Perfect Imperfection

By KingofThugs

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21.1K 978 39
By KingofThugs


"Listen here little girl. I don't know why you're back here but you need to leave my son alone."

"You're son is grown, he can make his own decisions." I was trying so hard to not smack this lady.

"You're right. His grown ass don't need to be with a 15 year old. You trying to get him to support your daughter. Couldn't find the father? My son will not be the father of your bastard child." And that's when I lost it.

"You're a bitter ass old lady. Get ya life right. You will not have my child's name in your mouth anymore. You need to learn some respect because obviously you don't have it. I don't understand how someone so sweet and is respectful can come from someone who's bitter and angry at the world. Come at me correct or don't fucking say nothing to me at all."

"What's going on?" I turned and Arthur was in sight looking between the both of us.

"Your-" I started.

"Ya little girlfriend here is disrespectful. Did you not hear how she was talking to me? She has no respect for her elders or manners. Did your mother not teach you that?" She folded her arms across her chest.

"Arthur you should've-"

"I heard what you said Alexis. What the fuck was that about? You cussing out my mother now?"

"Bad word." Gabriella said.

"Sorry fat fat."

"Arthur she was in here being disrespectful towards me." I cannot believe this right now.

"And look at how she dress. Young mother's these days. Have some respect for yourself and your daughter will have that also. I can't believe this is who you want as a girlfriend."

I was so fucking heated. Arthur didn't say anything. He's just going to let her disrespect me and my daughter like that. My eyes started to water because I was upset and angry.

"Whatever." I grabbed Gabriella from Arthur and walked out.

"Aye Alexis, where you going?" I heard his cousin yell after me but I kept walking until I was out the door.

I didn't have a way home so I just went to his car and got in the passenger seat holding Gabriella.

A few minutes later a knock was on the passenger window. I opened the door and David stood there.

"I got the keys for you. I don't want you sitting out in the cold." I wiped my face.

"Thank you David." I took the keys from him.

"Why you out here?"

"His mother is very disrespectful." He nodded his head.

"She can be hard but you got to stick it out if you really love him."

"I do love him but she talked bad about me while he stood right there. He didn't even say anything."

"Don't let this get in between y'all." I nodded and shut the door.

I turned the car on and put the heat on. I was so ready to go.


"Did you say anything to her?" I asked my mother.

"No. I was trying to get to know her and she went off on me. Something is wrong with that girl. She's not good for you, get back with Hope." She said referring to my ex girlfriend who cheated on me.

"I'm not getting with that hoe."

"Aye watch ya mouth. Don't call a lady out her name." I sighed. Alexis couldn't have went off for no reason.

"How about you just stop talking to Alexis."

"Stop bringing her around and it won't be a problem."

"I love her ma. You going to have to accept her and her daughter. They are the most important people to me right now. They're going to be around for a while."

Not if I can help it. Arthur's mother thought. She didn't have to accept shit.

"Yea whatever Arthur." She waved me off.

I sighed and left out the kitchen.

"Where your girlfriend go?" My uncle asked me.

"She's upset with me right now. My mother said some shit and I didn't say anything. I just took my mother side."

"Your mother bitter. You're going to be alone just like her ass if you keep taking her word. Your mother is crazy." My uncle laughed.

"I'm about to head out. Hopefully I can get her to not be mad at me."

I said my byes then headed out to the truck. I got in and glanced in the back. Gabriella was sleep with her cup in her had and her mouth slightly open. I chuckled and shut the door.

"Alexis." I called. She was facing towards the window. "Don't ignore me."

"Why you let her talk about me like that?" She faced me.

"She's my mother, I'm going to always pick her side first without even thinking twice. I'm sorry Lexis. I should've listened to you."

"I understand that's your mother, but I'm the person who you say you love. You need to hear both sides. I know I can't compare to your mother but baby you should have my back too because I would have yours."

"I know. I was wrong, I admit that. Don't be mad at me." I told her seriously.

"I'm not mad, you can't control what comes out her mouth." I leaned over and kissed her lips lightly. She smiled against my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too big baby." I said.

"Oh and you need to talk to her, she said my daughter was a bastard child. She don't have to like me but she still needs to be respectful."

"I'll have a talk with her, don't worry about it."

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