All it took was meeting you...

By BlueAzure92

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Lynelle Celestine accepted her brother's request of her going on a vacation in the Galar region to take a bre... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2. pt. 1
Ch. 3
Ch. 4. pt. 1
Ch. 4. pt.2
Ch. 5
Ch. 6. pt.1
Ch. 6. pt. 2
Ch. 7. pt. 1
Ch. 7 pt. 2
Ch. 8 pt. 1
Ch. 8 pt. 2
Ch. 9
A Nightmare?
Quick A/N:
Ch. 10
A Quick Visit
Quick A/N #2
Ch. 11
Another Nightmare...?
A Quick A/N #3
Ch. 12
A Case of Sleepwalking
(A/N) Intermission #1
(A/N) Intermission #2
Ch. 13 pt. 1
Quick A/N #4
Ch. 13 pt. 2
Ch. 14
A Message... Or a New Mission?
Quick A/N #5
Quick A/N #5.5
Ch. 15
A Simple Purpose Really...
Unexpected Dynamaxing
Possible Danger...
Ch. 16 Pt. 1
Ch. 16 Pt. 2
Rusty Antique

Ch. 2. pt.2

787 16 6
By BlueAzure92

Before Lynelle stepped outside, she apologized to Nurse joy for the commotion but he pink-haired nurse said that she was fine with it. After that, Lynelle let her Pokémon come out of their Pokéball and asked if they're okay with partaking the battle. The Pokémon acknowledged that they were fine with it but when she said that she'd be battling the blonde teen, they immediately had burning fire in their eyes, eager and determined to win against the teen who disrespected their trainer.

Now, both Lynelle and Oliver took their spot on the arena outside of the Pokémon center. The people around them happened to stay and became the audience. Steven became the referee and Wallace was part of the audience but he seemed to be talking to someone on his phone.

"Both of you, ready your Pokémon." Steven announced.

Both trainers pulled out their Pokéball with the Pokémon of their choice.


"Go! Centiskorch!"

"Lucario! Go!"

Both Pokémon came out of their Pokéball. Everyone, including Lynelle, was surprised to see a Pokémon they had never seen before. It was a long and tall red Pokémon that had traits of a centipede, it also seemed that it has a 'X' made out of fire on its face and on its tail. From its underbelly, it had circles that looked like oven burners. It was the first time Lynelle has seen a Pokémon like this.

"Hehe, amazed aren't you? This big guy is quite the brawler." Oliver smirked but then got annoyed when he saw that the girl was ignoring him. Lynelle, on the other hand, was too focused on identifying what type the Pokémon is affiliated with. She took good look at it. 'It's clearly a fire type, guess he knew that I would start with Lucario. The kid did his research, I'll give him that.' Lynelle had to breathe out of relief knowing that the teen can plan out his own strategies before a battle, not jumping into the fray and get confused at everything. She then took another good look at the Pokémon. 'It's a fire-type, but with its body alone, it's a bug-type. So, it's both A fire and bug-type huh?'

"Hey don't ignore me!" Lynelle snapped out of her observant phase when she heard the teen's voice. "I wasn't! Since you didn't do anything, I took that as an advantage to know what this Pokémon is!" She yelled back and then heard his tongue click. "Fine! Not that I care. Centiskorch, Fire blast 'em!" The Centiskorch followed and then charged up its blast. "Go closer to the bug Lucario!" The fighting type nodded and the ran at full speed. Lucario sensed that his trainer wants him to dodge so he waited until his opponent shoots out its attack.

"'SKROO!" The bug-like Pokémon finally shoots out its blast. It got closer and closer to Lucario, only to be dodged by him, leaving a small, burned crater where it was supposed to hit him. "What?!" The blonde exclaimed. "Nice one, Lu! Now use Bone rush!" Her Pokémon nodded and summoned a long blue bone and made it look like a staff.

"OWRAA!" Strike one from the head. "URA!" Strike two from right, then strike 3 from the left, then strike 4 from under, finally the fifth strike-

"Tch! Use Wrap!"

The fire-bug type dodged the fifth strike and then immediately used its body to wrap Lucario tight, its flaming body seemed to be enough to deal damage to her Pokémon. "Now use Fire spin on yourself!" The blonde ordered and his Pokémon did as its told. Fire started forming around the two Pokémon and rose up into a tall wall of fire.

'Not bad.' Lynelle thought, she even saw Steven acknowledging the good move from the blonde teen. "Lucario! If you can hear me, use Aura sphere!" Lynelle yelled with all her might. "Hah! Your Pokémon can't escape Centiskorch's gra-"



The blond got cut off when he saw that Lucario jump out of the tall wall of fire and landed in front of Lynelle. "Im-impossible!" He cried out.

'Not really.' Lynelle deadpanned.

"Stone edge!" She yelled and her Lucario ran close to the fiery wall before stopping to punch the ground, creating a formation of tall, sharp rocks heading straight into the wall.


"SKOAA!!" The Centipede Pokémon's cry was heard inside. The wall of fire slowly dissipated and revealed a fainted Centiskorch.


"Centiskorch is unable to battle!" Steven announced.


The crowed cheered for the girl's win.

"Nice work, Lucario!" Lynelle praised her partner Pokémon and she received a grunt as his response. "I'm not done!" Oliver retreated his Centiskorch back to its Pokéball and the pulled out another one.

"Go! Perrserker!" Bright beam of light came out of the Pokéball and revealed what it looks like a regional variant of a Meowth. The upper part of its head down to the bottom of its eyes had dark gray fur. Its forehead had the signature gold coin of a Meowth and tuffs of fur that protrudes from each side of its head like a horn. The sclera of its eyes were tinted orange and its irises were like dulled slits. It even has a long, gray beard and sharp teeth. The rest of its body had brown fur with certain parts having dark gray fur.


"What on earth?" Lynelle can tell that its another regional form of the Pokémon Meowth but it seemed to be in a different type. "Perrserker! Use Metal claw!" The regional variant rushed at full speed, its claws reinforced with steel and ready to strike. "Dodge, Lucario!" Her partner nodded and dodged the opposing Pokémon's attacks.

While the Meowth variant was attacking Lucario, whereas the fighting type dodging every attack, Lynelle noticed that its fur looked smooth and metallic, as if made from metal and her guess was proven right when the light reflected from its fur. So, she thought of something...

"Return for now, Lu." Lynelle pulled out bis Pokéball and let him retreat. "You did amazing, bud." She whispered before grabbing another Pokéball. "Ninetales! You're up!" The Nine-tailed fox Pokémon jumped out of his Pokéball and readied himself to receive his trainer's orders.

"Oh no you won't! Perrserker! Use Dig!" The Perrserker followed the order and dug underground. Just as it was about to jump off of the ground, Lynelle already set her plan in motion. "Nine! move out of there and use Double team!" Ninetales backed away and created multiple clones of itself around it. Then the Perrserker jumped off from underground, expecting to attack the fire-type Pokémon only to just slash a fake one.

"Now use Flamethrower!" The clones surrounded the Perrserker and blasted a strong breaths of fire. After a few moments, the Meowth variant fainted, covered in burns.


"Perrserker is unable to battle!" Steven announced.

"Gahh!" Oliver grabbed his hair in distraught and the crowd cheered for the girl's win once again.

"Good job, Nine!" The Fox Pokémon howled in response and released his clones. 'So it really was a steel-type.' She thought. She knew that Lucario could've defeated it easily, but she wanted every member of her team to participate in the battle.

"This is getting ridiculous." Oliver let his Perrserker return back to its Pokéball and then grabbed another one. "Come out! Inteleon!" He yelled and it revealed a tall and slim blue Pokémon.

Lynelle observed its appearance. It had a long, pointy snout a yellow flap on its head all the way to the nape of its neck. Its hands were black as if it was wearing gloves, it also had a yellow, triangular cape on its back. its general appearance and laid back demeanor looked like it was heavily influenced with secret agents or spies from films. From a sleeveless blue top to black leggings, Lynelle knows that its just part of its body, but it looks like it's wearing clothes!

'It looks humanoid more than anything...' Lynelle sweatdropped, feeling her eye twitch. 'Based on its appearance and color palette alone... it must be-"

"Use Snipe shot!" Her opponent yelled angrily. The lanky Pokémon covered its eyes in something black, formed its hand into a finger gun and shot out a bullet made of water.

'I knew it!'

Before she can order her Ninetales to dodge, the fox Pokémon already used Double team and created copies of himself to try and confuse its opponent but it was to no avail. The bullet was quite fast, it hit Fox Pokémon straight on its face.

"You okay, buddy?" Lynelle called out to her Ninetales only for it to growl and shake off the sudden attack and braced itself for another one. 'Thank goodness...' She breathe out in relief and pulled out his Pokéball. "Return for now, Nine." The red beam of light hit Ninetales and back to the Pokéball. "You did a phenomenal job." She whispered and pulled out another one.

"Go! Sceptile!" The Forest Pokémon appeared from its Pokéball and faced its type disadvantage in front of him. "Use Leaf blade!" The grass-type Pokémon followed the order and rushed towards the blue Pokémon with great speed. He encased the leaf blades on his forearms in green light and started slashing towards the opposing Pokémon. No hits were landed as the blue Pokémon dodged each attack from its opponent. Knowing he can't hit it with leaf blade, he backed away and waited for his trainer's orders.

'It's pretty fast and agile because of its slim appearance, huh?' Lynelle noted and began to think of a way to defeat this one.

"Heh, you're thinking hard back there! Guess type match-ups are the only thing you can do!" Oliver mocked since he began to feel cocky. 'Tell that to your Centipede!' Lynelle deadpanned and looked over to Steven, who now has a murderous look on his face even if his smile was covering it.

She sighed heavily and began think... until she remembered one move from one of her past battles. "Okay... Scepty! Let's try to do that! Use Dig!" Sceptile followed the order, already knowing his trainer's plan in mind and began digging underground. The water-type Pokémon began looking left and right, prepared to dodge the attack then...

"SKRAA!" Sceptile appeared just in front of the opposing Pokémon, surprising it and making it lose its balance and then ended up getting punched straight on the face. Sceptile then followed it up by slashing the opposing Pokémon with Leaf blade repeatedly before kicking it far back.

"Nice! I knew you remembered! Now use Energy ball!" Sceptile complied and started gathering energy and forming it into a ball and launching it towards the water-type Pokémon before it could stand up. The ball got a direct hit on the stomach and the blow was enough for the blue Pokémon faint.

"Ske...e "

"Inteleon is unable to battle! This isn't looking good for Oliver, can you manage to turn this around in this situation?" Steven announced in a slightly mocking tone. The crowd cheered at another win for the girl. "Not yet! I'm not done!" The teen was started to get desperate. He pulled out Inteleon's Pokéball and retreated it back to its ball.

"Come out! Drakloak!" He threw another Pokéball upwards and it revealed a large and ghostly Pokémon. The body was blue-green, it had properties of a shark and it had a pale yellow underbelly with a red arrow pointing up. Its dark gray head looked triangular and it had, what it looks like a baby on its head.

'Why did it bring its baby into this?' Lynelle sweatdropped, taking note to NOT aim for its head. 'It looks somewhat transparent, is it a ghost type?' She pondered as she observed the Pokémon in front of her.

"Hmm... Right then... Sceptile! Use Energy ball!" The grass-type Pokémon generated an energy ball and then launched it towards the unfamiliar Pokémon, successfully hitting it. "As if that's gonna deal so much, Drakloak! Dragon pulse!"

'Dragon pulse?!'

"Scepty! Dodge!" Sceptile manage to dodge the attack in a very close call. Lynelle grabbed Sceptile's Pokéball and let him retreat. "You were great, Scep." She whispered before throwing another Pokéball in the air. "Go! Mightyena!" The gray Pokémon jumped out of its Pokéball and growled her opponent in front of her. "Tch, so annoying! Drakloak! Use Dragon pulse!" His Pokémon nodded and shot out its attack. "Counter it with Dark pulse!" Lynelle yelled. Her Mightyena howled and shot out her dark pulse. Both attacks made contact and cancelled each other out.

"Alright Yena, use Dark pulse while moving! Oh, and try not to hit the baby on its head!" The Hyena Pokémon grunted and shot out her dark pulse repeatedly while using her speed to move in different directions. "Arghh! Drakloak! Use-" The teen was slow to give out orders that the dark pulse hit the Ghost-type Pokémon twice.

"Nice work, Yena!" The ravenette praised the Dark-type Pokémon which happily grunted in response. "Grrr... SHADOW BALL!" The blond teen screamed angrily, his Pokémon shook off the last attack and complied with its trainer's order. It shot out a purple, ghostly ball but was easily avoided by the dark type Pokémon.

"Quick! Use night slash!" Mightyena heeded her trainer's order and created an aura with slashing dark energy around herself.

"AWWWOOOO!!" The Hyena Pokémon howled and charged towards the Drakloak, successfully landing continuous slashes to it.

"DRAA!!" The Ghostly Pokémon staggered a bit before falling onto the ground, its baby unharmed from the attack but whimpered seeing its caretaker unconscious which made Lynelle feel slightly guilty.


"Drakloak is unable to battle! You only have two Pokémon left." Steven gestured to the blonde teenager as he announced. The crowd once again cheered for Lynelle's win.

"No way..." The teen mumbled and then growled angrily when he returned his Drakloak. "I'M NOT GIVING UP!" He screamed as he grabbed another Pokéball. Lynelle already started to feel bad on how she was winning so easily, but she needed the teen to realize that being overconfident and egotistical will do you no good. So she never held back, she never underestimated him since the start of the battle and she wanted to him to realize the potential he holds to becoming a strong Pokémon trainer. The fact that he didn't backed down when he only had two Pokémon left and still holding on the hope that he could still beat her is proof that he wants to win to prove his current strength and he had the courage to do so.

"SIR FETCH'D!" Oliver screamed as he threw the Pokéball revealing a white duck Pokémon holding a tall leek sword and a leek shield. Lynelle had to blink a couple of times to assess the appearance of the new Pokémon in front of her. 'Why does this one reminds me of Farfetch'd? is it another regional variant? and what's with that humongous sword and shield?' She thought. "Alright Yena! Use night slash!" The Dark-type Pokémon howled and created a surrounding veil of slashing dark energy just like before. The Pokémon charged and successfully landed the hit on her opponent but it didn't seem to be effective. 'It didn't budge?!' Lynelle widened her eyes, slightly panicked.


The Duck Pokémon quacked and landed its super-effective attack on Mightyena's body. The Hyena Pokémon yelped in pain before standing back on her feet. 'Night Slash wasn't effective against it. It's definitely not a bug or fairy type from its appearance alone, I doubt its a dark type. I guess its a fighting type?' She thought as her eyes landed to its leek sword and leek shield.

She mentally smacked herself for not realizing it sooner. 'Of course it's a fighting type. I'm such an idiot.' The girl grabbed Mightyena's Pokéball and whisked her out of the battlefield. "You were awesome as always, Yena." She whispered and then grabbed another Pokéball. "Come out! Altaria!" The girl threw the Pokéball up in the air and released the cloud bird Pokémon.

"FWORAA!" The Dragon-flying type Pokémon chirped before landing gracefully on the ground. "Of course you'd pull that one out. SIR FETCH'D! NIGHT SLASH!" Oliver yelled in annoyance. His Pokémon quacked in response, creating a familiar veil of slashing dark matter. The Duck-billed Pokémon charged towards its opponent only for Altaria to dodge its attack by flying up. "Now use Hurricane!" Altaria flew higher and began flapping his cloud wings, rapidly generating strong wind currents covering the whole battlefield. Everyone was protecting themselves from the wind and did their hardest not to get blown away.

The Fighting-type Pokémon however, got caught in the currents. It was on the air yelping in pain as blades of wind landed multiple hits on its body. "D-darn it!" Oliver mumbled in frustration as he protects himself from the dust being blown by Hurricane.

'That should do it.' Lynelle thought.

"Altaria! That's enough!" The ravenette called out to her Pokémon. The harsh winds became a soft breeze as the cloud bird Pokémon fluttered down on the ground.


Everyone looked towards the source of the sound and saw a fainted Sir Fetch'd. "S-Sir Fetch'd is unable to battle. You only have one Pokémon left." Steven announced while he pats the dust off his clothes. "Darn it... I can't believe this." Oliver grumbled and retracted his Pokémon before grabbing his last Pokéball. "COME OUT, YOU!" He threw the Pokéball up in the air and revealed an all too familiar steel Pokémon...

A Corviknight.

"SKRAA!" The Steel bird Pokémon cawed out loud. Altaria glared at his opponent and eagerly awaited for his trainer's orders. "USE STEEL WING!" Oliver yelled at his Pokémon. The Corviknight felt the teen's anger, it reinforced its wings with steel and flew straight to the cloud bird Pokémon. Altaria waited for his trainer's orders...only to get hit by the attack.

"FWAA!" Altaria managed to stable himself on the air after the attack but was confused that he didn't hear anything from her. He glanced back at his trainer to see her being... conflicted by something. Everyone was also confused as to why the girl wasn't saying anything, everyone except both Steven and Wallace as they are the only ones who knows the reason. They wanted to comfort the girl and tell her that it was fine. But it was her match, they won't dare to interfere even if they felt the need to.

The cloud bird Pokémon flew close to his trainer. "Fwoa?" Altaria titled his head worriedly. Lynelle was took by surprise when she heard her Pokémon. "Ah! S-Sorry Al. Just... dodge every attack for now, okay?" The black-haired girl awkwardly smiled at her bird Pokémon. Altaria become even more confused but decided to trust his trainer and returned to face his opponent.

Lynelle looked at her cloud bird Pokémon and then flinched when she made eye contact with the Corviknight. It was the first time she had ever battled another Corviknight and she never wanted that to happen until now.

'I...I don't think I can fight it. It reminds me too much... of... Mum.' Small tears slightly appeared from her eyes. She didn't even hear the blond teen's repeated orders to his Pokémon to hit her Altaria. The Humming Pokémon keep dodging every attack but it is only a matter of time till he gets tired of dodging. 'I... I can't-'

"... vi, stop!"



Everyone's jaws dropped when they saw the woman got hit by something dark blue. Her whole body pinned down on the ground by another Corviknight. Something like this isn't quite common in your normal Pokémon battle. Even Oliver, His Corviknight and Lynelle's Altaria dropped whatever they're doing to look at the sudden commotion.

"Uh... Stop the battle for a moment!" Steven intervened as he was just as confused as everyone from the sudden intervention. He was also unsure to whether or not help the girl from their Corviknight's wrath. He was stopped by the water-type gym leader, shaking his head as if saying 'It's a family matter, let them handle it.'

"Ahhhh! Corvi! Stop!" Lynelle heard her brother's voice and was about to call for his help but she ultimately got denied as her face was still pressed on the ground by the familiar Corviknight on top of her.

"C-Corvi... can you please let go of her? She won't get your message if you do it like that." Lawrence pleaded and then breath out in relief when the steel bird stepped off from his unlucky sister. The ravennette spat out sand in her mouth and slightly staggered to stand up. She dusted the sand off of her clothes and then her face. Finally, she faced the familiar Corviknight. "What was that for - ah." She asked in an annoyed tone before immediately shrunk under the intense gaze of the Steel bird.

"Nnngg... CAW! CAWAAW!" The bird Pokémon raised her wings and gestured to herself. "CA CAWW..." She then points to Oliver's Corviknight, "CAA! CAAW!" ,then made an 'X' formation with her wings and shook her head as if saying no.

The whole thing was complete gibberish to Lynelle. She really wanted to act like she knew what the bird Pokémon was trying to deliver but the girl's mind was somewhere elsewhere when she was getting lectured. "Oh-uh yeah! Haha! Totally." She acted like she knew what the bird Pokémon meant, but she got caught easily when the Corviknight had a disapproving and angry look on her face.

"She means that the Corviknight your Altaria's fighting is not the same as Corvi here." Lynelle turned to the familiar brunette that walked up behind her brother. "What do you mean?"

"What I mean is - or what Corvi here is saying - is that even if the Pokémon there is the same as Corvi here, they're not the same one. You don't have to hold back just because it reminds you of Corvi here." Alicia placed her hand on her sister-in-law's shoulder to reassure her that it's all right.

"I-I's just..." Lynelle stopped when she felt a hand on her head. She looked up to see her brother giving her worried look hiding behind a smile. "I know, I know. It reminds you of them. But that doesn't mean that your not allowed to battle another Corviknight just because it is the same kind of Pokémon that Mum left behind." Lynelle felt a jab at her heart when she admitted that her brother had a point. It was slightly harsh but it was the truth and she had to accept it. She saw the worried expression and heard the sorrowful tone from her brother.

Then she realized something. Remembering the death of her parents hurts her, but if she can't do something because it reminds her of her parents, then it hurts the people around her, especially her brother. The one thing she would never want to happen is to hurt the people close to her, and she's doing exactly that, emotionally.

Lawrence noticed his sister's hurt expression and he regretted what he said. He was about to say something when he immediately got hit hard on the back of his head by his wife who had an annoyed look on her face.

Lynelle took a deep breaths in and then out. Her brother's right, She shouldn't refrain from battling a Corviknight just because it looks the same as her mom's Pokémon. She shouldn't generalize Corviknights as 'The same kind of Pokémon Mom left behind.".

'Yeah! That would be an insult to Mum and Dad!' The girl yelled in her head. There's only one Corviknight who acts like a strict mom and that's Corvi, the one who shoved her head on the ground just now.

Lynelle sighed heavily, getting the attention of the three in front of her. "You're right, bro, and you too, Corvi." She looked at the steel bird Pokémon who just huffed in response. "You okay?" Her brother asked, worried that whatever he said affected his little sister. "Yep. Sorry that you had to set me straight in a middle of a battle. Speaking of which, when did you get here?"

Seeing how his little sister is acting how she normally is, he laughed out loud which made the ravenette blush from embarrassment. "You *wheeze* You can ask us that later. Right now, try and win this battle!" He said as he wipes away a tear from his right eye.

"Geh... right... Sorry about what happened!" Lynelle yelled towards the now-very-annoyed Oliver. "WHATEVER! All that matters is that I WILL WIN against your TRASH TEAM!" The blonde yelled. Her brother, his wife, and Corvi turned to the teen with an annoyed look.

"I thought Wallace was exaggerating when he said 'an annoying little brat.'." Lawrence felt his eye twitch, annoyed when he heard the weightless threat from the blond teen. His wife and Corvi nodded in agreement while Lynelle just looked at them in disbelief.

'So Wallace called them here, should've known he would do that.' Lynelle sighed and then placed her focus back into the battle. "Are you ready to continue?" The ravenette turned her head to Steven. "Yep, sorry for that little... inconvenience." She rubbed the back of her neck embarrassed.

Steven just laughed and waved her off. "It's fine, Wallace told me everything. Just continue on to the battle and... show him how strong you are, okay? Let me know when you're ready." Lynelle awkwardly laughed at the blue-haired man, taking note of his seemingly discrete threat aimed towards the blonde teen. She decided to let that slide for now and focus on winning the battle.

She called to her cloud bird Pokémon which happily flew right in front of her. "Sorry 'bout that Al. I'm gonna let you do one move before switching you out okay?" Altaria seemed to understood what his trainer said and looked at her with a determined look before facing his opponent. Lynelle nodded her head towards Steven who nodded back at her when he got the message. "Alright, Let the battle continue!"

"STEEL WING!" Oliver angrily yelled and his Pokémon complied, its wings reinforced with steel. "Dodge it and use Dragon Pulse!" Lynelle commanded and her Altaria swooped in, dodged the attack and then landed a direct hit on his opponent. "Nice one Al!" She praised her Pokémon, earning a chirp in response. It didn't get as much damage, which Lynelle expected, but her intentions is to chip away its stamina as much as possible. It already seemed to be worn out from when it was launching continuous attacks at her Altaria, so she wanted to take advantage of that.

But first, she'd have to release her last Pokémon.

"Okay Al, let's switch you out." Lynelle said as she grabbed his Pokéball and let him rest up. "You did great bud, rest up." She whispered and grabbed another Pokéball from her belt and threw it up in the air. "Go, Gyarados!" A beam of light came out of the Pokéball and manifested into the familiar giant. A blue and intimidating sea serpent that every trainer who faced her had a hard time defeating.

The dual-type Pokémon growled when he saw the blonde teen, still angry at him for disrespecting his trainer. His menacing look made the opposing Corviknight cower slightly in fear. "Tch, why on earth did you switch?"

The teen scowled at Lynelle which made Gyarados more agitated than earlier. "Well, I didn't want any of my Pokémon to miss out on battling you. Don't worry... He's a lot stronger than you think." Lynelle said proudly and her Pokémon roared.

Oliver clicked his tongue in both annoyance and frustration. "Whatever. Corviknight! Use Fly!" The Corviknight received his trainers orders and flew up high in the sky. Lynelle saw this as a perfect opportunity to show how strong her Gyarados is.

"Okay bud, hit it with Aqua tail the moment it gets close. I'll let you know when, 'kay?" Lynelle whispered her command where only her Gyarados can hear. The said Pokémon nodded and encased his tail with rapid flows of water. Soon enough, the steel bird Pokémon began to dive down for an attack. But before it could land a hit, Lynelle signaled her Pokémon and in an instant, her Gyarados leaped quickly and landed his water-infused tail into the steel bird's body. It crashed onto the ground as a result from that critical hit.

"WHAT?! NO!" Oliver's frustration show as he watched his Corviknight staggering before standing straight. Lynelle felt guilty for hurting the teen's confidence, but she felt even more guilty for hurting the opposing Pokémon. She shook her head because she knew that she had to face this sooner or later.

"Alright Gyara, use Aqua tail again!" Lynelle commanded and her Pokémon roared as he encased his tail with rapid flows of water. "ARGH! IRON DEFENSE!!" The blond yelled, his voice showed frustration and desperation. The bird Pokémon complied and reinforced itself with steel. Unfortunately, the difference of strength between her Gyarados and the teen's Corviknight was far. Gyarados landed his attack on the opposing, breaking through its Iron defense and knocking it out.


Corviknight is unable to battle, Lynelle wins the match!" Everyone cheered and congratulated the girl while hiding the fact that they were feeling bad for the contender that lost. Both participants withdrew their Pokémon back into their respective Pokéball. Lynelle's family, including Wallace and Steven, came up to her and congratulated her.

Then everyone heard a thud, Oliver was on his knees, he looked deeply troubled. Lynelle had to be honest, she felt guilty for winning the match even if it was for his own good.

The girl took a deep breath and gathered the courage to walk towards him. She stopped right in front of him, the teen acknowledged her existence but he didn't dare to face her. "Getting stronger... is not something you can take shortcuts in. It takes patience, dedication, and unconditional love to raise a Pokémon as strong as Gyara here." She tenderly looked the Pokéball which contained Gyarados and then looked back at the teen who didn't seemed to move.

Lynelle started to get worried. She wonders if whatever she said had affected him to the point where he had no motivation to move. Her brother and the others came in close as they too, were also worried on the teen's sudden quietness.

"You should've lost."


"YOU HAVE RUINED MY LIFE!" Oliver shot up from the ground and glared daggers at the ravenette. Her brother stepped in and stood in front of his sister protectively. "What do you mean my sister ruined your life. It was your own decision to battle her. Why blame her that you lost?" Lawrence glared at the frustrated teen in front of them, annoyed that the said teen was complaining something that he started.

"I was the star of the eyes pf everyone around me! I was the topic of gossip in every group of ladies, young or old! I am naturally talented at everything, won every Pokémon battle and from weak trainers to gym leaders!" Oliver yelled and glared at Lynelle. "But then a friend of my Father battled you and lost. I wasn't going to battle you until my Father found out more about who you were and... praised you." He spat the last few words with venom.

"A few days later, You became the main topic of everyone around me. There was even a rumor where you actually defeated the Champion, Steven Stone. Hence, why he has high respect for you." Lynelle became uneasy when she heard the rumor. She looked at Steven who just looked just as uneasy as her.

"I was furious! I wanted to bring you down and prove to them that you weren't as strong as they say you were. I even told myself that the moment I saw your stupid team!" Lynelle saw her Corviknight growl at him. She immediately pet her to calm her down.

"You wanted to battle me to prove that you're strong right? Well, just having the courage to battle me is already proof of your strength... so far. " Lynelle said that in hopes that Oliver would take that as somewhat of a compliment. But it backfired when the blond showed her a disgusted look.

"Hah!? What kind of ludicrous take is that!? I never wanted to beat you as a 'proof of how far I've grown'. I'm already strong enough to challenge an Elite four member! Why would you ever think that-"

"She defeated your ace team with ease, Oliver."

The said teen froze when he heard the voice of an old yet sophisticated man. Everyone turned towards the person who was emerging from the crowd. He looked like a rich and noble man. He was also old, probably around 60 plus years old just from the wrinkles on his face.

He had brown hair in an undercut hairstyle, some of the strands were white. He was wearing a yellow suit, the top part was an open jacket with a black undershirt and a white tie. Down below the yellow pants and white dress shoes. He was also wearing sunglasses, multiple rings in various fingers.

"D-Dad?! What are you doing here?" Oliver exclaimed then became scared when the old man started going near the group. He looked straight into his son and smacked him hard on the head. "Ow! What was that for- *SMACK!*"

"Be quiet you. I'm very sorry that you have meet my son like this for the first time." The man bowed apologetically and forced his son to do the same. "Uhmm... I-it's alright really! You don't have to apologize. It was just a simple battle." Lynelle waved her hands defensively.

"I congratulate on your win, Ms. Lynelle. That should be enough for you to see how strong she is." Oliver shivered when he felt his Father's intense gaze at him. He didn't dare to look back at him. His Father sighed in disappointment and straightened himself up. "It was a marvelous battle indeed. your strength was far greater than I was told." The man laughed as he praised Lynelle. The ravenette was thankful for the praise but she and the rest of her group was uncomfortable knowing that the man was unknowingly hurting his son's confidence.

The man stopped laughing before looking serious. "Though I can't help but realize that throughout the battle, you didn't really go all out. You seem to be holding back."

'Wait..I was?'

"Was it because of my son's inability to give out proper commands that you felt bad for him? Or was it because he was weak? or-"

"N-No! It's not any of those!" Lynelle had to cut him off to prevent him from saying something that would question her performance from the battle. "It's just... I never underestimated your son. I fought him the way I always do. I did went all out... at least I thought I did." She mumbled the last part to herself.

"Well whatever the reason, thank you accepting my son's battle despite his rude behavior. I believe he learned a very valuable lesson, don't you?" Oliver felt his dad's glare, He knew what his glare meant. He doesn't want to make his Father angrier than before so he swallowed up his pride and nodded in agreement.

"Very good. We'll talk more about this later in our house. I hope you have a good day, Ms. Lynelle." The man bid his goodbye with his son following. Lynelle and the others waved goodbye at them until they were out of sight.

The exchange made her feel embarrassed. She really thought that her insight was right but I guess it was just her wishful thinking. Before it was their turn to leave, Lynelle realized something...

"Wait, how did he know that his son was here?"

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