shoulders. "Get away from me, I'm hot."

"You are, you definitely are." She whispered softly, wishing they could be like this, forever.

Ali turned to lay on his back and she looked into his eyes, what first fascinated her about him.

"Stay away." Said he, eyes and voice sleepy.

"You know what?"

He shook his head, opening his eyes slowly.

"I love you."

He just kept looking at her, said and did nothing.

"I would love to have a chance with you. To prove to you how much I love you. But I don't think I'd ever be able to." She smiled sadly, ran a finger over his jaw.


"Because I'm not up to your standard."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Cos hopefully, you won't remember I ever did."

"I really didn't drink too much, it's just a little I promise."

She laughed at how worried he was all of a sudden. "I won't tell anyone, I promise. But why do you drink? It's bad."

"It's the least bad thing I do. There are much worse things I've done."

"I don't believe you're a bad person Ali."

"I am. I'm very bad."

"Did you really kill your brother?"

"I did. And my mother too. I miss them so bad." His voice broke and he closed his eyes, let out a shaky breath.

She watched his trembling lips with so much desire and knew she only got this opportunity till she dies. With no second thought, she followed her gut instinct and kissed him.

He didn't kiss back and after a long minute, she pulled back and looked into his eyes.

He displayed no emotion, not anger, not confusion, not happiness, not even lust.

"I want to give you my body." She blurted, not thinking of the possible consequences.

He shook his head. "Don't."

She did the exact opposite of that and kissed him again, this time putting her shyness aside. Well maybe she wasn't so shy in the first place.

After a long moment, he kissed her back and she surrendered with all she got knowing that there was no going back.

* * *

He shifted his eyes to the bathroom door when it opened and she stopped, stared at him and he did the same.

She opened her mouth as if to speak but closed it again, her eyes moved to the armchair and back at him again.

No. She said to herself and closed the door, leaned on it. Why is he even here?! Shouldn't he get out till I'm done dressing up?!

Well then ask him to pass it to you.

It isn't so easy to do! He'd definitely have that ugly grin on his face if I do and he'd tease me about it anytime he gets a chance_

Her thought was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. Her eyes grew wider and she shifted from the door. Was that here? Did Ali just knock or_

Another knock came on and she blinked rapidly. Is Ali mad? No, is he insane?!

"Should I come in_"

"No!" She yelled before he even dropped his breath. "What do you want?"

"To see you?" He chuckled and she didn't want to believe he just did.

She retied her towel and ajarred the door, poked her head out. "You high?"

"The look on your face is priceless." He laughed.

"Ali do you wish to kill me?"

"Of course not. I just wanted to give it to you." He passed her the pack of sanitary pads and her eyes grew wider than they were. "Thought you'd need it."

Damn no! He didn't just... She lifted her face to look at him and he burst out laughing.

"Damn you look horrified, what's wrong with you?"

"I didn't ask you to, I..." She held her head. "Gosh Ali, did I ask you for it?"

"Stop being so uptight, it's not like I'm putting it on you, or do you want me to?"

"Shut up just... shut up." She squeezed her face. "Ali you're definitely after my life."

"Well fine I can just take it back," He turned around.

"No wait!" She stopped him and he faced her. She could feel her face burning up but what could she do? She stretched her hand and he smirked. Yeah, that's the grin she's talking about. Oh me Allah!

"Come collect it."

Amira calculated the distance and no! She can't step out like that, not in that condition.

She pouted. "Pleeaase."

He laughed and took it to her. "You're cute."

"Um," She cleared her throat when he turned around after she collected it and he faced her. "My um, undies."

His face slowly broke into a smirk again. "What do I get in return for this service?"

"C'mon please, it's getting late." She gave him her best puppy face and he shook his head, got it for her.

"Thanks." She mumbled and quickly closed the door. Ali shan't be the death of me.

She did her doings and stepped out from the room, his eyes rising from his phone to her face. She clutched her towel close and regretted not using the bathrobe.

His eyes followed her through as she did her essentials and then went to the wardrobe for what to wear, after shuffling through his clothes, she saw a blue satin button-up shirt and she picked it.

"Yikes, not that one, please." He sat up immediately.

"What? It's the one I want to wear." She said so innocently.

"Don't you have clothes?" He stood up and walked towards her. "That's my favourite."

"Too bad that I'm not." She threw it on her head and Ali plucked it from her.

"It's mine!"

"And I want it!" She held the loose end.

"Amira please,"

"It's not my fault you didn't pack comfortable clothes for me."

"How can you even begin wearing this outside?"

"Wait and see, e go shock you." She gave him a snide smile.

"C'mon," He whined and she laughed at him.

"Give me a pout." And she pouted for him to imitate.

"Get lost." He flouted.

"I'm wearing this then." She plucked the cloth from his hand.

"I'll undress you if you do."

She zeroed her eyes on him. "You won't dare that."

"Dare me."

"Okay c'mon pleeaase," She resulted to begging instead.

"No, not a chance."

"Okay, let's play a game. You let me wear it and you don't undress me."

He laughed at that. "Come again?"

"That's just fair." She threw it on her head again and Ali caught her when she tried to run.

"No, please no!"

He watched her as she hugged herself tight, clenched her eyes shut and kept matching on her feet.

"What are you doing?" He asked in amusement.

"Hmm?" She stopped and opened her eyes one before the other. "I thought you're gonna strip me."

He reviewed her small figure in a towel and shirt that had only one hand in and laughed.

"Amira you're insane."

"I know. You've been saying it a lot so," She shrugged, continuing to wear the shirt.

"Next time you wear my shirt, I'm stripping you."

She peered at him and he rounded the bed to get his phone.

"Let's go?"

"Lemme put a trouser will you?" She grabbed a leggings and donned it on quickly.

"Dahir sent your medication."

"I don't need it."

"We're getting it later and you'll see him when we go back home."

"I don't want to." She whined and they went down together to make breakfast for all of them, Nazeer, Mahbub and Faisal included.

They made toasts, boiled eggs and chocolate accompanied with fruits and set them on the table then called the guys who were in the sitting room.

"I thought I'd starve to death." Mahbub lamented, jogging towards the table.

"It's just eight thirty."

"Yeah whatever." He pulled a seat.

Amira faced Ali when he pulled the seat next to hers with a questioning look.

"Feed me." He pushed his seat closer to hers, faced her.

"Wha... why?"

"Cos I want you to." He smiled sheepishly.

"Don't you have some shame?" Nazeer sneered.

"Nazeer," Amira drawled the name warningly.

"You can do what you want when you're alone but respect other's presence will you?"

Ali's face contorted into a scowl and Amira held his hand which he balled into a fist.

"Please just... Nazeer just what on earth is wrong with you?"

"What did Hajiya Amarya meet you two doing in the sitting room a day back?"

"He's my husband Nazeer! And it's not our fault they didn't excuse themselves before entering."

"And this isn't your house either! Nobody would've witnessed that if you at least locked the door or went up to your room."

Amira grimaced, slumped her shoulders. "You have a huge problem Nazeer."

"Damn you two! You disgust me!" He pushed back his seat and barged out of the house ignoring her calls.

"What on earth is the matter with you two?" Mahbub questioned with a scowl. "It's bad, it is very bad."

"You guys know Uncle Usman is here?" Faisal asked, sweeping his eyes between the couple and Amira gave him a pointed stare.

"Don't give me that eye, just heard that he'd be staying next to you until his wife arrives." He nibbled at a toast.

Amira's heart surely skipped a beat but she said nothing. She faced Ali and he had his eyes close, she thought he'd leave the table but then he opened his eyes and served himself.

"C'mon, have something to eat." He urged and placed two toasts on her plate.

She applied a little pressure on their entwined hands and she gave him a smile when he faced her which he reciprocated.

"Hayya." He urged and she dug in.

* * *

"Why would he want to see me?" Ali whispered behind his wife.

"Ask me that again." She whispered back as they climbed up the stairs to her father's room.

He was elated with the perfume Ali got him as a gift which Amira presented to him and he was busy gushing about how expensive it was. He asked if Ali was free and yeah he was so, there they are.

Amira went in first and motioned for him to seat on an amrless chair that was in the room while she went to the bed. Ali first said his greetings and Alhaji Shira was uncomfortably bubbly.

"I saw the gift and I wanted to appreciate it personally. Where did you get it from?"

Ali was speechless for a bit. "I bought it, in a mall."

"Oh that's great. What's your net worth young man?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face.

Ali faced his wife who was scowling at her father.

"Excuse you was that why_"

"Really don't know." Ali cut his wife's angry speech short. "But it's honestly not much, just enough to sustain me for a little time."

"So we're talking thousands or millions here?"

Now Ali appreciated that she chimed in.

"Why the hell do you want to know?"

"Amina let the young man speak." He said with authority and Amira spat.

"My foot!"

"Amira please," Ali cut in and she frowned at him. "Be respectful." He added softly.

"Well what's your major source of income? You're an entrepreneur, a prince and a Commander in the navy, wait, have you met her elder brother? He's also in the navy."

Ali was mute for a little while. "No, not yet."

"Ah, he'll come over later, I'll make sure to introduce you two."

Ali said nothing to that.

"Are you the next in line?"

Ali faced him but was speechless. That's really a million dollar question. "No." He answered.

"Why is that? Isn't your elder brother dead?"

Both souls faced the old man with one question in mind; how the hell does he know so much about him?

Ali faced the rug beneath his feet when her father-in-law's gaze got too intense. How does he begin answering those questions?

"Yes?" He probed.

"Ali let's_"

"My dad's cousin should be next in line." He cut her off again and she stood there, stunned.

What the...

"Why? Did your father disown you?"

"My father's uncle was Lamido before him so..." He trailed off, letting him complete the sentence.

"I learnt my sister never wanted you to be king."

Ali and Amira faced him with the same confused look. What sister?

Haj Shira also swept his eyes between them. "What happened? You never knew you both were related?"

"How?" They both asked at once.

He chuckled and relaxed on his couch. "I see you barely even know yourselves. Well I'm your father's uncle," He faced Ali who scowled in confusion. "Your grandmother is my stepsister. Uban mu daya. (We share the same father.) That makes your father my nephew."

Amira and Ali shared looks between them, then at him.

She sat back on the bed. "You're joking right?"

"Akwai aure a tsakaninku, (There's marriage between you), you're not directly related. I thought you knew about it."

"You mean you're full Fulani blood?" Amira asked and he affirmed. She honestly thought only his mother was Fulani.

"You are of Bauchi royal blood?" Ali also asked and he still affirmed.

"Your grandmother was a very complicated and jealous woman. She really gave her husband a tough time. Well I wouldn't blame her, she had to be tough to maintain her dignity as queen. She was never in support of your father's marriage to your mother and I must say that she was really a fighter to have stayed with your father through that animosity. You got your own fair share as well I'm sure." He said and Ali looked down at his feet.

"Every household has its own share of troubles and that triples in a royal family. There are rules and responsibilities on every member and more so for the king and queen, I'm sure you know that."

"The world now isn't as it used to be." Ali opposed.

"But some things never change, and when it comes to traditions, we try very hard to see we maintain them."

"Even the ignoble ones?"

"As long as it maintains our cultural identity."

"I don't think we'll ever be on the same page on that."

"Your mother was also of royal blood wasn't she?"


"Then one thing you should know, very well, is that you can't evade both monarchies. Wether Barkindo, your father's cousin, takes over or his son does, their reign will surely end and eyes will turn back to you. After what you did, the elder statesmen will surely wait to strike back. If you aren't there, it'd be your child or one of your brothers who will have to suffer for your deed."

"I did nothing wrong."

"You went against them. It's that simple."

"My father didn't want it."

"But he didn't reject it. Ali there are things a king himself is helpless about, he could protect you and that's why they did nothing back then but believe me, they won't forget."

"Can we not talk about this?"

"You are a tough man, I'm sure you'll be able to handle it. And you've got a tough wife, she should do same too."

Ali looked up at his wife who also faced him with eyes filled with uncertainty.

"What are you two talking about?"

"You must have been aware of the royal duties on the eldest son when you agreed to be his wife. You should start fulfilling them, begin by getting used to the royal setting and providing an heir but that's if you wish to maintain your place as his wife, first wife." Her father answered.

Amira looked back at Ali and he's massaging his temple. Damn does she forget about that all the time. Does he have to do it? But what were they even talking about?!

"I believe I've said enough for now, tell me about Yola. It's been ages since I last visited."

And none of them could utter a word.

* * *

"I hate Fulani." She jeered, flopped on the bed.

Ali looked over his shoulder at her. "I'm Fulani? Your dad is too."

"Yeah, I know. But you don't look Fulani."

"Then I look what?"

"Sudanese. What was he talking about earlier? Who did you go against?" She sat halfway up, her elbow probed on the bed and palm supporting her cheek.

He turned his body to give her a better look. "I'll tell you if you tell me why you hate your father so much."

The look in her eyes suddenly changed to a sad one. "It's... it's a long story."

"I have the whole day and more if you want." He cupped her other cheek, caressed it.

She sat up, stared abstractly at the wall. "I don't really wanna drive down that lane. I don't know where to start from."

"Anywhere is good."

"He's just... very complicated, much worse than your grandma was. At times he has control and others, he's completely senseless. He let me down, at a very young age and what could I have done if not to hate him? I honestly didn't want to but he gave me no choice. His... things were too much, too much for my young self to handle. How could a father begin saying his own daughter isn't his? I mean, yes I'm the only dark skinned girl amongst my mummy's children but dammit, everyone says I look like him. Forget how old he is but he's also dark-skinned so what does he mean? Where did his genetics go to? That my mother had an affair before I was born and that's why I was born different. Matters got worse when Na'eemah and Ahmad were born both fair skinned.

"I used to hate all of them, Ya Abdallah was the only one I was very close to, then. He used to always defend me, was always by my side. I used to be a weakling back then, I still am though." She chuckled sadly. "But after he died, everything changed, my life has never been the same again. Never."

Ali waited for her to continue but she didn't so he asked. "How did he die?"

"An accident. Just after his grad from med school. It was disastrous."

"That's before your mum and dad got divorced?"

She nodded. "But that wasn't why he divorced her. Shortly after that he moved back here after retiring from politics and my mum was given a choice of coming down here or they end the marriage, she did the former and we all had to stay in the court, that's before these flats were built. It grew from bad to worse, they're always fighting, raining insults and what have you. My mum got fed up and demanded he puts his household under control or divorce her. It's obvious which one he did."

"And that's why you hate him?"

"I always hated him, but that made me hate him more. I was left alone here, Sis was already married and Mumcy left with Nimah and Ahmad. It was hell having to deal with all that at such a young age."

"Why did you leave?"

"He asked me to." She chuckled, trying to hide her tears. "I was only twelve."

"And you've never been home since then?"

"I came back to Command from Airforce Girls and joined them in SS1 second term. That's when I met Amir and Bahira, they were like my second family - they still are. Mumcy forced me to come here after my WAEC before the grad since I never visited throughout my stay there and I did. Too bad they thought I was the same Mami that left some years back. They got angry that I always stood up for myself and didn't let them take me for a maid and before he sent me out like a dog, I told him he should forget he ever had a daughter called Amina and he told me he didn't even need me as a child."

"And you left?"

"Very happy as I did."

"So Command made you tough?"

"No, I made me tough. I realised being good and a weakling wouldn't help me but rather make me stupid. But it still hurts, it still does when I think of the many times I've been trampled upon and even though I fought back, I'd still cry to myself at night. I'd still wish people will quit hurting me and just let me deal with what I already have on my plate." She broke down in tears and he pulled her unto himself. She taught him that, he always felt right whenever she gives him a hug or even just a pat with those reassuring words.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, planted a kiss on her forehead. He knew he made her do a good deal of night crying too, he hurt her greatly too. "I'm so sorry."

She said nothing but just cried into his arms until her eyes grew dry. She lifted her head, wiping her already puffy eyes.

"Are you okay with Ya Usman staying next door?"

"Are you okay with it?"

She chuckled amidst tears. "We're in this together right?"

He shook his head, rubbed her hair backwards. "I'm with you in this, forever."

They kept locked gazes before he pulled her closer and planted a kiss on her forehead. "You'll be perfectly alright."

* * *

Ali was seated in the balcony, sipping on his coffee as he went through his emails on his laptop his eyes moving momentarily to his wife who was on a call outside by the roundabout.

He knew she's talking to either Nabeelah or Na'eemah from how angry and hurt she looked. It continued like that and as he took his cup for another sip, a loud call made him drop the cup and get on his feet.

He spotted Mama charging towards Amira who was facing her, the phone still on her ear. His fingers tightened around the balustrade as agitation washed over him. Now what does she want from his wife?

She reached Amira yelling and raining curses and the latter brought down the phone from her ear. Ali snatched his phone from the chair and called her, not wanting to shift his eyes from her even for a sec.

She looked to see who was calling and after a split second, answered and put the phone on her ear.

"Ignore her and come back in."

She turned and looked up and they peered at each other for some seconds before Mama turned her around roughly.

"Princess please ignore her."

Amira stared at the woman without replying him for long moments and he asked her to come back in again.

"Please Amira, please." He begged.

"Okay." She murmured and he could tell she's pissed off.

She ended the call and turned around to go but the woman pulled her back. Ali hissed, scowling. What's wrong with this woman?!

She kept yelling at Amira, poking her head with her finger and Ali swore Amira was only keeping her cool.

He dialed her again and Amira ended the call after seeing who was calling.

Shit! He called again and something told him to go down there before the worse happens. But then what if it happens before he reaches?

And it did, just as he opened his mouth to call her back in.

Ali gasped, left his jaw hanging as he stared at his wife who dropped a second one. The elderly woman wailed and fell on the ground and Amira said something to her before turning around leaving her wailing at the top of her lungs.

Ali dashed out of the balcony at once and met her in the sitting room as she entered, talking to herself.

"What the hell did you just do?!"

"She deserved it." She said, continuing for the stairs.

He pulled her back. "Are you out of your senses?!"

"Damn it Ali! Don't make me angrier." She warned.

"Oh well hit me too! Slap me Amira."

"I swear to Allah I can so don't you dare provoke me." And she sauntered up leaving him with a baffled demeanour.

Wait was that Amira? He put his thoughts aside and went after her. She was sitting by the edge of the bed, her head in her hands.

"Amira that woman was older than your mother_"

"So what? I should let her disrespect me however she likes?" She shot her angry eyes to him.

"You slapped her Amira, twice for crying out loud."

"I've been meaning to, for a very long time now. Ali she's insulting my mother and you expect me to say nothing?"

"You..." He trailed off, his words failing him. "Amira you know they'd definitely get back at_"

"We'll be going to the court, the highest is insulting me, asking her to slap me back and sending me out, not like it's the first time they're doing so."

"She isn't Usman's mother is she?"

"They're close though, birds of the same feather, but his mother died some years back."

He's a bit relieved. "But still shoot Amira, you should really try to control yourself."

"I've been trying Ali, I told you I don't do that in Jos."

"God dammit!" He massaged his nape, paced the room twice. He stopped and looked at her but was surprised at how calm she looked. Honestly he wasn't one to get agitated about things cos he believed there's nothing that could possibly happen to him that is worse than what he has faced but when it comes to Amira, he wants nothing to hurt her, not even the smallest insect.

It's just a matter of minutes for her name to be all over and she's still unmoved. Ali stepped out and met with one of her numerous brothers climbing up the stairs with a lady behind him each with a threatening scowl.

"What's the matter?" Ali sought, standing at the top of the staircase.

"Her father wants to see her."

Ali nodded. "We'll be there in a minute."

They stayed put and Ali kept his eyes on them waiting for them to leave. They did after about ten seconds and he went back to the room to meet his wife already in her hijab.

"Let's go." She said and Ali shook his head.

"Mischief maker."

"I heard that."

* * *

For almost an hour Mallam Shira kept them in his room. At first he's raining insults and threatening her but Ali defended his wife until his father-in-law ran out of possible excuses. Mama was infuriated when Mallam Shira resulted in advising her on how to deal with her anger.

Just as he was rounding up, the one person who shouldn't be there showed up, barging into the room as he said a low salaam. He raised a hand on Amira and she moved away, closer to Ali who drew her even closer.

She glared at him and he tsked, his eyes lingering longer on Ali. He furthered to sit on the bed and Mama began her speech about how she approached Amira calmly on why she always refuses the food sent to them and Amira began beating her up.

"What's your decision?" Usman asked, turning to his father.

"Apparently she brought her mother into it and was saying disrespectful things about her, she also scratched Mami and that's why she retaliated." Mallam Shira said tiredly.

"Karya ne wallahi. (It's a lie)." Mama cut in again and began swearing on lies.

Amira faced her with a glare as she continued her stories.

"What do you have to say about that?" Usman faced the couple.

"Amira only slapped her twice, and she was the first to attack her." Ali spoke up.

"Did she try to kill her?"

"She got physical."

"Were you there?"

"I saw everything."

"Why didn't you stop her?"

"I was upstairs."

"Mama said you called her."

"I did."

"And she refused to heed to what you said?"

"She wanted coming in but Mama here wouldn't let her."

"She should've given her an answer to her questions."

"She should've approached her more calmly."

"Why are you speaking for her? Has she no mouth?"

"Of course I do." Amira rolled her eyes.

"Waye sa'an ki? (Who's your mate?)" He stood up to hit her and Ali moved in front of her making the slap fall on him.

"You_" Amira started but Ali asked her to keep quiet.

"So what if I slapped her? She slapped my mother before and nobody did nothing!"

"So your mother asked you to revenge for her?"

"I felt like doing it for her."

"Well you're in no place to, no child of this family has ever hit your own mother and you shall be dealt with for this."

"I'll take the punishment on myself." Ali said.

"She did wrong, so she would be punished."

"Then I request to punish her myself. She's my wife and I know her better."

He was quiet for some time. "I give you till morning, I will need to see an evidence that you did punish her accordingly."


* * *

Amira leaned on the doorjamb, watching him as he made an office call while she was busy munching on a pack of chips.

She could tell working from home was quite stressful for him, perhaps he never had to do that. Well Umar was out of the country and Khalil, she heard, wasn't quite apt with paperwork so Ali and Mansur did much of the work states apart.

He ended the call with an exhausted sigh and she knocked twice making him turn around.

"Maybe you should just go home, I'll complete my holiday alone."

"In your grave or spending two months away from here?" He asked in sarcasm, crossing his arms before him.

"Who told you about that? I'm quite sure I didn't."

"Where did you go to?"

"Nsukka, you didn't answer me."

"Nabeelah did. And that's why we settled on not telling you beforehand."

"Guess it worked." She crunched another chip and moved closer to him.

"Whose place did you go to in Nsukka?"

"UNN, I gained admission there to study pharmacy and Mumcy forced me to come and tell him about it, me that disowned him, I left home to come to Jos but went my way instead, was unreachable for two months before I called them and told them where I was."

"And they took you to Yola."

"Yeah, the Lamido learnt about it through Uncle Dawud and he being he, said I should come over since AUN were just commencing the session. Mumcy was elated cos she was actually scared of me studying far from home and where I knew nobody and with the hard time I gave them, they thought I was kidnapped or probably murdered, I pitied them sha but they caused it. All the same, she was quick to accept the Lamido's offer. I hated the whole idea."

"Oh really now? You'd never have met me if you didn't."

She eyed him first. "As if you were even nice, you looked like some villain the first time I saw you and your attitude? Hah, you're such an asshole, forgive my language."

He chuckled. With Amira, he takes no offence in things that'd have irked the patience out of him. "I still am an asshole."

"Yeah right, but thankfully I can kick your ass now."

"Amira made Amira tough eh?"

"Kind of, you also made me realise I had to be for you to come back to your senses."

He smiled and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry."

"You always say that, I really hope you mean it."

"I do Princess, I'd never hurt you, not willingly."

She pulled out and looked into his eyes. "You have to do it Ali, you have just till morning."

"Forget him, we'll deal with that tomorrow."

"Ali." She cupped his jaw. "Please do it, anything you do I promise I won't take it to heart."

"Chill Princess,"


"Why don't you make me a cup of hot chocolate? I loved it this morning."

She stared into his eyes for a long minute then sighed, went down to get him a hot cup. I hate him.



She got a cup still munching on her chips and scooped two spoons of chocolate and half milk before setting a cup of water to boil and continued with her chips.

As she stared at the burning stove absently regretting why she didn't come down with her phone, a thought popped up in her head and she stopped halfway in putting a chip in her mouth, watched as the orange flames danced at the bottom of the pot, exciting the water molecules which began making a soft rumbling sound.

She peered at it keenly, her mind playing a 'do it' and 'do it not' game. The boiling of the water was just a hum at the background of her thoughts and she put down the chips on the cabinet, walked slowly to the table stove.

Amira don't. Her subconscious whispered but she knew she had to. She wants no trouble.

She brought down the pot and stared at the fire, balled her fist and sighed.

Damn I shouldn't do this. But then... She remembered Yaya Usman, that devil!

The flames heat the old iron until it was a dull red and she lowered the fire, her fingers rising up slowly. With a deep breath, she closed her eyes and swiftly placed her hand on the iron, she felt as it burned through her skin and the pain was excruciating. She placed a palm on her lips as she whimpered in pain afraid to lift up her hand cos it felt like it's glued to it.

The next bout of pain forced her to pull out and a throat-numbing shrill pierced its way out of her lungs. She fell to the ground, held her wrist with the other hand as she howled in pain.

In less than a minute Ali came dashing through the door and immediately fell beside his wife.

"Amira what the hell happened? How did you... what did you do?!" He bellowed, realizing she actually did it intentionally.

She couldn't reply, only cry out.

"Damn where's..." He looked around for a first aid box and hissed as he remembered he wasn't in Zaria. "Hold on let me get_"

"What_ what the hell did you do to my sister?!" Nazeer thundered as he entered through the back door and saw Amira all masked in tears and he pushed Ali away from her the second he saw her burnt palm. "How dare you do this to her?!" He fired at Ali, kneeling beside his sister.

"I'll go get the car keys." Ali headed for the door and Nazeer pulled his shirt making him stop.

"I fucking asked you a question!"

"She needs to be fucking treated!" He fired back and dashed out.

"Is that the man you call a husband?" He faced her with a scowl.

"He didn't do it." She panted in tears and Nazeer shook his head.

"Keep on covering up for him." He muttered scornfully, bundling her up.

"Wh-where are you taking me to?"

He ignored her and headed for the door.


"Where the hell are you taking my wife to without a hijab?" Ali asked as he ran down the stairs with the keys and a hijab for her.

Nazeer stopped, not because he's scared but the idiot made a point.

Ali wrapped his gem up and in two minutes, they're out of the house, he driving and the two siblings at the back.

Dammit! Nazeer should be the one driving.

* * *

Ali slowly detached himself from her then pecked her forehead and climbed down the bed. She purred and he thought she'd woken up but she snuggled herself and slept soundly. He smiled and made his way out of the room and to the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee, or chocolate.

Amira's really changed him, so much he's slowly not recognising himself anymore. He laughs, jokes around, enjoys sweet meals, prefers staying at home doing nothing - with her, gets his mind off a lot of things and a lot more.

He smiled as he stepped into the kitchen and the grin withered away as he saw Nazeer in there as well, he's on a call and he gave the 'intruder' a glance then continued, sipping on a glass of orange juice.

Ali went ahead to make himself the hot chocolate and Nazeer ended the call in less than a minute.

He watched his brother-in-law do his thing then asked. "Do you love her?"

Ali faced him for a fleeting second. "Who?"

"You really don't need to act like the asshole you are."

Ali let that comment slide, all he wanted was to make his hot cup and go up to his wife.

"Mr Prince." Nazeer called, irritated.

Ali puffed. "My wife?"

"My sister."

Ali's lips twitched at a side. "My wife."

"And I said my sister."

"I have a single wife, you have three sisters or change that, a 'lot'." And he's changed so much that he likes petty arguments.

Nazeer scoffed. "Amira."

"My wife."

"Are you doing this to piss me off?" He grimaced.

"I want you to realise the fact."

Nazeer hissed. "I don't like you, I don't like the false impression you're giving her."

"False impression?"

"Don't act smart now, we're both guys. You can fool her but not me."

"Nazeer are you questioning my relationship with your sister?"

"I hate your relationship with my sister. You're a jerk and it'll never change."

Ali calmed himself down, lowered the fire and let the water to keep boiling. "So you mean your sister is stupid for still being with me."

"You're the one leading her on! Ali or whatever your name is there are a lot of girls out there whom you can have a fling with, so just don't mess with my sisters feelings."

"Nazeer Amira's my wife!"

"And I hate that she is! I fucking do."

"Then you should've stopped her from getting married to me_"

"I tried, I fucking tried." Nazeer stepped closer to him. "And I'll still keep trying."

Ali trained his eyes on the young man before him. "I won't stop you, but I just hope you're sure you're doing the right thing."

Nazeer was taken aback. "Hh, strategy?"

"Call it whatever, I need to go back to my wife." And he made his chocolate.

"She asked me to try and get along with you," Nazeer muttered as Ali made for the door and he stopped. "Amira's quite fond of you, she always puts you first, I don't know what you did to her and we might never really be cool but... don't hurt her ever again, that's all I ask."

Ali turned to face him and after a short moment of silence, left. He first checked if the front door was close before heading up. Amira was sluggishly getting out of bed when he went into the bedroom and she looked up at him, stopping.

"Where did you go to?" She asked in a tired voice as he kept his hot mug on the nightstand.

"To make chocolate, how are you feeling?" He sat besides her, feeling her temperature.

She nodded and leaned on him.

"You're burning up." He scowled.

"You made me scared. I thought you left me alone." She moved from him to view his face.

"I'd never do that." He rubbed her hair back and leaned in to peck her but she 'ouched' making him move back.

"It still hurts?" He asked, holding the bandaged hand slowly.

"A lot." She sniffled, laid her head on his arm.

"Why would you do this to yourself?"

"I don't want trouble."

"We'd have settled it by morning."

"Yaya Usman isn't one to joke with. I want nothing to do with him."

Ali placed a kiss on her head. "You're brave."

She smiled and laid back on the bed. "Have your drink."

"Want some?"

"I'm good."

They chatted briefly through his beverage and he didn't bother to take the cup out after, he just did his essentials and retired for the night.

"Is it just me or does something seem off?" She asked as he wrapped her up in an embrace.


Amira thought over it with knitted brows but then decided to ignore her instinct. "Nothing, why don't you like sleeping with a shirt?"

"I do, but you force me to use the blanket. I'd be all cooked before morning if I wear clothes."

"Haba Bebe, you dey Jos for Harmattan so wetin you dey talk? This cold is out of the world."

"Shey you sabi pidgin?" He teased, his pidgin quite fluent.

"Omo Naija." She laughed and he joined her.

* * *


Hi guys 👋 how have y'all been doing? Hope great.

I wanna proffer my deepest apologies to everyone 😔 I honestly don't have the whole thing written down and at some points I have no idea what should happen next and that contributes to the late updates coupled with school that's eating up every bit of senses I have left... 😭

Please bear with my helpless self🥺 I know you are and thank you for that 😢, bare with me a little more please 🤧😓

So thoughts on the chapter? Is anyone else sensing some drama or am I the only one? I just hope that it brings those lovebirds together not tear them apart 😥

Xoxo for now ❤️

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