The Potter Kids and the Time...

By MaroPot

17.8K 263 34

Harry's baby girl got him wrapped around her finger. On Teddy's 13th birthday, a bit of accidental magic from... More

Important Note
The Afterparty
At Hogwarts
Theory Explained
The Burrow
Traveling in time
Big Fight
Who dies!?
King's Cross Station
Good terms
Next morning
Broom Shed

The birthday party

2.2K 32 2
By MaroPot

A three year old Lily Potter stood at the top of the stairs, hands on her hips. She was wearing a pretty little blue dress with a silver sash that Grandma bought and an unimpressed scowl. She narrowed her eyes menacingly at her father, who stood at the bottom of stairway.

"Lily, sweetie," Harry said, voice edging on desperation, "We need to go. Teddy's going to be sad if you don't come." Lily didn't say a word but shook her head, dark red pigtails whipping her face.

"For daddy?" Harry asked. His baby girl had him wrapped around her little finger and she knew it.

"no." she pouted, "I stay here, I no play wif Vikki." Bill and Fleur's daughter was starting to lose interest in Lily, as she was no longer a baby and their age difference made it hard for them to play together. And Lily detested her for it. She was no longer getting all the attention, and like her mother, she could hold a grudge.

"Why don't you love me anymore?" Harry asked. Lily's eyes softened but her hands stayed where they were.
"I wove you daddy, but I stay wif Honey." Lily said.

Honey was their house elf. She was one of the first elves to receive wages and holidays. Much to her horror and Hermione's pleasure. She spent most of her money on birthday presents for the kids, they were her life. She loved them and they loved her.

Harry theatrically hung his head and slumped his shoulders. He sniffed, "OK, I understand. You love Honey more than daddy." Harry said sadly.

"No!" Lily protested, her hands dropped and she stopped glaring, "I wove you the mostest, daddy."

"It's OK, Lily. You can stay here, you don't love me anymore." Harry walked to the floo, where his boys were waiting, "Lily." He said turning back to her, "If you decide to love me again, mommy can take you to grandma's house when she's done getting ready."

Harry turned around and stepped into the fireplace, with five year old Al on his hip and holding the hand of seven year old James. They disappeared in a flash of green, leaving the little girl all alone at the top of the stairs.

She gasped; her father had never left without her, he still loved her, right? She had to know.

"Mama!" Lily cried, running into her parent's bed room. "Mama, I go Teddy's birf-day now." She shouted wide eyed from the door frame.


"Hey Harry!" Hermione greeted with a one armed hug him as he stepped out of the fire place and let a squirming Al loose.

"Hi." He pecked her cheek and ruffled Hugo's hair. His cheeks were red and inflamed and he turned into his mother's shoulder with a whimper.

"Teething." Hermione said, bouncing him on her hip and gently kissing his forehead.

Harry chuckled, "Lily wouldn't let me put her down for two weeks. She even slept in our bed." Hermione grimaced in sympathy.

"Harry!" Ron said happily from the kitchen. "It's been too long."

"I know, what's it been a whole," he glanced at the clock, "twenty six hours?" He followed him into the kitchen, where all the adults were.

Ron waved him off, "ehh," He looked around "Where's Gin and Lily?" The fireplace sounded from around the corner.

"DADDY?" Lily's worried voice called.

"I'm right here, peanut." Lily came running into the kitchen on short stubby legs arms out.

"Daddy!" She ran up to Harry and he knelt down to scoop her in his arms, something they perfected only a month after Lily learned to walk steadily. Her chubby fist grabbed onto his tee shirt and she started crying softly into his chest.


Lily! What's the matter? Honey, what's wrong?" Harry asked brushing his daughter's hair out of her eyes.

"Nofing's wrong. I - I just wove you s-sooo much!" She sobbed.

"I love you too, treasure." Harry smiled to himself as the girls 'aw-ed' and the men with daughters looked at him with envy. Harry gently rubbed his daughter's back until her cries turned into occasional huffs.

Ginny motioned for his attention. She waved to his black brief case. The one that he wasn't supposed to let out of his sight, and set it down by the door. 'Thank you.' Harry lipped to her, as head of the auror department, the department of mysteries had entrusted him with a top secret black brief case until further notice. They feared there was a double agent in the Ministry, and whatever it was, was too important to fall into the wrong hands.

Harry went to put her down. "no." she demanded grabbing his shirt again. Harry wordlessly shifted her to his left hip and joined Ron in a conversation about the Cannons latest match.

"Daddy?" Lily whispered in his ear.

"Yeah baby?" He looked at her, stopping mid-sentence.

"When we go home," she shyly played with his sleeve. "When we go home, will you play princess wif me?"

"I would love to play princess with you." Harry told her honestly. He wasn't looking forward to the days where Lily would be too old and too cool to play with her dad.

"Wish my girls still played princess with me." Bill muttered into his butter beer.

Fleur's laugh chimed, "Zey are too old Bill, zey will still play wid you, only you must find somzing else to play wid zem."

Bill raised his eyebrows. "Try to teach zem quid-etch zis summer, zey would love zat."

Bill beamed, he could do that. "When did you get so smart?" He kissed his wife.

"When you started listening." She said simply, earning laughs from the crowd.

"Here comes Teddy and his Grandma. Everybody come here!" Ginny called, "Come on kids! Hide so you can yell surprise!" Ginny ushered the kids into the kitchen bursting with energy, and extinguished the lights.

"Oh, it doesn't look like anyone's here." Andromeda said with false surprise. "Come on Teddy let's go then I must have gotten the dates mixed up."

"Is this a surprise party?" Teddy asked, "This is where you yell surprise." He said to the blackness, smart kid. Harry put a finger to Lily's lips.

"No I told you it was your birthday party, that wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it." Andromeda said, "I was so sure it was the day after your real birthday."

"It's my birthday today."

"Oh, dear! Teddy I'm so sorry to get you so excited and have you wait a whole other day. Come on. Let's go home and you can have extra ice cream. This poor old brain of mine." She tittered. You could see Teddy's shoulders sag with disappointment through the dark.

"I am so sorry Teddy." They turned to leave, after three steps, multi-coloured balloons sprung from the ground along with streamers, confetti, fireworks and a whole lot noise. All complements of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted. Al jumped out from behind the couch "Roar! I'm a dinosaur Teddy! Are you surprised, Teddy? Are you surprised that I'm a dinosaur? ROAR!" Harry put his hand on his son's head and sent George a death glare. George had given him candy. He does this every time.

"No dad! I'm a dinosaur!" He stepped out of his father's reach, "I'm going to eat you Roxanne!" He gave his best dino-call and began to chase after his cousin with-out stretched arms. She shrieked and hid behind George's legs.

"No! You can't do that I'm older than you!" She half laughed, half whined.


Angelina jumped in the way. "To get to baby dinosaur you have to go through mama dinosaur first." She playfully growled.

Al stopped, looked at Angie and fled in the opposite direction, flapping his arms, resembling a monkey more than anything else. "Can't get me, I'm a flyin' dinosaur." He teased, thinking he outsmarted her. Angelina gave him a two second head start before chasing after him again.

And the party was back on.

Ginny looked at Harry questioningly, "If he's happy, then I'm happy." He shrugged. Al was by far the most energetic kid out of the three. Lily was daddy's girl; she'd be the trouble maker. James was the curious one, he always got into trouble anyways, but he had good intentions.


"James, have you seen dad's big stack of parchments?" Harry asked, he was late for work and could find his report that he'd spent month's working on. "They were right on this coffee table."

"Yeah, they're in the oven." James said, to a five year old, this was perfectly acceptable. Harry stopped looking and turned around slowly.

"Why?" He asked slowly.

"I wanted to see what paper pie tasted like it's cooking right now, Honey helped me don't worry, dad, I was safe around the oven. Then you could have some when you get home." Harry ran over to the oven and wrenched open the door. There was a pie with burnt corners of paper sticking out. He pulled it out.

"Bud, these were dad's special papers. I need them, but when I get home I can help you make whatever kind of pie you want. Alright?" He grabbed the stack of paper and tried to brush the fruit bits off.

"Any kind?"

"Yup. Think about that today and tell me when I get home around six thirty, OK?"

"YA! Maybe we can make pencil pie or - or hair pie!" James exclaimed. Harry grimaced.

Potter! Why is this procedure report burnt and sticky?" His boss, Cali Pitcher yelled at him. Harry smiled, he was just about to go home, a little late, but James would still be up by seven.

"My son tried to bake me paper pie this morning. I'll re-write it tomorrow if it's a problem."

"Yes! It's a problem! You'll rewrite it now! I need to present this tomorrow, Harry!" She said, exasperated. Cali had always let her workers put their family first, to an extent, but they were in the middle of revolutionizing the way spies were handled, Britain needed a win on the Global scale.

"My kids aren't going to be up by the time I'm done." Harry protested.

"I'll give you next Friday afternoon off, but I really need this to be presentable, I'm passing it around to the North American's tomorrow, it can't have chunks of apple on it." She sighed, looking at his face, "I can stay until ten, but my mother in law's coming tomorrow and I have to get the apartment cleaned."

By the time Harry got home, it was eleven. A very pregnant Ginny was waiting for him. "James stayed up until nine thirty before I could get him to bed." She folded her arms, unimpressed.

"I'm sorry, Gin. I didn't have a choice." Harry dropped his jacket on the chair.

"Don't apologize to me. James was heartbroken Harry. Something about making some sort of spaghetti pie with you." She followed him into the kitchen. "Harry! What are you doing, you'll wake the boys!" Ginny hissed.

"Making pie. Raspberry or strawberry?"

"James?" Harry knocked on his son's door. He mumbled and rolled over.

"Oh. Hi dad. I'm happy you're home." James said rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"I made you something." Harry pulled two forks and a plate of pie from behind his back.

"What kind is it?" James asked excitedly.

"Pancake." Harry smiled.

"What?" James asked. "Really, you cooked something and then put in in here and cooked it again?" It's amazing what can fascinate a young mind.

"No, I put pancake mix, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries in it. And guess what else?"

"What?" James looked at his dad.


"Syrup!" He laughed.

"Mum says it's good." Harry took a bite, it wasn't half bad.

"Mum likes pickles and peanut butter on her chicken."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Just try it." James made room for his dad and they shared the pie until James fell asleep in Harry's lap.

Ginny woke up later that night alone. Hmm she said she was pissed at Harry, but she didn't mean go sleep on the couch. She padded her way down the stairs. He wasn't there either; however there was a huge mess in the kitchen.

Oh right. She snuck back up to James's room. The scene before her was adorable. Harry was sprawled out his back, glasses askew, still in his work robes. James was snuggled against his side and Harry had one arm wrapped around the boy's small shoulders. Both had identical smiles on their face. She quickly went back to her room across the hall and grabbed the camera.

...~*~*end flashback*~*~...

As the party wore on, the children got more and more bored. Most of the adults were drinking fire whiskey and had kicked them outside to play, but it was starting to get dark and cold. They wandered around the familiar home, listening to booming laughs from the living room. Teddy's birthday always fell on a long weekend in the summer, one time where the whole family was together and it was an excuse for them to get together once a year and have a few beers.

Teddy of course loved this, and even encouraged it. He was always able to escape the watchful eye of his grandmother, even if she never did drink.

Al had finally settled down and was sitting in Charlie's old room with James and Lily. "I'm bored." James said.

"Wook!" Lily said, standing up clumsily. "It is daddy's purse!" she wobbled over to Harry's mysterious brief case.

"It's not a purse Lily. It holds his work stuff." Al wrinkled his nose.

"Daddy forgot his purse in Uncle Char-lee's room." Lily tried to pick it up to bring it back to her father.

"No! Lily! We're not supposed to touch that! Dad said!" James knocked it to the ground, out of her way. Like any seven year old, he liked being in charge and he like being right. If it wasn't his idea, it was stupid.

"Jamie!" Lily said. "You scwachted it. Daddy's gowne be mad when he sees it." James looked down; indeed there was a four centimeter nick in the leather. It wasn't horrific, but it was noticeable.

When Teddy entered the room he heard the Potter kids fighting. "Hey! What's the matter?"

"Jamie bwoke it!"

"Teddy let me see your wand, please!" James begged. He didn't want to get in trouble with his dad. He hated that. He never yelled but the disappointment on his face was crushing.

"No I can't let you use magic." Teddy said.

"But my dad! He'll be so mad." said James; eyes as wide as an owl's.

"Then you do it." Al spoke up.

"Please Teddy?" begged James.

"I don't know..."

"But Teddy, daddy's going to be sad when his purse is bwokded." Teddy sighed, he had a soft spot for Lily too, and took out his wand. His charm didn't work, it rebounded right off the case. James grabbed the wand out of his hand, he tried too. Nothing worked. They even let Al have a go. The charm kept rebounding off the case. James went again, saying the exact same thing as Teddy had. No change. He tried it once more and put the wand down.

Lily picked it up, but they paid no attention to her, she was just a baby and hadn't even shown signs of being magic yet.

James was dreading telling his dad. He walked over to the other side of the room. "Teddy. I can't do it. Can you go get my dad please?" Teddy nodded, poor kid. Harry really had the guilt thing down pat, even he had fallen victim a few times.

James kicked the brief case in frustration. "Don't kick daddy's purse!" James looked at Lily and deliberately kicked it again. Lily had gotten angry before, but never with a wand in her hand. She pointed it at him, like she'd seen her mother and father do teasingly.

"Lily, put that down!" Al made a grab for the wand. But Lily moved back and fell down. She started crawling away from Al, wand in hand, giggling. He grabbed it awkwardly from behind, giving the toddler a fighting chance.

"NO! Mine!" Al fell on top of her and she was trapped underneath her heavy brother. She couldn't breathe and started to panic. There were silver and red sparks coming out of Teddy's wand. A direct stream hit the brief case and it popped open revealing a fist size hourglass.

"Whoa." James picked Al off his baby sister and grabbed the glass.

"Hey. Do you guys need help in here?" Harry knocked on the door. The sound of his father's voice frightened James and he dropped the hourglass. Thousands of crystals exploded over the floor. Emitting a shimmering glass cloud.

Harry flung open the door just in time for him and Teddy to see his children starting to, becoming transparent.

"Daddy!" Lily made a grab for her dad, terrified. He held her hand and grabbed his boys as well.

"Wait! Wait! Ginny! Ginny!" Harry cried.

"Dad? What's going on?" James asked, feeling fainter. He tried to hold them closer, but they were becoming non-existent.

By the time Ginny had bolted up the single flight of stairs, Harry was kneeling in broken glass and crystal.



And with that the first chapter ended.

What do u think of this story?
Did u like it as much as i did?

It's might not be that interesting in the first chapter, but believe me when I say it's not like the other cliché ones.

Tell me your thoughts in the comments.

And don't forget to VOTE.


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