Daughter of a pterodactyl

By ArielCornell

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Trent finds out that Ariel is his daughter and Kira never told him. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 22

48 0 0
By ArielCornell

They came up to me and asked me what that was about. I told them that they wouldn't believe me if I told them. Just then the creature grew to a very tall size. "You didn't think I'd give up that easily, did you?" The creature said. "Let's finish this guy, together." I said. "Dino thunder power up!" They said to morph. Then we all went into the megasword. The creature blasted us which made our megasword fall down. "If you can win your fight we can win any fight." Ryan said. "Let's give it everything we've got." I said. "Super dino mode!" We all said to go into super dino mode, inside the megasword. We impaled him with the dino drill and used it at full power to destroy him. "Oh yeah." They said. "Dino thunder rangers, victory is ours." I said. We went back to the headquarters and I told them what that whole thing was about. "Okay, so let me get this straight, three of your old ranger powers came to you?" John asked. "And you had to fight them to get your life back?" Ryan asked. "This is awesome, it like all the power universes lined up." John said before all of them started to talk all at the same time. "Guys. I just want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart, for hanging in there with me through all this. It was tough, but you guys came through. It means a lot to me." I said. Then my dad walked up to us. "She's right. You should be really proud of yourselves." Trent said. Then John looked at Virginia. "Are you crying?" John asked. "No." Virginia said. "We're just really glad to have you back Ariel." John said before he walked up to me and hugged me. He also kissed me. The next day I was looking at the final battle that my mom and dad had with Mesagog when they were our age.

I thought that we could do ours the same way. The next day I had them train. I was training with them. I told them push themselves to their limits but to not try too hard.

After an hour I told them to take a break. The next day I was training with them when we got a call from Tommy saying that Mesagog is attacking in the city. "This is it you guys." I said.

We went to where Mesagog was attacking. "Why do they always come back for more?" I asked. "You destroyed my plans of creating a perfect world. However, I was able to absorb enough dino gem energy to complete my transfiguration. Witness the face of your final battle." Mesagog said before morphing into a monstrous dinosaur-like creature. "You guys ready for one last battle?" I asked. "Oh yeah." Ryan said. "Dino thunder power up!" We said to morph. Something strange happened when we morphed, we were in super dino mode but we didn't even say super dino mode. "Tyrano power!" I said. "Tricera power!" John said. "Ptera power!" Joe said. "Bracio power!" Ryan said. "Stego power!" Virginia said. "Drago power!" George said. "Dino rangers!" All of us said. "This is it." I said before we charged at Mesagog. He tried to blast us as we ran towards him. We started to attack him. Little did we know that my mom and dad were watching us. Joe, Ryan, and George got thrown back by him. I ran at him from behind and got a hold on him but not for long. He threw me off. Luckily, I landed on my feet. Then Virginia and George came in to help. They got blasted. Ryan got pushed up against a car and got blasted. "Hey, back off!" Joe said. Mesagog pushed the car towards him and he jumped and ran across the top of the car. Then he got blasted. "My turn!" I said. Mesagog grabbed me with his tongue and threw me to the ground. Then John came in on his motorcycle and shot some lazers at him. It didn't really do much. Then he got blasted. "Over here Mesomess. Triassic ranger!" I said to go into triassic ranger mode. Then I went into the battlelized mode and used the battle blast. The hit was so hard that it sent Mesagog flying back into some barrels, concrete blocks and concrete slabs. They walked up to me. "You did it Ariel." Virginia said. Then Mesagog rose up from the pile that I sent him flying into. "Unbelievable." Ryan said. Then he replicated himself. "He's replicating." I said. Then he replicated himself again so that there were four of them. "One was bad enough. How do we fight them all?" John asked. "Guys, we have to use all of our powers. It's the only way." I said. "Okay, let's do it!" Virginia said. "Power rangers!" All of us said. "I summon the power of the gem." I said. "Dino gems unite!" All of us said to combine our powers. It formed a tyranosauras rex. (Aka: t-rex) We sent it at Mesagog and it destroyed him and his replications with one hit. Mesagog has finally been defeated. "That's our girl." Kira said. "Is everyone okay?" I asked after we demorphed. "I feel different." Virginia said. "Yeah, like normal again." George said. "Me too." Joe said. "It's gone. The power's gone." Ryan said. "It took everything the gems had to destroy Mesagog." I said. "So these are just ancient artifacts." Ryan said. "That will look great in a museum." I added. Then my mom and dad walked up to us. "Hello rangers." Kira said. "So you know then." I said. "Well, we actually knew this all along." Trent said. "Wait, you knew that I was a power ranger?" I asked. "Yeah." Kira said. "Okay, so Ariel, your mom and I are going to go back home. If you want to hang out with your friends, you can. Just be back by dinner time." Trent said. "Okay dad. I will." I said. Then they walked away. "Just like that, life goes back to normal." John said. "Our lives may be normal but trust me, they'll never be the same." I said. Then we went to the park to hang out with each other. When I got home I found out that my dad couldn't handle the fact that something must have happened to me all those years ago. He always said that if something happened to me he doesn't know what he would do. Kira must have told him that I'm his daughter and some point. I'm just glad he finally realized it and remembered all the times he has seen me when I was younger. I'm happy to be with my real parents again. It's been a crazy life and it might be normal but it will never be the same way it was before I became a power ranger.

The End

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