Perpetual Infatuation

By xoxomarbil

234K 16.8K 1.7K

A Clumsy girl, crushing over a guy since 4 years yet never talked to him. Now, when finally she has his atten... More

Character Sketch
1: Embarassment
2: Nan-dii-Niiii
3: Stare
4: Chocolate
5: Giving a Try
6: 41 Minutes 33 seconds
Character Info.
7: Mother of Dragon
8: Talks
9: Not so Fav
10: Bus
11: Best or Worst?
12: Butterflies Died
13: Texts
14: No One Important
15: Meeting Again
16: Tag Along
17: Train
18- Loser?
19: Engaged
20: Fever
21: Go Home
22: Dinner
23- Mehendi
24: Blank
25- First Night or First Kick?
26- Manik's pov
27- Biryani
28: Club
29: Paparazzi
30: Back to square one?
31- Regret
32: Love, Like or Leave?
34- A new to way to apologise
35- Emotions
36- Embarassment
37- If and what
38- Punishment??
39- Study
40- Moonlight
41- His Monkey
42- Result
43: Perpetual Infatuation

33- Back to Palace

5.4K 396 22
By xoxomarbil

Sorry for the mistakes.

Nandini's pov

I frowned upon seeing Mom's call at this hour as it must be late night there, glaring at Manik once, I stood up after picking the call

" Hi Mom, how are you? " I chirped trying to sound as active as I could

" Hi beta, I'm young and glowing while your mumma is just one old hag who doesn't want to do bungee jumping " she answered chuckling

I laughed knowing my mother always chicken out whenever we try to do something adventurous

" Anyways, I called because I need a favour. Obviously its upto you whether to help or not"she stated, her voice serious now making me wonder what kind of favour she needs

" I'm listening " I replied sensing the worry in her voice

" Raj, my husband and Manik's father death anniversary is after three days. Every year, I organise puja and visit orphanage but as I'm not there this time and Manik doesn't participate in any of the activity cutting himself off from the world on the day, infact he don't even come to palace often because it reminds him of Raj. So- uhh, if possible can you please go to the palace and do the arrangements. " She asked with a lot of hesitation

" Mom, I-"

" Its not necessary, you can say no, its just that Ca-" she replied hurriedly cutting me off, when I interrupted her

" Mom, Mom relax its okay, why are you being so formal? Obviously I'll do the arrangements and even if I have work I'll take leave, simple. Also, If I'm saying you Mom then Raj uncle is my Dad right? Then why do you need to request me for this. Just order me like Mumma does " I stated truthfully

" I know beta. Raj would have been very happy to see you " she replied sadly, I could feel she's on the verge of crying

" Oh Mom, stop now. I'm not good with emotional talks and you need to loosen up a little. Just relax, don't worry I'll do the arrangements " I replied in an attempt to make the environment lighter

" And uhh- "

" Yes Yes, I'll try to make him participate. Now go enjoy " I spoke knowing what she's gonna say

With this I cut the call and looked outside.

It was already evening, people were coming back to their homes, children were playing making noise, but in all these noise the one with the loudest one was in my head reminding me that I need to make a decision real quick.

Sighing heavily, I went inside to meet Cabir and Manik talking to each other or more like Manik glaring at Cabir.

Clearing my throat for their attention, I started " You guys need to leave. I've to go somewhere."

" Nandini, as much as you don't like me here, I'm not leaving you infact I'm going to follow you like a shadow " Manik argued like a 4 year kid

I rolled my eyes on his action when suddenly a plan came remembering Mom's word " Fine then, I'm going to Malhotra's Palace. Be my guest "

" What? But Why? " He stood up immediately looking shock

" Because I want to " I replied taking my bags which fortunately I haven't unpacked yet

" But Nandini, Why you need to go there? Mom is also not there. Come to our house please. I know I did wrong but please let me make it up. I'm sorry " he said with a pleading tone, following me around the whole flat to convince me

" Your, your house " I corrected him while dialling the landlord number

" Hello, Sir I need to vacate this apartment. " I said as soon as he picked up

" What? But mam I need the rent of one month " the landlord replied from the other end.

After a lot of argument with the landlord on the phone itself, with Manik and Cabir as a live spectator looking at me with wide eyes may be thinking who fight for a few thousands buck, I finally won.

Going outside the apartment, I looked back to see both the friends still rooted to their place

" What? I'm leaving now. The landlord is coming, you people will have to pay the rent " I replied going out.


" Come on, get inside " I heard Manik as soon as I came to the ground floor

" Look Manik, I'm not coming to your house. Please understand " I said tiredly

" I'm taking you to the Palace, you're going there, right? " He replied looking at me

" You will live there? " I asked raising my eyebrows

" Obviously. I've got no other option " he whispered to himself which I heard

" Uhh Yes " this time he said in an audible voice

" Fine " I uttered sitting inside the car


From the time I step in the palace, Manik is been very persistent following me everywhere like a shadow..

" Urghhhh leave me alone for a second, please " I said getting annoyed with his talks about how sorry he is, eat healthy food, take rest, don't work, blah blah.

" I won't " he said looking in my eyes in a dead serious voice

I gritted my teeth settling myself on the couch when a maid came with a tray.

Taking the bowl from the tray, the jerk of a husband came closer to me " Open your mouth "

I ignored

" Nandini please, punish me but don't punish yourself by not eating the food. See its chicken soup. This is made by my favourite cook over here " he said softly

" I. Won't-" I hissed but before I could complete my sentence, the soup was already in my mouth.

No doubt it was too yummy to be called as a soup. But I can't praise right now so I keep my angry face on while glaring at him.

" Yes, you were saying something? " He asked innocently stirring the spoon in the bowl like he didn't do anything

" Manik Malhotra- " I hissed again and the jerk did the same thing again.

" What Nandini, why aren't you completing your sentence? I'm listening " He asked looking down biting his lower lip to stop smiling

I was so angry and he's making fun of it, so I decided I won't speak whatever he'd say

" Nandini, what happen? Tell me" He asked waiting for my reply

Crossing my hands, I looked away rolling my eyes

" Oh god, there is a lizard on your t-shirt " he tried to scare me so I'll freak out, what does he think of me?

Am I kid who'd get scared by a Lizard?

" Don't-don't move. The lizard is going inside your T-shirt " he said hurriedly

I closed my eyes in irritation

" Ughh, I'm not afr-" and he did it again making me stomp my foot on the floor

Nandini, you're so stupid. That was his plan

" What you're not huh? " He asked with an amusing smile

This guy!

" I'll spit, if you do it ag-" I shouted in irritation but the douche bag didn't listen to me, instead this time he put his palm on my mouth so as to make me swallow the soup

" And I'll kiss, if you spit " He uttered, his voice damn serious giving me chills.


After making me have the full bowl of soup, the jerk smiled wickedly, while I ignored him.

As the palace have maids and I don't want Mom or Mumma to know about our differences yet, I went in his room to sleep on the couch as the medicine started its work

" Sleep on the bed" as soon as I closed my eyes, a masculine voice spoke

Ignoring him, I turned to the other side which didn't seem to go well as per his order, and in the next second, I was in air as he picked me up in his arms, making me lie on his king size bed, totally ignoring all my pleads and cursing.

" Manik, you can't always do this " I screamed

Ignoring my pleas, he made himself comfortable beside me

" I'm not sharing the bed with a jerk like you " I shouted

" Leave my hand " I again said, but his clutch on my wrist was still the same

I tried to kick him, but I didn't have much energy and also he was fully prepared to tackle my struggling

" Leave me " I screamed in his ears making him glare at me in annoyance

" I was only going to hold your hand, but remember, you brought this by yourself " speaking this in his ever so masculine voice, he came closer, wrap his arms all over my waist thus, stopping my breath for a second because of the proximity.

His breathe fanning my neck, making me go almost numb

" Leave- Leave me please " I whispered once getting back from the shock only to see him making himself comfortable with his hands on my waist and head snuggling more into the crook of my neck

Anyone seeing this, would think we are so in love, but only I know how much wrong this whole situation is.

" The other day, you said I'm clingy but look who's clingy now? " I uttered controlling my uneven breath because of the closeness, while praying in my mind that he didn't listen to my erratic heart beat.

" I wasn't thinking straight that day and I'd be forever sorry for whatever I did. I'm clingy, no, I'm clingiest. and whether you like it or not, you're stuck with this clingy person in this life and whatever the hell comes after that, so make yourself comfortable and enjoy the fuckin' ride" even though he whispered, but his voice was so serious that it made me shiver, making my whole face heated up

" Manik, you can't always use your power or domination to do something " I uttered

" You know what, I've always used my dominating aura to scare people away but this time, I'm going to use it to make you fall for me and I promise that " his voice has the dominating aura which would make anyone follow his orders

In a blink of eye, he again spoke " now that we have a deal, How do we seal it? "

My frown got deeper and before I realised, he bent his head making his lips touch the most sensitive part of my neck making a moan escape from my mouth.

He started biting my neck, licking it followed by sucking the same spot, how can I control my not so controlling self when he's doing things like this

" And that's how we seal the deal " whispering huskily, he made himself comfortable and closed his eyes with his hands on my waist, head in the crook of my neck and one leg wrapping both of mine.

I scowled even more trying to hit him, but he locked my hands as well as legs in such a way that I couldn't even move.

My attempt to get free failed after trying for a number of times and slowly my eyes started closing on its own with a constant question in my head that what is going on in his mind

I know myself enough that I'm stubborn but does he have this much of patience?

That only time will tell.


Sorry for the late update, a lot of things are going on nowadays and I'm not getting any motivation to write. The chapter is crappy, I know and I didn't even proof read it. Please ignore the mistakes and keep me in your prayers.


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