Dear Diary | Proxies

By 1987vampire

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"Tim," I finally spoke, my voice cracking from misuse and my crying. "Tim, I think I did something bad." Tim... More

i. chocolate chip waffles
ii. gloved and ungloved hands
iii. platform boots and the sushi incident
iv. embarrassing phone calls
v. patched jackets and sleepy cuddling
vi. cut up feet
vii. yellow hoodies
viii. false hallucinations
ix. whiskey filled mumbles
x. pine and static
xi. screamo music
xii. a carved smile
xiii. unmasked men
xiv. killers and seizures
xv. hands and thighs
xvi. doritos and makeup
xvii. realms and trials
xviii. x marks the spot
xx. breakfast and long roads
xxi. sleazy men and pickup trucks
xxii. gentle kisses
xxiii. naps and movies
xxiv. shower steam kisses
xxi. lunches and pillow fights
xxvi. TV static
xvii. carving knives
xviii. shining souls
xxix. fried rice on the wall
xxx. blood pacts and cougars
xxxi. panic attacks and matted fur
xxxii. computer keyboards
xxxiii. ghosts and baths
xxxiv. breakfast and greenhouses
xxv. tall, tall libraries
xxxvi. fights in fields
xxxviii. a proxy's mark
xxxix. the end

xix. pretty women and gigantic men

478 15 7
By 1987vampire

Dear Diary,
Time to make friends, even if it's with a giant, blue demon and two lesbians.

As the sun began to set, the cold began to set into my bones. I clutched my arms to my chest, grumbling to myself, "Couldn't have at least given me a jacket." The rake bumped the side of his body to my hip before jogging so he was in front of me, bouncing a bit in his steps. It felt like we had been walking for forever, and I was beginning to grow tired. The need to see my boys buzzed through my body, but as the cold began to get worse and worse, I wasn't sure how much farther I would be able to make it.

I took a deep, shuddering breath and paused, leaning against one of the giant trees around us. The rake trotted forward for a bit more before seeming to realize that I had stopped. He stopped and turned, going in circles for a moment, before he spotted me again and ran back over. He stopped in front of me, sitting back on his haunches as he stared at me, tilting his head.

He let out a low chittering sound, and I patted his head gently in response. "Just a second, bud," I mumbled before falling to the ground in a heap. My legs were killing me, and so was my side. I let out a low whine as I let my head fall against the tree. "Fuck."

The rake leaned his head on my legs before slumping down and staring up at me. He let out another noise before tilting his head a few times, motioning for me to look at something. I blearily looked up and was able to make out the faint sight of lights hidden beyond the trees, the faintest glow and sign of life.

I let a smile overtake my face without thinking and pet rake's head. "Thank you so much, buddy. Let me try and get up."

I let out another whine as I pulled myself off the ground, every bone in my body telling me not to. I stumbled forward for a few steps before catching myself on a different tree. The rake stood in front of me, making sure I wouldn't collapse. One of his hands gently pulled on the bottom of my sweats, urging me further.

I hobbled along the way, taking much longer than I should have, but the cold began to make my body lock up and overheat. It took everything in me not to shed my few layers, knowing how bad it would be even if I didn't realize it. When we finally made it to the lights, the woods opened into a clearing revealing a decently sized wood cabin. The lights inside were on along with a few fairy lights strung around the house. I paused at the treeline, but the rake bounded forward, jumping excitedly at the steps as he turned back to watch me as I stumbled forward. I inched up the steps one by one and took another break as I reached the door, breathing heavily. I raised my fist, ready to knock, but before I could, the door was pulled open.

Startled, I almost tumbled back, but the rake placed his head on the small of my back, keeping me upright. "Uh, hello, who are you?" The voice that spoke was low, almost sensual, and I looked up to meet the mask of a woman. The mask reminded me of Masky's, a pure white one with black lipstick, eyeliner, and eyebrows drawn on. The woman herself was wearing a skin tight, long-sleeve dress that fell to mid-thigh. There was a triangle cutout to show a bit of her chest, dark skin poking against dark fabric. Her legs that would have been exposed from her dress were instead covered with a pair of black tights, and she wore a pair of high heels that were a few inches. We were eye level, but I knew she would be much shorter if she wasn't wearing them. Lastly, she had a thick head of curly, black hair that fell to right below her butt.

She waved a hand in front of my face, trying to grab my attention. I hadn't even realized how long I had been standing there just looking at her. I took another deep breath and finally spoke, "I'm sorry; my name's June. I don't know if that helps, but I'm just trying to find my way home, and I got led here."

The woman leaned around me, finally catching sight of the rake as he leaned away from me, looking to her as well. She didn't look scared of him, but I had already figured she had to have something to do with Slender given the mask. She looked curious more than anything. Well, from what I could vaguely see through the mesh behind the mask eyeholes.

She took a step back, her heel clacking loudly on the wooden floor, and she looked behind her for a few moments before turning back to me, eyes falling on the new tattoo on my chest. "Alright, come in. It's freezing out there, and I don't want to keep letting the cold in. Take your shoes off and put them by the door. You're disgusting right now." I took a step forward before pausing and turning back to the rake. "Don't worry about him. He knows where to go."

Still, I paused, and the rake trilled loudly and gave me a gentle push before bumbling away towards the back of the house. I stepped into the house, letting her shut the door behind me. Instantly, my entire body relaxed as warmth enveloped me. "I'm, uhm, I'm sorry for just showing up at your house out of nowhere, especially as a stranger."

"You look like you would have died of hypothermia if you hadn't made it here. What could you possibly be doing out here in the middle of nowhere in so little clothing?" She paused, and I could feel her eyes raking over my form again. "And where did you get all those injuries? Get attacked by a mountain lion?"

I huffed, holding my arms over my exposed stomach. "Well, I was at my house, and then, I was here. Don't think I can explain more than that."

She paused and leaned against the back of the couch nearest her, seeming to think for a second. "Are you new? In trial or completed?"

That confirmed that she was definitely affiliated with the big man.

"In trial."

"Hmmmm." She stepped forward, heels clacking loudly in the otherwise silent room. She circled me slowly, her eyes trailing all over me. "Why? What's your story, little birdie?"


"Flying here in the middle of the night to escape the cold - like a little birdie. Go on. What's your story?"

I paused and pursed my lips, "I don't- uh. I don't really have a story." I brushed off the imaginary fingers tapping down my arm. "I don't really know completely why I was chosen - he just said he liked something in my mind."

"How were you found?"

"My boys," I replied without really thinking. The interrogation was making my mind go blank.

She paused in front of me, tilting her head and turning to face me fully. "Your boys? Who might that be?"

I swallowed thickly. "Brian, Tim, and Toby," I whispered.

Immediately, she let out a laugh so loud that I instinctively took a step back. "The proxy dogs' bitch? I've been looking for you!" she giggled and took a step forward. "Oh, I've been searching, but they're good at staying hidden when they want. I heard about your encounter with Jeff." I frowned at the mention of his name, lip curling in distaste. "Yeah, that's what I was hoping for."

"What do you mean?"

"Me and Jeff have a bit of a rivalry, you might say. I'm trying to kill him. He's trying to kill others," she trailed off in a sing-song voice. "I want to destroy him and everything he's ever loved, and hearing that he attacked you, I figured that if I could pinpoint where you were, he'd be in the area. However, not only do the proxies have their tricks, so does the big man, and Slendy would never want someone to hurt his pride and joy, so he makes it extremely hard to get to him."

"I don't think I can help with that. I'm sorry."

"Not worth it anymore, anyways. He's long gone," she paused, "now, I'm interested in you." She let out a long sigh before leaning back again. "We can continue this over dinner. The others will be back soon. How about you get a shower? Does that sound nice?"

I nodded. "Uh, that sounds good." Dinner, though? It seemed to be late, but then again, I wasn't even sure how long I had been out here. "Do you, by chance, have a phone charger?" I pulled my phone from my pocket and showed her.

She looked at it for a moment before shaking her head. "No, not for that. We all have flip phones, so not the same kind. Do you want to use one of those whenever you get out? Talk to your boys?" she snickered to herself, but I nodded.

A few moments later and I was standing in a small bathroom, holding clean clothes and a towel to use. I took a moment to gather myself, letting my brain catch up with the situation at hand. I was in a strange woman's house - who apparently lived with more people given her earlier statement - that I was led to by a man-creature-thing that acted like a cat. I almost got killed by things I thought were deer but weren't, and I have absolutely no clue where I am. For all I knew, I was in Canada. I just wanted my bed and my boys.

I sighed as I finally stepped into the shower stream, the warmth letting me fully relax after being in the cold for so long. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. I could almost imagine Toby being in here with me like he always was now. I let a few silent tears slip down my cheeks, covering my mouth with my hand. I missed my normal life more than I cared to admit. I just wanted to go back to waitressing - to working too many shifts a week and all my stress was just annoying customers and making enough tips to pay my bills.

When I finally stepped out, I could hear the front door opening and shutting followed by loud footsteps, like someone was stomping on purpose. I dressed myself slowly. The woman had given me a thick, black knitted sweater and a new pair of gray sweatpants with some wool socks. I opened the door and paused for a second as the rake bounded over to me excitedly. He almost smacked straight into me but stopped right before and raised his two front claws and placed them on the clothes I was holding, bumping his head against mine, before running back. I giggled at the action and looked up, stopping immediately at the sight of two new people.

Beside the girl I already knew, there was a new woman, one that was an inch or two taller than her with brown hair in a short wolf-cut. She was dressed in a white tank top, dark green cargo jacket, blue jeans, and brown work boots. The most noticeable thing about her, though, was her eye. Well, lack of eye, I should say, because instead of a left eye, she had a pocket watch embedded into where it should be. It was ticking away, still working, still counting time.

The other was a much more terrifying figure. He was towering over us with deep blue skin and ginger locs reaching his shoulders. He was dressed casually in a black hoodie and jeans, but I couldn't look away from his lack of eyes. Instead of like the girl, he didn't have any at all, just eyeless sockets that were leaking some sort of black goop down his face, dripping to the floor. He had pointed ears, and he was hunched over from how ginormous he was so he wouldn't hit the already high ceiling.

"Uh, hello," I spoke, clutching my clothes tighter to myself.

The girl with the brown hair let a grin crawl across her face and she bound forward. "Hello! My name's Natalie! What's yours, and what are you doing here?" She reached her hand out to me. I took it carefully, and she shook it enthusiastically, practically dislocating my shoulder as she did.

"My name's June, and the rake led me here for shelter for the night, I guess. I'm in trial right now.'' I supposed since the original girl knew, the others would as well, especially with their appearances.

"Rake led you?" the man asked, his voice surprisingly soft for such a large form. He stomped the floor before turning to look at me head-on. "Curious. He normally doesn't take a liking to new people."

The rake circled around his feet, rubbing affectionately at his knees. "Yeah, he saved me a few hours ago from something, and when I was able to call my boys, Tim said he had been around my house a few times. I had never seen him before tonight."

"Tim? The proxy boy?" The man took a few booming steps forward before turning and sitting on one of the chairs, letting the rake crawl up and into his lap. "I knew I recognized the name. It's good to finally meet you. I've heard a few things."

"It seems that everybody knows me, but I know nobody around here," I murmured.

"Well considering none of the boys have ever been one to open up to anybody, especially just a regular human, it causes a bit of gossip," Natalie spoke. "I mean, I think Tim and Brian had a thing a while back, right? Besides that, though, there's been nothing. I thought I liked Toby, and then I realized I'm like a massive fuckin' lesbian." The girl beside her smacked her chest, and Natalie giggled loudly. "Either way, it kind of got around after Jeff went a little batshit at your house that you had protection from not one but three proxy dogs."

I paused. "Why - I mean, there's a lot to unpack from that, but - why do y'all keep calling them proxy dogs?"

"Because that's what they are," the man chuckled. "They're dogs under Slenderman - just pawns in his little game. They have no real control over anything without their master. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the boys. In fact, I think they're quite pleasant to be around for the most part, but they're just pets he can dispose of at any given moment." He paused. "He won't, of course. Just like any pet owner, he's grown too fond to just get rid of them, but the statement still stands." He turned his head towards me, eyeless sockets seeming to bore into my soul. "Name's Jack, by the way."

I nodded. "Okay. Alright, uh, okay. So, what now?"

The woman I still hadn't gotten the name of spoke. "Well, I made lasagna-"

"Oh fuck yeah!" Natalie screamed before hopping over to the kitchen area, digging into the cabinets for dishes.

The man stood from the couch and stomped over to me while the other girl followed Natalie. I had to strain my neck just to look at him. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "You can stay here for the night and head out come morning. I'll patch up your injuries and check your ribs."


"Your breathing is fucked, and you're leaning to your good side right now. Let's eat first. Come on." He stomped away and grabbed a plate from Natalie who was already half-way through her piece as she cut the others. The other girl passed him garlic bread before holding a plate out to me. Jack sat at a table pushed into the far corner and I took the seat beside him. Natalie collapsed into the seat across from me and the other girl sat next to her.

We were relatively quiet throughout eating, though the girl asked a few questions about whatever they had been out doing. While they spoke, I was finally able to get her name. Jane. The discovery made me interject without really thinking.

Natalie and she had been mid-argument about Natalie needing to be quieter when she had whined, "but Jane!"

"Jane?" I questioned, raising my head from my half-eaten plate. Every head turned to me, and I held my breath.

"Yeah?" she asked. She barely touched her food, only taking a few bites that she had turned her head to the side and moved her mask to do. She didn't want me to see her face, but I didn't mind. I understood.

"I'm sorry, I just hadn't caught your name this whole time. I just remembered your name being mentioned a few times, if there's not another girl named Jane, of course." I twirled my fork anxiously.

She hummed, "I'm hoping not in a bad way."

I shook my head quickly. "No, no, no. I remember Toby telling me you showed him The Addams Family for the first time, and he complimented your makeup. One time, when we were talking about other people under Slenderman, Tim said you were one of the only competent people around here."

Natalie shoved her side and shook her, making Jane throw her hand at her in annoyance. "Well, I'm glad it hasn't been the worst. I know those boys can be a handful, especially Toby, but it's good to know they're getting taken care of."

"I miss Toby," Natalie sighed. "We were partners in crime for a while there, when we still thought Jeff was half-way decent." Jane huffed. "I mean, now we know, but-"

"How many of y'all are there? I mean, like, people that work with Slenderman."

Natalie blew a raspberry. "God, so many. There are a few of us that are more important than others, obviously, but there's so many all over the world. The ones you're most likely to come across are Jeff, obviously, another man named Jack, a little girl named Sally, Ben, Liu, Helen, and Jonathon. Those are ones that stay around his area, especially since Slender likes to stay around this area. His home is only a few hours away from here."

I nodded. "Where is here, by the way? I kind of just got dropped off, but," I trailed off.

"We're right by Pell City," Jane responded.

I vaguely knew where that was. "How far are we from Wetumpka - or Montgomery if you don't know where that is?"

"Two hours a different way."

I sighed and nodded. "Okay, not the worst. Not the best. At least I'm not in Washington or something."

"You live in Wetumpka?" Natalie asked. I nodded, and she turned, giving a smug look to Jane who I could practically feel rolling her eyes. "Told you so." She turned to me. "When we were trying to figure out where you lived, I swore up and down it was going to be Wetumpka. I just knew it. I know how to look at the proper records."

Jane huffed and grabbed the empty plates, moving to drop them in the sink. "I don't have to listen to you right now."

Natalie cackled, and Jack let out a low chuckle under his breath. Jack stood as well and patted my shoulder. "Come on," he spoke, "let's get you patched up."

I followed him to the bathroom and we closed the door just as Natalie and Jane began fighting, though I could tell it was only lighthearted with Natalie teasing her over and over.

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