you belong with me - dnf

By sourpandas

4.5K 198 158

Dream has never really been interested in girls, he never thought much into it. He had been told that when he... More



189 8 4
By sourpandas

It had been a couple days since George's party. George had distanced himself from his friends, it became worrying. He hadn't been going to school or messaging them when they asked if she was alright.

Dream and Sapnap visited George's house but every time was met with the same answers.

"George isn't home"

"He's not feeling well" George's father spoke, alcohol staining his breath

George's father not letting them stick around long enough to ask further questions.

"Hey George are you alright?"

"please answer we're really worried"



Dream and Sapnap grew more worry-some every day to pass. He wondered what could've gotten him so down, if it was something he did? Maybe something Madison had done the day he dropped him off. Either way he just wanted to make sure George was alright.

On the seventh day of George not responding to anyone Dream and Sapnap went to his house to try once more.

They approached his front door, however a woman opened it this time. George's mom, she offered the boys a smile.

"Dream, Sapnap it's so nice to see you" she spoke delicately

"Hi Mrs. Davidson is George home?" Sapnap asked

"oh yes he is, come in, come in." she waved to enter

"He's been down lately, he won't tell me exactly what's up but he mumbled something about madison. I think they may have broken up" she spoke

"would you mind if we go talk to him? he hasn't answered any of our messages and it worried us" Dream asked

"Yes, of course. He's right upstairs in his bedroom."

Dream and Sapnap hurried upstairs, passing George's dad laid on the couch. He appeared to have passed out.

Dream knocked on George's door, waiting seconds before opening not waiting for a respons. George laid on his bed, head tucked under his blanket.

"George?" Dream asked

George remained silent

"You alright dude?" Sapnap asked

"Your mom told us that something happened with Mads" Dream spoke "do you want to talk about it"


"Quackity told me to give this to you" Sapnap said placing the navy blue beanie on his bed stand "he said you guys could match now, kinda how you joked you would steal his"


"George, can you please just tell us if something is wrong?" Dream asked

"Do you want us to get you food or water?" Sapnap insisted

George laid still.

"George common, where has there been anything we've kept from each other" Sapnap spoke

"Did you and Madison break up?" He asked, Dream standing next to him

"Maybe something bigger? just give me a clue?" Sapnap tried to get him to tell

"We'll be here whenever you're ready to tell us, just shoot us a call or text." Dreams smiled weakly

"let's go" Dream whispered nodding to Sapnap

"she cheated, then broke up with me" George spoke weakly right before the boys closed the door.

Dream and Sapnaps face dropped immediately.

"George." Dream sighed

"Are you alright?" Sapnap said " well of course you're not alright but are you alright?" he asked entering his room again.

George shrugged

"George," Dream said softly, "why didn't you tell us?"

"i don't know, maybe- didn't really know what to say" George spoke weakly

George sat himself up, still wrapped in the blankets bringing his knees to his chest. Sapnap and Dream both sat at the end of his bed.

"When you dropped me off,I guess she hadn't knownI was coming over becauseI knocked on the door and she opened the door; but there was another guy on the couch." George spoke "she said she was gonna break up with me anyways so she didn't see why it mattered?"

"oh my god" Dream exhaled

"I really did love her" he spoke

"maybe it was stupid to.., but I did" George spoke, his voice cracking

"It's not stupid to have feelings, George" Dream replied

Sapnap got off the bed, seeming to be searching for something.

"what are you doing?" George asked

"shhhh" Sapnap spoke "hold up"

He finally pulled a box from under the bed. "found it"

"What is that?" Dream asked

"break up box" Sapnap answered

"why was it under the bed?" Dream asked

"have one at everyone's house" Sapnap smiled "always gotta be prepared"

"catch" Sapnap spoke throwing George a stuffed elephant

"it's like the one you had as a kid" Sapnap smiled

"I lost it like 5 years ago, how do you remember?" George asked

"I would take the credit but Dream did that one, he told me you like were obsessed with it when we were kids"

Dream gave a small smile at George, he was glad he could help. Even if he hadn't known what it was for at the time he told Sapnap.

"candy or chocolate?" Sapnap asked, trying to brighten George's mood.

"both?" George asked

"this is why we're best friends" Sapnap with a slight giggle


Sapnap had been called by his mom telling him to come home leaving Dream and George together. Dream made jokes hoping to get George to laugh, or even smile.

He told story's about dumb things they did as kids making both of them laugh, George seeming to forget why he was sad for even moments was all he hoped for.

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, I do." Dream laughed

"thank you for this" George spoke "sorry for worrying you guys"

"we're just glad you're alright" Dream smiled

"Still, thank you. ik it's probably stressful whenI just go MIA"

"George, don't stress yourself. you were hurt and so you took time to yourself, don't be worried about us" Dream spoke "you don't always have to worry for others feelings over your own"

"how'd you remember about this?" George asked holding the stuffed elephant in his hands

"i was looking through old photos a few months back and so when Sapnap asked me if there was anything u had an emotional attachment to as a kidI thought of that"

"So I asked your mom to look through the boxes in your garage and found it, but it had some rips soI sewed it back together" Dream messed with his hands "kinda messy though, i'm not really an expert sewer."

"no, no it's great" George reassured

A smile tugged on Dreams cheek. George and him looked at each other in silence.

George could practically hear his own heart beating in the silence. He stared at the blonde's green eyes, they seemed to sparkle even when there was no sun in sight.

George didn't know what it was about him, maybe his eyes or his charming personality. Maybe his plump pink lips or maybe just the overwhelming amount of emotions that he was feeling.

Either way he knew one thing, one thing he knew was for certain. The desire to place his lips upon the blondes, to finally do what he's always been too afraid to do. To do as the blonde always told him to, to put his feelings first. Not Madison's, not his father, not the people at school, his.

Maybe that's all he had wanted, maybe he should. Maybe he shouldn't have. But it was too late by the time George thought about that, as he had reached forward planting his lips onto the other boys.

As the other boy grabbed his face and that moment seemed to last for hours. It seemed to be perfect. Seemed to be worth the aftermath he would have to deal with. It seemed to be everything he's ever wanted and more. But at last as everything does it came to an end.

"George.." Dream spoke pulling away

George's cheeks grew red, regret filling his stomach

"George.., I like you. I do, but..-"


"but you just got broken up with, and cheated on." Dream spoke, it broke his heart to continue speaking, he could see the hurt in George's eyes "I would love for this to continue but right now your fragile and emotional.I would be taking advantage of the situation if I kept going with it"

George's nose started to tingle, his eyes seeming to burn. "Im not fucking fragile. Dream I want this. Fully. You dont have to fucking worry every time"

"And i get that- George its just.. your in love with her" Dream spoke out

"Im in love with you" george spoke

"George- i should go" Dream stood up "it's getting late, I should go before my mom calls"

"Yeah, yeah that's a good idea" George spoke


Dream grabbed his coat and made his way out of George's bed room, every step seemed to be heavy. 'One foot in front of another' Dream walked down the stairs of George's house and out the front door.

He had let Sapnap borrow his car, leaving him to walk home. A tear streamed down his face as he walked the empty streets. He hoped he hadn't messed everything up, he really did like George; but he didn't want George to confess his feelings because he was drunk or hurt. It had to be George's choice when he was 100% there.

He just hoped that his effort at it didn't mess up his and George's relationship completely, whatever that was.


Fuck fuck fuck.
what did George just do. How did he do this- how did he let himself do this. why would he do this? What did Dream mean by him being "fragile"? I mean he wasn't a delicate glass object that you had to worry about dropping, that you had to be gentle with or hold carefully.

Maybe he took it the wrong way? What does fragile even mean?

Tears streamed down the boys face.

How do i always fuck everything up. How am i gonna fix this now? How was he supposed to go up to Dream and tell him to his face the kiss meant nothing to him.

How was he supposed to tell him it was just because he was overwhelmed with emotions? How was he supposed to lie to him? How was he supposed to say it meant absolutely nothing when it did, when it meant something to him. when all he really wanted to say was that he's wanted to do that for such a long time.

That he never wanted it to end. That when he was kissing him, his problems melted away. How was he supposed to hide it this time. How would he say that he only likes Dream as a friend when all he wanted to say was that he loved him. Or maybe he didn't, maybe he didn't know exactly what love was or if it was even what this feeling was.

He had never felt anything like this. Never this- this intense.

He held the stuffed elephant in his hands. The stitched on the back, messy but functional. holding the fabric together perfectly.

"what am i supposed to do now?" George asked the stuffed elephant


Dream fought his own thoughts, going back and forth. What is he doing? His best friend? His childhood bestfriend? How did he fall this hard? How did he get so attached, when did it even start?

Dream could name so many things that could've caused it, his hair that elegantly fell over his eyes, his laugh, or maybe his eye rolls when you annoyed him, maybe even his yells whenever Dream would get close to killing him in a game. Yet all proved the same point. Brought Dream back to the same position. Dream had fallen for every part of George.

Dream walked the streets, the street lights leading him. The cold air brushed up against his face. He finally reached his house, opening the front door thoughts still racing in his mind.

"You alright?" his sister asked as he walked through the door
He nodded "why are you still awake?" Dream asked
"Why are you just getting home?" she teased
"Good point, well goodnight" he spoke making his way to his bedroom

Closing the door, Dream laid on his bed. practically sinking into it. He closed his eyes falling asleep almost immediately.

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