The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar Th...

By Deotakukids

256K 6.1K 1.9K

You are Fire Lord Ozai's second son and Azula's twin. Azula is a prodigy as she can bend blue flames. But you... More

The School and A Friend
The Runaway
Searching the Earth Kingdom
Meeting The Team
Ba Sing Se
The Date
Things Are Looking Up
The Fall of The Earth Kingdom
The Aftermath
The School
The Beach
A Friendship Tested
The Puppet Master
Nightmares and Daydreams
The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]
The Party
Q&A answers
The Western Air Temple
A Time To Learn and Relax
The Boiling Rock Pt.1
The Boiling Rock Pt.2

The Day of the Black Sun [Part 2]

5K 157 7
By Deotakukids

A/N: I forgot to mention that Ty Lee had (Y/N)'s old bow in the last chapter. Sorry for forgetting to add that. So we'll just say that she has the bow and arrows wrapped in a large cloth with the end tied and a rope keeping it on her back.

One's POV

Aang, Toph, and (Y/N) rode Appa to the top of the only volcano on the island. They hopped off of Appa for Aang to see Toph touch the ground, "Do you see anything down there?" Toph nodded, "There are tunnels criss crossing through the inside of the volcano." Sokka crossed his arms, "Anything else. Is there a structure somewhere?" Toph buried her fingers into the side of the volcano, "There's something big, dense, and made of metal deep in the heart of the volcano." Sokka smiled, "Seems like a secret bunker to me."

Toph created a hole in the side of the volcano, for the four to run in. Toph quickly ran to the right, "This way. The other way is a dead end." Sokka was right behind her, "What would we do without you?" The tunnel got smaller as Toph continued quickly, "Perish in burning hot magma." Sokka then saw some magma dripping onto a ledge above them to quickly walk forward, "Yeah pretty much." The small group reached a spacious area as geysers shot hot magma into the air. Toph pointed to the other side of the room, "The tunnel continues on the other side and it leads right to the bunker." Sokka walked forward, "We have to be fast, but careful." A geyser immediately went off in front of him making him stumble back, "Ah!" Aang used his air bending to cool the magma, "Or (Y/N) could just feel the magma to know when it shoots up." (Y/N) waved at Sokka for the soldier to snap his fingers, "Good idea."

(Y/N) led them through the room for the next one to come to a deaf end as there was now just a river of magma keeping them from going any further. Sokka looked around, "There's no floor! It's just a river of lava!" Aang spun his staff to make it a glider, "Climb on board and hold tight." The other three clung onto Aang's glider as the young boy flew through the air avoiding any magma spitting up into the air. They continued on foot when they reached the other side. They soon reached a large metal door as Sokka looked up at it in awe, "That's some door!" Toph simply walked up to it, knocked on it twice, and backed away from it, "Not a problem." She then hit the center of the door with her elbows making a little hole. She stuck both of her middle fingers and index fingers inside to bend the metal allowing her foot to get trough at the bottom, and then bend it upwards creating a hole for everyone to get through. Sokka threw his hands in the air when he walked through, "I am so glad that we added you to the group!"

As they ran ahead they ran past an old man. As soon as they turned to him the man put his hands up and pointed to his right, "The Fire Lord's chamber is that way down the hall to the left and up the stairs. You can't miss it." Aang gave him a smile, "Thanks." The four quickly made their way to the Fire Lord's chamber for Sokka to check his timer, "Only thirty seconds until the total eclipse." They soon stopped in front of the chamber's doors for Aang to take a deep breath, "I'm ready. I'm ready to face the Fire Lord." He swung his staff knocking the doors down with a gust of wind for the four to charge in. What they saw was Azula sitting on a throne, "So you are alive after all."

The four, except Toph, looked surprised as Azula had looked at (Y/N) to have her eyes land on Aang, "I had a hunch that you survived. But it doesn't matter. I've known about the invasion for months." Aang got in a fighting stance as he kept his eyes on Azula, "Where is he?! Where is the Fire Lord?!" Azula stood up with a smile, "You mean that I'm not good enough for you? You're hurting my feelings." Sokka pointed his sword at Azula, "Stop waisting our time and give us the information. You're powerless right now, so you're in no position to refuse." Toph took a step forward with her fist up, "And stick to the truth. I'll be able to tell if you're lying." (Y/N) looked at her, "Well-"

Azula took a few steps forward, "Are you sure? I'm a pretty good liar. I am a 400-foot-tall purple platypus bear with pink horns and silver wings." Toph stayed silent for a few seconds, "Okay you're good I admit it." She then made rock surround Azula, "But you really ought to consider telling the truth anyway." Azula simply smirked as the rock surrounding her broke into many pieces surprising the other four greatly. Azula wiped the rubble off of her shoulders, "When I left Ba Sing Se, I brought home some souvenirs. Dai Li agents." Two Dai Li agents then dropped down from the ceiling and landed in front of Azula. Aang sent a wave of wind at Azula for the Dai Li agents to block it with a wall of rock.

Aang shot himself into the air to create a hole in the wall letting him through. Toph followed suit leaving (Y/N) and Sokka to try and find a way through the hole as it was high up off of the ground. (Y/N) put his back against the wall to put his hands together in front of him, "Come on Sokka. We have to hurry." Sokka took a few steps back as he looked at the hole, "Right." He then ran towards (Y/N) to put his foot in (Y/N)'s hands as the fire bender boosted him up. Sokka went up high to fall short to fall and land on (Y/N). (Y/N) grunted, "How about I try next?" Sokka stood up, "Sounds good." Sokka did what (Y/N) had previously done for the twin to run towards Sokka for the soldier to boost him up for (Y/N) to grab the edge of the hole. He pulled himself up for Azula to come through the hole for the siblings to be a few inches away as she flew by.

(Y/N) kicked himself off of the wall to follow Azula for the two to role when they landed. A Dai Li soldier followed as they went into the tunnels for the agent to get ready to attack (Y/N), but Toph made the ground on the soldier's left come up diagonally to the right knocking him into a beam. She then made the sides of the beam bend to trap him inside. This left only Azula as the gaang chased her. (Y/N)'s eyes soon widened for him to stop with his arms extended to the sides, "Wait!" His friends stopped for Azula to do the same as she looked at (Y/N). Her twin kept his eyes on her, "She's trying to distract us to keep us away from the Fire Lord during the eclipse." Sokka looked at Azula for him put his sheathe his sword, "He's right. We need to try to find the Fire Lord with what little time we have left." Toph pointed at Azula, "But if we try she'll try to stop us."

(Y/N) pulled out a kunai as he took a few steps forward, "I'll keep her from stopping you three." Aang took a step forward, "(Y/N) you-" (Y/N) looked at him, "Azula and I have something to settle. I'll meet you outside if everything goes fine." Aang stayed silent to nod as he ran away. (Y/N) gave Sokka his bow and arrows for the soldier to run off for Toph to follow for (Y/N) to grab his shoulder and begin moving it in a circle, "It's been a while since we've sparred hasn't it?" Azula cracked her knuckles, "There's no one to stop us this time when I put you on the ground." The boy tossed a kunai at her, "I think you're remembering our previous matches wrong." Azula caught the weapon for (Y/N) to pull out another. The two stood still for both of them to suddenly charge each other. Azula jumped to the side to run a little on the wall and jump off to try and kick (Y/N). The boy quickly turned to his right to grab Azula's ankle and knee to throw her a few feet behind him. Azula positioned herself to have her hands land first for her to flip forward landing on her feet and turn around to see (Y/N) start to take a swing at her with his kunai for her to block it with her own weapon, which was in her left hand, creating a few sparks. (Y/N) continued to swing for Azula to be able to continue blocking until she saw an opportunity. (Y/N) went to swing from above for Azula to block the blade with her's to push it back parrying it. This made (Y/N) lose balance, so she punched him in the cheek with her right hand making him step back. Azula kicked him in the stomach to send him flying a few feet. Azula charged (Y/N) as he was in the air, but the boy brought his right hand down to use the momentum to spin with his legs extended out. He kicked Azula in the cheek for the girl to stop where she was as she was a little shocked from the hit.

(Y/N) stood back up for the two to just breathe as where they were hit were red. (Y/N) grinned, "So, you give up yet?" Azula frowned to throw her kunai at him. In response (Y/N) threw his kunai making the weapons hit each other and fall to the ground near (Y/N). Azula was now the aggressor as she charged (Y/N) to try to hit him in the chin, for the boy to block her fist with his palm and push it back. She used the force to spin and jump. She brought her knees close to her to extend her right leg to try to kick (Y/N)'s head. He blocked it with his forearms. When Azula landed she continued to try and hit (Y/N) with her fists in quick succession. (Y/N) continued to block the punches with his arms until redirected his sister's left hand downwards when she tried to punch him. When Azula's hand went down (Y/N) grabbed her wrist to use his right hand to grab Azula's left shoulder and push her as he maneuvered her arm to bring Azula's arm behind her as the back of her hand was on her back.

She quickly felt some pain in her arm to stomp on (Y/N)'s foot making him yelp in pain as he loosened his grip. This allowed Azula to bring her arm in front of her out of her brother's grasp. She brought her arms above her to grab (Y/N)'s collar and quickly came down on one knee and leaned forward flipping her twin over her making him land on his back hard. Azula stood up to bring her foot up above (Y/N)'s head to bring it down. The boy quickly rolled on his right to avoid the attack. He spun in a circle, clockwise, to sweep Azula's leg from under her, making her fall backwards. Before she could recover (Y/N) stood up, as he was next to her, grabbed her right wrist with his right hand and the back of her neck with his left hand. He brought her forward onto her knees to pull her arm back and push her head forward making her completely immobile. Azula tried to move but failed for (Y/N) to sigh, "Please stop Azula. I don't want to fight you anymore." Azula's breathes became heavy for her to frown, "Don't make me laugh." The eclipse then ended for both of them to feel their bending to come back. Azula smirked to take a deep breathe and shoot blue fire out of her right hand making (Y/N) let go as he jumped back. Azula stood up to turn to him, "We both know that you won't win now. So why don't we just skip to you giving up." (Y/N) reached into his pockets to pull out two little balls that the mechanist had given him. He created a spark in both of his palms to light the fuse on each ball. He threw them at Azula, "On another day." The balls exploded for a cloud of smoke to surround Azula. The girl coughed until the smoke cleared for (Y/N) to be gone.

(Y/N) found his way back to the top of the volcano to only see Appa and Momo. He hopped on Appa's back for Toph, Sokka, and Aang to come out of the ground using a hole that Toph had made. (Y/N) helped them get on Appa, "Any luck?" Aang was the last to get on, "We couldn't find him." (Y/N) pulled him on board to sit on the large animal's back, "Well we can try another day, but right now we should get back to the others." Aang nodded to take Appa's reigns, "Yip yip!" The four started flying back towards the others to see many Fire Nation airships heading towards their army. They landed for Katara to run up to them. Sokka looked down at her, "It was all a trap! Azula knew we were coming, and she's plotted out every move." He jumped down for Toph to follow and (Y/N) right after. Sokka looked around to that the army was all together, "We just got to get to the beach as fast as we can. If we can make it to the shore, then maybe we can get away safely."

Aang then stood up while still on Appa, "They've got air power, but as do I. I'm going to do what I can to slow them down." He turned his staff into a glider to fly up, for Katara to get on Appa, "We can help too." As they left Sokka looked at everyone else, "Let's get to the subs!" The army began retreating down the mountain that they had just took over. The further down they went they had to stay on a dirt path that swerved from side to side on the mountain, as if they tried to go strait down they could fall and injure themselves badly. (Y/N), Ty Lee, Sokka, Toph, and Hakoda we're all together as Katara came down with Appa, and Aang right behind her as there was to many airships to take down. Sokka looked up to see a hatch under every airship begin opening, "Everyone take cover! I think that were about to see some bombs!" Earth benders created pillars above their groups to protect them all from the wave of bombs raining down on them.

When the explosions ended everyone looked to see the airships going past them. Katara raised her eyebrow, "Why aren't they stopping?" Ty Lee scratched her head, "They're heading towards the beach." Aang's eyes widened as he realized their plan, "They're going to destroy the submarines." Sokka started thinking, "How are we all gonna escape?"

Hakoda then spoke up, as he had help standing thanks to his second in command, "We're not." Sokka turned to him, "Then our only chance is to stand and fight. We have the Avatar, we could still win." "Yes, with the Avatar we could still win on another day. You kids have to leave. You have to escape on Appa together." Katara quickly responded, "What? We can't leave you behind. We won't leave anyone behind." Hakoda looked at his daughter, "You're our only chance in the long run. You and Sokka have to go with Aang somewhere safe. It's the only way to keep hope alive." The second in command nodded, "The youngest of our group should go with you. The adults will stay behind and surrender. We'll be prisoners, but we'll all survive this battle." The airships then reached the beach to begin dropping bombs destroying the submarines. With that all of the young ones started getting on Appa. (Y/N) climbed on to turn around and help Ty Lee with whatever she had left by pulling her up. They both sat down for neither of them to say anything as they had a seldom look on their faces while Ty Lee rested her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder. When all of the children and teenagers got on the large animal Aang stood up to face the adults, "Thank you all for being so brave and so strong! I'm going to make this up to you!" He then had Appa fly into the air away from the battle for the airships to not follow them. Aang looked back at everyone, "I know a place where we'll be safe for a while. The Western Air Temple."

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