The New destroyer of Universe...

By Eyeofcreation

21.1K 234 39

You are a Saiyan named Ager and you have become the new destroyer of Universe 6 after killing Champa in battl... More

Bio: You/Ager
Bio: The legendary super Saiyans.
Meeting a God
Meeting Goku and Vegeta.
The God Born of Thunder
A Visit to Sadala
When you realize you just dissed a god...
Meeting Kale and Caulifla
Broly! The Legendary Super Saiyan!
A God's defeat...
Meeting of Destroyers
Into the Past
His name is Yamoshi
Assembling An Army
Birth of a Super Saiyan
Back to the Future
Hit! The Legendary Assassin!
Welcome, To Planet Sadala
A long-awaited reunion...
A God And A Legend Fashion Show?
The beginning Of The End...
Bio: The Villains
The Controlled of Universe 7:
The Controlled of other Universes:
The Assassin Of Gold
Green vs Rose
Don't Piss Off Beerus
A New Power, And A New Enemy
6th God vs 0 Titan
The Final Confrontation
Brother vs Sister, Instincts Clash!
Legend Vs Legend: Awaken the Power Within!
Titan vs God! The Birth of Existence!
Ager vs Magnac! The Battle Ends!
Book 2 Teaser!

Kelfa! The Might Fusion!

236 4 0
By Eyeofcreation

P.O.V 3rd

Kale and Caulifla attacked Arak from both sides attempting the pincer movement. But Arak raised his hands and blocked their blows before grabbing their hands and swinging them into the mountain nearby. 

Caulifla stumbled to her feet and helped Kale up, "We can't beat him like this, He's too strong!", Caulifla tsked with anger "I don't like it, but you're right Kale, But he isn't stronger than Kefla", Kale grinned and held out her White Potara earing "let's do this". Both warriors smiled as they put on the Potaras and Merged into Kefla.

P.O.V Arak

I smiled as I walked over to the crater that I had thrown the 2 Saiyans into, "Give up yet?" I taunted, but almost in response, a colossal beam of light shot up from where the 2 Saiyans were. I stumbled back as I felt a powerful presence, "What?", When the light faded I saw a new warrior standing there, my eyes widened as I felt her incredible power, it was greater than my own. The new Warrior smiled 

"Kale, and Caulifla, Equals Kefla!" I was shocked by this but I knew what must've happened, they had used the Potara to fuse! I had learned about the incredible power of Potaras on my journey to Planet Sadala thanks to Hits log, and now I was standing in front of one of the most powerful warriors in the 12 universes, Kefla. I Swore I was in for shit now. Kefla then began to scream as her Battle power skyrocketed, My eyes continued to widen until Kefla stabilized.

"This is Super Kelfa 2!"

{Obviously no relation to  Super Vegito, or Vegito Blue}

She looked down at me with a smile that said 'I can pummel you into the ground faster than you can sneeze and you know it.' Kefla leaned over and taunted me "What? you said don't hold back, is this the best you can do?" I gritted my teeth and tried to attack Kefla, I z-vanished behind her and tried to attack her from behind but she turned around and kicked me faster than I could respond, "Don't play games with me! Unless you can bring out some new transformation you're stuffed!" I groaned as I got out of the rubble that I had been knocked into, "Fine", 

I jumped back and closed my eyes as I focused on the incredible power that I had attained in my time on Hits spaceship. I could feel it as It layed dormant within my veins, and I brought it out.

Kefla's eyes widened as she saw my new transformation, "This is Perfected Super Saiyan 3!"

Kefla smiled "Finally! Things are getting interesting!" I charged at her now evenly matched as we collided in the air, pushing one another back, neither of us willing to give. That was until Kefla got stronger. 

I kicked Kefla away and prepared a Planet Crusher

"Planet Crusher!" I shouted as I tossed the green Sphere down at the Fusion, But it was then that something made it explode that wasn't impact. 

The Planet Crusher exploded in a huge display of green Light and power, I held up my hands as I struggled against the Wind, That was when I sensed it.

"Oh shit" 

A green light rose from the smoke from the explosion, That Greenlight was Kefla.

In Super Saiyan 3.

Kefla laughed "Oh yeah! You're toast now!" She flew at me with immense speed, faster than I could follow or react she punched me into the ground and hit me with more Ki blasts than I could count. 

I struggled to my feet, I wouldn't lose, Kefla laughed as she was shadowboxing with herself "Oh yeah! Check me out!", She then stopped as she saw me get out of the rubble "So you're still awake? Just give up! You can't beat me!" I looked up at her and was about to close my eyes as I gave up, When I saw a full moon rise behind me, My eyes widened as I felt its power flow through me and I was bombarded with Flux waves. I then growled "I'm Not Finished! AAAAAHHHH!!!" 

The ground beneath me shook and cracked at my power, The moon glowed green before its beams of light bathed me with their power. Kefla stumbled back "What?" 

"RRRAAAAAAHHHH!!!" I felt something within me break, a wall from which power came gushing out.

When the light faded I appeared to still be in my Super Saiyan 3 transformation, Kefla laughed nervously "You almost had me there, I thought that WOAH!!" I screamed again as a lime coloured light was expelled from me until Kefla couldn't see me. 
I felt a tail grow, my teeth sharpen and my hair change, I felt fur grow on my arms and my clothes change until I was in something much more powerful.

Kefla's eyes widened as she saw my new transformation, "What the Hell is that?!" She shouted as she danced around like a monkey, I looked up at her and said "This is Super Saiyan 4" without a tinge of emotion. Kefla stopped and looked at me "Super Saiyan 4? Why do you get to name it?" I just looked at her without changing a bit before saying "That's because it's the 4th evolution in the Super Saiyan Chain", Kefla nodded with understanding, "So, UUGGGH!!" I kicked Kefla in the stomach sending her flying as I followed, "This is the form that I will use to defeat you"

We flew through the sky as we collided and flew away, again and again. Our power nearly matched, but mine was more. I drew my hands to my sides as I prepared Goku's most famous attack "KA-ME!" Kefla's eyes widened "I won't let you!" Multiple Red orbs appeared next to her and spun into a duo of powerful ki spheres, "I Win!" She shouted as She let them loose, I just charged straight at the Beam "HA-ME!!!"

"HAA!!!" I hit Kefla with a point-blank Kamehameha that broke her Potara. The Beam completely encased her and thrust her into the ground. I dropped out of Super Saiyan 4 and landed on the ground. "Kale! Caulifla! Are you okay!" But as the Dust Cleared I saw Kale, right next to...

"Kefla?!" I shouted in confusion, Kale then looked at Kefla and her jaw dropped, "What The Hell?!?"

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