𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙪𝙣𝙚 �...

By failedpaperairplane

150K 7.3K 2.2K

══════⊹⊱≼≽⊰⊹══════ "Do you want to become a swan?" "..." "A what?" A typical person being transmigrated into... More

◦༻ Boring Have To Knows
◦༻ Outfits/Clothing
◦༻ Songs To Listen To While Reading
◦༻ 1...The Lotus and The White Feather
◦༻ 2...The Old Lady and The Swan
◦༻ 3...Whats worse? A Dance Teacher or a Man Dressed In Red
◦༻ 4...The God and The Clueless
◦༻ 5...An Unlucky Person, For Sure
◦༻ 6...Death Caught Up To Me
◦༻ 7...Da Hong? Who?
◦༻ 8...A First Glimpse Of A Past Life
◦༻ 9...The Shared Emotions Of My Duplicate
◦༻ 10...You Fancy Yourself Insane?
◦༻ 11...How About I Brush Your Hair
◦༻ 12...There's A Ghost Behind You
◦༻ 14...God Help Me, Wait, Nevermind
◦༻ 15...Blood Stains A Swan
◦༻ Misfortune Of A Swan*+*Season II Teaser
◦༻ 16...Death In The Cold Blood
◦༻ 17...Another Martial God, Fuck
🦢 1K Special 🦢
◦༻ 18...Oh, It's You, Out Of All People
◦༻ 19...Nothing A Kiss Can't Fix
◦༻ 20...Betraying A Contract Is My Forte
◦༻ 21...Welcome Back
◦༻ 22...Life Himself
◦༻ 23...Love Is Really A Thing
🦢 10k Special 🦢
◦༻ 24...Wait, I KNEW Him?!
◦༻ 25...What Are You Thinking?
◦༻ 26...What The Hell Is HE Doing Here
◦༻ 27...Let's Start Over?
◦༻ 28...A Battle Of Life and Calamity
◦༻ 29...Life's Misfortune
◦༻ 30...Fake, Fake, Fake
◦༻ 31...We All Know How The Game Ends
◦༻ 32...They're Back
◦༻ 33...The Leopard and The Viper
◦༻ 34...Where, What, When
◦༻ 35...Love Will Drive You Irrational
◦༻ 36...The Reverend's Playground
◦༻ 37...Love Stories
◦༻ The Misfortune Of A Swan *+* Season III Teaser
◦༻ 38...A Woman With A Grudge
◦༻ 39...Rest Now
◦༻ 40...Death Falls and Death Rises
◦༻ 41...Looking Back On Our Memories
◦༻ 42...The Swan's Home
◦༻ 43...Cold, Dark, Waters
◦༻ 44...Black Water Sinking Ships
◦༻45...Puppy Eyes
◦༻ 46...Xiu Fen
◦༻ 47...Life Doesn't Know How To Write OR Read
◦༻ 48...Life's Personal Rehabilitation Program! Sponsored by He Xuan
🎄Christmas Special🎄
◦༻ 49...They Confess At Last
◦༻ 50...The End

◦༻ 13...Misunderstanding Ontop Of Misunderstanding

2.8K 162 28
By failedpaperairplane

Holy crap,
"Are you guys dating?!" Y/n blurted out.
༻ ❍ ༺


     Words couldn't describe how much he wanted to turn into a swan at the moment and fly away from what this whole situation was going to spiral into. As if mentioning the human face disease in front of a living ticking time bomb wasn't enough, he was being kidnapped!

     His body landed on the ground with a thump, a pair of hands secured tightly on his shoulders. They slid down his arms and locked his wrists together behind his back so he couldn't move. The hidden person then used their free one to cover his mouth. His captor lifted him up off the ground effortlessly and they pressed him against the wall.

     Y/n's eyes shot back far enough that he got a glimpse of who was holding him hostage.



     Suddenly the ghost bride leapt out the window with Y/n's bamboo hat in hand and landed next to Mei.

     "I got them distracted, but we should leave, like right now." She sounded like an older version of Ya Wenling, was she Ya Wenling or an imposter that posed as her to keep up a nice distraction? If so, Y/n could give the imposter credit because it worked wonderfully to say the least.

     "Sorry about this," Mei said before her hand snapped against Y/n's neck. Y/n grunted, muffled by the hand, and his ears began to ring until he couldn't see anything but pitch black.

───༻ ❍ ༺───

     Y/n snapped up, gasping for air, cold sweat collecting on his nape as rubbed his eyes frantically.

     "Your awake," A voice mused.

     Y/n looked to the side and saw Ya Wenling(?), who was now dressed in normal clothing, sitting next to Mei.

     "...you owe me an explanation." Y/n hissed, more at Mei than the not-so-much-bride.

     Mei sighed and grabbed a teacup on the nightstand, taking a sip as slowly as she possibly could. She was purposely dragging the action on to put Y/n on his toes, and it was working.

     She cleared her throat lightly after finishing her elongated sip as Y/n fumed in anger and irritation.

     "Well, this woman next to me, her name is Ya Wenling. You probably know her. She went out to find Pei Ming in a little girl form to seek revenge on him, since she was one of the brides killed because of him. But then you came into the picture when she was in the woods planning her next move. After you had shown her such kindness, as far as to give her your only weapon after her faked death, she found me after also finding out I knew you. Therefore we made a deal to find you. She went as far as to go to Hua Chengzhu himself in the gamblers den to track you down, using your dagger as evidence she found you."

     Y/n's mouth hung open in shock at all this; allowing a chuckle to slip from Ya Wenling's mouth. How did Mei Farewell just let all that slip off her tongue like it was everyday information?!

     "Hua Cheng was planning to take you to us and then deal with you himself after our little reunion. But Mei Nianqing and Jun Wu came into the picture, he had us go get you back in return for me getting custody over you for a week. Here we are."

     Y/n felt like a child in a court with their divorced parents, fighting over who gets to keep the kid. It wasn't a good feeling.

     "...so you basically hired Hua Cheng as a hitman, for me."

     "Well when you put it that way it just sounds bad."

     Probably because it was!

     "And who were you going to give me to, you know; to get out of this world?!"


     Mei's smirk faded and Y/n only returned it with a devilish look of his own. Ya Wenling only glanced at Mei, awaiting an answer as well.

     "Well? I wasn't told this Heng Mei,"

     "I told you to call me Mei Farewell, or Mei."

     "I'll keep on calling you by your past name until you tell us, Heng Mei." Ya Wenling really knew how to get on someone's nerves, and Y/n didn't know if that was a good attribute to have or not.

     Sure he wasn't the happiest about the fact that his tears were waisted for nothing, and that he was being tossed around from person to person like a doll. But it was better than sharing a room with a ticking time bomb ready to explode with the human face disease, and a man that's basically a bag of bones.

     Yea, Y/n called Jun Wu a ticking time bomb, he had many other imaginary names:

     No faced maniac
     Mr. Personality swap
     Grandpa Wu

     And so much more that would have definitely pissed the living hell out of Jun Wu if he used them. But to keep himself alive and out of the way of a very firm beating from the bag of bones, Y/n contained himself at the dinners.

     "Okay fine, I was going to give you to Pei Ming."

     Y/n and Ya Wenling seemed to choke on air at the sound of the name.

     "WHAT?!" Y/n was very close to leaping out of the bed and slapping Mei in the face.

     Ya Wenling had killing intent in her eyes, to which Mei just pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes in frustration. Ya Wenling had a much better chance at intimidating Mei since she was right next to her and she was a ghost at that; who also had connections with Hua Cheng.

     "Pei Ming saw you walk into my house with me, I don't know how though, and because of that planned to get to you through me. So we made a deal; he gets you, I get to go back to my world through a teleportation array."

     "Really, and you were going to blackmail your way out of this damned place through me?!" Y/n demanded, anger shrilling in his throat.

     "Let me continue," Mei held up a hand to silence Y/n, "now, I was planning to have him make me the teleportation array first. And then grab you and take you with me back to our world. Then your dumbass decided to run away!" Y/n could tell she was telling the truth, if one thing was actually the sworn truth about Mei, it was that she wouldn't bother to make excuses no matter the situation.

     It was one of her good traits; she was straight forward. She might not have been the most honest person out there, but she didn't make fake excuses and she got straight to the point whenever she could.

     "Well what was I supposed to do when I saw a letter that said how you were going to give me to some rando I didn't even know the identity of?!"

     "You should have confronted-"

     "Shut up both of you!" Ya Wenling's voice boomed over the argument that was about to start.

     "Let's forget about that, it was a big misunderstanding, both of you were in the wrong in that situation. Mei didn't communicate with Xiu Y/n properly and Xiu Y/n stole from Mei."



     Y/n and Mei both knew she was right and silently agreed to listen to her.

      "Now, we need to tell Hua Cheng that we have Xiu Y/n. And we should probably get him a change of clothes..." Ya Wenling pointed a finger at the stitched up shirt and snagged pants.

     The outfit was in ruins and was holding on by a thread, quite literally. His shirt had a giant stitch job down the middle; made by Mei Nianqing to fix what Hua Cheng had done. Everything else was just covered in scars of what nonesense Y/n was up to in this world.

     "I suppose we could hitch a deal with that seamstress down the street." Ya Wenling sang as she grabbed Y/n's arm and hoisted him up from his sitting position.

    Y/n took this time to actually take a look at Ya Wenling. Before when she was in the appearance of a little girl; he was too panicked and stressed to take a good look at her.

     Ya Wenling was in all honesty a very pretty woman, she had lovely almond colored skin that was complemented by long dark brown hair that was tied in a braid; which sat on her shoulder. Her eyes were a brilliant color of honey that glinted under the sun, making them seem golden.

     Y/n was surprised that she still had tan skin despite being a ghost, but it was most likely for the human incognito. She was the summary of what could be thought of as a citizen of Yushi, and what Y/n would think the sun would look like as a human. She was slightly more muscular than Mei, her shoulders were broader and her biceps were more noticeable.

     As for Mei Farewell, she had pale skin and a deep black colored hair that could be mistaken for very dark blue. Her black eyes looked somewhat like Jun Wu's, but they had more spark that allowed them to reflect any sort of moonlight, sometimes sunlight. Her hair was tied in a bun, secured by a silver hairpin with her bangs hanging out in the front. She was what Y/n would have thought the moon to look like. She didn't have much muscle and her figure looked more nimble and slim.

     Ya Wenling was slightly taller than Mei, Mei was about 5'7 Ya Wenling seemed to be 5'9.

     Mei also had new robes that seemed to match with Ya Wenling's.

     Holy crap,

     "Are you guys dating?!" Y/n blurted out.

     Mei's face erupted in a brilliant shade of red and Ya Wenling's cheeks were dusted lightly with pink, less flustered than Mei.

     "Watch your tongue!" Mei scolded as she hid her reddening face.

     Ya Wenling on the other hand grinned and winked at Y/n. The type of wink that said:

     Not yet

    Y/n pulled two things from this conversation:
     1. Literally almost everything he needed answers for.
     2. Mei isn't straight in the least.

───༻ ❍ ༺───

     Y/n winced as a pin pricked his back, the seamstress only rolled her eyes, Y/n could just feel it.

     "Stop moving, that's how you get y'erself stabbed in war."

     Apparently the seamstress was an ex-war general who was mistaken for a man because of her muscular physique and deep voice; hence the warfare references and jokes. She was also REALLY tall, like probably 6'3 tall. But after a while, the war was won she earned a medal and handshake from the king of her country for her service before she went home. When she went home, she adopted two little boys that helped her in her in the shop that she made. Business was a success and she is known for her work all over the place.

     She was indeed very strong and probably had an eight pack for all Y/n could tell, it made him feel slightly intimidated; he wasn't going to lie. Other than that she had wheat color skin and brown hair that was cut to her neck, it reminded Y/n of a wolf cut that he always saw on social media; and when he used to have it. Way to set trends that happen hundreds of centuries later!

     She had hazel eyes and always wore a bandana to keep her hair away from her really good work in sewing and being a seamstress in general. She had a good attitude and made you want to ask for a piggy back ride from her.

     When Y/n first walked in the shop he couldn't believe that she was a seamstress at first, but after seeing her skill he took all of his doubts back straight away. Her name was Chen Chuntao, but she insisted that the trio call her Jiejie.

     Her adoptive sons were Chen Xiaodan, the twelve year old, and Chen Bojing, the nine year old.

     Chen Xiaodan and Chen Bojing were quite different from their mother; looks wise. Chen Xiaodan had pale skin that was slightly tanned from being in the sun all day with brown eyes and pitch black hair that was in a braid 90% of the time according to Chen Chuntao. Chen Bojing was exactly like his older brother, except he had more bronzy eyes and his hair was either down or in a messy ponytail; tied by himself.

     Chen Xiaodan was typically calm and obedient, also very shy. Chen Bojing was very energetic and hyper, but still obedient, he was very talkative but someone could never bring themselves to be annoyed by him. Both were people pleasers and that was for sure.

     Both boys had a similarity; they called Y/n "sleepy gege". Y/n thought that it was just a coincidence, but apparently Ya Wenling snuck a few words in with the kids.

     "Okay A-Y/n, all done with your measurements and markings. It will take about a week tops to get your clothing fully altered; so come back around then." Chen Chuntao said, her deep but radiant voice making Y/n smile.

     "Thank you very much Jiejie." Ya Wenling said as she bowed her head to the tall woman.

     "No problem sweetie, I'm just doing my job." Chen Chuntao responded as the trio head out the door.

     "Oh  Xiu Y/n your in for luck." Mei pointed her finger at the sky, it was sunset.

     "If I beat you guys home then I don't have to help with breakfast tomorrow." Y/n suggested to the women as the dim gold light illuminated from his chest.


I decided to make this chapter mostly fluff so y'all could have a break from all the crap that's been happening in the last chapters.

I also made a TGCF zodiac book so go check that out if you want!

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