Honkai Impact 3rd x OC: Let's...

بواسطة Afrologia

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Onyx Scale was a regular teen with a lower turned middle class upbringing who really didn't have any issues... المزيد

Prologue - Survivor
Eruption 1 - St. Freya Academy
Eruption 2 - Discovering Power
Eruption 3 - Battle Battle Battle!
Eruption 5 - A Small Competition
Eruption 6 - Knowing Raiden Mei
Eruption 7 - The Last Straw
Eruption 8 - Sage vs Maiden
Eruption 9 - Onyx vs Kiana
Eruption 10 - Team 5
Eruption 11 - Fu Hua Shisho
Eruption 12 - The Strongest Valkyries
Eruption 13 - The Distance
Eruption 14 - Challenging Distance
Eruption 15 - Recovery
Eruption 16 - Exams Begin!
Eruption 17 - Kiana vs Bella

Eruption 4 - Weapon Time

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بواسطة Afrologia

3rd Person Pov

Onyx was looking around the room he was in with different machines and Valkyries in either building equipment or battlesuits with some looking his way, not that he paid them any mind. The teen was currently in his battlesuit per Bronya's request when she invited him. He then looked to the small floating girl besides him who looked ahead and floated forward prompting him to follow Bronya through the room.

Onyx: "Alright did you invite me here?" *faces his left* "Cool spear!"

Bronya: "After yesterday in class Bronya decided that it'd be more efficient for subject Onyx to find a suitable weapon."

Onyx: "So this is the workshop? Cool!"

Bronya: "Mm."

The two walked past other workbenches till they had stopped at a specific one, with the familiar face of Mira at it. Rather then her uniform she wore blue overalls that showed a lot of her buxom bust, a tool belt fastened around her waist, a safety helmet and gloves. The gold eyed girl looked down to something she seemed to be working on with focus until she saw movement in her peripheral vision inciting her to look up and see the duo.

Mira: "Bronya? Here to work on project bunny again?"

Bronya: "Hello Big Sis Mira and no I'm here to refer subject Onyx to some weapons."

Onyx: "Yo!"

He waved a hand as Mira's eyes landed on him before they trailed down and down and up again before down his exposed torso. Blood rushed to her cheeks reddening her dark complexion slightly before she realised she was still in a conversation.

Mira: "A-a-ah Bronya, O-Onyx... h-hello!"

Onyx: 'She's as cute as ever.'

The two shared a smile between each other with Bronya noticing the vibe between them and seemed to pout while looking at Onyx. Feeling the small girls glare he remembered as to why they were here.

Onyx: "A-ah right! Weapon for me that's why we here."

Mira: "O-o-oh yeah I'm sorry."

???: "Huh Mira who ya talking to?"

The trio turned to see a girl shorter than Mira but was taller than Bronya walk up to them. She had fair skin with long black hair that reached down to the back of her knees and purple eyes that were behind purple rimmed glasses. She wore a black shirt with a green tie and a purple skirt that was held up by a belt along with a white lab coat and black boots that reached up to her knees. 

While she didn't have big breasts she still maintained an attractive shapely figure. The student looked over to Mira who greeted her and introduced Onyx to her.

Mira: "Bronya brought Onyx to come get a weapon."

???: "Onyx? Like the gemstone?"

Onyx: "Well yes but no, it's my name."

She looked over to the boy and saw what he was wearing before a smirk appeared on her face,

???: "Ah the new kid."

Mira: "This is Isabelle Schnider, she's part of the development team here like me."

Isabelle: "Just call me Izzy. Got to say ya fill out the Sarcophagus nicely."

Onyx: "The Sarcophagus?"

Izzy: "It's the battlesuit's name didn't ya read it and it's effects?"

The boy shook his head saying that he just picked the one he liked the most first, the spectated girl shrugged and understood before looking Onyx up and down.

Izzy: "Ya really look hot in it though."

Onyx: "Erm...thank you/"

Izzy: "So ya here for a weapon?"

She reached into her pockets and gave Bronya a lolipop then unwrapped her own to stick in her mouth and gestured him to follow her. He did with Mira and Bronya pursuing the two as well until they got to a room which had different weapons lined on the walls, melee being on one side while the other side had ranged weapons. 

Izzy: "Welcome to the armoury! What ya need is what we got! So what ya need good lookin'?"

Bronya slightly glared at Izzy before latching onto Onyx's arm much to his confusion and Mira's slight jealously.

Onyx: "Well I'd like a melee weapon since I specialize in Honkai Manipulation for close combat."

Izzy: "Hmm... ya already fought in the suit right?"

Bronya: "Subject Onyx fought against the simulation very well with no weapon."

He nodded in response before a smirk plastered the young genius' lips.

Izzy: "Ya don't mind doing a practical demonstration do ya? Ya won't fight anything."

Onyx: "Sure, I guess."

She and Mira disappeared behind some of the weapons before pulling back out what seemed to be a punching machine.

Onyx: "So you want me to hit this hoe?"

Izzy: "Yep with a honkai energy boost to it."

Onyx looked to Bronya and jerked his arm slightly, understanding she peeled herself of his arm. The teen got in front of the machine and drew his right fist back and began pumping honkai energy into it visible by the red energy swirling around it. 

Onyx: "Nuclear..."

He stomped his left foot forward and twisted his hips in motion with his punch The red energy on his fist brightening. His fist went into the cushion of the machine that received the punch then a split second later a red explosion fired off from the impact.

Onyx: "Punch!"

The machine was now reduced to unusable as a hole was blown through it shocking Mira and Izzy while Bronya kept her neutral face. Izzy went over to the machine and started examining the damage done to it.

Mira: "Woah, I didn't think honkai energy manipulation would be applied in such a way!"

Izzy: "No kidding... this like something out of an anime...."

Onyx: "You do realise we are in a school to train and fight against somewhat magical beasts?"

Izzy: "Touche."

Izzy was still looking at the damage and pulled out a device of some kind and scanned over it.

Izzy: "How d'ya feel after that punch?"

Onyx: "I feel fine just a little rebound."

Bronya: "Bronya can confirm there is only low levels of corruption in subject Onyx's body- update, the corruption is quickly diminishing."

Izzy walked up to Onyx with a thinking face without realising the distance between the two was becoming more and more scarce. Seeing that he was slowly becoming more uncomfortable with it Bronya pulled him back slightly jerking Izzy back.

Izzy: "What ya call that again the Nuclear Punch?"

Onyx: "Yep just a honkai powered punch."

Izzy: "Cultured. Anyways ya say it's simply a honkai powered punch but it's much more than that hottie."

Onyx: "What?"

Izzy: "Punch without honkai."

He did as asked with quick jab at great speed making Mira blink consecutively at the sudden motion. Izzy and Bronya remained neutral before the taller of the two seemed to have confirmed something in her head.

Izzy: "Seems I was right."

Mira: "You did?"

Izzy: "Yeah, ya suck at amassing honkai energy to sync with your physical attacks."

Onyx felt an arrow pierce through his heart from the comment.

Izzy: "Ya physical prowess is faster than the accumulated energy causing said energy to lag behind." 

Bronya: "The Bronya noticed too, the moment after subject Onyx's fist strikes, his honkai slams in to catch up."

Mira: "I think I understand so basically you're making two impacts per strike Onyx."

Onyx: 'Is that right Seshat?'

[Confirmation: She is correct.]

Izzy: 'His raw strength and speed is superhuman itself so if he learned to imbue 100% of honkai energy into 100% of his fighting prowess...'

Izzy took out the lolipop in her mouth that was now finished and a mad scientist type grin spread on her face. Onyx felt a sense of dread wash over his body suddenly.

Izzy: 'I haven't seen anyone so interesting as a subject before aside from Mira's boobs!'

Onyx: "I can shoot projectiles as well."

Mira/Izzy: "Show me!"


After a full hour of showcasing his current arsenal to the two who proceeded to analyse and dissect each one with strengths and weakness. While he was grateful for the feedback Bronya reminded them of the original reason as to why there were here. So now he was looking through the different weapons with an overall dissatisfied face.

Bronya: "Can subject Onyx not decide on a weapon?"

He looked over to the little floating girl.

Onyx: "It's not that I can't decide it's just they don't have a certain something to them."

Bronya: *tilts head* "What would that be?"

Onyx was about to open his mouth to explain before his eyes went to the corner of the room were there were weapons pilled there. Without a word he walked over to them catching Izzy and especially Mira's attention.

Mira: "E-e-erm th-that's where the failures go..."

Izzy: "Most are from myself and Mira since we spend the most time making stuff. It's faulty and stuff..."

She began poking her index fingers in embarrassment while Onyx blocked out what they said and hummed in acknowledgement. Looking through them he could see why it was faulty stuff while the two inventors were trying to drag him away only for Bronya to use Project Bunny to hold them back.

Onyx: "I'll get you an ice cream later."

He wasn't looking but a glint of excitement briefly flashed through the silver haired girl's eyes. The teen then pulled out a metallic blade which he recognised to be similar to an Egyptian sickle sword known as a khopesh in design. It was a dirty gold colour no doubt from how long it had been unmaintained with red lines through it and a cobra head on the pommel with black wrappings around the handle.

(A/N: Replace the head of Seth with a king cobra's head.)

Onyx looked at the blade in fascination as he admired the craftsmanship on it and smiled before holding it up with both hands.

Mira: "W-wait that one is dangerous!"

Onyx: "Huh? Why-"

He then felt his honkai get sucked but was able to stop the process as the sword was forcing his corruption to rise exponentially Seshat automatically began countermeasures. Veins looked ready to burst on Onyx's arms as he was using all of his concentration to reign the wobbling sword. It emitted an ominous aura as it once more attempted to suck out Onyx's honkai and more in an attempt to reduce him to either turn or become a shriveled up corpse, the teen fought back against it. Until a minute had passed where he was able to gain control back.

Onyx: "Woah, this one will need some time to fully reign in. Who made it?"

Mira: "Th-that one is mine... it was actually my first ever weapon I made. It's function is to charge and fire energy as the user desired. However, it seemed to act with a mind of its own and drained energy from the user themselves."

Bronya: "Some subjects call it the Cursed Blade, it's an urban myth at St. Freya."

Izzy: "Even Eleanor Pallida couldn't use it and she's regarded as "The Sword Saint" here at school."

Onyx looked at it before smirking and holding it in the air.

Onyx: "I'll take it."


Onyx: "Well it's not like I'd be missed. If Pallida couldn't swing with this then I wanna rub it in her smug ass face, the fact that dear Mira made it makes me want it even more."

The mentioned girl blushed slightly which Bronya noticed but didn't make a comment.

Onyx: "Besides it's the only one I currently see with the one trait everything else in this room is missing."

He swung it to the side and immediately stopped it absorbing energy thanks to Seshat's assistance.

Onyx: "Character! What's her name?"

He asked turning to his fellow black person to which Mira sighed seeing that he wasn't going to leave it as is.

Mira: "Apophis."


And that's that, Onyx has a weapon now which is pretty much an Egyptian version of Zoro's Enma from One Piece. Also new OC waifu introduced as Isabelle a perverted genius who wishes to be as great a scientist as Einstein and Tesla, she designed his battlesuit and will probably design his future ones as well.

Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment and share with those you think would like this. Also check out some of my other books you may like 'em, I dunno.

Stay safe, stay blessed and stay awesome!


New Student Arc: COMPLETE

Next: "Exam Prep Arc"

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