Perpetual Infatuation

By xoxomarbil

234K 16.8K 1.7K

A Clumsy girl, crushing over a guy since 4 years yet never talked to him. Now, when finally she has his atten... More

Character Sketch
1: Embarassment
2: Nan-dii-Niiii
3: Stare
4: Chocolate
5: Giving a Try
6: 41 Minutes 33 seconds
Character Info.
7: Mother of Dragon
8: Talks
9: Not so Fav
10: Bus
11: Best or Worst?
12: Butterflies Died
13: Texts
14: No One Important
15: Meeting Again
16: Tag Along
17: Train
18- Loser?
19: Engaged
20: Fever
21: Go Home
22: Dinner
23- Mehendi
24: Blank
25- First Night or First Kick?
26- Manik's pov
27- Biryani
28: Club
29: Paparazzi
30: Back to square one?
31- Regret
32: Love, Like or Leave?
33- Back to Palace
34- A new to way to apologise
35- Emotions
36- Embarassment
37- If and what
38- Punishment??
39- Study
41- His Monkey
42- Result
43: Perpetual Infatuation

40- Moonlight

5.2K 383 79
By xoxomarbil

Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

The alarm keep ringing and I keep ignoring while snuggling more and more into the warmth of my supposedly pillow which I knew that its anything but the pillow.

" Umm Nandini Nandini, wake up " a husky sleepy voice spoke detaching himself from me while I simply groan in reply

" Wake up. Its 4 am, Today is your exam bachha " He spoke softly using the name which he calls me every now and then, making my stomach do all sorts of crazy things.

Nevertheless Hearing about exam, I finally opened my eyes to met with his half open eyes which were sleepy as hell due to the late night work he did yesterday.

Nodding a little, I sat on the bed with my eyes still closed while Manik kept waiting for me to get up from the bed.

Not wanting to over exaggerate his already tired self more, I got up from the bed murmuring " I'm up. you sleep "

Confirming from his own eyes, he finally closed his eyes while I took out my books for revision as finally today is my exam.

The past one and half months, things between us have changed completely. We never talked about the past again except for him saying sorry with a sad eye whenever I taunt him and regretting his decision which by the way happens every other day.

And I always reply him by saying " You deserve it " but lately I myself feel bad when I look at his sad eyes.

Come on, can you blame me? I'm not a girl who takes revenge and stuff. I might be one annoying kid but a single heartfelt sorry from someone, and my heart melts like an ice-cream.

Also when I say heartfelt, I didn't mean anyone who's faking to be sweet or just doing it for a show. No not that, one can say I'm pretty good at reading people.

Thanks to my awkward self!

I hate this about myself, but Mumma says there are already lots of mean people in the world, and I'm gifted with a kind yet wild heart which is the most beautiful and rare combination.

Moreover, I'm glad that 'it' happened as the year we were apart I got to know more about myself, what are my limits and boundaries which I'd have never known if everything was fine between us from the beginning.

The one thing which I can never forget and forgive is what he did during the dinner and no matter what, his action doesn't justify it. I always use that to taunt him directly and his face at that time is worth watching.

Anyways, Manik has been teaching me the past one and half months. He's been the bestest and the strictest teacher I've ever got.

Waking up at 4:30am to study, leaving for work at 8:00am after having 'healthy' breakfast made by him, coming back at 6:30pm, rest for one and half hours and again 8-11 study, my life has became an alarm clock tick-tock-tick whose schedule is set by him.

Sighing I finally came back to reality realising my paper is due today

Oh god I think too much!!

*24 days later*

The paper went good, but I wasn't very much satisfied with myself and I guess Manik got to know about it.

We Decided not to tell Mumma or Mom now, once everything is finalised we'll say.

The result is coming out today and I'm shit scared of that. He took off from work after seeing my anxiety.

" Bachha, everything's gonna be fine. Why are you worrying so much? " I heard Manik asking while caressing my back as I was sitting on his lap sideways with both my legs at one side and my head rested on his chest

My palms were sweaty and cold, so were my feet, he keeps rubbing my back whispering soothing words.

The laptop ping, indicating the result is out, probably. I looked at him nervously when he simply rested my head again on his chest and kept the laptop infront of him.

I kept praying, hugging him as tightly as I could when he spoke " Nandini"

" Huh? " I whispered not wanting to hear if its bad news.

" You've got 478, and cutoff is-" he spoke making my heart beat stop, I keep silent to hear the cutoff

" Its- its 480 " he whispered slowly yet nervously making me numb

He didn't needed to say anymore as I've already realised I'm not selected.

That moment, I felt like everything has fallen apart, many things piled up in my mind wondering what should I do now? But the one thing which was the most prominent was I'm not selected.

I'm rejected for the thing which was a goal all my life

Now this is what we call life!

I wanted to cry or do something but I was numb and only one thing keep coming in my mind that I'm not selected from 2 marks.

A moment or two later, My innerself finally gave me some motivation that I can always try once again and this time I'll try harder, so I put on the bravest face I could and look at Manik who was gazing at me in worry.

" Uhh its okay. I'll try next year. Harder than this time " I spoke with determination and a little smile as more than Manik I needed to hear those words myself

While Manik simply stared at me before bending his head to kiss my forehead and whispering " I'm so proud of you and I fucking love you so much "

My heart suddenly started beating crazily, in these past months he always said 'I love You ' but I never gave him reply. today, his words were not only filled with affection, it also have a proud.

I blushed hard looking down not before whispering " I also love you"

Shit! The hell did I spoke!!

Oh God, now what will he think of me. Oh shit shit shit.

I mean its not like he hasn't said anything but I'm getting nervous as saying 'I Love you' even without stuttering is a big deal for me.

The past month we did kissing, a little bit of make out but after that he stop saying I'm not ready.

I must say that preparing for exams have made us closer.

I was busy with my embarrassing thoughts when he lifted my head up with his finger on my chin.

My eyes were down as his intense gaze was doing so many things and I knew very well that he is smirking.

" finally " he commented, I could feel the cockiness in his voice.

I wiggle trying to get out of his lap but he was holding me tightly keeping me in place with his hands inside my oversized Mickey mouse T-shirt

I continued looking down when he forcedly made me look into his eyes and the moment our eyes got connected, he bent down and claimed my parted lips into a rough passionate kiss making my heart stopped beating for a second.

He was kissing me ever so softly, sucking all the moisture away from my lips, his hands roaming all over my back.

Few seconds later, I stopped him by keeping both my hands on his chest.

He looked down at me with guilt, a moment or two away from saying sorry when I whispered taking deep breathe" I love you but I haven't forgiven you. Yet "

" I love you more and I'll do anything to earn that forgiveness " he replied sincerely before bending down to claim my lips again when I pushed him with a scowl on my face

" No, I love you more " I argued, his lips curved up but he bite his lips to stop the smile

" In your dreams bachha, I love you the most " he smirked enjoying the little fight we were having which is totally baseless

" Noo way, I love you till infinity " I replied with a proud face

I wonder where the hell did I got this much of boldness!

" I love you till eternity and more " he whispered while I scoffed before continuing " Infinity is greater than eternity "

He finally smiled at me and my baseless argument making me think that he surrendered but I was wrong

Suddenly, he picked me up and made me lie on the bed with him on top of me.

His lips came in contact with my ears, making sure to touch them while speaking he whispered " I believe in action. Lets see who loves whom more "

*Mature content*

With this he started nibbling my ears while I was still processing his words and how he's gonna prove.

He pulled me out of my thoughts with his rough lips claiming mine in a toe curling kiss.

In all this chaos, my oversized T-shirt came upto my bra line, I wouldn't have realised it, if Manik didn't pinched my waist, to make my mouth open.

The second my lips parted, his tongue swiftly entered into mine, marking his territory all over me. My inexperienced self tried to reciprocate his action but failed miserably to match up with him.

He chuckled lowly in between the kiss seeing me trying when finally he parted our lips, making me groan.

I looked up to see him smirking at my condition, and before I could speak or say, his head move in the crook of my neck nibbling and sucking the most sensitive part of my body.

My hand automatically wrapped around his head, while he continued the torture on my neck where I was pretty sure that he's giving me hickies.

Well Manik, seems to love giving marks on me as the past few months after every day or two he use to give me a hickey saying He couldn't control but the truth was his jealousy.

Yes, He is jealous or more like possesive over me, truth to be told, I like it when he make faces and muttered a few curses to whosoever I'm speaking.

" Fuck. I'm losing my control.  " he murmured his head still in my neck when suddenly he removed his head and looked at me.

" I- I- I just got- " before he could say anything, I shut him up by kissing him making his eyes go wide in shock.

" If you're going to say anything silly, I swear I'm gonna kick you so hard that you'd never be able to do it. Forget that I'll kill you right here and hide your body in that clos-" My unstoppable banter stopped by a pair of two lips attached with mine, blocking all my vocal cords.

" From where you get such ideas? " He asked chuckling a little, his lips still touching mine

" No, I'm serious " I replied breathing heavily, ready for an argument while he chuckled shaking his head before continuing " we don't have to do it, if you're not ready "

This guy, this jerk guy!

I gave my answer by opening his shirt button with my shivering hands.

Trust me, I was way too shy to act this bold but nevertheless I did and thanks to him that he didn't asked any questions after that, instead he pulled my T-shirt down revealing my cleavage and gave a bite on the swell of my left breast.

The next few seconds, I was too occupied in moaning while his experienced hands unclipped my bra from behind with just two of his fingers.

How the hell he did that?

Before I could proceed with my curiosity, his hands came forward and cupped both of my breast from outside the T-shirt giving a hard squeeze, making me stop breathing and my shyness increase to the next level.

My already heated up body, got even more hotter and in a blink of eye my T-shirt with the bra was off me.

My hands instantly cover my assets due to shyness, when he removed my hands from the front, clutch both my wrist with one hand and then looked into my eyes with a intense lustful gaze before attacking my breast with his lips.


I gasped loudly with a new found sensation

At that time, I was glad that he lives alone. Otherwise, everyone would have heard me moaning which is more like screaming.

My eyes were tightly shut, my hands locked with his hand, while he was sucking one of my breast and groping the other while pinching my already hardened nipple.

I was huffing when finally he stopped, but damn how wrong I was. Pecking my nipple once he attacked the other one doing the same thing he did a while back.

My back arched due to all his tortures, and toes curled due to his restrictions around my hands. I so wanted to touch him but he was too busy in torturing me with his mouth that he didn't even realised his hands are clutched around my wrists.

" Ma-Manik Pl-please " I legit pleaded not knowing what I actually wanted from him

He stopped after getting satisfied, the next I saw his hand moved towards his back, removed his T-shirt and making that six pack abs come into view which looked more toned than two days back.

I was lying there on the bed with my hands still up, too busy in eyeing him that I couldn't realise he left my hands.

Once removing his T-shirt followed by his trousers, I looked away feeling the scrutinized gaze of him on my whole body but mostly in my eyes.

" Look at me " he said sitting between my legs while I was too shy to keep up with him so I kept looking down.

" Nandini look at me. I want you to look at me when I claim you or do anything with you " he spoke in his powerful husky aura which made me obliged to see him in his eyes.

I finally looked up to see him already staring at me, with my eyes in contact with him, he slowly pulled my trouser.

All this while, he was only staring in my eyes, not once did he looked down while for me I felt like hypnotized with his eyes as the look he was giving me was something to die for.

I was so lost in his deep brown eyes, that I couldn't even realise when did he removed my panty.

I was stark naked lying on the bed, with him on his knees sitting infront of me. His eyes travelled down to my whole body making me conscious about myself when he whispered " Fuck, You're so beautiful "

Saying this he didn't gave me a chance to respond, The room was in complete silence a moment ago, now filled with my gasp

He freaking kissed me down there and I literally screamed

That time I couldn't even breathe as he was continuously sucking, followed by licking me with his lips. I tried to wiggle out but he was strong enough to keep me in position and continued the torturing.

"Ma-nik Plea-se" I moaned loudly clutching the bed sheets tightly, my back arched while I struggled but in return he widened my thighs even more and started kissing all over my inner thighs with more passion, if thats even possible.

Oh my God!

I was not even able to breathe properly and I felt some kind of weird pressure building inside me when suddenly he stopped making me all frustrated in anger, I don't know why

I clutched my hairs in frustration while taking deep breathe, Manik came on top of me and kept staring me intensely as if noticing every small details of my expression.

Once I became normal but still angry on him for God knows why, he pecked my lips thrice, looked into my eyes for a moment before speaking in a very deep voice which was enough for me to moan " I want you to cum when I'm buried deep inside you"

I looked at him in confusion when suddenly he pushed one of his finger inside me. I gasped loudly with the new sensation while he kept silence only analysing my facial expressions.

By now, I was frustrated to the core, so I attacked my lips on his neck, biting it hard followed by sucking and licking the spot giving him hickey.

He moaned and muttered something which I couldn't hear, before sitting up on the bed and removing the last piece of his cloth.

My eyes go wide seeing his junior which was hard as rock, making me wonder how would it fit.

" Oh bachha, trust me it'll fit just fine " he spoke huskily answering my thoughts

Wait? Shit did I say it out loud?
And how can he call me bachha in this situation?

I quickly looking away from his member while he pulled the drawer for something.

Positioning himself in between my legs, he spoke " Look at me "

I look at him when he touched his hardened member with my wet one making my already curled toes curl even more.

" It'll hurt at first. Tell me if you want me to stop " he whispered looking at me before entering and a sudden pain shoot me down there.

I closed my eyes tightly, bite my lips to stop the pain when a pair of lips attached mine kissing me softly.

He gave me a little time to adjust before entering further while my hands were busy scratching his back because of the sharp pain and my lips were biting his lips yet he never stopped me from doing that.

He stopped and gave me space to adjust with his length every once in a while. I was feeling that it is taking all his self control to not just ram inside me.

Once fully inside, He looked at me and pecked his bloodied lips with mine before whispering " Tell me once you feel ok "

I took a little time when I nudged his shoulder to move. With this he started moving slowly treating me like a soft doll.

After few thrusts my pain started turning into a different kind of pleasure making me moan loudly in his mouth.

Soon I wanted him to move faster, but Manik was too scared to hurt me in the process so he kept his speed slow.

" Mani-k please F-fas-faster " I panted loudly while scratching his back. Listening the urgency in my voice, he finally increased his speed a little.

My body arched, toes curled and weird moans came out of my mouth while he keeps groaning with his head in the crook of my neck leaving throusands of kisses in the process.

In the next few moments he increased his speed making a strange pleasure hit my body, and I feel myself calling his name again and again like prayer.

" Cum with me " he groaned, his voice hoarse while I got confused

Come with him where?

I wasn't in a position to point out my confusion as suddenly I felt in a different world, the kind of pleasure I didn't even know existed, my whole body shivered and Manik keep giving me open mouthed kiss. I felt complete yet fallen apart at the same time.

The AC was at its lowest, yet we were sweating like anything, our body tangled around each other and the moon light shines brightly from the untucked curtain in the room witnessing us doing the " deed"

He was thrusting inside me like a bull making me shiver, and a little later, he came undone and fall on my body, breathing heavily, head inside my neck, his favourite spot nowadays.

Once we both became a little normal, he whispered in my ears " I love you the most-est "

With this he pecked my lips thrice while my tired and half open eyes couldn't argue but smile at his words before drifting in to the world of dream

The hell did I wrote man?

Only few chapters are left and from now the book will move fastly.

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