Forbidden love

By missmarierogers

7.2K 168 27

A thief and a hero, what more can I say. This is going to be interesting. More

A/n The link shall come!!
OOps sorry
A/n Link is next and a letter to ya'll
Ch.11 Link is here!!
A/n what the time?!
Ch.35 ( short )


155 3 0
By missmarierogers

-Time skip next Evening-
Nothing much happened, my necklace didn't glow, I didn't feel threatened... And actually it seemed that almost all the guards...left . They actually began to go away from this part of town. I stayed inside all day because NOONE seemed to order and harvests.
"Hm...that's strange..." Well it's evening, better get some more rupees. I said grabbing my cloak and kissing my dad goodbye as I left. I didn't get far without having an eire feeling that I was being watched. Shook it off and continue in my way into the deeper parts of the kingdom. I saw the boarder line that separates the richest parts from the lesser environment and stepped over. As If on cue dozens of soldiers came charging out of buildings and huts and from around corners. I married my eyes. " A walked right into a trap.." I grumbled taking out my blade.
" Surrender yourself thief, and may the odds will be in your favor when Justin rains. " Julian yelled.
" ..." I don't respond, they might remember my voice.
"Speak coward! " He yelled again.
I put a hand to my throat and made a raspy tone, " I rather die than surrender. "
" So be it." He said coldly. "Men! ATTACK!!"
The guards charged me with everything, from ropes to swords to arrows. I charged one and managed to stab his gut but that ended when someone grabbed my throat from behind and tugged me down. I fell on top of him as we struggled for dominance. He slashed at my arm but I blocked it and slit his throat not waiting to catch my breath. I dashed past the flying weapons and into the shadows where I hide. I knew that they would find me eventually, I didn't know what to emotions began to stir with fear of what was to come, then sparks flew. My hands surged with power as j looked at them. I stared at the looking solders that lined the walls looking for me. I stood up and walked into the middle of the crowd.
Julian smirked, "guess it's over. "
I'm my raspy voice I responded, "oh has just begun. " I raised my hand that flickered with electric sliver. The soldiers stared at it in confusion as waved my hand. A bolt shot grey shot out and barbecued the first three in the front line. The collapsed motionless on the floor, bodies steaming. I watched as all the color drained from the other soldiers faces. A few looked at me in fear and ran away. A few stayed and fought. They died , but j was still me, I had mercy. I ended them quickly. ( so nice 😄) a few hide away and prayed. Until only three remained. Julian, and his two last men. I stared at him under my hood and a didn't relived a smirk was forming.
" what loyal soldiers you have. You think I am the coward when most of your men run and hide. " I mocked.
" go back. " He told his lat two.
" But captain...he will kill you! " One said
" Just go. I will die with honor. " He said sadly.
"Now go! " He yelled as they left.
He stood there and he took out his sword and got into fight position as I just stared.
"Well?!" He said waiting for me to attack.
I stared at him in shock.
" are braver than I expected. " I said a smile coming to my mouth.
" Ha well it's either I run or I stand and avenge the friends you killed. " he said half way to tears.
" I'm so so sorry....but you threatened me , and I couldn't disappear, not now, I have a family to take care off." I said sad
He wiped the tears out of his eyes and glared at me.
" Not for long... You better get going boy. Maybe that guy back home still has a breath in him. I doubt it. " He said with a devious smirk.
"W-what..? I said my fear growing
" you wouldn't dare! " I screamed at him, my voice a little feminine.
" Stop talking like a girl, thief. "
I didn't care about what he said, but I knew what was to come...or what has happened. I looked in the direction of my house and looked back at him , my hood covering my tears.
I ran without saying a word away from him. I finally arrived at my house...or what was my house...I stared in complete horror as I saw in go up in flames.

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