you belong with me - dnf

By sourpandas

4.5K 198 158

Dream has never really been interested in girls, he never thought much into it. He had been told that when he... More



183 6 4
By sourpandas

George starred at himself. It was simple, or atleast it should be simple. All he had to do was tell him the truth. just say what he had been itching to say. that was it, no excuses no lying just do it.

His mind stayed on the thought, not being able to think of anything other than it. It's simple. simple, just tell him.

Just tell him.

"Hi- no Hey ummm- no Hello? no what that's worse. Hello, can i tell you something? no sounds too professional" George practiced to himself
"Hey, can we talk? that ones good"

George felt his heart beating, what would this even mean? what would happen after? Maybe Dream didn't even like him back, maybe him saying he didn't wanna kiss him wasn't because of the situation at all. Maybe he wouldn't have to say it. Maybe.

Although George's thought wondered, making possibilities, excuses, anything to try to find a reason to not have to tell him. Tell Dream, what had seemed to be crawling out of his throat.

George exhaled, trying to gather himself.

He anxiously waited for Dream or Sapnap to message him, saying they had arrived.

A message pinged from his phone.

A simple word, never would have thought it would fill him with such nervousness.

George grabbed his bag and quickly went down stairs. Exiting his home moments later.

"George!" Sapnap shreaked in exitment

The car ride was more silent than usual, Sapnap making up most of the conversations.

"what do you think?" sapnap asked dream
"oh sorry, i zoned out. yea i like that"
"you zoned out while driving?!?!" sapnap asked

"don't worry i do it all the time"
"dude calm down we haven't died yet" dream spoke, toying with him
"YET?!?" Sapnap asked trying to hold back his laugh

George stood silent, god it was awkward. He felt like all the eyes in the world were on him. The only time he would talk was when Sapnap asked him something, still it would be a short ended response.

The car finally stopped. He opened the door of the car, all he had to do was speak. Tell him, he was right next to him how hard could it be. George tried to say something, but as soon as he had any possibility of telling Dream the truth someone else came into veiw. Maddison.

George instantly felt a wave of heat come over him, like he didn't know where to go.

George stood still, Maddison now making eye contact with him as well. A moment passed before she started towards him.

Sapnap quickly saw this and immediately went over to George.
"Hey" Sapnap spoke pushing George to walk with him
"don't do that, not yet. not again"

He was right, well of course he was right. George wasn't stupid, but still a ounce of him wanted to do go up to her and take her half assed apology. To forgive her and do it again, to give her another chance.

Maybe he had know the entire time that she wasn't good for him. Maybe he just wanted a simple thing, a relationship that he knew how to work out. Maybe that's why he never listened to his friends, because; if he wasn't in love with maddison, if he wasn't dating her who was he? He would have to approach his feeling head on, and telling from the fact that he almost chocked on his own word when trying to do that with Dream, he wasn't good at that.

"You alright?" Sapnap asked
"um- yeah"
"You sure? you froze up back there and you were silent the entire car ride"
"Yea, i was- distracted. i got distracted" George spoke adding a small laugh.
"y'know you don't have to be alright, -like all the time" Sapnap spoke
George stayed silent, looking towards the ground
"i have to head to class, but i'll see you at lunch. okay?" Sapnap asked, a worried look on his face
"Yea! alright see you at lunch!" George smiled, hoping to ease Sapnaps worry.


Dream tapped his pencil on his notebook. The teacher spoke, but nothing seemed to be understandable. Focus. Just focus.

He starred at his teacher, she stood in front of the board. Her mouth spilling so many words he could barley keep up if he tried.

Looking at the board. George. focus. Dream squeezed his eyes shut for a moment trying to get his mind clear.

All he had to do was say it, just say it and-. focus. The teacher switched the slide, Dream quickly writing down what was on the board. Why was it so hard for him to just say it. All he had to say was a simple word. focus. The teacher continued to speak, Wilbur listening as if his life depended on it. It was his favorite class after all.

Maybe he was foolish to think about George this way. Maybe he was foolish to think he would choose him over her. focus. Dream wasn't the biggest fan of history, maybe when it was about ancient greek gods but besides that he had little interest. Could he had interpreted it wrong? maybe the attempt at the kiss didn't mean anything? focus.

The clock hand moves so slowly when your waiting for it to hit a certain time. The teacher pacing back and forth as she spoke. Maybe he would tell him today? maybe he would say it at lunch? focus. The teacher began to pass out the papers that had previously been laying on her desk.

The paper laid in front of him, a test. Fuck. he hadn't paid attention all class, he was too busy thinking about him. He took a glance at wilbur, "i don't know the answers to any of this" he mouthed.

Wilbur gave a look to him then at his paper almost implying "just look at mine". Dream did, quickly writing everything down. Wilbur got up to turn it in, Dream writing the last answer down.

Waiting a moment in order to not give suspicion that he had cheated, he handed the teacher the paper. The bell ringing as he got to his desk.

"Thank you" Dream spoke to Wilbur
"What got you so distracted anyways?" He asked
"just somebody who isn't making stuff very clear" He spoke with slight hesitation
"huh? have you tried asking them about it?" Wilbur spoke
"well no, kinda? every time they've told me the situation had been- complicated."
"have to talked to them about it while it was, yknow not complicated?"
"well not really, once yea but they said it was nothing- and well now we haven't spoken"
"if you want advice, i would say talk to them. because there the only one who knows." wilbur spoke
"they don't really like to talk about their feelings" he stated
"no one does, but if your asked- and the person actually wants an answer, then i'm sure they'll tell you the truth."
Dream nodded
"just don't wait too long, because you'll miss you shot"

"miss your shot" it seemed like he had heard these words millions of times.


George looked towards the clock. one minute. one minute then he'd have no choice then to do it.

it rang, the bell. George stood up from his seat, throwing everything into his bag and walking out of the class. He looked around, seeing Dream coming from the hall on the opposite side of him. He walked with wilbur, both towering over people.

This is what he had been thinking about all day, but doubt still traced his mind. What would his parents, his dad say. or their friends? or just Maddison.

Dream walked towards him, "Hey" he spoke.
The court yard was no longer as crowded, as people left with their friends. But still a good amount of people were there.

"we haven't really talked since saturday" Dream spoke
Air brushed up against the blondes hair, still his hair laided perfect on his face. His eyes gleamed at George, his head tilted down a bit in order to maintain eye contact with George.

"i'm sorry if i made anything weird."

George spoke, the words breaking him. He wasn't sorry, he was anything but sorry he replayed the moment over and over again. he wanted to just tell him the truth but how.


Dream bit his lower lip, he was so stupid. of course it was just because of the break up, how could he have thought anything else.

"no, you didn't" Dream spoke "don't worry about it, we're friends. I don't think anything could mess that up"

"yea of course, friends, yea." a slight sigh escaped George's lips

"yea, it would be awkward if we weren't, or to have feelings for each other. since yknow- um friends, cuz we're friends" Dream choked

"Yep" George let out a small laugh.


"Hi" A blonde spoke
"Hi?" the brunette responded
"I'm Dream" The boy spoke reaching his hand out for the other to shake
"i'm George"
"that's a pretty name" Dream giggled
"thank you" George spoke smiling for the first time today, it was his first day and was nervous the other kids wouldn't like him.
"your smiles pretty, i hadn't seen you smile. I like it on you, one of those that makes the whole town feel brighter" Dream spoke as he let go of George's hand
"i like your eyes, there pretty, kinda looks like sunflowers" George spoke
"but my eyes are green? sunflowers are yellow!" Dream spoke nicely
"oh" George spoke confused
"what's your favorite color?" Dream asked
"blue, it's the prettiest one" George answered
"i like Green, my friend Sapnap likes blue too!" Dream added
"That's not his real name, it's a nickname i gave him! He likes it better than his real name" Dream answered
"do you wanna meet him?" He asked
"Sure!" George spoke happily, the nervousness of the day had been clouded by the thought of having new friends.
"Follow me!" Dream spoke, running outside towards a boy with brown hair.

He had a flame of his shirt, and a panda sticker on his hand.

"Sapnap!"Dream yelled
"What?" He asked turning back to them
"This is my friend George!"
"Hi George" Sapnap spoke with a smile


"I like you" George spoke out, Dream looking up instantly
"i've liked you for a while now i think, i've just been scared of what everyone else would think, of what it would mean. just everything, i've tried to tell you but i just couldn't and please don't let this only be a one side thing because that would be so incredibly embars-" George was quieted from his rambles by the blonde planting a kiss on his lips.

A weight of pressure seemed to lift from his body.  Dream planted his lips onto his, his body filled with warmth, his cheeks red.

"I like you too, George" Dream spoke, his hands cupping george's face.

George felt as if he was flying, spinning, floating, like he and Dream were the only people in the world. Like he was happy.

George quickly came back into reality at the sound of clicks. He pushed Dreams hands aside and looked around to see a crowd of people. Cameras seemed to be on him in every angle, some recording, some taking photos.

He spotted Maddison in the crowd, a evil smirk appeared on his face when making eye contact with George. George's smile instantly faded, Maddison disappearing behind the crowd.

Quickly he dashed after her pushing through the crowd, leaving Dream behind.

The crowd cleared out, Sapnap and the rest of their friends joined Dream.

"where did George go?" Sapnap asked
"i don't know"

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